Different expression of uidA gene in transformant
tobacco leaves
Suzana ŠKOF, Zlata LUTHAR
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tobacco leaf disks with two Agrobacterium
tumefaciens strains, LBA4404 and EHA105, and four plasmids, pCAMBIA1201, pCAMBIA1301,
pCAMBIA2301 and pCAMBIA3201, was used for introduction of an uidA reporter gene and
corresponding plant selection genes (hpt, npt or bar gene) into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum
L. cv. Havana 38). Expression of the uidA gene was evaluated by histochemical analysis of
?-glucuronidase (GUS) activity in transformed tobacco plants that successfully grew on
appropriate selection media. GUS staining also revealed differences in both intensity and
pattern of blue coloration in plants transformed with the same plasmid and bacteria
strain. Molecular analysis of blue coloured plants by the PCR method confirmed the
integration of the reporter gene and corresponding selection genes. Moreover, PCR revealed
the incorporation of reporter and selection genes into some plants that grew on selection
media, but exhibited no uidA gene expression. Lack of uidA gene expression could be due to
a random incorporation of foreign DNA into transcription inactive parts of chromosomes or
due to a phenomenon called gene silencing, which appears to be a fairly frequent problem
in establishing successful transformation protocols.
V listne diske tobaka (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Havana 38) smo s transformacijo z dvema
sevoma Agrobacterium tumefaciens in štirimi plazmidi pCAMBIA1201, pCAMBIA1301,
pCAMBIA2301 in pCAMBIA3201 vnesli testni uidA gen in selekcijske gene (hpt, npt oz. bar
gen). Pri rastlinah, ki so uspešno rasle na selekcijskem gojišču, smo preverjali
izražanje testnega uidA gena z metodo histokemičnega testa aktivnosti ?-glukuronidaze
(GUS). Z GUS testom smo ugotovili razlike tako v intenziteti kot v načinu modrega
obarvanja pri rastlinah, okuženih istočasno z istim plazmidom in sevom bakterije. Z
molekulsko analizo modro obarvanih rastlin s PCR metodo smo potrdili vključenost tako
testnega kot ustreznih selekcijskih genov. Pri rastlinah brez izražanja uidA gena, ki pa
so kjub temu uspešno rasle na selekcijskem gojišču, je PCR analiza prav tako potrdila
vključenost tako testnega kot ustreznih selekcijskih genov. Neizražanje uidA gena, je
lahko posledica vgradnje tuje DNA v transkripcijsko neaktivno območje kromosoma ali pa
pojava utišanja genov, ki je pogosta težava pri vzpostavljanju uspešnih
transfomacijskih sistemov.
Influence of tree architecture on fruit quality in
cherry /Prunus avium L./ cv. Petrovka
Mateja TROBEC, Valentina USENIK, Anita SOLAR, Franci ŠTAMPAR
The bearing branches of thirty-year-old cherry trees of the cultivar Petrovka were
analysed. Branches were decomposed into growth units of different ages. The lengths of
(unequally old) growth units were measured, and the weight and number of fruit of
individual spurs were defined. The following factors were investigated: the influence of
the age of wood, the influence of the spur age, the effects of the number of fruit per
spur, and the effects of branching on the fruit weight. The aging of wood and spurs does
not cause the decrease in average fruit weight, neither does the quantity of fruit per
spur influence the average fruit weight. However, the decrease in average weight of fruit
can be noticed when we move from primary to quaternary branches. Great similarity in the
yield quality (quality that refers to fruit mase) can be ascribed to special tree
architecture (typical basitonic growth) of the cultivar Petrovka.
Analizirali smo rodne veje s 30 let starih češnjevih dreves sorte Petrovka. Razčlenili
smo jih na enote rasti različnih starosti. Merili smo dolžine različno starih enot
rasti ter določili število in maso plodov s posameznih rodnih poganjkov. Določili smo
vpliv starosti lesa, vpliv starosti rodnega poganjka, vpliv števila plodov na rodnem
poganjku in vpliv ranga razvejitve na maso plodov. S starostjo lesa in rodnih poganjkov se
povprečna masa plodov ne zmanjšuje in količina plodov na rodnem poganjku ne vpliva na
povprečno maso plodov. Opaziti pa je tendenco zmanjševanja povprečnih mas plodov od
primarnih do kvartarnih vej. Velika izenačenost kakovosti pridelka (kakovosti ki se
nanaša na debelino oz. maso plodov) je posledica posebne arhitekture (izrazita bazitona
rast) drevesa sorte Petrovka.
Influence of root exudates of different plant seedlings
on mycelial growth of antagonistic fungi Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium roseum
Franci CELAR
The cabbage and onion root exudates inhibit the mycelial growth of antagonistic fungi
Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium roseum to a different degree. The inhibition is more
pronounced with fast growing fungi and does not show with slow growing T. koningii. The
maize root exudates stimulate the mycelial growth of antagonistic fungi with the exception
of T. koningii. Nearly the same is true for the pea root exudates, which have no influence
on mycelial growth of T. viride and T. koningii. The salad lettuce root exudates either
exhibit a slight stimulatory effect on the mycelial growth of some antagonistic fungi or
have no statistically significant influence on it.
ANTAGONISTIčNIH GLIV Trichoderma spp. IN Gliocladium roseum
Koreninski izločki zelja in čebule bolj ali manj zavirajo rast micelija antagonističnih
gliv Trichoderma spp. in Gliocladium roseum. Inhibicija je bolj izražena pri hitro
rastočih antagonističnih glivah, nič pa pri počasi rastoči T. koningii. Koreninski
izločki koruze pospešujejo rast micelija vseh antagonističnih gliv, razen T. koningii.
Podobno je tudi s koreninskimi izločki graha, ki pa nimajo vpliva na rast micelija T.
viride in T. koningii. Koreninski izločki solate imajo blag stimulativen vpliv na
rast micelija nekaterih antagonističnih gliv ali pa nanjo nimajo značilnega vpliva.
An evaluation of some morphological traits in doubled
haploid cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) lines and their F1 hybrids
Katarina RUDOLF
Fifty - four doubled haploid lines produced via androgenesis and self-pollination were
analysed in a field trial, as well as some of their hybrids. Based on statistical
evaluation, 17 lines with favourable morphological traits (head weight, proportion
height/width – head shape coefficient, percentage of internal stump, head firmness) and
high heterogenity were selected. The control cultivar Varaždinsko showed better growth
potential than the analysed inbred lines. Doubled haploid lines indicated some level of
inbreeding depression, but their F1 hybrids showed a significant heterosis effect. One
experimental hybrid between inbred lines (278 x 844) was comparable to commercial hybrid
cultivars (Atria F1, Bravo F1, Krautami F1, Rinda F1).
Analysis of DNA markers for damson hop aphid resistance
in hop
Andreja Čerenak, Branka Javornik
Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) breeding is a lengthy process due to the dioecious nature of hop
producing highly heterozygous offspring, and only female plants are of commercial
interest. Marker assisted selection can be invaluable in breeding programs using markers
linked to genes that encode resistance to different diseases and pests. The damson hop
aphid (Phorodon humuli Schrank) is a very important pest in hop fields and effects over
90% of world growing areas. This paper presents the application of RAPD and AFLP methods
for screening markers related to damson hop aphid resistance in hop. In an analysis of
resistant and susceptible parents, ten DNA markers were identified as potential markers
for resistance and they will be tested on F1 families derived from crosses between
susceptible and resistant hop genotypes.
Klasično žlahtnjenje hmelja (Humulus lupulus L.) je dolgotrajen postopek, saj so potomci
zaradi dvodomnosti rastline zelo heterozigotni, komercialno zanimive so le ženske
rastline. Selekcija s pomočjo markerjev je lahko neprecenljive vrednosti v
žlahtniteljskih programih, posebno, če razpolagamo z markerji vezanimi z geni, ki
kodirajo odpornost na različne bolezni in škodljivce. Hmeljeva uš (Phorodon humuli
Schrank) je zelo pomemben škodljivec hmelja in se pojavlja na nad 90% svetovnih površin,
posajenih s hmeljem. V prispevku je predstavljena uporaba RAPD in AFLP metode v analizi
markerjev povezanih z odpornostjo hmelja na hmeljevo uš. Pri analiziranju odpornih in
občutljivih staršev je bilo določenih deset specifičnih molekulskih markerjev, ki
predstavljajo potencialne markerje za odpornost hmelja na hmeljevo uš. Vzgoja petih F1
družin križancev in izbrani molekulski markerji predstavljajo hkrati dobro osnovo za
segregacijsko analizo in določitev vezanosti markerja (-ev) z odpornostjo na hmeljevo
uš, osnovani na večletnih fenotipskih opazovanjih.
Vpliv medvrstne razdalje pri pridelavi krompirja
(Solanum tuberosum L.) na količino tržnega pridelka
V poskusu smo primerjali vpliv medvrstne razdalje (66 cm, 75 cm in 90 cm) na pridelek
krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L.). V poskus so bile vključene sorte Agria, Bright in
Carlingford. Ugotovili smo, da je bil največji skupni pridelek pri medvrstni razdalji
(MVR) 66 cm, nekoliko manjši pri 75 cm in najmanjši pridelek pri MVR 90 cm. Največ
tržnega krompirja je imela sorta Agria pri MVR 66 in 75 cm, sledi sorta Bright pri vseh
MVR (največ pri MVR 90 cm, nato pri MVR 75 cm in MVR 66 cm), najmanjši odstotek tržnih
gomoljev pa je imela sorta Carlingford. Razlike niso bile statistično značilne. Zelenih
gomoljev je bilo najmanj pri MVR 90 cm, nekoliko več pri MVR 75 cm in največ pri
razdalji 66 cm. Pri ugotavljanju pojava rjave pegavosti, drugotne rasti, pokanja gomoljev
ter vrednosti suhe snovi in škrobnih enot smo ugotovili, da MVR ne vpliva na te
lastnosti, saj so te lastnosti odvisne predvsem od sorte.
In the trial we compared the influence of row spacing (66 cm, 75 cm, 90 cm) on potato
(Solanum tuberosum L.) yield. Cultivars Agria, Bright and Carlingford were included in the
trial. We established that the highest total yield was by row spacing (RS) 66 cm, then by
RS 75 cm and the lowest by RS 90 cm. The highest percentage of market yield had cultivar
Agria by RS 66 and 75 cm, then cultivar Bright (the highest yield was by RS 90 cm, then 75
cm and 66 cm). The least percentage of market tubers was by cultivar Carlingford. There
were no statistical significance. By RS 90 cm was the least number of green tubers, a
little higher by RS 75 cm and the highest by 66 cm. In examining brown spottiness, second
growth, tuber crashing, dry weight and percentage of starch we established that RS did not
have influence on these properties, because they depended on cultivar.
Sensory characteristics of Slovenian honey
The objective of the present study was to assess the sensory quality of Slovenian honey.
Three sensory attributes: colour, odour and aroma of 293 honey samples were
evaluated by an experienced and trained panel of six assessors. Samples were collected in
years 1998 to 2000 and classified to five assorted (acacia, chestnut, fir, lime and
spruce) and four unsorted (flower, forest, blend and Metcalfa pruinosa) honeys. The
analysis of variance showed that between honey types the differences in colour and odour
were statistically significant. The honeys sensory characteristics were generally not
influenced by the production year and different seasonal climatic conditions. Sensory
evaluation can overcome the limitations of chemical and pollen analyses and serve as an
appropriate tool for honey type authentication.
Namen prispevka je predstaviti senzorično kakovost slovenskega medu. Tri senzorične
lastnosti: barva, vonj in aroma so bile ovrednotene z izkušenim panelom šestih
ocenjevalcev. Ocenjenih je bilo 293 sortnih (akacijev, kostanjev, hojev, lipov in smrekov)
in nesortnih (cvetlični, gozdni, mešan in škržatov) medov, zbranih v letih 1998 do
2000. Med različnimi vrstami medu so v barvi in vonju ugotovljene statistično značilne
razlike. Vpliv leta pridelave in različnih klimatskih razmer na senzorične lastnosti
medu ni značilen. S senzorično analizo lahko zadovoljivo odpravimo ali ublažimo
pomanjkljivosti kemijske in pelodne analize pri določanju pristnosti in vrste medu.
Všečnost cvetnih barv pri ljudeh
V raziskavi smo ugotavljali všečnost cvetnih barv na primeru cvetnih barv pri vrtnicah.
V anketni študiji je sodelovalo 77 oseb, različnih starosti, poklicev in obeh spolov.
Preizkušali smo všečnost 12 različnih barv oziroma odtenkov , ki so bile anketirancem
prikazane z 12 barvnimi fotografijami posameznih, različnih sort, večinoma hibridnih
čajevk. Vsak udeleženec je oblikoval svojo rang lestvico všečnosti, izračun
povprečnih rangov je omogočil izdelavo lestvice splošne všečnosti. Anketirancem
najbolj ugaja rdeča cvetna barva oziroma njen škrlatni in temno karminasti odtenek,
sledi oranžna in nato bela. Rumena barva je približno v sredini rang lestvice, med manj
všečne so uvrščene rožnato cvetne sorte in med najmanj lila modre. Ločena obdelava
podatkov glede na spol anketirancev je pokazala razlike v preferencah barv. Ženske so
nekoliko manj naklonjene rdečim barvam, pogosteje se odločajo za rožnate ali lila modre
tone cvetov, moški pa so mnogo bolj naklonjeni rdečim cvetovom, kar se sklada z
rezultati raziskav različnih avtorjev o barvah na splošno.
The study examines people's preferences for flower colors, taking roses as samples. 77
interviewees, male and female, of different ages and professions were asked to
rank 12 color photographs of 12 different colored rose cultivars, mostly
tea hybrids, according to their color preferences. Each participant generated one rating
scale; the calculation of average rankings enabled us to create a scale of generally liked
colors. Scarlet shaded red was the highest rated color, followed by crimson
red, orange and white. The yellow color was situated approximately in the middle of the
rating scale, rose and pink colored flowers were less preferred and lilac blue the least.
Preferences vary according to gender, with women being slightly less favorable to red
colors, more often choosing roseate or lilac blue flowers as pleasing ones. Men are much
more favorable to red colored flowers than women, a fact, which corresponds with results
of different researchers about colors in general.
Subject index of the papers in the Research Reports vol.
79, no. 2
Predmetno kazalo prispevkov v Zborniku let. 79, št. 2
aesthetic value: 391-400
age: 333-341
agrobacterium tumefaciens: 327-332
alliaceae: 343-348
allium cepa: 343-348
androgenesis: 349-359
animal products: 381-389
aphididae: 361-369
asexual reproduction: 349-359
bacteria: 327-332
biological control agents: 343-348
biological properties: 361-369
biopesticides: 343-348
branchwood: 333-341
brassica oleracea capitata: 343-348, 349-359
brassicaceae: 343-348, 349-359
breeding methods: 327-332, 349-359, 361-369
cabbages: 343-348, 349-359
cannabidaceae: 361-369
chemicophysical properties: 381-389
chromosome number: 349-359
colour: 381-389, 391-400
consumer behaviour: 391-400
consumer surveys: 391-400
crop management: 371-379
crop yield: 371-379
crown: 333-341
cut flowers: 391-400
deuteromycotina : 343-348
exudates: 343-348
fertilization: 349-359
flavour: 381-389
forest products: 333-341
fruits: 333-341
fungi: 343-348
gametes: 381-389
gene expression: 327-332
genetic markers: 361-369
genetic transformation: 327-332
gliocladium roseum: 343-348
haploidy: 349-359
heterosis breeding: 349-359
hive products: 381-389
honey: 381-389
hops: 361-369
human behaviour: 391-400
humulus lupulus: 361-369
hybrids: 349-359
inbreeding: 349-359
methods: 381-389
microbial pesticides: 343-348
nicotiana tabacum: 327-332
onions: 343-348
optical properties: 391-400
organoleptic analysis: 381-389
organoleptic properties: 381-389
ornamental plants: 391-400
periodicity: 381-389
pest resistance: 361-369
pesticides: 343-348
phorodon humuli: 361-369
plant anatomy: 349-359
plant breeding: 361-369
plant habit: 333-341
plant products: 391-400
plant vegetative organs: 333-341, 343-348
pollen: 381-389
pollination: 349-359
potatoes: 371-379
prunus avium: 333-341
quality: 333-341, 371-379, 381-389
reproduction: 349-359
resistance to injurious factors: 361-369
rhizobiaceae: 327-332
roots: 343-348
rosa: 391-400
rosaceae: 333-341, 391-400
seasonal variation: 381-389
selection: 327-332, 349-359, 361-369
self pollination: 349-359
sexual reproduction: 349-359
solanaceae: 327-332, 371-379
solanum tuberosum: 371-379
spacing: 371-379
spurs: 333-341
stems: 333-341
surveys: 391-400
testing: 381-389
tree form: 333-341
trichoderma: 343-348
value systems: 391-400
weight: 333-341
wood: 333-341
yields: 371-379
Consumer economics (E7) 391-400
Crop husbandry (F01) 371-379
Cropping patterns and systems (F08) 371-379
Food composition (Q04) 381-389
Pests of plants (H10) 361-369
Plant diseases (H20) 343-348
Plant genetics and breeding (F30) 327-332, 349-359, 361-369
Plant physiology - growth and development (F62) 333-341
Plant structure (F50) 333-341, 391-400