ISSN 0459-6404 |
Ljubljana, 1996 |
Supplement 24 |
(according to experimental issue FAO/AGRIS)
Agrindex code |
Name of the
categories |
Page of the
primary source |
E10 |
economics and policies |
13–14, 15–24,
235–243 |
N01 |
egineering |
155–164, 185–188 |
N20 |
machinery and equipment |
111–119, 171–176 |
L73 |
Animal diseases |
87–92, 93–96,
97–104, 105–109, 111–119 |
L02 |
Animal feeding |
121–126, 127–139,
141–146, 147–153 |
L10 |
Animal genetics
and breeding |
53–60, 71–76,
77–80, 81–85 |
L01 |
Animal husbrandy |
13–14, 15–24,
25–29, 31–37, 39–45, 47–51, 165–170 |
L51 |
Animal physiology
- Nutrition |
127–139, 141–146,
147–153, 339–344 |
L50 |
Animal physiology
and biochemistry |
147–153 |
G850 |
Austria |
25–29, 333–337 |
5212 |
Bovines, cattle -
general |
87–92 |
9430 |
Cheeses |
177–183, 195–203,
231–234 |
5214 |
Dairy cattle |
47–51, 71–76,
77–80, 93–96, 111–119,
171–176 |
S30 |
Diet and
diet-related diseases |
339–344 |
C30 |
Documentation and
information |
31–37, 77–80,
185–188, 189–194 |
G810 |
Europe |
15–24 |
G020 |
communities |
25–29, 333–337,
345–349 |
Q55 |
Feed additives |
141–146 |
Q54 |
Feed composition |
121–126, 127–139,
147–153 |
1930 |
Feed grasses |
121–126, 127–139 |
9415 |
Fermented milk,
sour milk, yoghurt |
205–214, 303–309,
311–322, 323–331 |
Q05 |
Food additives |
215–222, 223–230 |
Q04 |
Food composition |
39–45, 53–60,
61–69, 81–85, 93–96,97–104, 105–109, 147–153, 165–170, 171–176,
177–183, 185–188, 189–194, 195–203, 215–222, 223–230, 231–234,
235–243, 245–253, 255–263, 265–271, 273–278, 279–283, 289–295,
297–302, 303–309, 311–322, 323–331, 333–337, 339–344, 345–349 |
Q03 |
contamination and toxicology |
255–263 |
Q02 |
Food processing
and preservation |
215–222, 223–230,
235–243, 323–331, 333–337 |
Q01 |
Food science and
technology |
13–14, 15–24,
25–29, 31–37, 155–164, 205–214, 215–222, 223–230, 231–234, 235–243,
245–253, 255–263, 265–271, 273–278, 279–283, 311–322 |
G854 |
Germany |
297–302 |
S01 |
Human nutrition |
323–331, 333–337,
339–344 |
D50 |
Legislation and
standardization |
285–288, 297–302,
345–349 |
9410 |
Milk and cream |
39–45, 47–51,
53–60, 61–69, 77–80, 81–85, 93–96, 97–104, 105–109, 147–153,
155–164, 171–176, 185–188, 205–214, 273–278, 297–302, 323–331,
339–344, 345–349 |
9400 |
Milk products -
general |
13–14, 15–24,
25–29, 31–37, 189–194, 235–243, 245–253, 255–263, 279–283, 285–288,
289–295, 333–337 |
G916 |
Netherlands |
155–164 |
T01 |
Pollution |
235–243 |
E16 |
economics |
53–60, 71–76 |
5240 |
Sheep |
75–80, 97–104 |
8952 |
Silages |
141–146 |
U40 |
Surveying methods |
61–69, 155–164,
165–170, 185–188, 189–194, 279–283, 303–309 |
J13 |
storage and protection of animal products |
289–295, 311–322 |
9417 |
Whey |
265–271 |