Konceptualizacija sistema socialnih storitev za osebe s posebnimi potrebami kot dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetijah
Konceptualizacija sistema socialnih storitev za osebe s posebnimi potrebami kot dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetijah izhaja iz predpostavke, da nove paradigme razvoja kmetijstva in novi koncepti socialnega varstva omogočajo povečanje učinkovitosti rabe prvin pridelovanja z diferenciacijo njihovih ciljnih trgov. Pregled konceptov multifunkcionalnosti kmetijstva in normalizacije življenja oseb s posebnimi potrebami je povezan s problemi privatizacije socialnih storitev in zaokrožen v model trga socialnih storitev kot dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji. Opredeljeni so parametri trženjskega odnosa med uporabniki in izvajalci ter možne modalitete kmetij s socialnimi storitvami kot dopolnilno dejavnostjo.
Conceptualization of the system of social services for persons with special needs as on-farm supplementary activity
Conceptualization of the system of social services for persons with special needs as on-farm supplementary activity is based on the presumption that new paradigms of agricultural development, as well as new developments in social care can increase the agricultural resources use effectiveness through differentiation of their target market. Concept of multifuncionality of agriculture and principle of normalization in case of social care for persons with special needs are linked up with problem of privatization of social services, at first. Then, the model of market of social services provided as on-farm supplementary activity is constructed. Finally, parameters of relationship between users and providers, as well as possible modalities of farms with social services as on-farm supplementary activity are defined.
Uporaba modelov logistične regresije za analizo povpraševanja po socialnih storitvah kot dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji
Katarina KOŠMELJ, Katja VADNAL
Večina oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju v Sloveniji ni zajeta v mrežo programov in storitev, ki jih ponuja država. Kmetijstvo v širšem pomenu besede je nepogrešljiva sestavina teh programov, zato je smiselno predlagati, da se v sistem socialnega varstva kot izvajalce vključi tudi kmetije z ustrezno dopolnilno dejavnostjo.
Raziskovali smo pripravljenost staršev oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju do vključevanja njihovih potomcev v življenje in delo na kmetiji. Anketiranje 271 staršev je pokazalo, da je 67 % staršev pripravljenih vključiti svojega potomca v življenje in delo na kmetiji, 19 % je neodločenih, ostalih 14 % je izrazilo negativno mnenje. Z modelom nominalne logistične regresije smo analizirali vpliv določenih lastnosti oseb z motnjo in njihovih staršev na pripravljenost. Analiza je pokazala statistično značilen vpliv starosti osebe s posebnimi potrebami, stopnje motnje in njegovih izkušenj s kmetijstvom ter vpliv izobrazbe njegovih staršev.
Rezultati našega dela kažejo, da je največje povpraševanje po tovrstnih socialnih storitvah iskati v skupini, ki ima naslednje lastnosti: gre za osebe z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, stare do 25 let, ki imajo izkušnje s kmetijstvom. Dodatni želeni lastnosti sta: zmerna stopnja motnje in starši z več kot osnovno izobrazbo. Drugo ciljno skupino predstavlja skupina neodločenih, ki se od skupine, ki je naklonjena vključevanju, razlikuje predvsem po skromnejših izkušnjah, ki jih imajo osebe z motnjo s kmetijstvom, in po višji stopnji motnje.
Use of logistic regression models to analyze the demand for social services as supplementary on-farm activity
In Slovenia the majority of mentally disabled are not included into the net of programs and services, provided by the state. As agriculture in the broader sense is indispensable component of these programs, it is reasonable to suggest, that into the system of social care farms with corresponding supplementary on-farm activities should be incorporated.
The parents of mentally disabled were surveyed with regard to their willingness to include them into the everyday life and activities of a farm, that would provide them with social services (employment, care, nursing) in the form of a supplementary on-farm activity. Inquiry of 271 parents point out that 67 % of parents are willing to include their mentally disabled offspring into the everyday on-farm activities, 19 % are indecisive, and 14 % expressed refusal. The model of nominal logistic regression studied the association of the characteristics of the mentally disabled offspring and of the parents with the willingness to include the mentally disabled offspring to the everyday on-farm activities. The analysis points out statistically significant impact of the age of the mentally disabled offspring, of the degree of mental disability and the experiences with agriculture, as well as of the level of education of the parents.
Results show that the majority of the demand for such social services is to be expected from the group with following characteristics: young mentally disabled persons (up to 25 years of age), who already have the experiences with agriculture. Additional expected characteristics are: mild or moderate degree of mental disability and education of the parents beyond the basic. The second target group represents indecisive parents, who differ from those who are inclined to the inclusion, with regard to fewer experiences of the offspring with agriculture and the higher degree of mental disability of their offspring, mainly.
The role of chlorogenic acid in the resistance of apples to apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) G. Wind. Aderh.)
Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Valentina Usenik, Franc Štampar
The content of chlorogenic acid was studied in three scab resistant apple cultivars (‘Topaz’, ‘Gold Rush’, ‘Goldstar’) and two scab susceptible ones (‘Golden Delicious Weinsberg’, ‘Golden Delicious Clone B’) growing in Laboratory Field of the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana. The leaf samples were collected four times in 30 day intervals between 12 June and 10 September 2001 and analysed using the system of high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The content of chlorogenic acid was determined by means of a standard. It did not differ statistically significantly between the resistant cultivars and the two susceptible ones. At all four dates, leaves of the cultivar ‘Goldrush’ contained statistically significantly larger quantities of chlorogenic acid than leaves of the remaining scab resistant and scab susceptible cultivars. The content of chlorogenic acid changed during the growing period: it was the highest in July or August while in September it declined. The scab infection of the leaves of scab susceptible cultivars affected the accumulation of chlorogenic acid in the way that its content increased with the degree of infection. Greater amount of chlorogenic acid was contained in the leaves of the cultivar ‘Golden Delicious Weinsberg’ than in the leaves of the cultivar ‘Golden Delicious Clone B’.
V nalogi je bila preučevana klorogenska kislina v treh proti škrlupu odpornih sortah jablane (‘Topaz’, ‘Gold Rush’, ‘Goldstar’) in dveh občutljivih sortah (‘Zlati delišes Weinsberg’, ‘Zlati delišes klon B’) iz sadovnjaka Laboratorijskega polja Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani. Vzorci listov so bili nabrani štirikrat, v 30 dnevnih razmikih med 12. junijem in 10. septembrom 2001, ter analizirani s sistemom visokoločljivostne tekočinske kromatografije (HPLC). S pomočjo standarda smo določili vsebnost klorogenske kisline. Vsebnost klorogenske kisline se med odpornimi in občutljivima sortama ni statistično značilno razlikovala. Listi sorte ‘Goldrush’ so v vseh štirih terminih vsebovali statistično značilno več klorogenske kisline kot listi ostalih proti škrlupu odpornih in za škrlup občutljivih sort. Med rastno dobo se vsebnost klorogenske kisline spreminja, največja je v juliju oz. avgustu, v septembru pa se zmanjša. Okužba listov občutljivih sort s škrlupom vpliva na kopičenje klorogenske kisline, njena vsebnost pa se povečuje s stopnjo okuženosti. Več klorogenske kisline vsebujejo listi sorte ‘Zlati delišes Weinsberg’ kot listi sorte ‘Zlati delišes klon B’.
Razlike med sortama ‘Merlot’ (Vitis vinifera L. cv. ‘Merlot’) in ‘Cabernet sauvignon’ (Vitis vinifera L. cv. ‘Cabernet sauvignon’) ter primerjava kakovosti grozdja v Goriških brdih
Sorti ‘Merlot’ in ‘Cabernet sauvignon’ sta najbolj razširjeni rdeči sorti vinske trte, saj jo gojijo na vseh celinah sveta. Sorti sta se po svetu širili istočasno, čeprav se razlikujeta tako v ampelografskih lastnostih kot agrotehničnih zahtevah. V Slovenijo oziroma Primorsko, kjer sta trenutno pomembnejši rdeči sorti, naj bi prišli proti koncu 19. stoletja. V Goriških brdih sta sorti posajeni po celem okolišu, čeprav razlike v kakovosti grozdja po lokacijah dokazujejo neprimernost določenih leg za gojenje rdečih sort vinske trte. Količinsko največ grozdja obeh sort pridelajo na lokacijah Biljana, Cerovo in Neblo. Na lokaciji Kozana pridelajo najkakovostnejše, medtem ko na lokaciji Kožbana najslabše grozdje obeh sort. Vzroke velike variabilnosti med lokacijami in leti v kakovosti grozdja pripisujemo interakcijskim vplivom vremenskih razmer, razgibanega reliefa ter tradicionalne agro-ampelotehnike, s katero ne dosegajo več nadpovprečne kakovosti grozdja.
Cv. ‘Melot’ and ‘Cabarnet Sauvignon’ are most widely spread red vine cultivars, grown on all continents. Both cultivars spread over the world simultaneously despite of their differences in amphelographic characteristics and agro-technical demands. The cultivars were probably introduced to Slovenia and Primorska winegrowing region respectively, where they represent two of the most important red cultivars, at the end of 19th century. In Goriška brda the two cultivars are widespread over the whole winegrowing district despite of the fact that quality differences between locations indicate that some geographical positions are not suitable for growing of red wine cultivars. From the quantitative aspect, the most grapes from this two cultivars are produced in location Biljana, Cerovo and Neblo. In the location Kozana the most quality grapes of both cultivars are produced meanwhile on the location Kožbana the quality of produced grapes in the lowest. The cause for the big variability between locations and between years in the quality of grapes in the Goriška brda winegrowing district is in the interaction of weather conditions, agitation of the relief and traditional growing manner which isn’t suitable for high quality of grapes.
Razlike v kakovosti grozdja sort ‘Rebula’ (Vitis vinifera L. cv. 'Rebula') in ‘Chardonnay’ (Vitis vinifera L. cv. 'Chardonnay') v Goriških brdih
V Goriških brdih sta sorti ‘Rebula’ in ‘Chardonnay’ količinsko pomembnejši beli sorti vinske trte. Kakovost grozdja obeh sort med letniki in lokacijami na območju Brd precej niha. Razloge pripisujemo predvsem razgibanemu reliefu, vremenskim dejavnikom ter neprimerni tradicionalni pridelavi določenih sort vinske trte. Glede na kakovost grozdja oziroma količine sladkorja v grozdju je bil letnik 2002 najboljši, letnik 2001 pa najslabši. Pri primerjavi vremenskih razmer med leti 2000, 2001 in 2002 nismo ugotovili večjih razlik, čeprav le te ne gre zanemariti. Sajenje in gojenje obeh sort odsvetujemo na S, SZ in SV območjih Brd. Največje povprečne količine sladkorja v grozdju sorte ‘Rebula’ smo določili na lokacijah Vedrijan, Vipolže, Vrhovlje in Neblo, v grozdju sorte ‘Chardonnay’ pa na lokacijah Kozana, Cerovo, Vrhovlje in Mirnik. Ker se variabilnost količine sladkorja v grozdju med in znotraj lokacij precej spreminja predlagamo revizijo vinogradniških leg ter izključitev neprimernih leg za gojenje posamezne sorte vinske trte.
Regarding yield cultivars ‘Rebula’ and ‘Chardonnay’ represent important white vine cultivars in Goriška brda. Grape quality of both cultivars is quite variable between years and locations Brda region. The most important reasons are: agitation of the relief, weather conditions and impropriate traditional growing manner. In the year 2002 the grape quality and sugar content in the grapes respectively was better than in year 2000 and especially better than year 2001 in which the sugar content was the worst. The weather conditions in this three years showed no noticeable differences, however they shouldn’t be disregarded. Planting and growing of both cultivars is dissuaded in N, NW and NE of Brda region. The highest average sugar content in grapes of cultivar ‘Rebula’ was determinated in location of Vedrijan, Vipolže, Vrhovlje and Neblo. ‘Chardonnay’ grapes showed the highest contents of sugars in location of Kozana, Cerovo, Vrhovlje and Mirnik. Because of the variability in sugar content of grapes between locations as well as in the individual location, the revision and exclusion of impropriate viticultural positions for individual vine cultivar is recommended.
Pridelek in senzorična kakovost krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L.) iz kolekcijskega nasada Biotehniške fakultete
Na Biotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani je bilo v obdobju 2000 do 2002 v kolekcijskih nasadih posajenih 22 sort krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L.) in sicer: 'Adora', 'Jaerla', 'Minerva', 'Primura', 'Vesna', 'Arinda', 'Bintje', 'Carlingford', 'Concorde', 'Cosmos', 'Cvetnik', 'Desiree', 'Escort', 'Frisia', 'Romano', 'Sante', 'Agria', 'Bright', 'Cita', 'Cornado', 'Fianna' in 'Kennebec'. Največji povprečni pridelek treh let je od zgodnjih sort dala 'Jaerla' (40,0 t/ha), od srednje zgodnjih 'Arinda' (45,3 t/ha), od srednje poznih 'Escort' (47,5 t/ha) in od poznih 'Agria' (47,0 t/ha). Skupina 8 do 10 uporabnikov je pod strokovnim vodstvom s pomočjo senzoričnih testov ocenila barvo in spremembo barve površine, razkuhanost, konzistenco (čvrsta-rahla), moknatost, lepljivost, vlažnost-suhost, strukturo (groba-fina) in aromo (želena-tuja) olupljenih kuhanih gomoljev pri vsaki sorti posebej. Od preizkušenih sort je samo sorta 'Carlingford' s pridelkom 38,1 t/ha dobila povprečno oceno senzorične kakovosti treh let odlično (10), prav dobro (9) do odlično (10) pa je bilo v tem obdobju ocenjenih devet sort, med njimi tudi srednje pozna sorta 'Desiree' s pridelkom 45,5 t/ha, ki je na Priporočeni sortni listi zadnjih let v opuščanju, po mnenju porabnikov pa je še vedno najbolj znana in priljubljena sorta krompirja pri nas. Sorte, vpisane v slovensko sortno listo po letu 1990: 'Minerva', 'Arinda', 'Carlingford', 'Escort', 'Frisia', 'Agria' in 'Cita' z najmanj prav dobro oceno senzorične kakovosti (³9), se bodo pri porabnikih uveljavile le z ustreznejšim povezovanjem med strokovnjaki in pridelovalci. Tudi porabniki bodo zadovoljili želje po gastronomski odličnosti krompirjevih jedi oz. prilog krompirja k mesu in zelenjavi le na podlagi poznavanja senzoričnih lastnosti sort in izbire uporabnega tipa za določen način priprave, k čimer pa lahko doprinesejo poljudno strokovni prispevki v avdiovizualnih javnih medijih.
In the period 2000 to 2002, 22 varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), i.e.: 'Adora', 'Jaerla', 'Minerva', 'Primura', 'Vesna', 'Arinda', 'Bintje', 'Carlingford', 'Concorde', 'Cosmos', 'Cvetnik', 'Desiree', 'Escort', 'Frisia', 'Romano', 'Sante', 'Agria', 'Bright', 'Cita', 'Cornado', 'Fianna' in 'Kennebec' have been grown in collection plantations of Biotehnical Faculty. The highest average (three years) yield among early varieties was observed at 'Jaerla' (40.0 t/ha), among medium early varieties at 'Arinda' (45.3 t/ha), among medium late varieties at 'Escort' (47.5 t/ha) and among late varieties at 'Agria' (47.0 t/ha). Based on sensorical tests, an expert instructed group consisting of 8 to 10 students, evaluated following characteristics of the peeled potatoes: the colour change of potato surface, overcooking properties, consistency (compact - loose), flouriness, viscosity, moisture - dryness, texture (rough - fine), flavour (preferred - foreign). Only variety 'Carlingford' with the average yield of 38.1 t/ha got the excellent average (three years) mark (10). 9 varieties, including medium late variety 'Desiree' with average yield 45.5 t/ha, were evaluated with the mark 9 to 10. In spite of being the most known and popular variety in our country, recent varieties like 'Minerva', 'Arinda', 'Carlingford', 'Escort', 'Frisia', 'Agria' and 'Cita' will probably win consumers recognition only after better collaboration between experts and producers. As well, consumers will find the potato gastronomic excellency only after recognition of sensorical characters and after selection of usage-defined consumptive type of potato, what can be achieved by distribution of professional information in various (audiovisual) media.
Na Slovenskem je Karel Zois leta 1781 ustanovil prvi botanični vrt (park Brdo pri Kranju). Članek se osredotoča na pregled rastlinskega fonda tega parka. Na podlagi pregleda arhivskega gradiva, ki se nanaša na botanična raziskovanja Karla Zoisa in njegovo brdsko posest, je prikazana vsebina in prostorska struktura brdskega botaničnega parka. V njem je Karel Zois poleg avtohtonih rastlin, ki jih je nabiral na svojih botaničnih pohodih, gojil tudi tujerodne rastline, zlasti drevnino. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je prvi uvedel številne javore (Acer creticum, A. negundo, A. pensylvanicum, A. saccharinum), katalpo (Catalpa bignonioides), tulipanovec (Liriodendron tulipifera) in mnoge druge drevesne in grmovne vrste. Rastline je uvažal iz Anglije, Italije, Nizozemske in Avstrije. Razporejal jih je v pregledne nasade brez oblikovalskih namenov. Obliko je pogojevala rodovitnost zemljišč. Tujerodna rastlina je imela v tem vrtu znanstveno vlogo.
The purpose of this paper is to analyse plant material grown in the park Brdo pri Kranju. The resarch is based on the analysis of archive's material, deals with Karel Zois botanical's activity. The first botanical garden in Slovenia was established in 1871 at Brdo pri Kranju by Karel Zois who cultivated not only indigenous plants, gathered on his botanical walks but also foreign trees and shrubs. He introduced a number of maples (such as Acer creticum, A. negundo, A. pensylvanicum, A. saccharinum), catalpa (Catalpa bignoniodes), hackberry (Celtis australis) and many other species. The plants were imported from England, Italy, Austria and the Netherlands and arranged in manageable plant patterns, based on the soil fertility and with no particular design intentions. Their role was strictly scientific.
The influence of virus diseases on grape polyphenols of cv. ‘Refošk’
External stimuli such as microbial infections, ultraviolet radiation, and chemical stressors can modulate the synthesis of polyphenols in the plants. Cv. ‘Refošk’ was used to show the influence of the GLRaV-1 and rugose wood (RW) on the polyphenols in grape. The infection shifted polyphenols from seeds to grape skins but had no impact on anthocyanins.
Zunanji dejavniki, kot so okužbe z mikrobi, ultravijolično sevanje in kemični dejavniki vplivajo na tvorbo polifenolov v rastlinah. Na primeru sorte 'Refošk' smo poskušali ugotoviti vpliv GLRaV-1 in bolezni razbrazdanja lesa (RW) na vsebnost polifenolov v grozdju. Bolezni vplivata na prerazporeditev polifenolov iz pečk v kožice, nimata pa vpliva na antociane grozdja.
In the paper the development trends in Slovenian agriculture based on statistical data from general census in 1991 and census on agriculture in 2000 are presented. We present the estimations of future development of number and size of farms, as well as development trends in socio-economic and production structure of Slovenian farms after the year 2010. The development scenario foresees decreased number of farms with simultaneous increase of their size, which will still remain far below the EU average. The scenario also predicts forming of four socio-economic types of farms: full time professional farms, classical part time farms, diversified part time farms and, supplementary farms.
Vzporedno ugotavljanje vsebnosti mineralnega dušika (Nmin) in topnega organskega dušika (TOD), ki ga ekstrahiramo iz zemlje z 0,01 M razt. CaCl2, omogoča izboljšanje napovedovanja gnojenja z dušikom. V ta namen smo razvili metodo določanja topnega organskega dušika v tleh. Metodo smo ustrezno analitsko verificirali. Slednje smo zagotovili s primerjavo rezultatov analiz, ki smo jih dobili znotraj mednarodne medlaboratorijske primerjalne sheme WEPAL (Wageningen Evaluating Programme for Analytical Laboratories, Nizozemska). Kot primer uporabnosti vpeljane in verificirane metode meritev topnega organskega dušika v tleh prikazujemo primer gnojilnega poskusa s koruzo na štirih poskusnih lokacijah v Sloveniji.
Paralel determination of the content of mineral nitrogen (Nmin) and soluble organic nitrogen (SON), extracted from the soil with the 0.01 M CaCl2 solution, improves the fertilizer recommendations with nitrogen. We have developed a method for determination of the soluble organic nitrogen in the soil for this purpose. The method was accordingly verified for the analyses. It was achived by the comparison of the analytical results, which were studied through the international interlaboratory exchange programme WEPAL (Wageningen Evaluating Programme for Analytical Laboratories, Netherland). To confirm the applicability of the newly introduced and verified method, we chose an example of the fertilization attempt for the corn, which was performed in four different locations in Slovenia.
The possibility of fast determination of ash content from given conductivity, alcohol and total dry extract was examined on 58 samples of Slovenian white and red still wines. Values calculated by literature relations were compared to experimentally determined values obtained by official method (burning in a furnace). The standard deviations and coefficients of variation for literature equations were very different and higher (SD = 0.57-0.72, CV = 24.16-29.25 %) in comparison to our own equations (SD = 0.32-0.56, CV = 14.73-25.74 %) obtained by multiple regression analysis for the separate group of white and red wines as well as for all the samples studied. The differentiation of wines into two groups was statistically confirmed especially for red wines (SD = 0.32, CV = 14.73 %). The experiment has shown that the results to be obtained cannot be accurate enough if only one empirical equation for different types of wines is used.
Možnost hitrega določanja vsebnosti pepela na osnovi prevodnosti, alkohola in skupnega suhega ekstrakta smo proučevali na 58 vzorcih slovenskih belih in rdečih mirnih vin. Vrednosti, izračunane z literaturnimi enačbami, smo primerjali z eksperimentalno določenimi vrednostmi, dobljenimi z uradno metodo (žarenje v peči). Standardne deviacije in koeficienti variacije za literaturne enačbe so bile zelo različne in visoke (SD = 0,57-0,72; CV = 24,16-29,25 %) v primerjavi z našimi enačbami (SD = 0,32-0,56; CV = 14,73-25,74 %), dobljenimi z metodo večkratne regresijske analize, tako za posamezne skupine belih in rdečih vin, kot za vse proučevane vzorce skupaj. Razločevanje vin v dve skupini se je statistično potrdilo zlasti za bela vina (SD = 0,32; CV = 14,73 %). Z eksperimentom smo pokazali, da dobljeni rezultati niso dovolj točni, če za izračun vsebnosti pepela uporabimo za različna vina samo eno empirično enačbo.
Plants are permanently or temporary exposed to stress. One of the responses to stress conditions is the increased need for energy. The ability to cope stress in vital plants therefore is related to respiratory potential (ETS activity) of certain tissue. Too much stress exerts the decrease in the vitality of tissue and the decrease respiratory potential. The measurements revealed higher respiratory potential in plants thriving under unfavourable conditions, and plants with intensive growth. We determined significant correlation between increased UV-B radiation and ETS activity.
Dragan ŽNIDARČIČ, Stanislav TRDAN, Emil ZLATIČ
The effect of various growing methods of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. Hector on fruit yield and sensory properties was examined. The growing methods used were: bare soil (BS), black plastic mulch (BPM), bare soil with polypropylene row cover (BS + RC) and black plastic mulch with polypropylene row cover (BPM + RC). The yields of all growing methods were reduced during growing season of extreme rainfall. The results show that the use of BPM + RC resulted in the highest total fruit yield (15.93 t ha-1). By using row cover (BS + RC or BPM + RC) it has been observed that marketable yield could be significantly higher than in the BS and the BPM treatments. Plants grown in the BPM and in the BPM + RC yielded larger number of fruits in comparison to plants in the BS or in the BS + RC. The fruit height and diameter were not affected by the treatments. This study also gives a sensory characterisation of various growing methods as an indicator of suitability for growing and marketing of tomatoes. Tomatoes grown in the BPM + RC resulted in the highest total taste intensity.
Vpliv različnih tehnik GOJENJA na pridelek in senzorične lastnosti paradižnika (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
V raziskavi je bil proučevan vpliv različnih tehnik gojenja paradižnika (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. Hector na pridelek plodov in njihove senzorične lastnosti. Tehnike gojenja so bile: gola tla (BS), črna plastična zastirka (BPM), gola tla, prekrita s polipropilenskim prekrivalom (BS + RC), in črna plastična zastirka skupaj s polipropilenskim prekrivalom (BPM + RC). Pridelki so bili zaradi intenzivnih padavin v rastni dobi nizki, ne glede na tehniko gojenja. Najvišji skupni pridelek plodov (15,93 t ha-1) je bil dosežen ob obravnavi BPM + RC. S prekrivanjem (BS + RC ali BPM + RC) so bili doseženi statistično značilni višji tržni pridelki kot ob obravnavi BS in obravnavi BPM. Rastline, gojene na BPM in na BPM + RC, so dale več plodov v primerjavi z rastlinami, gojenimi na BS ali na BS + RC. Tehnike gojenja niso vplivale na premer in višino plodov. V raziskavi je bil prikazan tudi vpliv tehnik gojenja na senzorične lastnosti plodov, ki bi bile lahko kazalec pri pridelavi in trženju paradižnika. Paradižnik, gojen na BPM + RC, je imel skupaj najboljši okus.
Nutritional comparison of tartary buckwheat with common buckwheat and minor cereals
Since the epidemiological studies show that consumption of whole grains and grain-based products is associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases, a great interest for different cereals and similar plants have appeared. Several minor cereals, pseudocereals and other alternative crops, that have been left off production in the beginning of previous century, are now being reintroduced in European functional food production.
Mnoge epidemiološke študije so pokazale, da je prehrana bogata z žiti in žitnimi izdelki povezana z manjšim tveganjem razvoja različnih kroničnih bolezni. Tako je povečana skrb za zdravje in kakovostno prehrano sprožila ponovno zanimanje za pridelavo nekaterih že opuščenih žit in drugih poljščin.
Mikrorajonizacija vinorodnega okoliša Goriška brda
Denis RUSJAN, Zora Korošec-Koruza
Mikrorajonizacija je pomembnejši ukrep za izkoriščanje pozitivnih ter blaženje negativnih vplivov podnebnih razmer pri gojenju vinske trte. Vinorodno območje s tradicionalnim gojenjem vinske trte ter z značilnimi podnebnimi razmerami lahko poimenujemo 'terroir'. V okolišu Goriška brda smo v letih 2000 in 2001 spremljali vremenske in ovrednotili podnebne razmere ter njihove indekse in koeficiente. Povprečne vrednosti heliotermičnega indeksa po Huglin (2457), vsote efektivnih temperatur po Winkler (4002), heliotermičnega koeficienta po Branas (5,9), termičnega koeficienta po Kerner (11,9), hidrotermičnega koeficienta po Seljaninov (2) in bioklimatskega indeksa (3) potrjujejo primernost območja Brd za gojenje vinske trte. Okoliš je trenutno razdeljen na 16 vinorodnih krajev in 2 legi. Predlagamo razdelitev na največ 4 vinorodne kraje in sicer Dobrovo, Neblo, Vipolže ter Cerovo-Kojsko. Za posamezno sorto moramo znotraj posameznega vinorodnega kraja ovrednotiti optimalen način gojenja. Glede na rezultate lahko vinorodni okoliš Goriška brda poimenujemo s 'terroir'.
Microzoning is the main arrangement to exploit positive and mitigate negative climate influences at vine growing. A winegrowing region with tradicional viticulture and with characteristic climate conditions is called terroir. We have defined the climate conditions and their indexes for the Goriška brda winegrowing region in years 2000 and 2001. Average values of heliothermic coefficient according Huglin (2457), sum of effective air temperature according Winkler (4002), heliothermic coefficient according Branas (5.9), thermic coefficient according Kerner (11.9), hydrothermic coefficient according Seljaninov (2.0) and bioclimat index (3.0) substantiate a suitability of vine growing in Brda. Brda is momentarily divided into 16 winegrowing areas and 2 winegrowing positions. We propose a distribution at the most of 4 winegrowing areas, namely Dobrovo, Neblo, Vipolže and Ceglo-Kojsko. We have to determine the optimal vine cultivation for each cultivar according separate winegrowing area. Our results confirm that Goriška brda is a terroir.
Preference and perceived naturalness
in visual perception of naturalistic landscapes
In landscape design legacy, diverse naturalistic landscape design types develop from a range of design approaches in application of the idea of nature. Naturalistic landscapes are important and valuable experiential landscapes. It is argued in the article, that naturalistic landscapes are not a single perceptual category and that the level of abstraction of natural condition affects not only preference for them, but also perceived naturalness. In addition, also other identifiable variables exist (namely Maintenance, Plant species diversity, Familiarity, Mystery, Coherence, Legibility, and Complexity), that to some extent account for these preferences and perceived naturalness. In the study, preference and perceived naturalness judgements were obtained for a selection of natural, naturalistic and geometrically designed landscape scenes. The results show, that naturalistic landscapes are more preferred than geometrical, and partly also more preferred than natural and that they consist of different visually perceived types. The most preferred are ‘Landscape style’ and ‘Wild garden’ scenes, less preferred are ‘Natural’ and ‘Biotope’ scenes, the least preferred are ‘Geometrical’ scenes. In addition, ‘Natural’ and ‘Biotope’ scenes are also perceived as the most natural. Preference is predicted mostly by Coherence, whereas perceived naturalness is predicted by several predictors, namely Preference, Maintenance, Familiarity, and Mystery. Hierarchy of score grouping for preference is as follows: form, content, structure, and spatial order. Slight difference is observed for perceived naturalness. In regard to perceived naturalness, the landscape scenes are grouped by content, form, structure and spatial order. Four distinctive groups of participants were clustered in regard to preference for landscape scenes, and three groups in regard to perceived naturalness.
Všečnost in naravni vtis v vidni zaznavi naturalističnih krajin
V krajinskooblikovni tvornosti je mogoče razpoznati raznolike tipe naturalističnih krajin, ki nastajajo v različnih oblikovalskih pristopih kot opredmetenje idej o naravi. Naturalistične krajine so pomembne in vredne doživljajske krajine. V članku je predpostavljeno, da naturalistične krajine niso enoznačna vidnozaznavna kategorija in da stopnja odmika od naravnih stanj vpliva tako na všečnost kot na naravni vtis krajinskih prizorišč. Nanju vplivajo še druge prostorske zaznavne spremenljivke (vzdrževanost, pestrost rastlinskih vrst, domačnost, skrivnostnost, skladnost, berljivost, sestavljenost). V študiji so bile zbrane ocene všečnosti in naravnega vtisa za izbrana naravna, naturalistična in geometrijsko oblikovana krajinska prizorišča. Rezultati so pokazali, da so naturalistične krajine bolj všečne od geometrijskih in deloma bolj všečne od naravnih krajin in da jih gradijo različni vidnozaznavni tipi. Bolj so všečna prizorišča ‘krajinskega stila’ in prizorišča tipa ‘divji vrt’, manj všečna so ‘naravna’ in ‘biotopska’, najmanj pa ‘geometrijska’ krajinska prizorišča. Obenem pa so ‘naravna’ in ’biotopska’ prizorišča zaznana kot najbolj naravna. Všečnost napoveduje zlasti spremenljivka skladnost, naravni vtis pa napoveduje več spremenljivk; všečnost, vzdrževanost, domačnost in skrivnostnost. Hierarhija združevanja ocenah všečnosti sledi od forme in vsebine prizorišča do njegovih strukturnih značilnosti in prostorske organizacije, združevanje ocen naravnega vtisa pa od vsebine in forme do strukture in prostorskega reda opazovanega prizorišča. Razpoznane so bile tudi štiri različne skupine udeležencev ankete glede na ocene všečnosti in tri skupine glede na ocene naravni vtis.
Mojca Golobič, Ivan Marušič, Matija Kovačič
Gospodarski pomen kmetijstva se zlasti v podeželskih območjih v bližini večjih mest zmanjšuje. Hkrati pa interesi kmetijstva do rabe zemljišč zadevajo ob druge gospodarske in negospodarske, predvsem varstvene interese, ki postajajo s pomestnjenjem življenja na podeželju vse bolj izraziti in pestri. Predstavljen je postopek, ki omogoča usklajevanje med različnimi interesi, ter opisan njegov potek in rezultati ob pripravi prostorskega plana občine Komenda. Z javnomnenjsko anketo so bile v občini Komenda prepoznane tri interesne skupine. Metoda spoznavnih zemljevidov, uporabljena v anketi, je omogočila tudi prostorsko predstavitev identificiranih interesov za varstvo okolja in narave. Posebna anketa je bila izvedena tudi med kmeti v občini Komenda. Odgovori na vprašanja, ki so zadevala prihodnost kmetij, so razkrili, da obstaja zelo poudarjen interes za večanje kmetij. Odgovori na anketo so bili skupaj s prostorskimi zahtevami za posamezni tip pridelave osnova za izdelavo modelov ustreznosti prostora za kmetijske dejavnosti. Ti modeli so se izkazali za učinkovito orodje pri postopkih usklajevanja, ki vodijo k najboljšemu možnemu kompromisu med interesi.
The reconciliation of rural development with other societal interests within the Slovenian rural areas, a case of Komenda Municipality
The decline of economic significance of agriculture is especially evident in the areas close to urban centres. At the same time, agricultural land-use interests collide with other, increasingly expanding and diverse interests originating in urbanisation of life styles in these areas. This paper presents an approach for reconciliation of conflicting interests, describes it's implementation in a case study of land-use planning process for a typical Slovenian local community. Public interview was used to identify three different interest groups in Komenda. Methodology of cognitive maps allowed the identified interests for environment and nature protection to be located in space. Another interview was conducted among Komenda farmers providing information on their plans for future, which was used to develop corresponding models for diversified types of agriculture production. Again, these models were transformed in suitability maps considering spatial criteria, determined by respective technologies. Such models are relevant representation of spatial potentials and restrictions as well as society's diversified interests and can be a promising starting point for a process of resolving conflicts and reaching the best possible consensus on future of agriculture.