Occurrence of the Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte)  in Slovenia


Gregor UREK, Špela MODIC





Offical monitoring of the spreading of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in Slovenia has been organized since 1997. Every year it was carried out by the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia together with Phythosanitary Inspection. To determine the WCR population Hungarian pheromone traps (Csalomon) and yellow sticky traps were placed out in pairs on 58 localities at the end of June 2003. Four additional pheromone traps were placed out at the end of July (Pomurje - 2) and at the beginning of August (Northern Primorska – 2) when the first beetles of WCR were detected. The traps were monitored from July 7th  to the end of August every 7 – 10 days. While pheromone traps were changed at intervals of 30 days, the yellow sticky traps were changed more frequently. In 2003 the occurrence of Western Corn Rootworm (WCR) was registered for the first time in the eastern part of Slovenia (Pomurje, Podravje) and its western part (Norther Primorska) too. From the total number of 62 inspected localities in the territory of Slovenia the pest was registered in 14 of them (22.6 %). Fifteen specimens altogether were caught in the eastern part of Slovenia (Gibina, Benica, Mostje, Jastrebci, Pince, Domanjševci, Loperšice, Motvarjevci, Grabe, Žitkovci, Gaberje) and four specimens in its western part (Vogrsko, Ajševica, Bukovica). We caught 19 specimens altogether. The monitoring was financed by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.








Sistematično ugotavljanje navzočnosti koruznega hrošča Diabrotica virgifera virgifera poteka v Sloveniji že od leta 1997 dalje. Spremljanje je organizirano v okviru Kmetijskega inštituta Slovenije v sodelovanju z Inšpektoratom RS za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo, lovstvo in ribištvo, Fitosanitarna inšpekcija. Nalet koruznega hrošča smo spremljali s pomočjo madžarskih feromonskih vab (Csalomon) in s pomočjo rumenih lepljivih plošč, ki smo jih postavili v parih na 58 lokacijah konec junija 2003. Ko smo na obstoječe vabe ujeli prve hroščke smo s pomočjo feromonskih vab dodatno vzpostavili še štiri opazovalna mesta in sicer konec julija v Prekmurju (2) in v začetku avgusta na Primorskem (2). Vabe smo pregledovali vsakih 7 – 10 dni in sicer od 7. julija do konca avgusta. Feromonske vabe smo z novimi zamenjali po tridesetih dneh, rumene lepljive plošče pa smo menjali pogosteje. V letu 2003 smo v Sloveniji koruznega hrošča zasledili prvič in sicer v vzhodni (Pomurje, Podravje) pa tudi v zahodni (Severna Primorska) Sloveniji. Na skupno 62 opazovalnih mestih smo hroščke ugotovili na 14 mestih (22,6 %). V vzhodni Sloveniji (Gibina, Benica, Mostje, Jastrebci, Pince, Domanjševci, Loperšice, Motvarjevci, Grabe, Žitkovci, Gaberje) smo skupno ujeli 15 hroščkov, v zahodni Sloveniji (Vogrsko, Ajševica, Bukovica) pa 4 hroščke. Skupno je bilo ujetih 19 hroščkov. Sistematično spremljanje koruznega hroščka je finančno podprlo Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. 


The incidence of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne hapla in Slovenia

Saša ŠIRCA, Gregor UREK  and Gerrit KARSSEN




The root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood, 1949 is one of the most harmful and most ubiquitous species in the genus Meloidogyne. It was detected very often in the greenhouses of northern Europe, but in the open field it is restricted to the southern parts of Europe.  While this species has been recorded in almost all parts of the world and also in some parts of the former Yugoslavia, there is no data about its presence in Slovenia. M. incognita is able to parasitize about 700 plant hosts and varieties including the majority of economically important crops. In the late summer of 2002, nematodes of M. incognita were isolated from the roots of hot pepper plants, Capsicum annum L., from the greenhouse situated in Portorož at the Adriatic Coast, Slovenia. The nematode was morphologically identified as M. incognita and confirmed by isozyme gel electrophoresis (PhastSystem, Pharmacia). To our knowledge, this is the first report of M. incognita in Slovenia. Beside this finding, M. hapla was also found for the first time in the open field in Slovenia; until now it has been detected on different host plants grown only in greenhouses. In October 2002, M. hapla was isolated from galls of the sweet pepper grown in the open field in Ljubljana situated in the central part of Slovenia.  






Vrsta Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood, 1949, je ena najbolj škodljivih in najbolj razširjenih ogorčic koreninskih šišk, Meloidogyne spp. V območjih severne Evrope je bila večkrat ugotovljena v rastlinjakih, na prostem pa se v Evropi pojavlja predvsem v južnejših, toplejših predelih. Medtem ko so o omenjeni vrsti poročali že iz skoraj vseh območij sveta, tudi iz nekaterih predelov bivše Jugoslavije, pa o njeni navzočnosti v Sloveniji ni nobenih podatkov. Ogorčica M. incognita zajeda okoli 700 različnih rastlinskih vrst, vključno z večino gospodarsko pomembnih rastlin.  Vrsto M. incognita smo pri nas prvič izolirali pozno poleti leta 2002 iz korenin paprike iz rastlinjaka v Portorožu. Ogorčico smo morfološko določili, identifikacijo pa potrdili z izoencimsko gelsko elektroforezo (PhastSystem, Pharmacia). Poleg že omenjene vrste smo v preteklem letu iz korenin feferonov v okolici Ljubljane prvič na prostem pri nas izolirali tudi vrsto M. hapla, o kateri navzočnosti v rastlinjakih se je v Sloveniji v preteklosti že poročalo.




The effect of fertigation on yield and quality of four white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) cultivars






The influence of fertigation and broadcast mineral fertilization on yield and quality of 4 cabbage cultivars (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) was studied in a field trial in Ljubljana. Five treatments were formed: K – classical fertilization with 150 kg N ha-1 (broadcast incorporated); FNPK – all nutrients (NPK) were applied via fertigation;  FN – P, K were added by classical methods and total N by fertigation; FNPK/30% - 30% of total N was incorporated before transplanting, total P and K and remaining N were applied via fertigation; FN/30% - total P and K and 30% of total N were incorporated before transplanting, the remainig N was applied via fertigation. During the harvest, the height and width of the cabbage, the length of stalk, weight of head with leaves and without leaves, height and width of cleaned head, firmness of head and core length were measured and the number of external trimmed leaves was counted.  The largest average marketable yield was achieved by fertigation with soluble nutrients, combined with pre-plant broadcast nitrogen incorporation, with each individual cultivar as follows: Hermes F1 (38.7 t ha-1), Parel F1 (71.1 t ha-1) and Tropicana F1 (70.7 t ha-1) and the lowest by fertigation with N, where the total amount of P and K were pre-plant broadcast incorporated, with cultivars as follows: Hermes F1 (20.9 t ha-1) and Parel F1 (50.4  ha-1)  and Tropicana F1 (63.0 t ha-1) and Fieldwinner F1 (66.1 t ha-1). The firmness of cabbage heads was also influenced by the method of nutrient application.






V raziskavi smo proučevali vpliv fertigacije in klasičnega gnojenja na pridelek in kakovost štirih sort zelja (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). Uporabili smo 4 načine gnojenja: K – klasično  gnojenje s 150 kg N/ha1 (gnojilo zadelano v tla pred presajanjem), FNPK – vsa hranila (NPK) smo dali s fertigacijo; FN – P, K smo dali po klasični metodi, celokupen N s fertigacijo; FNPK/30% - 30% od skupne količine N smo zadelali v tla pred presajanjem,  preostali N ter celokupen P in K s fertigacijo; FN/30% - celoten P in K in  30% od skupne količine N smo zadelali v tla pred presajanjem, preostali del N pa s fertigacijo. Ob spravilu smo vrednotili višino in premer rastline, število veh, dolžino kocena, maso glave z vehami, maso očiščene glave, višino in premer očiščene glave, zbitost, dolžino vretena ter maso korenin. Največje povprečne tržne pridelke smo dobili pri fertigaciji z vodotopnim NPK gnojilom, kjer smo 30% od skupne količine N zadelali v tla pred presajanjem, pri posameznih kultivarjih, kot sledi: Hermes F1 (38,7 t ha-1), Parel F1 (71,1 t ha-1) and Tropicana F1 (70,7 t ha-1), najnižje pa pri fertigaciji z N, kjer smo celotno količino  P in K zadelali v tla pred setvijo, pri kultivarjih, kot sledi: Hermes F1 (20,9 t ha-1),  Parel F1 (50,4  ha-1), Tropicana F1 (63,0 t ha-1) in Fieldwinner F1 (66,1 t ha-1). Uporaba različnih metod gnojenja je vpliva tudi na čvrstost glavic, ki je ena od pomembnejših kakovostnih lastnosti zelja.


The incidence of potato virus Y strains in Slovenia





The incidence of potato virus Y (PVY) strains and its infection pressure across Slovenia were monitored. Disease free tubers of the variety Igor were planted on different locations across Slovenia in 1997, 1998 and 2000. Tubers were harvested and visually evaluated for the presence of necrosis. They were tested by means of ELISA using polyclonal antibodies of PVY and  monoclonal antibodies PVYN of Bioreba, and PVYN, PVYO and PVY O/C of Adgen. PVY NTN was the predominant strain on all locations in 1997 and 1998. The highest infection with PVYO  was found in Pivka and Rakičan in the year 2000. PVYC strain was not found during the study. The infection with PVY was smaller in isolated parts of Slovenia like Brezula, Podčetrtek, Trbonje, Libeliče, Vrtojba and Tolmin. It also decreased from 1997 to 2000. 





V raziskavi smo preučevali prisotnost različkov krompirjevega virusa Y (PVY) in njegov infekcijski pritisk po Sloveniji. V letih 1997, 1998 in 2000 smo na različnih lokacijah po Sloveniji posadili gomolje sorte Igor, proste vseh bolezni in škodljivcev. Po izkopu pridelka smo vizualno ocenili prisotnost nekroz na gomoljih. Pri vseh gomoljih smo s serološko metodo ELISA določili prisotnost PVY. Uporabili smo poliklonska protitelesa PVY in monoklonska protitelesa PVYN proizvajalca Biorebe in monoklonska protitelesa PVYN, PVYO in PVY O/C proizvajalca Adgen. V letih 1997 in 1998 je bil na vseh lokacijah večinoma ugotovljen različek PVY NTN. Najmočnejšo okužbo z različkom PVYO smo ugotovili v Pivki in Rakičanu v letu 2000. Različka PVYC v raziskavi nismo odkrili. Okužba s PVY je bila manjša na območjih z dobro izolacijo v Brezuli, Podčetrtku, Trbonjah, Libeličah, Vrtojbi and Tolminu. Od leta 1997 do 2000 se je okužba s PVY zmanjšala.


Contribution to the knowledge on bionomics of Byctiscus betulae L. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) on grapevine

 Stanislav TRDAN, Nevenka VALIČ




At a time of its massive occurrence on grapevine a less known part of the vine leaf roller (Byctiscus betulae L.) bionomics was studied in the period from the last decade of April until the first decade of May 2000 in the region of Slovenian Istria. It was established that in 90% of the cigar-like structures, which are formed of rolled leaves, their length was between 6.5 to 10.0 cm. In almost 50% of cases the females lay 3–4 eggs per 'cigar'. A statistically significant and very weak positive correlation was noted between the length of the 'cigar' and the number of eggs laid into the ‘cigar’. A similar statistical relationship was observed between the number of bitten leaves during the supplemental feeding of weevils and the number of  ‘cigars’. This shows that the number of laid eggs is influenced by a number of factors and that the females do not lay eggs only on the plants on which they feed, but also on other plants. Though the weevil can harm on average more than 10 leaves in the early stage of vine development, it is listed among interesting rather than among damaging insects. The most abundant in the population were the weevils of metallic green color.      




Prispevek k poznavanju bionomije trtarja (Byctiscus betulae L., Coleoptera, Curculionidae) na vinski trti


Ob masovni populaciji trtarja (Byctiscus betulae L.) na vinski trti v Slovenski Istri v obdobju od zadnje dekade aprila do prve dekade maja 2000 smo preučevali do tedaj manj znan del žuželkine bionomije. Ugotovili smo, da znaša dolžina skoraj 90% cigar od 6,5 do 10,0 cm in da samice v cigaro najpogosteje (v skoraj 50% primerov) vložijo 3-4 jajčeca. Med dolžino cigar in številom vanje vloženih jajčec smo ugotovili statistično značilno in zelo šibko pozitivno korelacijo. Podobno statistično razmerje smo ugotovili tudi med številom listov, ki jih hroščki objedo med dopolnilnim hranjenjem, in številom cigar. To pomeni, da na število odloženih jajčec v cigaro vplivajo številni dejavniki in da samice trtarja ne odlagajo jajčec le na rastlinah, kjer se hranijo, ampak tudi na drugih rastlinah. Čeprav lahko žuželka v zgodnji fazi razvoja vinske trte v povprečju poškoduje več kot 10 listov, jo bolj kot med škodljive, uvrščamo med zanimive žuželke. V populaciji trtarja so se v največjem številu pojavljali hroščki kovinsko zelene barve.


The importance of the sterilization procedure for producing vigorous cherry plants (Prunus sp.) in vitro

 Gregor OSTERC, Zlata LUTHAR, Franci ŠTAMPAR




The micropropagation of woody species is a good method for producing juvenile plant material in the short time. The sterilization procedure can have a slightly negative influence on the inoculation of winter buds, the induction and continuous growth of cherry microcuttings. The surface sterilization with the dicloroisocyanuric acid Na2 salt (DICA) was carried out in two procedures. In the procedure 1, 70% ethanol for 30 sec and 20 g/l of DICA for 20 min were used, while in the procedure 2 only 16.6 g/l of DICA for 15 min was used. Compared with the procedure 1, the procedure 2 showed significantly (P £ 0.05) better induction results and the production of the most vigorous plants (better growth, better root formation).






Mikropropagacija je uspešna metoda pri lesnatih rastlinah za proizvodnjo juvenilnega materiala v kratkem času. Sterilizacija rastlinskega materiala lahko negativno vpliva na indukcijo in diferenciacijo kulture ter nadaljno rast tudi pri češnjah. Površinska sterilizacija zimskih brstov češenj je bila opravljena z dikloroizocianurno kislino Na2 soli (DICA) z dvema postopkoma. Pri prvem postopku smo brste sterilizirali 30 sec s 70% etanolom in nato 20 min z 20 g/l DICA. Pri drugem postopku smo uporabili samo 16,6 g/l DICA 15 min. Z drugim postopkom smo v primerjavi s prvim dobili statistično značilno (p £  0,05) boljše rezultate indukcije brstov in v nadaljnih subkultivacijah vitalnejše poganjke glede rasti in razvoja korenin.


Contents of sugars and organic acids in the cultivars of peach (Prunus persica L.) and nectarine (Prunus persica var. nucipersica Schneid.)





The contents of sugars and organic acids in fruits were studied among 19 different peach and nectarine cultivars. The fruits were obtained from the Fruit Growing Centre Bilje near Nova Gorica in the time of technological maturity. Sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose and sorbitol) and organic acids (citric, malic, shikimic and fumaric acid) in fruits were identified and measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sucrose was the major sugar and malic and citric acids were the predominant organic acids in all cultivars. The content of fructose ranged from 6.76 to 12.97 g/kg, glucose from 5.43 to 11.11 g/kg, sucrose from 46.14 to 70.7 g/kg and sorbitol from 0.40 to 2.80 g/kg of fruits. The content of citric acid was from 1.71 to 8.34 g/kg, malic acid from 3.2 to 8.05 g/kg, shikimic acid from 127 to 809 mg/kg and fumaric acid from 1.56 to 6.09 mg/kg of fruits. The content of total sugars was from 61.53 to 93.70 g/kg and the content of total organic acids was from 7.06 to 14.69 g/kg of fruits. We recommend cultivars ‘Françoise’, ‘Orion’, ‘Venus’, ‘Roza’ and ‘325 x A/8’ from the point of the content of sugars and organic acids and the optimal ratio between them.





(Prunus persica L.) IN NEKTARIN (Prunus persica var. nucipersica Schneid.)


Proučevali smo vsebnost sladkorjev in organskih kislin v plodovih 19 kultivarjev breskev in nektarin, ki so bili nabrani leta 2000 v času tehnološke zrelosti v Sadjarskem centru Bilje pri Novi Gorici. Posamezne sladkorje (fruktozo, glukozo, saharozo in sorbitol) in organske kisline (citronsko, jabolčno, šikiminsko in fumarno kislino) smo analizirali z metodo tekočinske kromatografije visoke ločljivosti (HPLC). Glavni sladkor v plodovih je bil saharoza, med organskimi kislinami pa sta prevladovali jabolčna in citronska kislina. Vrednosti fruktoze so bile od 6,76 do 12,97 g/kg, glukoze od 5,43 do 11,11 g/kg, saharoze od 46,14 do 70,07 g/kg in sorbitola od 0,40 do 2,80 g/kg plodov. Vrednosti citronske kisline so bile od 1,71 do 8,34 g/kg, jabolčne od 3,82 do 8,05 g/kg, šikiminske od 127 do 809 mg/kg in fumarne kisline od 1,56 do 6,09 mg/kg plodov. Vsebnost skupnih sladkorjev je bila od 61,53 do 93,70 g/kg in skupnih organskih kislin od 7,06 do 14,69 g/kg plodov. Z vidika vsebnosti sladkorjev in organskih kislin ter njunega optimalnega razmerja priporočamo od preizkušanih kultivarjev  kultivarje ‘Françoise’, ‘Orion’, ‘Venus’, ‘Roza’ in ‘325 x A/8’.


The effect of different scion/rootstock combinations on yield properties of cv. `Cabernet Sauvignon`

Franc ČUŠ



The yield properties of different scion/rootstock combinations for cv. `Cabernet Sauvignon` (Vitis vinifera L. cv. `Cabernet Sauvignon`) were evaluated. The experiment was set in the Vipava Valley as a randomised group trial. The planting material was cv. `Cabernet Sauvignon` standard selected in Slovenia and clones 191 and 15 of French selection. The rootstocks inspected in the combinations with scions were `Kober 5BB`, `SO 4` and `420 A Mgt` (V. berlandieri Planch. x V. riparia Michx.),  `1103 Paulsen` (V. berlandieri Planch. x V. rupestris Scheele.) and `3309 Couderc` (V riparia Michx. x V. rupestris Scheele.). The vines were trained on double Guyot and monitored during 2001 and 2002. At the harvest the yield/vine and number of bunches/vine were recorded and the sample of 100 berries/vine was taken. The samples of berries were weighed and analysed for grape sugar and acids content. During the dormant season one-year-old canes were weighed. Data were statistically analysed using the one-way analysis of variance. The standard material showed greater vegetative and productive potential than cl. 191 when both were grafted onto `SO 4`. The consequence was lower grape quality for standard. Although the differences in productivity and grape quality between standard grafted onto different rootstocks were not significant it was obvious that `1103 Paulsen`, in comparison with `SO 4` and `420 A Mgt`, significantly increased the vegetative growth of scion.  The difference in the yield/vine between standard grafted onto `Kober 5BB` and cl. 15 grafted onto `3309 Couderc` was unstable but with the former combination better grape quality was achieved and one fold higher pruning weight/vine was detected in both years.






V poskusu smo proučevali vpliv različnih kombinacij cepič/podlaga na lastnosti  pridelka sorte `Cabernet Sauvignon` (Vitis vinifera L.). Poskus smo izvedli v vinorodnem okolišu Vipavska dolina v poskusni zasnovi slučajne skupine. Sadilni material je bil standard sorte `Cabernet Sauvignon` selekcioniran v Sloveniji in klona 191 in 15 selekcionirana v Franciji.  Podlage, ki smo jih uporabili v kombinaciji s cepiči so bile `Kober 5BB`, `SO 4`, `420 A Mgt` (V. berlandieri Planch. x V. riparia Michx.),  `1103 Paulsen` (V. berlandieri Planch. x V. rupestris Scheele.) in `3309 Couderc` (V riparia Michx. x V. rupestris Scheele.). Gojitvena oblika je bila dvojni Guyot. Poskus smo izvedli v letih 2001 in 2002. Ob trgatvi smo izmerili težo pridelka in prešteli število grozdov na trto ter vzorčili 100 jagod. Vzorce smo stehtali in v grozdnem soku določili vsebnost sladkorjev in kislin. V času mirovanja smo porezali in stehtali enoletni les. Podatke smo statistično obdelali z enosmerno analizo variance. Primerjava standarda in klona 191 cepljenih na podlago `SO 4` je pokazala večji rastni in produktivni potencial za standard. Posledica je bila slabša kakovost grozdja pri standardu. Razlike v rodnosti in kakovosti grozdja med standardom na različnih podlagah niso bile značilne, vendar je podlaga `1103 Paulsen` značilno povečala vegetativno rast trt v primerjavi s podlagama `SO 4` in `420 A Mgt`. Razlika v pridelku  na trs med standardom cepljenim na `Kober 5BB` in klonom 15 cepljenim na `3309 Couderc` je bila spemenljiva, vendar smo s prvo kombinacijo dobili boljšo kakovost grozdja. Prav tako so imele trte te kombinacije enkrat večjo težo porezanega enoletnega lesa v obeh letih.


Influence of crop load on yield and grape quality of  cv. `Chardonnay`

Franc ČUŠ




In the research we tried to define proper crop load for cv. `Chardonnay` (Vitis vinifera L. cv. `Chardonnay`) trained on the 1.7 m high cordon trellis in the Vipava Valley. The experiment was designed as a block trial. Three levels of crop load were employed and inspected for their influence on yield and grape quality: normal crop load with 20-30 buds per vine, lower crop load with 20 buds and higher crop load than normal with 40 buds per vine. Bearing wood at the normal and higher than normal crop load was canes with 8-10 buds per cane and at the lower crop load longer spurs with 4-5 buds per spur. The lower crop load resulted in lower yield/vine together with higher must sugar content, its lower acids content and higher pruning weight. The extent of differences was strictly dependent on the climatic conditions in each year of the experiment. The normal crop load showed its great variability in the research results. The grape quality was quite high in all three treatments. Satisfactory must sugar content was obtained with the normal or even higher crop load. The proposed number of buds at winter pruning is approximately 40-45 buds/kg of pruning weight. Normal Ravaz index for defined conditions is between 7-10. In spite of the fact that the weather conditions in each year of the experiment appear to have had the strongest impact on the must acids content, the problem of its additional decrease should be taken into consideration when the lower crop load is applied.






V poskusu smo proučevali primerno obremenitev za sorto `Chardonnay` (Vitis vinifera L.) na 1,7 m visokem kordonu v vinorodnem okolišu Vipavska dolina. Poskus je bil zasnovan v bločni zasnovi. Ugotoviti smo želeli vpliv treh različnih osnovnih obremenitev na pridelek grozdja in lesa ter kakovost grozdja in sicer pri normalni obremenitvi z 20-30 očesi na trs, pri nižji z 20 očesi in višji z 40 očesi na trs. Rodni les so pri normalni in višji obremenitvi predstavljali šparoni z 8-10 očesi na šparon, pri nižji pa daljši rezniki s 4-5 očesi. Nižja obremenitev je vplivala na zmanjšanje pridelka na trto skupaj z zvišanjem sladkorne stopnje in znižanjem vsebnosti skupnih kislin v moštu ter zvišanjem količine porezanega lesa ob zimski rezi. Obseg razlik med različnimi obremenitvami je bil odvisen od klimatskih razmer v posameznem letu poskusa. Normalna obremenitev je dala najbolj spremenljive rezultate. Kakovost grozdja je bila sorazmerno visoka pri vseh treh obremenitvah. Zadovoljivo vsebnost sladkorja v moštu smo dosegli z normalno ali celo z višjo osnovno obremenitvijo. Primerno število puščenih očes pri zimski rezi je 40-45 očes/kg porezanega lesa. Normalne vrednosti za Ravaz indeks so med 7-10. Pri nižji obremenitvi od normalne je potrebno upoštevati znižanje količine skupnih kislin v moštu, čeprav se je izkazalo, da na njihovo vsebnost najmočneje vplivajo vremenske razmere v posameznem letu.


Vpliv starosti semena in načinov shranjevanja na kalivost semena konoplje (Cannabis sativa L. var. sativa)




Seme za setev mora imeti čim večjo sposobnost kalitve. V laboratorijskem poskusu z navadno konopljo (Cannabis sativa L. var. sativa) je bila po metodiki ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) preučena hitrost kalitve t. i. energija kalivosti in kalivost eno, dve in tri leta starega semena konoplje shranjenega pri sobni temperaturi  (20 do 25 ºC) in v hladilniku (4 do 7 ºC). Ugotovljene so bile razlike v energiji kalivosti in v končni kalivosti med sortami: 'Novosadska konoplja', 'Unico-B', 'Juso-11', 'Bialobrzeskie' in 'Beniko' ter načinoma shranjevanja semena. V primerjavi s 96,1-odstotno kalivostjo deklariranega semena petih sort konoplje je bila po treh letih povprečna kalivost semena shranjenega v hladilniku 65,0 %, kalivost semena shranjenega pri sobni temperaturi pa 46,4 %. Da se v razmerah težje dosegljivosti deklariranega semena konoplje ohrani kalivost daljši čas, morajo pridelovalci shraniti seme za setev v hladilniku. Sočasno so rezultati raziskave pokazali, da sta za ugotovitev hitrosti kalivosti in za končno kalivost semena konoplje ustreznejša šesti in dvanajsti dan testa kalivosti namesto uradno predpisanega tretjega in sedmega dne, ko hitrost kalivosti in kalivost še ni bilo možno ugotoviti. Pred postopkom za spremembo uradne metodike je treba preveriti kalivost z uporabo svežega semena teh in drugih sort konoplje v akreditiranem semenskem laboratoriju.






High germination ability is important characteristic of seeds. In the laboratory trials the germination velocity (i.e. germination energy) and final germination percentage of two and three years old seeds of hemp (Cannabis sativa L. var. sativa), stored either at room temperature (20 to 25 oC) or in the refrigerator (4 to 7 oC), have been tested according to the ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) methodology. Differences in germination energy and in final germination between hemp cultivars ('Novosadska konoplja','Unico-B', 'Juso 11', 'Bialobrzeskie' and 'Beniko') and between storage conditions have been noted. In comparison with average germination percentage of declared seed of five cultivars (96.1%), the average germination rates of seeds, stored for three years in the refrigerator and at room temperature were lower (65.0% and 46.4%, respectively). In order to conserve the germination ability of declared hemp seed, which is difficult to attain for longer period, hemp producers should hold the hemp seeds in refrigerator. The results of the study showed that the sixth and the twelfth day of germination trial were more appropriate for determinations of germination velocity and of final germination percentage of hemp seed than those officially prescribed, i.e. the third and the seventh day, when germination velocity and final germination could not be properly scored defined. Germination ability of fresh hemp seeds of above mentioned and of other available cultivars should be tested by accredited seed laboratory before the procedure for correction of official methodology is set up.


Prispevek k introdukciji kultivarja vinske trte Syrah (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah) v koprski in vipavski vinorodni okoliš





Zaradi večjega povpraševanja po rdečih vinih v zadnjem desetletju tudi Primorski vinogradniki želijo popestriti sortiment rdečih sort vinske trte. Med kandidate za introdukcijo v  v.o. (vinorodni okoliš) Koper in v.o. Vipavska dolina se je uvrstila sorta Syrah, ki se hitro širi po številnih vinorodnih območjih v svetu. Poudariti želimo pomen dejavnikov okolja oz. geografskega porekla kot ustvarjalca raznolikosti. Predstavimo svetovna območja gojenja sorte Syrah (severni in južni del pokrajine ob reki Rhône (F), Barossa valley in Hunter valley (AUS), Napa valley (ZDA), Hawkes bay (NZ) ter v. o. Koper in v. o. Vipavska dolina (SI)) s pomočjo klimatskih parametrov. V rastni dobi 2000 smo spremljali elemente rasti in rodnosti štirih klonov sorte Syrah (99, 300, 301, 470) ter jih primerjali s sorto Merlot (519). Želeli smo ugotoviti razlike med kloni sorte Syrah, razlike med sorto Syrah in Merlot ter razlike med okolišema. Pri sorti Syrah je značilno, da z naraščanjem pridelka pada vsebnost sladkorja in narašča vsebnost skupnih kislin. Tako je najrodnejši Syrah klon 99, najmanj roden pa Syrah klon 470. Sorta Merlot ima ob večjem pridelku tudi večjo sladkorno stopnjo. Predvsem zaradi manjše obremenitve in s tem manjšega pridelka ima sorta Syrah v v. o. Vipavska dolina večje sladkorne stopnje kot v v. o. Koper. Ugotovimo, da je sorta Merlot z vinogradniškega stališča v obeh v. o. boljša, kljub temu pa predlagamo uvrstitev sorte Syrah v sortiment obeh v. o., predvsem zaradi njene velike priljubljenosti v svetu.






The Syrah variety was included among the candidates for introduction in the w. r. (wine regions) of Koper and the Vipava valley. We aim to stress the significance of environmental factors as generators of diversity. The Syrah variety growing regions are presented (the northern and southern parts of the country along the Rhône river (France), the Barossa valley and Hunter valley (Australia), Napa valley (U.S.A.), Hawkes bay (New Zealand), and the w. r. of Koper and the Vipava valley (Slovenia) using climatic parameters. In the 2000 growth period, the elements of growth and fertility were monitored in four clones of the Syrah variety (99, 300, 301, 470), as well as compared with the Merlot variety (519). We aimed to find the differences among the Syrah variety clones, between the Syrah and Merlot varieties, as well as the differences between the two w. r. The highest fertility is found in clone 99, and in clone 470 the lowest. Due to a lower crop load and consequently lower yield in particular, the Syrah variety has higher sugar contents in the wine region of the Vipava valley than in the region of Koper. We end with a conclusion that from the winegrower’s aspect the Merlot variety is better in both w. r., yet the introduction of the Syrah variety in the range of grapevines in both w. r. is proposed, particularly because of its increasing world-wide popularity.


Trženjska strategija Zavarovalnice pri vstopanju na nov trg kmetijskih zavarovanj






V razmerah majhnega trga kmetijskih zavarovanj lahko zavarovalnica svojo poslovno rast temelji na ponudbi novih vrst teh zavarovanj ali na območnem širjenju njihovega trga. Zavarovalnica, ki je predmet proučevanja, želi svoje poslovanje razširiti na trg Bosne in Hercegovine. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti, ali lahko Zavarovalnica na novem trgu uporabi standardizirano strategijo trženja kmetijskih zavarovanj, ki jo uporablja v Sloveniji, ali pa mora strategijo trženja diferencirati in jo tako prilagoditi razmeram na novem ciljnem trgu. Na podlagi komparativne tržne analize okolja trženja, ciljnih tržnih segmentov in njihovih tržnih potencialov so za vsak segment izdelali SPIN matriko in iz nje izpeljali strategijo trženja. Rezultati kažejo, da lahko Zavarovalnica, kljub velikim razlikam v okolju trženja kmetijskih zavarovanj, obsegu in strukturi tega trga ter potencialnih kupcih, pri vstopu na trg Bosne in Hercegovine uporabi standardiziran model trženja, vendar z odlogom. Na tem trgu lahko Zavarovalnica  uspešno trži storitev »kmetijska zavarovanja« na način, kot je to storitev tržila na slovenskem trgu pred letom 1990. Tako lahko revitalizira storitev, ki je na slovenskem trgu že zastarala, in s tem doseže stroškovno učinkovitost in višjo dobičkonosnost trženja kmetijskih zavarovanj.






Under the circumstance of a small market of agricultural insurances the insurance company may its' business growth build either on the supply of the new insurance products or on the geographic extension of the agricultural insurances' market. The insurance company, that was studied, is going to extent its' business operation to the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the research is to find out, whether Zavarovalnica may use standardized strategy of marketing the agricultural insurance that is practicing in Slovenia on the new market or the marketing strategy should be differentiated and adjusted to the circumstances of  the new market. The comparative market analyses of the marketing environment, the target market segments and their market potentials were performed to built up the SWOT matrix for each of the segments, from which the marketing strategy was derived. Results point out, that in spite of big differences in the market environment of agricultural insurances, size and structure of their market, as well as in the potential buyers Zavarovalnica may practice standardized marketing model on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina but with the time lag. On this market Zavarovalnica may market the product »agricultural insurance« successfully in the way as marketed it on the Slovene market before the year 1990. So it may revitalize the product, that became obsolete in Slovenia, gaining better cost effectiveness and higher profitability of the agricultural insurances marketing. 



Fizikalne lastnosti ploda oreha (Juglans regia L.)


Rajko BERNIK, Anita SOLAR, Denis SKOK




Analizirali  smo fizikalne lastnosti plodov navadnega oreha (Juglans regia L.): velikost, maso, prostornino jedrc, luščine in zraka v luščini ter opravili tlačni preskus plodov  letnika 2001 pri kultivarjih 'Franquette', 'G-139' in 'Parissienne', da bi ugotovili, katere lastnosti najbolj vplivajo na kakovost drobljenja luščin in kateri izmed proučevanih kultivarjev je najbolj primeren za strojno drobljenje luščine. 







Physical traits of fruit, i.e. size, weight, volume of nut, kernel, shell and inshell air in common walnut (Juglans regia L.), cvs. 'Franquette', 'G-139', and 'Parissienne' grown in 2001 were analysed and nuts were submitted to a pressure test. We wanted to select the fruit trait that influence the shell cracking quality at the most, giving us the suitable cultivar for the machine cracking.




Determination of minimal cutting speed by flailing potato vines






Mathematic model was developed to determine minimal cutting speed of flail knives at potato vine killing using special flail mower. Model bases on bending moment equilibrium and depends on mechanical properties of material to be cut, and height of cut level, as well as height of stalk. Mechanical properties of potato stalk were measured and through the model calculated values were compared with experimental results. Average shear strength of potato stalk was 2.07 N/mm2 and Young’s modulus 51.23 N/mm2. Calculated minimal cutting speeds were from 4.01 to 11.8 m/s, depended upon different height of cutting level and centre of stalk mass. By flailing the potato vines with cutting speeds 6.2, 11.6 and 17.6 m/s, the average percentages of cut off stalks were 35%, 68% and 88% and lengths of rest part of stalks were 23, 20 and 10 cm respectively. The experimental results refected, that the predicted values of cutting speed showed good agreement with experimental values, therefore such mathematical model should be used to estimate the minimal required cutting speed at flailing potato vines.




Določanje najmanjše rezalne hitrosti pri rezanju krompirjevke


V prispevku je predstavljen matematični model za določitev najmanjše rezalne hitrosti pri prosti rezi stebel krompirja. Temelj modela je ravnotežje upogibnih momentov, ki delujejo na steblo pri naletu rezila. Najmanjša rezalna hitrost je odvisna od mehanskih lastnosti stebla, od višine rezanja in višine težišča stebla. Povprečna izmerjena strižna trdnost stebla krompirja je bila 2,07 N/mm2 in Young-ov modul elastičnosti 51,23 N/mm2. Izračunane najmanjše rezalne hitrosti so znašale od 4,01 do 11,8 m/s, v odvisnosti od različne višine rezanja in višine težišča stebla. Pri rezanju krompirjevke z rezalnimi hitrostmi 6,2, 11,6 in 17,6 m/s je znašal povprečni delež odrezanih stebel s posameznih rastlin 35%, 68% in 88% in so bila stebla v povprečju odrezana na višinah 23 cm, 20 cm in 10 cm. Rezultati poskusa so pokazali dobro ujemanje dejanskih najmanjših rezalnih hitrosti z izračunanimi iz modela. 


Strokovna praksa med študijem živilske tehnologije

 Elisabeth DUMOULIN, Richard King, Veronika Abram




Evropska tematska mreža ISEKI-Food je s pomočjo svojih članov pripravila vprašalnike, s katerimi naj bi opredelila vlogo in kvaliteto ter slabosti strokovne prakse v študijskem programu živilske tehnologije.






The European Thematic Network ISEKI-Food has prepared with the help of its partners a questionnaire with which a function, quality and imperfections of professional placement during the studies in Food Science and Technology were assessed.


Vpliv košnje in gnojenja na botanično sestavo dveh različnih travnikov na Ljubljanskem barju

Jure Čop, Tomaž Sinkovič, Matej Vidrih, Janez Hacin




Na Ljubljanskem barju smo izvedli 4-letno raziskavo z namenom, da ugotovimo, kako vplivata košnja in gnojenje na botanične karakteristike travne ruše. Travniška poskusa v obliki deljenk s štirimi ponovitvami smo zasnovali na zvezah Arrhenatherion (T1) in Molinion (T2) v letu 1999. Glavne parcele so predstavljale pogostnost rabe (2 košnji na leto z zapoznelo in običajno 1. košnjo, 3 košnje in 4 košnje), podparcele pa stopnjo gnojenja (negnojeno – kontrola, PK in NPK z različnimi odmerki N). Po štirih letih sta gnojenje in raba zelo spremenila izgled in botanično sestavo travne ruše v obeh zvezah. Intenzifikacija pridelovanja pa ni zmanjšala rastlinske pestrosti. Na T1 se je s številom košenj povečeval delež trav na račun zeli in nasploh malo prisotnih metuljnic. Povečan delež trav se je na T1 pojavil tudi pri NPK gnojenju v primerjavi z negnojeno ali PK gnojeno travno rušo. Gnojenje je močno zmanjšalo prisotnost močvirske preslice na T1 (maks. 25 %, min. 1 %). Ta učinek je bil bolj izrazit pri 3- in 4-kosni rabi. Na T2 je po razmerju med botaničnimi skupinami odstopala travna ruša pri zapozneli 2-kosni rabi. Ta je vsebovala povečan delež zeli tako pri negnojeni kot pri gnojenih variantah. Na T2 se je delež metuljnic povečal pri PK gnojenju, vendar je bil tudi tu v povprečju manjši od 6 %. Gnojenje je na obeh poskusih prevladujoče vplivalo na vrstno sestavo travne ruše. Pri intenzivnejši pridelavi so se na T1 namesto na stres tolerantnih vrst uveljavile konkurenčne, na T2 pa so se namesto na stres tolerantne modre stožke uveljavile konkurenčne in hkrati na stres tolerantne vrste.






The effects of grassland management on herbage botanical characteristics were investigated in two 4-year field trials, in split-plot design with 4 replications. The trials were established in the Arrhenatherion (T1) and Molinion (T2) alliances in the Ljubljana marsh in 1999. Treatment factors were cutting regime, i) 2 cuts – with standard and delayed first cut, ii) 3 cuts and iii) 4 cuts per year as the main plots, and fertiliser regime, i) zero fertiliser – control, ii) PK and iii) NPK with 2 N rates as sub-plots. After four years, the appearance of both swards was significantly altered, by the application of fertiliser and to a lesser extent, by the cutting regime. However, the intensification of forage production did not decrease the number of species. In T1 the proportion of grasses increased with cutting number to the detriment of herbs and generally rare legumes. The proportion of grasses was also increased by NPK treatments compared to the control and PK treatment in T1. Applying fertiliser considerably reduced the proportion of Equisetum palustre in T1 (max. 25%, min. 1%). This effect was most pronounced within 3 and 4 cut regime. In terms of botanical groups in T2, the delayed 2 cut regime differed significantly from all other cutting regimes. The proportion of herbs within this cut regime increased and was more pronounced under the fertiliser inputs. Applying PK increased proportion of legumes in T2, however not above 6%. In both trials fertilising was the dominant factor that determined plant species composition. It promoted competitors at the expense of stress-tolerant species in T1, while initially a highly abundant stress-tolerant Molinia caerulea in T2 was replaced by species with C-S-R strategy.


Endosperm protein polymorphism of common and tartary buckwheat






The endosperm protein polymorphism of seven accessions of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and two accessions of tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) were studied by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The position and the intensity of the main four electrophoretic protein bands (marked as “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”) of cultivar Siva (common buckwheat) were estimated and the polymorphism was studied using seeds from open pollinated heterozygous plants. Two high significant correlations (correlation coefficient 0.559 for “a” and “c” bands, and 0.264 for “a” and “d” bands) were established among the intensities of electrophoretic protein bands of common buckwheat, while other four possible relations were not significant. The results indicate significantly higher protein polymorphism of endosperm within individual accessions than among accessions of common buckwheat. In contrary to common buckwheat, there was in material studied found no variability in endosperm protein bands between or within two accessions of tartary buckwheat. 





S pomočjo SDS-PAGE elektroforeze smo analizirali sedem vzorcev navadne (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) in dva vzorca tatarske ajde (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.). Pri cv. Siva smo analizirali semena s tujeprašnih rastlin in ocenili pojavljanje in intenzivnost glavnih štirih elektroforeznih črt (označene z “a”, “b”, “c” in “d”). Pri ovrednotenju intenzivnosti pojavljanja elektroforeznih črt, smo ugotovili dve visoko statistično značilni korelaciji (korelacijski koeficient  0,559 pri “a” in “c” elektroforeznih črtah ter 0,264 pri “a” in “d” elektroforeznih črtah), medtem ko ostale štiri možne korelacije intenzivnosti elektroforeznih črt niso bile statistično značilne. Rezultati nakazujejo na visoko statistično značilni polimorfizem beljakovin endosperma med analiziranimi semeni cv. Siva, med tem ko med posameznimi vzorci ni razlik v pojavljanju elektroforeznih črt. Med dvema vzorcema in znotraj vzorca tatarske ajde nismo našli razlik v pojavljanju elektroforeznih črt.



Virus diseases and resistance to Bean common mosaic and Bean common mosaic necrosis potyvirus in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)






Bean common mosaic potyvirus (BCMV) and Bean common mosaic necrosis potyvirus (BCMNV) are economically the most important viruses of common bean. They can reduce yield and quality of harvested product. High percentage of seed transmission (up to 83%) is one of the reasons for its distribution worldwide. They represent 7 pathogenicity groups and 10 strains. Pathogenicity groups can be determined by reactions of differential bean cultivars. BCMV and BCMNV can be differentiated on serological and molecular level but all strains cause similar symptoms in bean genotypes lacking resistance genes. The development of different reactions to virus infections depends on virus strain, bean cultivar and temperature. The host resistance genes and virus pathogenicity genes interact in development of different responses of bean plants after infection. Different combinations of dominant and recessive strain unspecific and recessive strain specific resistance genes confer more stable resistance to wider spectrum of virus strains. The causal viruses, interactions of host resistance and virus pathogenicity genes, in vivo recombinations of both viruses and methods for selecting the desired host genotype are reviewed.







Virus navadnega mozaika fižola (BCMV) in virus navadnega mozaika in nekroze fižola (BCMNV) sta ekonomsko najpomembnejša potivirusa, ki okužujeta fižol. Povzročata veliko ekonomsko škodo pri pridelavi fižola, tako z zmanjševanjem pridelka, kot tudi s slabšo kakovostjo pridelanega produkta. Virusa sta v svetu splošno razširjena, k temu pa je pripomogla tudi njuna lastnost, da se v veliki meri prenašata s semenom. Prenos s semenom lahko doseže do 83%. Virusne izolate obeh virusov uvrščamo v 7 patogrup in 10 različkov. Uvrstitev v patogrupe in različke nam omogoča inokulacija diferencialnih sort fižola in opazovanje njihove reakcije na virusno okužbo. Oba virusa se razlikujeta po seroloških in molekulsko bioloških lastnostih, vendar pa na rastlinah brez genov za odpornost povzročata zelo podobna bolezenska znamenja. Razvoj bolezenskih znamenj je odvisen od virusnega različka, sorte gostiteljske rastline in temperature. Interakcije med produkti genov za odpornost gostitelja in genov za patogenost virusa vplivajo na tip reakcije, ki se pojavi na fižolu po okužbi z virusom. Kombinacije dominantnega gena za odpornost z recesivnimi geni za odpornost omogočajo razvoj stabilnejše odpornosti na več različkov virusa, zato želje žlahtniteljev po genotipu fižola, ki bi bil odporen na vse znane različke obeh virusov, niso neosnovane. V prispevku sta predstavljena oba virusa, interakcije med produkti genov za odpornost gostitelja in genov za patogenost virusa, rekombinacije obeh virusov ter metode za selekcijo željenega genotipa gostitelja, odpornega na posamezne ali vse znane različke BCMV in BCMNV.


Scientometric assessment of publishing patterns of agricultural researchers in the Slovenian national journals as indexed by the national online bibliographic database COBISS/COBIB





The aim was to systematically analyze the patterns of scatter of both scientific and non-scientific articles by the scientists of the Agronomy, Biology, Food Science and Technology, Forestry, Wood Science and Technology, and the Zootechnical Departments of the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana in the Slovenian national journals in the period 1995-2002. The national online catalogue and bibliographic databases COBISS/ COBIB were employed to this end. Two experimental databases were set up to upload the data for further analysis. 240 different journals that published 4163 different articles were identified. 3141 Scientific and 1022 non-scientific articles were published in 82 and 203 journals respectively. 45 journals published both scientific and non-scientific articles. 12 journals published more than 100 articles each, and 78 different journals published a single article. The five core journals published 39% of all articles. This is an assessment of the national serial productivity and does not reflect the total scientific productivity as many authors may publish mainly in international periodicals which were not the object of this analysis. The main difficulties of this kind of study were presented in establishing a uniform group of authors. COBIB can be used to some extent but with limitations as a lot of manual editing is needed to extract the relevant data into a consistent group of articles for further analysis.







Naš namen je bil sistematično analizirati razkropljenost znanstvenih in neznanstvenih člankov raziskovalcev, učiteljev in drugih strokovnjakov z oddelkov Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani za agronomijo, biologijo, gozdarstvo, krajinsko arhitekturo, lesarstvo, zootehniko in živilstvo v obdobju 1995-2002. Pri tem smo uporabili nacionalno bibliografsko-kataložno zbirko COBISS/COBIB. Za nadaljnje podrobnejše analize smo izbrali ustrezne dokumente in na tem temelju zasnovali dve eksperimentalni zbirki. Identificirali smo 240 različnih revij, kjer je bilo objavljeno 4163 različnih člankov avtorjev z BF. 82 različnih revij je objavilo 3141 znanstvenih, 203 revij pa 1022 neznanstvenih člankov. 45 revij je objavilo tako znanstvene kot neznanstvene članke. Pri 12 različnih revijah je bilo objavljeno po več kot 100 člankov v vsaki, medtem ko je 78 različnih revij objavilo le po en članek. Pet osrednjih revij je objavilo 39% vseh člankov. Objave slovenskih avtorjev v revijah zunaj Slovenije niso bile predmet analize, zato številke iz raziskave ne odražajo celotne biotehniške produkcije, pač pa le objave v Sloveniji. Največjo težavo pri raziskavi je predstavljala metodika poenotenega zajemanja avtorjev in posameznih zapisov ter s tem zasnova eksperimentalnih zbirk za nadaljnjo obdelavo. Način vnosa v bazo COBIB glede na avtorja in avtorjevo ustanovo nudi le omejeno možnost uporabe za tovrstne analize, saj vnos ustanove ni normiran, zelo dobro pa je moč uporabiti bibliografsko funkcijo normativne kontrole pri naslovih publikacij. Za identificikacijo konsistentne skupine člankov na osnovi avtorjev in torej za izbor relevantnih podatkov za nadaljnje analize je potrebno mnogo naknadne kontrole ter ročnega urejanja izpisov.