
Letnik 87

Ljubljana, 2006

Številka 2

 First results concerning the efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against Hercinothrips femoralis (Reuter)

Stanislav Trdan, Luka Kužnik, Matej Vidrih


The efficacy of the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora against larvae and adults of banded greenhouse thrips, Hercinothrips femoralis, was studied under laboratory conditions. The activity of the biological agents under study was determined at three different temperatures (15, 20, and 25°C), with concentration of 200 infective juveniles per individual (larva or adult), a day:night ratio of 4:20 and relative humidity of 95 %. The experiment was conducted in plastic rearing vessels on French bean leaves with a slightly modified version of a method used for studying the bionomics of thrips.  The mortality rate of the thrips was determined four days after the application of the nematode suspension. Temperature had significant influence on adult pest mortality, but no significant effects were found with nematode species. Neither temperature nor nematode species had significant effect on larval mortality, which ranged from 23 % (S. feltiae at 25°C) to approximately 50 % (H. bacteriophora at 15 and 25°C). Mortality of adults was significantly influenced only by temperature, with the nematodes being most efficient at 25°C (approximately 30 % mortality by H. bateriophora). The results of our research showed that foliar application of entomopathogenic nematodes might be a relatively efficient way for controlling H. femoralis, but the optimization of environmental factors would likely improve their efficacy further.


 Prvi rezultati učinkovitosti entomopatogenih ogorčic za zatiranje resarja Hercinothrips femoralis (Reuter)

V laboratorijskih razmerah smo preučevali učinkovitost entomopatogenih ogorčic Steinernema feltiae in Heterorhabditis bacteriophora za zatiranje ličink in odraslih osebkov resarja Hercinothrips femoralis. Delovanje ogorčic na žuželko smo ugotavljali pri treh različnih temperaturah (15, 20 in 25°C), koncentraciji 200 infektivnih ličink/osebek, razmerjem med svetlobo in temo 4:20 in 95% relativni zračni vlagi. Poskus smo izvajali v plastičnih gojitvenih posodicah na fižolovih listih, z rahlo modificirano metodo, ki je bila primarno razvita za raziskave bionomije resarjev. Štiri dni po aplikaciji suspenzije ogorčic smo ugotavljali smrtnost izpostavljenih resarjev. Med vrstama ogorčic nismo ugotovili signifikantnih razlik v delovanju na škodljivca. Vrsta ogorčic in temperatura nista imeli signifikantnega vpliva na smrtnost ličink, ki je znašala od 23% (S. feltiae pri 25°C) do približno 50% (H. bacteriophora pri 15 in 25°C). Smrtnost odraslih osebkov je bila signifikantno determinirana le s temperaturo, pri čemer so bile ogorčice najbolj učinkovite pri 25°C (približno 30% smrtnost pri H. bacteriophora). Rezultati naše raziskave kažejo, da je lahko foliarna aplikacija preučevanih biotičnih agensov relativno učinkovit način zatiranja resarja H. femoralis, z optimiziranjem okoljskih dejavnikov pa je mogoče njihovo učinkovitost še izboljšati.       

Yield and quality of early cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) in response to within-row plant spacing



The plant spacing of early cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) was studied at the Experimental Field of the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana, during the 2001 and 2002 growing season. The cultivars, which included ‘Vestri’, ‘Parel’, ‘Delphi’, ‘Destiny’ and ‘Hermes’, were each spaced at 20, 30 and 40 cm within rows and 30 cm between rows or populations equivalent to 166,000, 108,000 and 82,000 plants ha-1. The experimental variables measured were marketable yield (per head and per hectare), yield characteristics (head diameter and head volume), quality characteristics (core volume, head density, soluble solids and dry matter) and onion thrips damage ratings. There was no interaction effect of cultivar and planting spacing on the measured variables. Marketable yield per head, head diameter and volume, core volume and head density generally increased as the within-row plant spacing increased, whereas, dry matter was significantly decreased at lower plant spacing. Soluble solids were not affected by plant spacing. The yield potential of cabbage was higher at cv. ‘Vestri’ than at the other cultivars. The onion thrips damage rating was severe at the lowest plant spacing and contributed to the reduced yield. A higher damage rating was established in the cv. ‘Parel’ but this didn't have a statistically significant influence on the weight loss of yield.



Poskus s sadilnimi razdaljami zgodnjega zelja (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) je bil opravljen na Laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške fakultete v letih 2001 in 2002. Medvrstna razdalja za pet kultivarjev zelja (‘Vestri’, ‘Parel’, ‘Delphi’, ‘Destiny’ in ‘Hermes’) je znašala 30 cm, medtem ko so bile razdalje v vrsti 20, 30 in 40 cm, kar, preračunano na površino enega ha, pomeni 166.000, 108.000 oz. 82.000 rastlin. Ugotavljali smo tržni pridelek (na glavo in na ha), lastnosti pridelka (premer glave in prostornino glave), kvalitativne lastnosti (prostornino vretena, gostoto glave, suho snov in sušino) in ocenili poškodbe, ki jih je povzročil tobakov resar. Med dejavnikoma kultivar in gostota sajenja ni prišlo do interakcije, ki bi vplivala na opazovane lastnosti. Tržni pridelek glav, premer in prostornina glav, prostornina vreten in gostota glav so na splošno naraščali z večanjem razdalje v vrsti, medtem ko se je pri najmanjši gostoti sušina značilno zmanjšala. Sadilna razdalja ni vplivala na vsebnost suhe snovi. Cv. ‘Vestri’ se je v primerjavi z preostalimi kultivarji izkazal kot kultivar z možnostjo doseganja najvišjih pridelkov. Poškodbe, ki jih je povzročil tobakov resar, so bile največe pri najmanjši sadilni razdalji in so bile razlog za zmanjšanje pridelka. Največ poškodb je pretrpel cv. ‘Parel’, a to ni statistično značilno vplivalo na izgubo pridelka. 

Relationship between water-soluble carbohydrate composition of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) and damage levels of onion thrips  

Dragan ŽNIDARČIČ, Rajko VIDRIH, Mateja GERM, Dean BAN, Stanislav TRDAN  


The impact of water-soluble carbohydrate composition in relation to damage levels of onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindeman), were studied under field conditions at the Experimental Field of the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana on 7 cabbage cultivar (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata). Onion thrips showed weak preference on cabbage heads with high amount of total carbohydrate, fructose and glucose and higher preference on heads with high concentration of sucrose. While amount of total carbohydrate, fructose and glucose were negatively correlated with damage levels (r2 = -0.7667; r2 = -0.6947; r2 = -0.8263), sucrose amount was not. There was a strong positively relationship between sucrose amount and the level of plants infested (r2 = +0.7378). The cv.‘Hinova’, which had the highest amount of total carbohydrate, showed itself to be the most resistant to the onion thrips.



Vpliv sestave vodotopnih ogljikovih hidratov na poškodbe, ki jih povzroča tobakov resar (Thrips tabaci Lindeman), smo proučevali na 7 kultivarjih zelja (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata), vzgojenih na Laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani. Tobakov resar je pokazal majhno preferenco do zeljnih glav, ki imajo visoko vsebnost skupnih ogljikovih hidratov, fruktoze in glukoze, in veliko preferenco do glav z visoko vsebnostjo saharoze. Medtem ko je vsebnost skupnih ogljikovih hidratov, fruktoze in glukoze negativno korelirala z indeksom poškodb (r2 = -0,7667; r2 = -0,6947; r2 = -0,8263), pa to ni veljalo za saharozo. Med koncentracijo saharoze in poškodovanimi listi je bila namreč ugotovljena močno značilna pozitivna povezava (r2 = +0,7378). Cv. ‘Hinova’, ki je vseboval največji delež skupnih ogljikovih hidratov, se je pokazal kot najbolj odporen kultivar na napad tobakovega resarja.


Crop management systems and endomycorrhiza effects on endive (Cichorium endivia L.) growth

Dean BAN, Milan OPLANIĆ, Anita Silvana ILAK PERŠURIĆ, Bruno NOVAK, Ivanka ŽUTIĆ, Josip BOROŠIĆ, Dragan ŽNIDARČIČ


The goal of this research was to determine the influence of crop management systems, (organic, sustainable and conventional) and endomycorrhiza on vegetative growth of endive (Cichorium endivia L.) grown on fields in order to use PE mulch after lettuce crop. During 2002 and 2003 a two-factor trial with three repetitions and split-plot design was set up in Pula (Croatia). Main factor “crop management” had three levels (organic, sustainable and conventional); while the sub factor “mycorrhiza” had two levels (endive seedlings inoculated with endomycorrhizal fungus and non-inoculated seedlings). Endive was planted after lettuce harvesting on the set PE mulch in conventional and integrated management, while in organic management it was planted after tilling lettuce rests and plant mulch (fodder pea and common vetch). Fertilization (by fertirigation) and crop protection were performed according to basic principles of organic, sustainable and conventional crop management system. Neither mycorrhiza nor production systems had no significant influence on plant density, diameter and mass of heads, and marketable yields. The biggest endive head diameter had non-inoculated endive plants in first year of research, while in the second year this feature was not significant. Production system had no significant influence on head diameter. The sustainable production system had the most marketable endive heads, while the organic system had most non-marketable heads in the first research year, while in the second this feature was not significant. Mycorrhiza had no influence on this feature.


Vpliv načina gojenja in endomikorize na rast endivije (Cichorium endivia L.)


Cilj raziskave je bil primerjati vplive ekološkega, integriranega in konvencionalnega gojenja endivije (Cichorium endivia L.) ter vpliv endomikorize na njeno rast. Endivija je bila gojena na PE zastirki kot naknadni posevek po solati. V letih 2002 in 2003 je bil dvofaktorski poskus v treh ponovitvah s split-plot zasnovo postavljen v Pulju (Hrvaška). Glavni dejavnik “način gojenja” je vseboval tri ravni (ekološki, integrirani in konvencionalni način), medtem ko je drugi dejavnik imal dve ravni (sadike endivije, inokulirane z endomikorizno glivo, in sadike brez inokuluma). Endivija je bila posajena po pobiranju solate na PE zastirko v konvencionalni in integrirani proizvodnji, medtem ko je bila v ekološki proizvodnji posajena po zaoravanju ostankov solate in rastlinske zastirke (krmni grah in navadna grašica). Gnojenje (fertiirigacija) in varstvo pred boleznimi ter škodljivci so temeljili na priporočenih metodah za ekološko integrirano in konvencionalno gojenje. Mikoriza in način gnojenja nista značilno vplivala na gostoto rastlin, premer in težo glav ter tržni pridelek. Največji premer glav so imele rastline, gojene brez inokuluma, v prvem letu raziskave, medtem ko v drugem letu med rastlinami ni bilo značilnih razlik. Način gojenja ni vplival na premer glav. Največje število tržnih glav je bilo v prvem letu doseženih v integriranem načinu, medtem ko je ekološki način dal največje število netržnih glav. Drugo leto poskusa se ta lastnost ni značilno pokazala na rastlinah. Prav tako tudi mikoriza ni vplivala na to lastnost.

Transpiration of the 'Rebula' cuttings (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted on three different rootstocks (Vitis sp.)



The purpose of the investigation was to determine the use of water in grafted vines (Vitis vinifera L.) in dependence on the vine (Vitis sp.) rootstocks. The local vine variety 'Rebula' was grafted on three different rootstocks (Vitis sp.): (1) on the 'Rebula' (Vitis vinifera L.) vine itself, (2) on the rootstock 196/17 Castel' [(Vitis vinifera 'Mourvèdre' x Vitis rupestris '1202 Couderc') x Vitis riparia 'Gloire'] and (3) on the rootstock 'Börner' (Vitis riparia x Vitis cinerea). Daily transpiration was calculated as a difference in the pot mass between the day of measurement and the previous day. Daily differences in the use of water were compared with leaf area and meteorological data (temperature, duration of sun light). Stem water potential (SWP) and, at the end of the trial, leaf area and mass of individual parts of plant (roots, shoot) were determined using destructive method. The dynamics of water used per leaf area unit showed the trend of reduction and the response to the changing meteorological conditions. No statistically significant differences in SWP, leaf area and water used were noticed between rootstocks, however, they existed in the final mass of shoot and roots. 



Namen raziskave je bil določiti porabo vode pri enoletnih cepljenkah vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L.) v odvisnosti od podlage vinske trte (Vitis sp.). Lokalno vinsko sorto 'Rebula' smo cepili na tri različne podlage: (1) na samo sebe, 'Rebula' (Vitis vinifera L.), (2) podlago '196/17 Castel' [(Vitis vinifera 'Mourvèdre' x Vitis rupestris '1202 Couderc') x Vitis riparia 'Gloire'] in (3) podlago 'Börner' (Vitis riparia x Vitis cinerea). Dnevna transpiracija je bila izračunana kot razlika v masi lonca z rastlino, med dnevom merjenja in predhodnim dnevom. Dnevne razlike v porabi vode smo primerjali z listno površino in meteorološkimi podatki (temperatura, sončno obsevanje). Določili smo vodni potencial stebla (SWP), na koncu poskusa pa, z destruktivno metodo, listno površino in maso posameznih delov rastlin (korenine, poganjek). Dinamika porabe vode na enoto listne površine je pokazala odziv na spremenljive meteorološke razmere in trend zniževanja. Med podlagami nismo opazili statistično značilnih razlik v vodnem potencialu stebla, listni površini in porabi vode, statistično značilne razlike med podlagami so obstajale le v končni masi poganjka in korenin.


Effect of late season boron spray on boron accumulation and fruit set of ‘Summit‘ and ‘Hedelfinger’ sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.)

Valentina USENIK, Franci ŠTAMPAR


The influence of late-season boron (B) application on the bud B concentration and fruit set was studied in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). The experiment was carried out on 5-year-old ‘Summit’ and ‘Hedelfinger’ trees on rootstock Gisela 5 in Fruit Growing centre Gačnik.  Trees were sprayed with B (1% Bortrack) or water (control). Differences in B concentration were measured between cultivars, the highest content in ‘Hedelfinger’ buds. Boron application resulted in increased B concentration in flower buds. Fruit set was influenced with cultivar, boron application and micro location. Fruit set was statistically higher in ‘Hedelfinger’ than in ‘Summit’ trees. The results showed that B fertilization had no effect on fruit set of ‘Summit’ despite increased concentration of boron by 94.8% in dormant flower buds. Foliar boron spraying of ‘Hedelfinger’ was effective in increasing B concentration (by 157.2%) and fruit set on half trees.




Vpliv foliarno dodanega bora (B) v jeseni na koncentracijo bora v brstih in na delež oploditve smo proučevali pri češnji (Prunus avium L.).  Poskus smo izvedli na 5 let starih drevesih sort ‘Summit’ in ‘Hedelfinger’ na podlagi Gisela 5 v Sadjarskem centru Gačnik. Drevesa smo poškropili z borom (1 % Bortrack) ali z vodo (kontrola). Ugotovili smo značilne razlike v koncentraciji bora med proučevanima sortama, večje koncentracije pri sorti ‘Hedelfinger’. Foliarna prehrana z B je vplivala na večjo koncentracijo bora v brstih obeh sort. Ugotovili smo, da so na delež oploditve vplivali  sorta, aplikacija z borom in mikro lokacija. Delež oploditve je bil pri sorti ‘Hedelfinger’ značilno večji kot pri sorti ‘Summit’. Foliarna prehrana z borom pri sorti ‘Summit’ ni vplivala na delež oploditve, čeprav se je koncentracija bora v brstih po aplikaciji povečala za  94,8%. Pri sorti ‘Hedelfinger’ se je po škropljenju z borom koncentracija bora v brstih povečala za  157,2%, delež oploditve pa je bil večji le na polovici poskusnih dreves.


Effect of coir pith based cyanobacterial basal and foliar biofertilizer on Basella rubra L.



The growth promoting effect of basal and foliar application of coir pith based cyanobacterial biofertilizer on Basella rubra L. was determined by analyzing the morphological and biochemical parameters of the control and test plants after treatment. Compared to control plants test plants showed better height, stem circumference, number of branches, number of leaves and number of flowers. Biochemical analysis of test and control plants also revealed similar increase of parameters in test sample. Thus, from our study we recommend cyanobacteria be considered as a serious contender in the field of biofertilizer.


Vpliv biognojila iz ostankov kokosovih orehov in cianobakterij na ZDRAVILNO zelIŠČE Basella rubra L.

Raziskan je bil vpliv biognojila, dobljenega iz ostankov kokosovih orehov in predelanega s pomočjo cianobakterij na rast rastlin zdravilnega zelišča Basella rubra L. Avtorji so analizirali morfološke in biokemične parameter rastlin tretiranih z gnojilom in kontrolnih rastlin. S preparatom tretirane rastline so bile višje, imele so debelejše steblo, bile so bolj razvejane in imele več listov in cvetov. S cianobakterijami obdelani organski ostanki po predelavi kokosovih orehov bi lahko bili pomembna osnova za pridobivanje biognojil.

Selenium and plants

Mateja GERM, Vekoslava STIBILJ


Selenium is of metabolic importance in cyanobacteria and in some plants, being involved in their antioxidative processes. Selenium is widely distributed on the Earth’s surface and available for plants in at least small traces. Cultivation of plants enriched with selenium could be an effective way of producing selenium rich foodstuffs and thereby increase health benefits. The essentiality of selenium to higher plants is still under debate. Selenium can increase the tolerance of plants to UV-induced oxidative stress, delay senescence, and promote the growth of ageing seedlings. Recently it has been shown that selenium has the ability to regulate the water status of plants under conditions of drought. The distribution and speciation of selenium in plants and the effect of selenium alone and in combination with some other environmental parameters is discussed.



Selen ima pomembno vlogo pri antioksidativnih procesih cianobakterij in nekaterih rastlin. Selen je široko razžirjen po zemeljski obli in na razpolago rastlinam vsaj v majhnih količinah. Gojenje rastlin, obogatenih s selenom, je učinkovit način dodajanja selena ljudem in izboljšanju zdravja. V znanstvenem svetu poteka debata, ali je selen potreben za rastline. Obstajajo pa dokazi, da selen pri rastlinah pospešuje antioksidacijsko aktivnost, zavira procese, povezane s staranjem in omili stres zaradi visoke svetlobe in tudi suše. V članku je opisana sposobnost rastlin za akumulacijo selena in vpliv selena v kombinaciji za nekaterimi drugimi okoljskimi dejavniki na rastline.


Antibacterial activity of Mentha piperita L. (peppermint) from leaf extracts – a medicinal plant



 In the present study, we evaluated the antibacterial activity in the leaf extracts of Mentha piperita L. against pathogenic bacteria like Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aureus, Pseudomonas aerogenosa, Serratia marcesens and Streptococcus aureus. The aqueous as well as organic extracts of the leaves were found to posses strong antibacterial activity against a range of pathogenic bacteria as revealed by in vitro agar well diffusion method. The ethyl acetate leaf extract of Mentha piperita showed pronounced inhibition than chloroform, petroleum ether and water, leaf extracts being more on Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aerogenosa than Streptococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aureus and Serratia marcesens.



Ocenjena je bila antibakterijska aktivnost listnega ekstrakta poprove mete (Mentha piperita L.) na patogene bakterije Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aureus, Pseudomonas aerogenosa, Serratia marcesens in Streptococcus aureus. Tako vodni ekstrakti, kot ekstrakti dobljeni z organskimi topili so imeli močan protibakterijski učinek proti vrsti patogenih bakterij v agarju po in vitro metodi. Listni ekstrakt poprove mete, dobljen z etilnim actetatom je imel bolj izrazit učinek kot ekstrakti dobljeni s kloroformom, etrom ali vodo, bolje so učinkovali na Bacillus subtilis in Pseudomonas aerogenosa kot na Streptococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aureus in Serratia marcesens.


The characteristics of conventional and organic farmers in Podravska region

Andrej UDOVČ, Anton PERPAR


The paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey on adoption of organic farming in Podravska region. The survey was conducted on the sample of 58 organic farms and 99 conventional farms in the year 2005. The results show certain differences among both groups of farms in information adoption and attitudes towards nature sustainability. Both groups of farms use different information sources, and are members in different associations. Also the level of environmental awareness is higher by organic farmers but in many other characteristics the differences are not significant. The analysis of future plans of conventional farmers also revealed a significant proportion of farms which are undecided regarding the conversion of their farms to organic agriculture in the next 10 years.



Prispevek podaja rezultate anketne raziskave o sprejemanju ekološkega kmetijstva v Podravju. Raziskava je zajela vzorec 58 ekoloških in 99 konvencionalnih kmetij v letu 2005. Rezultati kažejo določene razlike med obema preučevanima skupinama kmetij glede iskanja in uporabe informacij, in odnosa do trajnosti naravnega okolja. Tako kmetje iz posamezne skupine uporabljajo različne informacijske vire in so člani različnih združenj. Tudi raven okoljske zavesti je višja pri ekoloških kmetih, pri mnogih ostalih značilnostih pa ni bilo opaziti signifikantnih razlik. Analiza prihodnjih načrtov konvencionalnih kmetov je razkrila, da je velik delež takih, ki so neopredeljeni glede možnosti konverzije svoje kmetije v ekološko v prihodnjih 10 letih.

The Occurrence of some Lepidopterous species on the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) at Istanbul-Belgrad Forest in Turkey

H. Huseyin CEBECI, Sabiha ACER


The occurrence of some Lepidopterous species was determined between 2004 and 2005 on the horse chestnuts of Istanbul-Belgrad Forest in Turkey. The following eleven pests of the horse chestnut were recorded: Cameraria ohridella (Deschka & Dimic, 1986) (Gracillariidae), Archips crataegana (Hübner, 1799), A. podana (Scopoli, 1763), A. xylosteana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Tortricidae), Crocallis elinguaria (Linnaeus, 1758), Ennomos quercaria ([Hübner], [1812]), E. quercinaria (Hufnagel, 1767), Erannis defoliaria (Clerck, 1759), Operophtera brumata (Linnaeus, 1758), Pachycnemia hippocastanaria (Hübner, 1799) (Geometridae) and Amphipyra pyramidea  (Linnaeus, 1758) (Noctuidae).



V letih 2004 in 2005 je bil ugotovljen  pojav vrst Lepidopter na divjem kostanju v gozdu Istanbul-Belgrad v Turčiji. Ugotovljenih je bilo naslednjih enajst škodljivcev: Cameraria ohridella (Deschka & Dimic, 1986) (Gracillariidae), Archips crataegana (Hübner, 1799), A. podana (Scopoli, 1763), A. xylosteana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Tortricidae), Crocallis elinguaria (Linnaeus, 1758), Ennomos quercaria ([Hübner], [1812]), E. quercinaria (Hufnagel, 1767), Erannis defoliaria (Clerck, 1759), Operophtera brumata (Linnaeus, 1758), Pachycnemia hippocastanaria (Hübner, 1799) (Geometridae) and Amphipyra pyramidea  (Linnaeus, 1758) (Noctuidae).


A case of infection on the scion of grafted tomatoes by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica




This is a preliminary communication reporting on a case where the scion of a grafted tomato in a greenhouse crop of Crete became infected by the root–knot nematode  Meloidogyne javanica



Predhodno poročilo o primeru, da je cepič cepljenega paradižnika v rastlinjaku na Kreti okužila nematoda Meloidogyne javanica


Response of onion (Allium cepa L.) to combined application of biological and chemical nitrogenous fertilizers

Tesfaye BALEMI, Netra PAL, Anil Kumar SAXENA 


A field experiment was conducted during the summer season of 2000-2001 at the Vegetable Research Farm of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (I.A.R.I.), New Delhi (India) to test the efficacy of three Azotobacter strains as a potential supplement to nitrogenous fertilizer in improving growth and yield of onion cv. Pusa Madhvi. The treatments consisted of factorial combination of four levels of nitrogen (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg N ha-1) and three Azotobacter strains (CBD-15, AS-4 and M-4) with two uninoculated controls one with full dose of N (100 kg ha -1) and the other without NPK. Application of 75 kg N ha-1 along with inoculation of CBD-15 was found to have significantly increased most of the growth and yield parameters, soil available nitrogen, and nitrogen content in the bulb followed by M-4 inoculation as compared to application of full dose of nitrogen without the inoculation. Days to bulb initiation were significantly reduced due to inoculation with CBD-15 or M-4 along with 50 kg N ha-1 whereas days to bulb maturity were significantly reduced due to inoculation with any of the strains along with the same N rate (50 kg ha-1) as compared to application of full dose of nitrogen without the inoculation. The finding demonstrated a saving of 50 kg N ha-1 without significantly affecting yield and an average increase of 13.5% marketable yield due to Azotobacter inoculation in the presence of 75 kg N ha-1.



V  letih 2000-2001 je bil na Vegetable Research Farm, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (I.A.R.I.), New Delhi (India) izveden poskus za preverjanje učinkovitost treh sojev Azotobacter kot možnih dodatkov k uporabi dušičnih gnojil, da bi se izboljšalo rast in pridelek pri čebuli cv. Pusa Madhvi. Poskus je vključeval faktorske kombinacije štirih ravni preskrbljenosti z dušikom (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg N ha-1) in tri genotipe Azotobacter  (CBD-15, AS-4 and M-4), z dvema neinokuliranima kontrolama, od tega eno z odmerkom N (100 kg ha -1) in drugo brez gnojenja z NPK. Aplikacija 75 kg N ha-1 je skupaj z inokulacijo CBD-15 dala pomembno povečanje večine parametrov rasti in pridelka, v tleh dostopnega dušika in vsebosti dušika v čebulah po inokulaciji z M-4 , v primerjavi z aplikacijo polnega odmerka dušika a brez inokulacije. Število dni do začetka tvorbe čebul je bilo značilno manjše pri inokulaciji z CBD-15 ali M-4 , skupaj z odmerkom 50 kg N ha-1. Število dni do zrelih čebul je bilo značilno manjše pri inokulaciji s katerim koli genotipom pri enakem odmerku N (50 kg ha-1), v primerjavi s polnim odmerkom dušika brez inokulacije. Ugotovitve kažejo prihranek 50 kg N ha-1 brez značilnega znižanja pridelka. Ugotovljeno je povprečno povečanje tržnega pridelka za 13,5% pri inokulaciji z Azotobacter-jem in odmerku 75 kg N ha-1.

Rural tourism and protected areas – factors to increase resilience of rural areas 

Anton PERPAR, Andrej UDOVČ


The study analysed the influence of presence of protected area on the vulnerability and resilience of the surrounding region in different socio-economic and natural shocks and perturbations. For the study two areas were selected: area of Triglav national park (TNP), as area with highly diversified rural tourism and area of Kozjansko regional park (KRP) as area with low level of rural tourism diversification. The primary data collection was conducted with use of in-depth interviews among relevant stakeholders. In each area some interviews were carried out, where some interviews were representing multiple stakeholders also. The results of the analysis mostly confirmed our hypothesis. We could recognize that the diversity of actors and social roles are essential as sources of stabilty, resilience, robustness and integrity in the social dimension of natural resource management, that an ecological regime shift or collapse does not necessarily result in a regime-shift or collapse of the social-ecological system, that an adaptive governance framework relies critically on the collaboration of a diverse set of stakeholders operating at different social and ecological scales, that good governance of the socio-economic domain does not necessarily imply maintaining a stable / resilient / robust / integer social-ecological system and that institutions, social networks and organisation interact across scales. On the other hand a hypothesis that more diverse tourism leads to higher stabilty, resilience, robustness and integrity of social-ecological systems was not confirmed.



V raziskavi je bil preučevan vpliv prisotnosti zavarovanega območja na ranljivost in prožnost širše regije ob različnih socio-ekonomskih in naravnih šokih in motnjah. Raziskava je bila izpeljana na območju Triglavskega narodnega parka (TNP), kot območju z visoko stopnjo raznolikosti turistične ponudbe in Kozjanskega regijskega parka (KRP), kot območja z ozkim spektrom turistične ponudbe. Primarni podatki so bili zbrani s poglobljenimi intervjuji z glavnimi akterji. V vsakem območju smo izvedli več intervjujev, pri čemer so v posameznih primerih intervjuvanci zastopali tudi po več deležnikov. Rezultati analize so pretežno potrdili zastavljene raziskovalne hipoteze. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je raznolikost aktivnih udeležencev in socialnih vlog bistvenega pomena kot vir stabilnosti, prožnosti, žilavosti in celovitosti družbene komponente upravljanja z naravnimi viri; da sprememba ali propad ekološkega režima ne pomeni nujno spremembe ali propada socio-ekološkega sistema; da je adaptivni okvir vodenja kritično odvisen od sodelovanja med različnimi akterji na različnih družbenih in okoljskih ravneh; da uspešno upravljanje socio-ekonomskega področja ne pomeni nujno tudi ohranjanja stabilnega / prožnega / žilavega in celovitega socio-ekološkega sistema in da inštitucije, družbena omrežja in organizacije medsebojno sodelujejo preko večih ravni. Na drugi strani je bilo ugotovljeno, da različna raven diverzifikacije turistične ponudbe ne prispeva k višji ravni stabilnosti, prožnosti, žilavosti in celovitosti socio-ekološkega sistema.

Grafični prikaz besedilnih pomenov v znanstvenem članku o varstvu zelja (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)



Glavni namen pričujočega prispevka je osvetliti vprašanje besedilnih vzorcev v znanstvenem članku s področja varstva zelja (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata). Teoretično izhodišče za analizo je sporočilna semantika, ki se naslanja na sistemsko-funkcijski model jezika. V prispevku so uporabljene metode besedilne analize v povezavi z orodji korpusnega jezikoslovja. Pri beleženju jezikoslovnih značilnosti, nanizanih v linearnem poteku besedila, ki bi jim težko sledili z ročnim označevanjem, nam je v pomoč oblikoslovni označevalnik za slovenščino, izdelan na Inštitutu za slovenski jezik ZRC SAZU, pri izpisovanju jezikoslovnih značilnosti besedil pa je uporabljena grafična predstavitev. Graf je nekakšen slikovni model in je tako izhodišče za opis besedilne zgradbe znanstvenega članka.


Map of textuale patterns in research article of PROTECTION OF CABBAGE (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)

This paper aims to explore textual patterns of research article of protection of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata). The theoretical construct for the analysis is provided by concept of message semantics as defined in Systemic Functional linguistics. In the study, the specificity of discourse analysis is combined with tools of corpus analysis. The linguistic features of texts which would be difficult to keep track of by manual tagging are recorded by the automated part-of-speech tagger for Slovenian developed at the Institute of Slovenian language at ZRC SAZU and the graphic display is used for the presentation of data. The graph functions as a sort of map and as such becomes the starting point for the description of the discourse structure of research article.


Visual characteristics as a key factor in species selection in vegetation planes design 



Received: September 19, 2006; accepted: October 19, 2006

Delo je prispelo 19. septembra 2006; sprejeto 19. oktobra 2006


In the past, the selection of plants used to rest upon individual taste and fashion dictates of the period, rather than starting from and following directives determined by the goal of creating a certain space characteristics. In the literature the plant species are frequently treated individually and arranged according to the visual effect of each plant. In order for this research to satisfy the needs of design practice, it was necessary to ascertain the hidden designer potential of each plant, which is not identical with the pleasing effect of the plant. This is how the central problem is formulated in this research: to determine the selection criteria (of plant species), arising from the visual characteristics of the plants and, based on these criteria to determine the suitability of plants in order to create visual effects of vegetation planes. In this sense we can expose the importance of proving the connectedness between morphological properties of the plants and the characteristics of vegetation planes, which are formed by these very plants. The subject of this research is plant material, 208 shrubs and 193 trees, systematized according to their size, shape, habitus, texture, colour, as well as the seasonal appearance of individual characteristics. We established the method and criteria for the selection of morphological properties of the plants that allow us to achieve a certain visual character of the vegetational plane. The process of plants selection is shown on concrete examples, whereby certain design demands determine the choice of the adequate plants. For the final selection of plants it is necessary to add criteria arising from eco-physiological needs of the plants and from technological demands.





Izbor rastlinskih vrst je pogosto temeljil na okusu in modi dobe, bolj kot na nizu izhodišč, določenih s ciljem ustvarjanja določenih prostorskih značilnosti.  V literaturi so rastlinske vrste  pogosto obravnavane individualno  in razporejene glede na vidne učinke posamezne rastline. Da bi raziskava zadostila potrebam oblikovalske prakse, je bilo potrebno ugotoviti skriti oblikovalski potencial rastline, ki pa ga ne enačimo z všečnostjo rastline. Tako je postavljen osnovni problem v raziskavi: določiti merila za izbiranje rastlinskih vrst, ki izhajajo iz vidnih lastnosti rastlin in na podlagi teh meril določiti ustreznost vrst za ustvarjanje vidnih učinkov vegetacijskih ploskev. V tem smislu lahko izpostavimo pomen dokazovanja povezanosti med morfološkimi lastnostmi rastlin in lastnostmi vegetacijskih ploskev, ki jih te rastline tvorijo. Predmet raziskave je tako rastlinsko gradivo, 208 grmovnih in 193 drevesnih vrst razporejenih po velikosti, obliki, habitusu, teksturi,  barvi in času pojavljanja posameznih lastnosti. Metodološko so razvita merila za izbor morfoloških lastnosti rastlin, s katerimi lahko dosežemo določeno vidno značilnost vegetacijske ploskve. Postopek izbiranja rastlin je prikazan na konkretnih primerih, kjer se na podlagi določene oblikovalske zahteve izberejo ustrezne vrste. Za končni izbor rastlinskih vrst pa je potrebno dodati še merila, ki izhajajo iz ekofizioloških potreb rastlin in tehnoloških meril.

Regulacija prevodnosti listnih rež



Kopenske rastline se soočajo s problemom, kako sprejeti iz ozračja ustrezno količino CO2 in pri tem omejiti oddajanje vode. Rešitev tega problema je uravnavanje prevodnosti listnih rež. Da je v danih razmerah dosežena optimalna prevodnost rež, se celice zapiralke odzivajo na mnoge signale iz okolja in na signale iz rastline. V članku predstavljamo odzive listnih rež na glavne abiotske dejavnike in pri prikazu učinkov teh dejavnikov uporabimo lastne rezultate porometričnih meritev. Opisan je prenos signalov v regulaciji listnih rež, v opisu so vključene nekatere nedavne ugotovitve na tem področju.



Land plants are faced with competing demands to take up CO2 from the atmosphere while limiting water loss. The functional solution to this dilemma is the regulation of stomatal apertures. The guard cells of stomata respond, in order to achieve optimal conductance, to various environmental and endogenous stimuli. In this paper the effects of main abiotic factors on stomata are described and presented by original porometric data. In addition the signal transduction in the regulation of guard cells response, including recent findings related to this topic is discussed.



Metoda glavnih komponent: osnove in primer

Katarina KOŠMELJ 


V članku predstavljamo osnove metode glavnih komponent in njeno uporabo na enostavnem primeru. Izračuni so bili narejeni s programom SPSS.



The paper presents the essential elements of the principal component analysis. We illustrate its use on a simple example. Calculations were done with the SPSS program.


Entomopatogene ogorčice – biotični agensi za zatiranje žuželk iz reda Coleoptera

Žiga LAZNIK, Stanislav TRDAN 


V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati dosedanjih raziskav delovanja entomopatogenih ogorčic na gospodarsko pomembne škodljivce iz reda Coleoptera. Ti rezultati kažejo, da so lahko entomopatogene ogorčice učinkoviti biotični agensi za zatiranje hroščev iz različnih družin; Scarabaeidae, Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae in Silvanidae. S prispevkom želimo pokazati, da imajo entomopatogene ogorčice vse možnosti, da postanejo v prihodnosti tudi v Sloveniji pomemben biotični dejavnik zatiranja škodljivih hroščev, s čimer bodo lahko delno nadomestile danes prevladujočo uporabo insekticidov.


Entomopathogenic nematodes – biological agents for controlling ColeopteraN species

The results of previous research on entomopathogenic nematodes activity against harmful Coleopteran species are presented in the paper. These results showed that the nematodes in question can be an efficient biological control agents against the Scarabaeidae, Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae and Silvanidae species. The aim of this paper is to prove the fact that also in Slovenia entomopathogenic nematodes have all possibilities to become an important biological agents as a substitute for insecticides which use in controlling harmful Coleopteran species still prevails in the country.



Die Wälder der Herrschaften Žiče und Frajštanj und ihre Bewirtschaftung im  Übergang vom 18. ins 19. Jahrhundert




The subject of the treatise are the forests (woods) and their economy on Žiče and Frajštanj estates in the Lower Styria, which were the property of the Styrian Religion Fund, in the period between the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century. The first estate possessed 2365 and the second 1423 yokes of forests. The distribution of the tree species and the state of the forest stands, which were with some exceptions generally bad, are described. Detailed use of the forests, that were shared on one side between the bondmen, in the form of servitude rights (rights for felling the trees for firewood and building material, rights for the pasture of livestock and swines separately, and the rights to rake up the strewing) and on the other side the rights of the estate owners, are discussed. In that time the forests were to a great extent included in the husbandry of the bondsmen farms. The estates did not have the power to reduce the servitude rights, which were in force for ages. To small extent they attempted to regulate them, but with little success. The servitude rights were a great obstacle for good administration of the forests. The estate Žiče tryed to solve this problem through the cession (separation) of their forests parts to the bondsmen, which should denounce to their servitude rights on the remaining estate forests. But during the period in question the intention was not realized. These problems are extensively discussed in archival sources. On the estate Frajštanj the cession (separation) of the forests to bondsmen, for their denouncing to the servitude rights, has not been a topic yet. On both estates there  no traces can be observed about contemporary forest managing and the incomes from their forests were negligible.



V razpravi so prikazani gozdovi in gospodarjenje z njimi na gospostvih Štajerskega verskega sklada Žiče in Frajštanj na prehodu iz 18. v 19. stoletje. Prvo je imelo 2365, drugo pa  1423 oralov gozdov. Prikazana je njihova obraščenost z drevesnimi vrstami in stanje sestojev, ki je bilo razen izjem sorazmerno slabo. Obširno je obdelana njihova izraba, ki so si jo delili podložniki v obliki služnostnih pravic (pravic do drv, stavbnega in drugega lesa, paše živine, posebej še svinj ter pravice do stelje) ter seveda gospostvo. Gozdovi so bili tedaj še v velikem obsegu vključeni v gospodarjenje podložniških kmetij. Služnostne pravice so izvirale iz davnih časov in se jih gospostvi načeloma nista upali dotikati, poskušali sta jih samo nekoliko (z malo uspeha) uravnavati. Ker so bile služnostne pravice izjemno velika ovira za sodobno gospodarjenje z gozdovi, se jih je vsaj gospostvo Žiče skušalo rešiti tako, da bi odstopilo (separiralo) del svojih gozdov podložnikom, da bi se ti na preostalih gozdovih odpovedali služnostnim pravicam. To se v obravnavanem času še ni posrečilo.  Je pa problematika sorazmerno dobro obdelana. Na gospostvu Frajštanj separiranje gozdov za odstop služnostnih pravic v obravnavanem času še ni bilo aktualno. Na obeh gospostvih o sodobnem gospodarjenju z gozdovi še ni bilo sledu. Prav tako je bil na obeh gospostvih dohodek od gozdov neznaten.

Causes of nitrate leaching from agriculture land in Slovenia



In Slovenia, groundwater is significant source of drinking water. It has been widely reported that contamination of groundwater from agricultural non-point source is one of the major pollution problems. The pollution of groundwater in areas of agricultural activity is a result of using of mineral nitrogenous fertilizers in large quantities. Applying excess nitrate fertilizers directly affects ground water quality, especial for NO3-N, which is highly mobile. Non-point loss of NO3-N from fields to water resources however is not caused by one single factor. Rather is caused by combination of factors including precipitation, crop uptake, irrigation, application of fertilizers and soil property. Although Slovenian areas of intensive agriculture have different soil characteristics, different rainfall regime and agricultural practice, their nitrate leaching regime appears to be similar and in majority related to the precipitation and fertilization. 



Podtalnica je v Sloveniji pomemben vir pitne vode. Znano je, da intenzivno kmetijstvo kot netočkovni vir obremenjevanja, predstavlja glavni problem onesnaževanja podzemnih voda. Na kmetijskih zemljiščih z intenzivno pridelavo prihaja do prekomerne porabe mineralnih gnojil, kar negativno vpliva na kakovost podtalnice. Uporaba dušičnih gnojil v količinah, ki presegajo zahteve posevkov, poveča izpiranje dušika v obliki zelo topnega in mobilnega nitrata v globlje plasti tal in podtalnico. V kolikšnem obsegu bo nitrat iz površinskih slojev obdelovalnih tal prodrl v podtalje, ni odvisno samo od količine dušičnih gnojil, ampak tudi od količine padavin, vrste vegetacije, namakanja ter lastnosti tal. Kljub temu, da se v Sloveniji intenzivna kmetijska območja razlikujejo po količini padavin, kmetijski praksi ter talnih lastnostih, je dinamika izpiranja nitrata na vseh območjih predvsem odvisna od vremenskih razmer in gnojenja.



Food demand in Slovenia




The objective of this research is to analyse food consumption patterns in Slovenia. Cross-sectional household data from Household budget survey in year 2001 were used. We estimate expenditure and price elasticities for food demand for households segmented by quartile income levels and for Slovenia total. Food items are divided into the following commodity groups: bread and cereals, meat and fish, dairy products, oils and other fats, fruit, vegetables, confectionary. For a complete demand system analysis, we apply linearly approximated Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS). Empirical results show positive expenditure elasticities being close to one for all food groups. In general, demands for dairy products and vegetables could be regarded as the most sensitive to food expenditures. Further on, all Marshallian (uncompensated) and Hicksian (compensated) own price elasticities are negative and less than one. Own price elasticities for meat and fish are estimated as the lowest and for vegetables as the highest. With cross price elasticities close to zero the studied commodity groups seem to be unrelated. The negative sign of uncompensated cross price elasticities indicates complementary type of food groups, while substitution relationship of aggregate foods is indicated by mostly positive Hicksian cross price elasticities. According to these expenditure and price elasticities inhabitants of Slovenia seem to be losing consumption characteristics typical for countries in transition. However some unique food habits persist. 




Namen študije je analiza prehranskih navad prebivalcev Slovenije. Podatke iz Ankete o porabi v gospodinjstvih v letu 2001 smo uporabili za ocenjevanje izdatkovnih in cenovnih elastičnosti povpraševanja po hrani za gospodinjstva v Sloveniji. Gospodinjstva so razdeljena v kvartilne dohodkovne razrede in kot Slovenija skupaj. Prehranske izdelke smo razdelili v naslednje skupine živil: kruh in žita, meso in ribe, mlečni izdelki, olja in druge maščobe, sadje, zelenjava, sladki izdelki. Povpraševanje po hrani je ocenjeno kot sistem enačb povpraševanja z linearno aproksimacijo metode skoraj idealni sistem povpraševanja (LA/AIDS). Ocenjene izdatkovne elastičnosti so pozitivne, z vrednostmi blizu 1. V splošnem lahko trdimo, da sta povpraševanje po mlečnih izdelkih ter povpraševanje po zelenjavi najbolj občutljivi na spremembe v izdatkih namenjenih hrani. Nadalje, vse Marshallove (nekompenzirane) in Hicksove (kompenzirane) lastne cenovne elastičnosti so negativne in manjše od 1. Lastne cenovne elastičnosti povpraševanja po mesu in ribah so bile ocenjene kot najnižje, povpraševanja po zelenjavi pa kot najvišje. Omenjene skupine živil so med seboj cenovno nepovezane, saj so križne cenovne elastičnosti blizu vrednosti nič. Večina nekompenziranih križnih cenovnih elastičnosti je negativna, kar nakazuje na komplementarnost proučevanih skupin živil oziroma na substitute, ko govorimo o večinoma pozitivnih Hicksovih križnih cenovnih elastičnostih. Ocenjene izdatkovne in cenovne elastičnosti kažejo, da prebivalci Slovenije izgubljajo prehranske navade značilne za države v tranziciji. Kljub temu nekatere prehranske posebnosti ostajajo.

Ocena dveh različnih skupin slovenskih populacij koruze s pomočjo morfoloških lastnosti in Hbr (MITE) markerjev

Ludvik ROZMAN, Tatjana KAVAR, Vladimir MEGLIČ


Analizirali smo dve skupini slovenskih populacij koruze iz genske banke Oddelka za agronomijo Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani. V prvo skupino smo uvrstili enajst populacij koruze iz Bohinja (B1-B9 in B11-B12), v drugo štirinajst štajerskih populacij, z okolice Vojnika in Laškega (Š1-Š14). Petintrideset morfoloških lastnosti rastlin, storžev in zrnja smo izvrednotili v skladu z mednarodnimi deskriptorji IPGRI v času rastne dobe na polju in v laboratoriju. Genetski opis je temeljil na 161 Heartbreaker (Hbr) markerjih, pri čemer je bila analiza izvedena na skupnih vzorcih DNA, po 25 rastlin iz vsake populacije. Populacije iz Bohinja so se na splošno dobro razlikovale od štajerskih populacij, tako po morfoloških lastnostih kot na osnovi genetskih markerjev. Izjemi sta le populaciji B1 in B8, ki sta po morfoloških znakih še najbolj podobni štajerskim populacijam. Glede na posamezne morfološke lastnosti B1 odstopa od drugih bohinjskih populacij le po barvi zrnja, ki je ob brezbarvnem perikarpu pogojena z barvo alevrona. Je edina bohinjka z rumenim zrnjem, vse ostale bohinjske populacije imajo bakreno barvo zrnja, medtem ko imajo štajerske populacije rumeno ali belo zrnje. Glede na vse analize, še posebej glede na prisotnost/odsotnost Hbr elementov ter njihove frekvence v populacijah, lahko kljub nekaterim podobnostim med posameznimi populacijami trdimo, da gre za različne populacije, čeprav nekatere izhajajo iz lokacij, ki so si geografsko zelo blizu. Torej so posamezni pridelovalci s svojim vzdrževanjem in ponovno setvijo lastnega semena uspeli obdržati karakteristične lastnosti svoje populacije, s tem da so preprečili nekontrolirano skrižanje z drugimi populacijami.


Evaluation of two different groups of Slovenian maize populations using morphoLOGICAL traits and Hbr (MITE) markers

Two different groups of Slovenian maize populations from the germplasm bank at the Agronomy Department of Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana were analyzed. The first group included eleven landraces from Bohinj (B1-B9 and B11-B12) and the second one included 14 landraces from Štajerska region, from the surroundings of Vojnik and Laško (Š1-Š14). Thirty-five morphological characteristics of plants, ears and kernels were described using IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resource Institute) descriptors during the vegetation period on a field and in a laboratory. Genetic characterization was performed on DNA bulks from 25 plants per population by genotyping 161 Heartbreaker (Hbr) markers. Generally, according to the genetic and morphological data, populations from Bohinj are clearly differentiated from populations from Štajerska region. The only exceptions are populations B1 and B8, which are similar to Štajerska populations, according to the morphological traits. B1 differs from other Bohinj populations by color of kernels, which is yellow due to the colorless pericarp and yellow aleuron. Kernels of all other Bohinj population had brown color, while Štajerska populations had yellow or white kernels. Analysis, especially presence/absence of Hbr elements and their population frequencies, suggests that all populations are separated, although some of them are geographically closely located. It seems that farmers have been able to maintain their landraces by repeat sowing of their own seeds and by preventing uncontrolled crossing with other populations.


Morphometrical and biochemical characteristics of red grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) from collection vineyard Ampelografski vrt



Diversity of vine varieties is confirmed by different morphological and biochemical characteristics of each variety, especially in bunch and berry properties. The evaluation of mentioned characteristics supplements the chemotaxonomical classification and preservation of local and less known vine varieties. Morphometrical and biochemical characteristics were determined on grape berries of 14 different vine varieties, called 'Barbera', 'Merlot', 'Cabernet sauvignon', 'Syrah', 'Refošk', 'Sladki teran', 'Teran Istra', 'Pokalca', 'Plavina', 'Plovdina', 'Sladkočrn', 'Tinta Pinheira', 'Vranac' in 'Zweigelt', grown in Amphelographic vineyard. Morphological parameters were determined by morphometry, O.I.V. descriptors number codes 220, 221, 503 and with colorimeter, but biochemical parameters with several carbohydrates by HPLC and total acidity with titration. The obtained results confirmed some similarity among selected varieties, and multivariable analyses according to determined parameters group the varieties into 4 groups; in group I varieties 'Barbera Bovcon', 'Pokalca' and 'Barbera standard'; group II varieties 'Refošk', 'Syrah' and 'Teran Istra'; group III varieties 'Cabernet sauvignon', 'Merlot' and 'Zweigelt'; group IV varieties 'Sladkočrn', 'Tinta Pinheira' and 'Vranac'. The variety 'Plovdina' is not included in any group, what confirms its vast variability compared with other varieties taken into account.


Morfometrične in biokemijske lastnosti rdečih sort vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L.) iz kolekcijskega vinograda Ampelografski vrt

Diverziteto sort vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L.) potrjujejo različne morfološke in biokemijske lastnosti rastlinskih delov, predvsem grozda in jagodah. Z vrednotenjem navedenih parametrov se dopolnjuje kemotaksonomsko klasifikacijo sort in posredno se pripomore k ohranjanju starih in manj znanih sort. Morfološke in biokemijske lastnosti smo določali na jagodah 14-tih sort vinske trte: 'Barbera', 'Merlot', 'Cabernet sauvignon', 'Syrah', 'Refošk', 'Sladki teran', 'Teran Istra', 'Pokalca', 'Plavina', 'Plovdina', 'Sladkočrn', 'Tinta Pinheira', 'Vranac' in 'Zweigelt', ki rastejo v Ampelografskem vrtu. Morfološke lastnosti smo določili po metodah ampelometrije, z O.I.V. deskriptorji 220, 221, 503 in kolorimetrom, medtem ko biokemijske z vrednotenjem količine posameznih ogljikovih hidratov s HPLC in skupne kisline s titracijo. Rezultati, se s statistično multivariatno analizo, glede na ovrednotene lastnosti gručirajo v štiri skupine s podobnimi lastnostmi, in sicer; skupina I sorte 'Barbera Bovcon', 'Pokalca' in 'Barbera standard'; skupina II sorte 'Refošk', 'Syrah' in 'Teran Istra'; skupina III sorte 'Cabernet sauvignon', 'Merlot' in 'Zweigelt'; skupina IV sorte 'Sladkočrn', 'Tinta Pinheira' in 'Vranac', kar kaže na njihovo podobnost. Sorta 'Plovdina' se ne uvršča v nobeno od skupin, kar dokazuje njeno večjo variabilnost od ostalih vzorčenih sort.

Učinek dodanega komposta tlem na razgradnjo atrazina v kolonskem poskusu

Marjetka SUHADOLC , Franc LOBNIK  


V neporušenih talnih kolonah smo preučevali vpliv dodanega komposta iz lubja tlem na usodo herbicida atrazina. Ugotovili smo, da  je kompost značilno vplival na hitrost razgradnje atrazina v tleh. Tri mesece po uporabi atrazina je v tleh z dodanim kompostom atrazin predstavljal 52 % vseh analiziranih substanc pesticida, medtem ko je bil njegov delež v kontrolnih tleh še 80 %. Deetilatrazin je bil glavni razgradni produkt v obeh obravnavanjih, le da je bil njegov delež v tleh z dodanim kompostom značilno večji. Nasprotno je bila zastopanost hidroksiatrazina večja v tleh brez dodatka atrazina. Razlik med obravnavanjema v prenosu atrazina skozi talni profil nismo ugotovili. Večino atrazina in metabolitov smo določili v zgornji 15 cm plasti tal, prenos v spodnje plasti t.j. do globine 45 cm je znašal manj kot 3 % skupne vsebnosti analitsko določenih ostankov herbicida v talnih in vodnih vzorcih. Izpiranje atrazina in metabolitov iz talnega profila je bilo zanemarljivo majhno (po 0,1 %), brez značilnih razlik med obravnavanjema. 



Effect of conifer bark compost amendment on the fate of the herbicide atrazine in soil was examined in the undisturbed soil columns. Compost amendment affected significantly the rate of atrazine degradation in soil. Three months after atrazine application, the recovered amount of atrazine in compost amended soil represented 52 % of all analysed substances in comparison to 80 % in the control treatment. Deethylatrazine was the main metabolite in both treatments; however its share was significantly higher in the compost amended soil. In contrast, the share of hidroxyatrazine, was higher in the control soil. Differences in the atrazine transfer trough the soil profile were not found. The majority of atrazine and metabolites were analysed in the upper 15 cm soil layer, mobility to the lower layers (to the depth of 45 cm) was less than 3 % of total recovered herbicide in soils and leaching waters. Leaching of atrazine and metabolites was negligible (below 0.1 %)  and not significantly different between the treatments.

Izdelava testenin iz mok navadne in tatarske ajde

Blanka VOMBERGAR , Nataša PEM


Predstavljeni so rezultati poskusov izdelave testenin iz mok navadne in tatarske ajde. Dodatek psylliuma testenin ne izboljša, testenine z dodatkom moke guara (5%) pa so v primerjani s testeninami brez tega dodatka manj občutljive na mehanične poškodbe. Testenine iz tatarske ajde so zelenkasto rumeno rjave barve, medtem ko so testenine iz navadne ajde svetle rumenkasto rjave barve.



Efforts to produce pasta from common and tartary buckwheat flour samples are presented. Pasta with addition of psyllium were not better in comparison to pasta without this addition. However pasta with the guar flour addition (5%) was more resistant to breakage. Pasta from tartary buckwheat flour was greenish yellow-brown in comparison to light yellowish brown pasta from common buckwheat flour.



Metode za merjenje količine vode v tleh

1. del: tenziometer

Vesna ZUPANC, Marina PINTAR 


Znanje o količini vode v tleh ali v substratu je pri raziskovalnem delu na področju agronomskih in okoljskih znanosti kot tudi v praksi pri rastlinski pridelavi nujno potrebno za uspešno delo in zanesljive rezultate. Za merjenje vode v tleh poznamo direktne in indirektne metode določanja vsebnosti vode. Merjenje količine vode v tleh s pomočjo tenziometra spada med posredne metode, pri kateri merimo matrični potencial vode. Tenziometer je sestavljen iz porozne keramične kapice, povezane z manometrom preko največkrat rigidne cevke napolnjene z vodo. Tenziometri delujejo na območju okoli 80 - 85 kPa (teoretično do 100 kPa). Uporabni so za uravnavanje namakanja, ne pa tudi za za meritve matričnega potenciala vode v zelo suhih tleh.



Soil water status is extremely important and necessary for successful work and reliable results in research in agronomy and environmental sciences as well as in practical applications in plant production. There are direct and indirect methods for soil water measurements. Measuring with tensiometers is an indirect method, based on water matric potential measurements. Tensiometers consist of porous ceramic cup connected to a vacuum gauge through a rigid water-filled tube. Working interval is between 80 – 85 kPa (theoretically up to 100 kPa), which makes them useful for irrigation scheduling, but unsuitable for water matric potential measurements in dry soils.

Boron in irrigation water and its interactions with soil and plants: an example of municpal landfill leachate reuse



In several countries, leachate is successfully treated by recirculation to the vegetated landfill cover, as it contains several micro and macronutrients for plant growth. However, the proportion and concentration of some parameters can negatively affect the plant growth and soil quality in the case of high leachate input. The presented research discusses B in leachate and its interactions with soil and plants. A ten-month field research was performed on 1.1 ha of the closed and covered municipal solid waste landfill site irrigated with landfill leachate. B concentration was analysed in leachate, landfill soil cover and in plant leaves. Total B concentration in leachate ranged from 0.8 to 3.83 mg/L. Monthly B mass load on the covered landfill site ranged between 0.2 – 1.5 kg/ha. The concentration of bioavailable B in soil cover gradually increased and ranged between <0.5 – 2.75 mg/kg dry weight soil. The average total B concentration in clover leaves was 23.9 mg/kg, in grass leaves 4.5 mg/kg, in the leaves of younger willows in the new part of the landfill cover 41.3 mg/kg and in the leaves of the older willows in the old part of the landfill cover 81.8 mg/kg. Leachate application increased plant growth during the observation period and there were no toxic effects on plant leaves, although B concentrations were higher compared to usual concentrations found in natural environment.



V različnih državah izcedno vodo uspešno čistijo s pomočjo vračanja na vegetativno prekritje odlagališča, saj vsebuje več mikro in makrohranil za rast rastlin. Pri tem lahko razmerje in koncentracija nekaterih parametrov v izcedni vodi ob velikem vnosu v tla negativno vpliva na rast rastlin in kvaliteto tal. Predstavljena raziskava obravnava B v izcedni vodi ter njegove interakcije s tlemi in rastlinami. Deset mesečna erenska raziskava je bila opravljena na 1,1 ha zaprtega in prekritega odlagališča komunalnih odpadkov, ki je bilo namakano z izcedno vodo. Koncentracijo B smo analizirali v izcedni vodi, talnem prekritju odlagališča ter v listih rastlin. Celokupna koncentracija B se je v izcedni vodi gibala med 0,8 in 3,83 mg/L. Masni vnos B na prekritje odlagališča se je gibal med 0,2 in 1,5 kg/ha. Koncentracija biološko razpoložljivega B v tleh je zaradi vnosa izcedne vode postopoma naraščala in se gibala med <0,5 in 2,75 mg/kg suhih tal. Povprečna celokupna koncentracija B v listih detelje je znašala 23,9 mg/kg, v listih trave 4,5 mg/kg, v listih mladih vrb novega dela prekritja 41,3 mg/kg in v listih starejših vrb starega dela prekritja 81,8 mg/kg. Vnos izcedne vode je pospešil rast rastlin v času obdobja opazovanj. Na listih rastlin ni bilo opaziti strupenih učinkov kljub temu, da so bile koncentracije B višje v primerjavi z koncentracijami, ki jih običajno najdemo v naravnem okolju.