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Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 102(June 2013)1, 5–17.

Agris category codes: L01
COBISS                    1.01

Peter Pavel Glavar's rules for the school of horticulture and bee keeping in Lanšprež in the year 1781

Andrej ŠALEHAR 1

1 Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Fac., Dept. of Animal Science, Groblje 3, SI-1230 Domžale, Slovenia


Peter Pavel Glavar has published his rules for the school of horticulture in Lanšprež as an annex to his paper on advancement of bee keeping in Carniola »Predlog za dvig čebelarstva na Kranjskem«) which was on December 17, 1781 submitted to the Carniolan Agricultural Society. The rules include: plan for regulation of the status of the state teacher of apiculture, regulation for the apprentices, plan for the general api- and horticulture school under auspices of estate Lanšprež and learning plan for the curator. The rules for the school of apiculture, as formulated by Glavar, were not found before. Glavar has among other regulations also defined that teaching should be carried out in local (Slovene) language, bee keeping should be performed in joint apiaries and bee keeping measures should be taken after inspection of bee hives. The rules were not accepted nor approved formally, due to the court decret on abolition of public teachers for apiculture, published on October 31, 1781. Glavar opened the school of apiculture in Lanšprež in 1781.

Key words: apiculture / history / education / Slovenia

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 102(June 2013)1, 19–27.

Agris category codes: L50, L73
COBISS                    1.01
Language: English

Poultry infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae produce antibodies to their cysteine protease CysP

Ivanka CIZELJ, Rebeka Lucijana BERČIČ, Daliborka DUŠANIĆ, Mateja BENČINA, Mojca NARAT, Olga ZORMAN-ROJS, 1

1 Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Fac., Dept. of Animal Science, Groblje 3, SI-1230 Domžale, Slovenia


Major poultry pathogens, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae possess cysteine protease CysP, which in vitro cleaves chicken immunoglobulin G (IgG) into Fab (antigen-binding fragment) and Fc (crystallisable region fragment). We used recombinant CysP of M. synoviae (rCysP) in enzyme immunoassays to detect antibodies to CysP in sera, synovial fluids, and in washings of respiratory tract and oviducts of chickens and turkeys experimentally or naturally infected with M. gallisepticum or M. synoviae. In poultry infected with M. synoviae, 70.4 % of samples contained antibodies reacting with rCysP. In birds infected with M. gallisepticum we detected CysP antibodies in 63.1 % of samples. Our data demonstrate that CysP is immunogenic for chickens and turkeys and indicate that M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae infecting chickens and turkeys synthesise CysP in vivo. This is the first study demonstrating that proteases of any Mycoplasma species can induce production of specific antibodies in the natural host.

Key words: poultry / infections / immunology / immunogenicity / cysteine protease / Mycoplasma synoviae / Mycoplasma gallisepticum

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 102(June 2013)1, 29–38.

Agris category codes: L01, L50
Language: English

Assessing the thermo-tolerance potentials of five commercial layer chicken genotypes under long-term heat stress environment as measured by their performance traits

1, Stefan MAAK, Heinz PINGEL, Gerhard von LENGERKEN

1 Hawassa University, Institute of Animal and Range Sciences, Hawassa, Ethiopia and Hohenheim University, Institute of Animal Nutrition, Emil-Wolfs-Str. 8 & 10, 70599, Stuttgart, Germany


This study was conducted to test the thermo-tolerance ability of five commercial chicken genotypes (Lohmann Brown, LB; Lohmann White, LW; New Hampshire, NH; White Leghorn selected for low feed expenditure, WL-FE and White Leghorn with sex-linked dwarf gene, WL-dw) under long-term heat exposure. Two-hundred forty female chickens were assigned to a completely randomized design in a 5 × 2 factorial arrangements (five genetic groups and two ambient temperatures [thermo-neutral, 18–20 °C; heat stress, 30–32 °C]). Individual eggs were collected on daily basis while egg weight and feed intake were determined on individual and group basis at 28-days intervals, respectively. Shell quality traits were determined at 25, 40 and 56 weeks age. No Genotype × ambient temperature interactions were found except for body weight and egg deformation. Chickens at thermo-neutral temperature produced significantly heavier eggs than those of heat-exposed (60 g vs. 54 g). Hen-housed egg production of chickens in thermo-neutral temperature was significantly higher than those of heat-stressed (76.8 % vs. 66.2 %). Daily egg mass production at thermo-neutral and heat stressed chickens was 46 g and 35.8 g, respectively. Feed consumption in heat-stressed and thermo-neutral chickens was 109 and 80.8 g, respectively. Shell thickness, breaking strength and Haugh unit values were significantly reduced in heat-stressed chickens. Among heat-exposed chickens, the NH had the highest body weight while the LW produced 10 % more eggs than the group average. The heat-induced effect on shell quality traits was lowest in LW chickens. The results indicated that the magnitude of heat stress was breed dependent in which the LB showed poor adaptability to heat stress while both NH and LW genotypes demonstrated better thermo-tolerance ability.

Key words: poultry / laying hens / egg quality / egg production / heat stress / genotype

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 102(June 2013)1, 39–45.

Agris category codes: L51, L73
Language: Slovene

Nutritional needs of donkeys and their most frequent nutrition-related diseases

Valentina ŽALIG, 1, Igor UJČIČ VRHOVNIK, Klementina FON TACER

1 Univ. of. Ljubljana, Veterinary Fac., Institute of hygiene and pathology of animal nutrition, Gerbičeva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


In recent years, the number of donkey’s owners is increasing in Slovenia and in other western countries. Historically, donkeys were used as working animals, in particular in areas where feed was scarce, due to their lower requirements and better endurance compared to horses. In contrast, nowadays donkeys are of little economic value, being primarily kept as pets or companion animals. Despite their similarity, donkeys and horses differ in some critical physiological characteristics that should not be neglected, in particular nutrition and feeding strategy. Donkeys have evolved to live in semi-arid environments in Sub-Saharan Africa with only poor quality, highly fibrous vegetation. In our environment they have to be carefully fed not to become overweight that can lead to several metabolic disorders. The lack of physical activity, rich diet and absence of nutritional requirements for donkeys that have been until recently extrapolated from horse nutrition are some of the main reasons for increasing overweight and obesity incidence among donkeys in developed world. In the review article we present the important characteristics of donkey’s nutrition and digestion, current understanding of donkey nutrient requirements in comparison to horses and obesity related comorbidities, such as hyperlipidemia, laminitis and equine metabolic syndrome.

Key words: donkeys / animal nutrition / metabolic diseases / equine metabolic syndrome / obesity

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 102(June 2013)1, 47–54.

Agris category codes: Q05
Language: English

Vitamin and mineral nutritional status of healthy pregnant women improved by nutrient supplements


1 Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Fac., Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Including varied and healthy food in daily diet that contains adequate amounts of nutrients is vital during pregnancy, especially when there is an increased requirement for several micronutrients. The aim of this study was to evaluate vitamin and mineral status of healthy pregnant women (N = 69) and to determine whether nutrient supplements improve their nutritional status. The evaluation of nutritional status was done by Prodi 5.7 Expert Plus computer programme and IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 for statistical analysis. Nutrient intake of vitamins C, D, E, folic acid and minerals iron, iodine, calcium and sodium were compared with Reference values for nutrient intake (2004). Results of our study show that the most problematic nutrients are folate, iron and vitamin D. Intake of vitamins and minerals with food is of concern, as 46.4 % of all participants are indicated as women with poor nutritional status (sufficient in two or less nutrients), moreover none of them met the demand for six out of seven studied nutrients. Taking supplementation into account, 27.5 % of participants covered the need for six or more nutrients, however almost a quarter of studied subjects still remain in the group with poor nutritional status. In conclusion among participants who decided to take supplements, the vast majority of them improved their vitamin-mineral status moreover few of them improved their status significantly. Therefore the use of nutrient supplements could on average improve vitamin-mineral status as intake with a diet is obviously inadequate.

Key words: human nutrition / nutritional status / pregnant women / micronutrient intake / nutrient supplements

Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 102(June 2013)1, 55–63.

Agris category codes: E70
COBISS                    1.01
Language: Slovene

Outlook of European integration processes’ market effects applying partial equilibrium model – the case of Macedonia [*]


1 Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Fac., Dept. of Animal Science, Groblje 3, SI-1230 Domžale, Slovenia


A dynamic mostly recursive synthetic partial equilibrium model is developed to assess the consequences of integration and reform processes on agriculture markets. A series of single equations representing markets for grains and livestock produce an inter-linked system. The system of equation for each commodity is solved through the net trade. Domestic prices are linked to EU prices by price transmission equations. Prices and policy instruments determine levels of production and consumption across commodities. Parameters are synthetically determined due to scarce and unreliable data. Developed model was tested for Macedonian (FYRM) agriculture. Despite highlighted problems, the impact multipliers prove that the complete system can respond to exogenous shocks as was a priori expected, given biological and economic constraints. The baseline incorporates continuation of domestic agricultural policy coupled to production and price paths that closely follow the EU ones. In case FYRM joins the EU in 2015, three alternative scenarios were analysed. If the price convergence scenario were realized, the production of all agricultural products would increase and consumption would fall due to their higher prices, except for pork where prices are implying opposite outcomes. Alternatively, the CAP scenario assumes new (decoupled) measures as well as larger agricultural budget, so the production of all agricultural commodities except pork would increase. This would, in turn, lead to substantial increase of feedstuffs demands, while the increase in demands for meat would be marginal. If both scenarios would occur at the same time, all results would mainly be aggregated effects of both separate scenarios with some minor differences due to sub-markets interactions.

Key words: agriculture /partial equilibrium model / agricultural markets / scenario analysis / Macedonia

[*] This article is a part of the doctoral dissertation »A partial equilibrium model of agricultural markets for estimating the economic effects of integration and reform processes« issued by Darja Regoršek, Ph.D., supervisor Prof. Emil Erjavec, Ph.D.


University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty