
Letnik 91

Ljubljana, 2008

Številka 1

 Impact of source and application time of sulphur on the yield, oil content and protein content in winter oilseed rape

Barbara ČEH , Robert HRASTAR , Anton TAJNŠEK , Iztok Jože KOŠIR


At the experimental field of Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing at Žalec an experiment was conducted in 2006/07 to detect the impact of fertilization by K2SO4 and gypsum on the yield, oil content, oil yield, protein content, protein yield and fatty acids composition at two different cultivars of oilseed rape (cultivar Smart and hybrid Toccata). In the conditions of the experiment the source of sulphur did not impact the yield, but a negative impact of spring fertilization by sulphur at cultivar Smart was detected. At hybrid Toccata positive impact of gypsum was detected when it was fertilized at sowing. Oil content was higher at cultivar Smart by 3.32% compared to hybrid Toccata. At cultivar Smart no source of sulphur impacted significantly the yield of oil, while at the conditions of the experiment positive impact of spring applications of sulphur on the yield of oil was detected at hybrid Toccata. Oil yield was higher at cultivar Smart compared to hybrid Toccata. Protein content was not impacted by sulphur fertilization. The share of linoleic acid was higher at hybrid Toccata by 2.2% to 2.4%, the share of oleic acid was higher at cultivar Smart by 2.2% to 3.1%, the shares of other investigated acids did not differ a lot between Smart and Toccata.



Na poskusnem polju Inštituta za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije v ?alcu smo v sezoni 2006/07 zastavili poskus, v katerem smo preizkusili vpliv gnojenja s K2SO4 in sadro na pridelek, vsebnost olja, pridelek olja, vsebnost beljakovin, pridelek beljakovin in sestavo maščobnih kislin dveh kultivarjev (kultivar Smart in hibrid Toccata) oljne ogrščice. V danih razmerah različne oblike gnojenja z žveplom niso imele značilnega vpliva na pridelek, vendar se pri kultivarju Smart nakazuje negativen učinek spomladanskega gnojenja z gnojili, ki vsebujejo žveplo, pri hibridu Toccata pa pozitiven učinek gnojenja s sadro, če je bila pognojena ob setvi. Vsebnost olja je bila pri kultivarju Smart za 3,32% višja kot pri hibridu Toccata. Pri kultivarju Smart nobena oblika gnojenja z žveplom ni pomembno vplivala na hektarski pridelek olja, pri hibridu Toccata pa se v danih razmerah nakazuje pozitiven učinek spomladanskega gnojenja z žveplom na pridelek olja. Hektarski pridelek olja je pomembno večji pri kultivarju Smart kot pri hibridu Toccata. Na vsebnost beljakovin gnojenje z žveplom ni imelo vpliva. Delež linolne kisline v olju je bil pri hibridu Toccata višji za 2,2% do 2,4%, delež oleinske kisline je bil višji pri kultivarju Smart za 2,2 do 3,1%, deleži drugih maščobnih kislin se pri obeh kultivarjih medsebojno le malo razlikujejo.

Aphids (Aphididae) and their parasitoids in selected vegetable ecosystems in Slovenia

Katarina KOS , Željko TOMANOVIĆ , Olivera PETROVIĆ-OBRADOVIĆ , Žiga LAZNIK , Matej VIDRIH , Stanislav TRDAN


Sucking insects, which representatives are also aphids, can cause important economic damage on cultivated and wild-growing plants in vegetable ecosystems. Our research was based on the aim of biological control, which is to limit or to control the pests with the use of their natural enemies. From April to November 2006 living aphids and their mummies were sampled together with their host plants in four locations in Slovenia. The samples have been taken from vegetables, weeds, within-crops plants and from the plants in the field borders. The occurrence of 18 aphid species was confirmed - 14 of them were parasitised. In our research 365 parasitoid specimens (17 species from 8 genera - Aphidius, Binodoxys, Diaeretiella, Ephedrus, Lipolexis, Lysiphlebus, Monoctonus, and Praon - of the family Aphidiidae) were recorded and identified. The most abundant parasitoid species were Aphidius matricariae (32.2 %) and Lysiphlebus fabarum (29.3 %). Parasitoid L. fabarum had the widest range of hosts; it parasitised aphids on the plants from 7 different botanical families. Sex ratio in our research confirmed the known fact, that in natural ecosystems female parasitoids are more numerous than the male parasitoids; this ratio in our research was 71 % : 29 %.



Sesajoče žuželke, med katere spadajo tudi prave listne uši, lahko povzročajo pomembno gospodarsko škodo na gojenih in samoniklih rastlinah v vrtnarskih ekosistemih. V naši raziskavi smo se opirali na cilj biotičnega varstva rastlin, ki je z naravnimi sovražniki omejiti oziroma zatreti škodljivce. Od aprila do novembra 2006 smo na štirih lokacijah v Sloveniji vzorčili žive listne uši in ušje mumije na gostiteljskih rastlinah. Vzorce smo nabirali na vrtninah, plevelih, medsevkih in robnih posevkih. Ugotovili smo zastopanost 18 vrst pravih listnih uši, kar 14 vrst pa je bilo parazitiranih. V nabranih vzorcev smo identificirali 365 osebkov parazitoidov listnih uši, ki so pripadali 17 različnim vrstam iz 8 rodov (Aphidius, Binodoxys, Diaeretiella, Ephedrus, Lipolexis, Lysiphlebus, Monoctonus in Praon) družine Aphidiidae. Najbolj množično sta se pojavljali vrsti Aphidius matricariae (32,2 %) in Lysiphlebus fabarum (29,3 %). Vrsta L. fabarum je imela tudi najširši spekter gostiteljev in je parazitirala uši na rastlinskih vrstah iz 7 različnih botaničnih družin. Če številčno primerjamo zastopanost spolov, lahko potrdimo znano dejstvo, da je število samic v naravi večje od števila samcev; v naši raziskavi je bilo omenjeno razmerje 71 % : 29 %.

Influence of row spacing on the yield of two flax cultivars (Linum usitatissimum L.)

Darja KOCJAN AČKO , Stanislav TRDAN


In the period 2003-2006 we have performed block trials with two flax (Linum usitatissimum) cultivars: RBK cultivar (domestic flax population from Raztresen farm in Bela Krajina) and Laura cultivar (fibre-type-flax from the Common Catalogue of EU). The trial was carried out at the Experimental Field at the Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana (Slovenia). The two cultivars were sown in the first decade of April with manual sowing machine to the row spacing of 8.5 cm, 17 cm and 34 cm. Crop care was traditional. The plants were plucked at the end of the yellow maturity (the last decade of July). There was no significant difference between the average yields of stems produced at the row spacing of 8.5 cm (1.92 t/ha) and 17 cm (1.99 t/ha), but significantly the lowest yield was reached at the row spacing of 34 cm (1.52 t/ha). In the period of 4 years the average yield of stems that was reached by the RBK cultivar was 1.83 t/ha, and the one reached by the Laura cultivar was unsignificantly lower (1.79 t/ha). Compared to the average yield of the flaxseed from both cultivars produced at the row spacing of 8.5 cm (1.34 t/ha) and 34 cm (1.01 t/ha), the average yield of the seeds obtained from the 17 cm row spacing was significantly the highest (1.52 t/ha); for 0.11 t seed/ha the RBK cultivar (1.35 t/ha) was significntly more productive than the Laura cultivar. The influence of growing conditions to the yield of stems and seed was most favourable in the year of the drought (2003), when - with the cultivar RBK and at the row spacing of 17 cm - we produced significantly the highest quantity of stems (2.64 t/ha) and seeds (1.93 t/ha). We discovered that the unbranched stem of the RBK cultivar corresponds to the fibre-type-flax, the hight of plants (50 to 60 cm), absolute mass (6.3 to 6.8 g) and the yield of the seed (above 1 t/ha) show good biological capability for the seed production. Production and processing of flax should not remain just an attractive cultural and historical presentation of this activity at some turist farms in Bela Krajina (JV of Slovenia); it should also present a challenge to young farmers to find the place for this crop in organic production of food and other raw materials with the use of mechanisation and modern technological procedures. The production and processing of flax presents the possibility for increased biotic diversity of the cultural landscape and revitalization of rural areas.



Na poskusnem polju Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani (Slovenija) so bili v obdobju 2003-2006 izvedeni bločni poljski poskusi s kultivarjema lanu (Linum usitatissimum L.) RBK (domača populacija lanu s kmetije Raztresen v Beli Krajini) in Laura (vlaknati tip lanu iz Skupnega kataloga kultivarjev poljščin EU). Lan je bil v vseh letih posejan v prvi dekadi aprila z ročno sejalnico na medvrstni razmik 8,5 cm, 17 cm in 34 cm. Oskrba posevka je bila tradicionalna. Rastline smo populili konec rumene zrelosti (zadnja dekada julija). Med povprečnima pridelkoma stebel pri razmiku 8,5 cm (1,92 t/ha) in 17 cm (1,99 t/ha) ni bilo značilnih razlik, značilno najmanjši pridelek stebel pa je lan dosegel pri razmiku 34 cm (1,52 t/ha). Povprečni pridelek stebel v obdobju 4 let je pri kultivarju RBK znašal 1,83 t/ha, pri kultivarju Laura pa je bil neznačilno manjši, to je 1,79 t/ha. V primerjavi s povprečnim pridelkom semena obeh kultivarjev pri razmiku 8,5 cm (1,34 t/ha) in 34 cm (1,01 t/ha), je bil povprečni pridelek semena pri razmiku 17 cm značilno največji (1,52 t/ha); kultivar RBK (1,35 t/ha) je bil za 0,11 t semena/ha značilno produktivnejši od kultivarja Laura. Vpliv rastnih razmer na pridelek stebel in semena je bil najbolj ugoden v najbolj sušnem letu (2003), ko smo pri razmiku 17 cm s kultivarjem RBK pridelali značilno največ stebel (2,64 t/ha) in semena (1,93 t/ha). Ugotovili smo, da nerazvejeno steblo kultivarja RBK sicer ustreza vlaknatemu tipu lanu, višina rastlin (50 do 60 cm), absolutna masa (6,3 do 6,8 g) in pridelek semena (nad 1 t/ha) pa kažejo na dobro biološko zmogljivost za pridelavo semen. Pridelava in predelava lanu ne sme ostati le privlačen kulturno-zgodovinski prikaz te dejavnosti na nekaterih turističnih kmetijah v Beli Krajini (JV Slovenija), ampak tudi izziv za mlade, da s pomočjo mehaniziranih in sodobnih tehnoloških postopkov tej poljščini najdejo mesto v ekološki pridelavi hrane in neprehranskih surovin. Navsezadnje je pridelava in predelava lanu možnost za večjo biotsko pestrost kulturne krajine in ohranjanje poseljenosti podeželja.

Entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) recorded for the first time in Slovenia

Žiga LAZNIK , Timea TÓTH , Tamás LAKATOS , Stanislav TRDAN


In Slovenia only recently entomopathogenic nematodes were recorded for the first time. In the beginning of 2007, the presence of Steinernema affine was confirmed. During the further investigations in the same year Steinernema feltiae was recorded on the arable field near Cerknica. In the previous year this field was planted with chicory. In Slovenia, until now the entomopathogenic nematodes had a status of an exotic agents and their use was allowed only in the laboratory experiments. We expect that in Slovenia the use of these biological agents against insect pests will become important alternative to insecticides as it is known in many other countries of the world.


ENTOMOPATOGENA OGORČICA Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) PRVIČ UGOTOVLJENA V SLOVENIJI

V Sloveniji so bile entomopatogene ogorčice prvič ugotovljene šele nedavno. V začetku leta 2007 je bila potrjena zastopanost vrste Steinernema affine, med nadaljnjimi raziskavami v istem letu pa je bila na njivi v bližini Cerknice najdena tudi ogorčica Steinernema feltiae. Na omenjenem zemljišču so leto prej pridelovali radič. Doslej so imele entomopatogene ogorčice v Sloveniji status tujerodnih organizmov, njihova uporaba pa je bila dovoljena le v laboratorijskih poskusih. Pričakujemo, da bo v Sloveniji uporaba omenjenih naravnih sovražnikov škodljivih žuželk postala pomembna alternativa insekticidom, kar je sicer že znano v številnih drugih državah sveta.

Some economically important properties of sunflower cultivars (Helianthus annuus L.) in the field trials performed at Biotechnical faculty



The basic parameter of re-introduction of this crop into the crop rotation in Slovenia is testing and trials of sunflower cultivars (Helianthus annuus L.), that could be suitable for the growing conditions in Slovenia, for the purpose of organic production and for the production of healthy food for consumers. On the experimental field at Biotechnical Faculty, in the period from 2002 to 2006, we were testing certain economically significant properties of five sunflower cultivars: Kernal, Kongo, Delija, Goleador and Iregi szürke csíkos. Seeds were sown by hand to the parcel in the size of 3 m x 11.8 m. Under the growing conditions in central Slovenia the genetic potential of hybrids for the production above 4 t of seed/ha was almost reached and closely approached by the hybrids Kongo and Kernal with average yields 3.5 t/ha and 3.3 t/ha. Yields of Delija and Goleador hybrids were about 1 to 1.2 tons lower, but mutually comparable. The lowest yield (1.6 t/ha) was given by Iregi szurke csikos variety, which is mostly grown by the producers in Slovenia, mainly because it is used and sold as a bird feed. In the year 2003, the fat content in the seed obtained from the hybrids, reached from 38 to 42 %, for Iregi szurke csikos variety it was only 33 %, on the other side - in the year 2005 - the fat content in the seed obtained from the hybrids was higher, that is 39 to 45 %, and for the Iregi szurke csikos variety the average was the same as in the year 2003. The highest fat content in the seed was reached by highly oleic hybrid Goleador, that is 42 % in the year 2003 and 45 % in 2005; for this hybrid, during this two years of the trials the 78- to 79-percent content of oleic acid in the oil was a little lower than its genetic potential, which is above 80 %. Regarding the use of the crop - for the cold pressed oil - the most important cultivars are the highly oleic hybrid Goleador and semi-oleic Delija, and for the bird feed instead of the Iregi szurke csikos variety we could sow Kongo and Kernal hybrids, not only due to their higher yields, but also due to higher fat content. Experts can advise producers how they can increase their production of seeds and oil only on the basis of tested, high quality and accessible sunflower assortment.



Preizkušanje kultivarjev sončnice (Helianthus annuus L.), ki bodo ustrezali rastnim razmeram v Sloveniji, potrebam sonaravne pridelave in potrošnikom zdrave hrane, je temelj ponovnega uvajanja te poljščine v kolobar. Na poskusnem polju Biotehniške fakultete smo v obdobju 2002 do 2006 preučevali nekatere gospodarsko pomembne lastnosti petih kultivarjev sončnice: Kernal, Kongo, Delija, Goleador in Iregi szürke csíkos. Seme smo posejali ročno na parcelo velikosti 3 m x 11,8 m. Genskemu potencialu hibridov za pridelek nad 4 t semena/ha sta se v rastnih razmerah osrednje Slovenije najbolj približala hibrida Kongo in Kernal s povprečnima pridelkoma 3,5 t/ha in 3,3 t/ha. Pridelek hibridov Delija in Goleador je bil za 1 do 1,2 toni manjši, vendar med seboj primerljiv. Najmanjši pridelek je dala sorta Iregi szurke csikos (1,6 t/ha), ki jo pridelovalci sončnice v Sloveniji sejejo največ, ker je v prodaji za krmo ptic. Vsebnost olja v semenu v letu 2003 je bila pri hibridih od 38 do 42 %, pri sorti Iregi szurke csikos pa le 33 %, nasprotno pa je bila oljnatost semena v letu 2005 pri hibridih večja, to je 39 do 45 %, pri sorti Iregi szurke csikos pa približno enaka kot v letu 2003. Največjo vsebnost olja v semenu je imel visoko oleinski hibrid Goleador, in sicer 42 % v letu 2003 in 45 % v letu 2005; 78- do 79-odstotna vsebnost oleinske kisline v olju pa je bila v obeh letih nekoliko manjša od njegovega genskega potenciala za to lastnost, ki je nad 80 %. Glede na namen uporabe pridelka sta za hladno stisnjeno olje najprimernejša visoko oleinski hibrid Goleador in pol oleinski Delija, za krmo ptic pa bi lahko namesto sorte Iregi szurke csikos sejali hibrida Kongo in Kernal, ne le zaradi večje rodnosti, ampak tudi zaradi večje vsebnosti maščob. Le na podlagi preizkušenega, kakovostnega in dostopnega sortimenta sončnice bodo lahko strokovnjaki svetovali pridelovalcem, tako, da bodo ti pridelali več semena in maščob.


Corn salad (Valerianella olitoria L.) yield response to cell size of plug trays



The research was undertaken to determine if the plug tray cell size had an impact on plant characteristics and yield of corn salad (Valerianella olitoria L.). Seeds of four cultivars ('Ljubljanski', 'Holandski', 'Flavor' and 'Masse') were sown in styrofoam plug trays with 40 cells (60 ml cell-1), 84 cells (35 ml cell-1) and 160 cells (20 ml cell-1). Plants growth generally increased with cell size, though the effect varied with different cultivars. An increase in cell volume resulted in an increase in leaves height, leaves number and leaves fresh mass, as well as percentage of dry matter. Cv. 'Holandski' was obtained the highest leaves fresh mass regardless of cell volume.



Raziskava je bila izvedena z namenom ugotoviti, ali velikost celice gojitvene plošče lahko vpliva na lastnosti in pridelek motovilca (Valerianella olitoria L.). Seme štirih kultivarjev ('Ljubljanski', 'Holandski', 'Flavor' in 'Masse') je bilo posejano v stiroporne gojitvene plošče s 40 celicami (60 ml/ celico), 84 celicami (35 ml/celico) in 160 celicami (20 ml/celico). Na splošno je bila rast rastlin intenzivnejša z večanjem prostornine celice, medtem ko so se kultivarji različno odzivali na velikost celic. Večji volumen celice se je izrazil v večjih listih, večjem številu listov, večjem pridelku listne mase, prav tako pa tudi v večjem deležu suhe snovi. Cv. 'Holandski' je dal največji pridelek zelene listne mase ne glede na prostornino celic


General and specific combining ability studies for leaf area in some maize inbreds in agroecological conditions of Kosovo

Sali ALIU , Shukri FETAHU1, Ludvik ROZMAN , Adem SALILLARI


In maize breeding one of the most important roles belongs to selection of parents with good combining abilities. The data associated with combining ability and heritability of particular characters can be obtained from diallels. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the leaf area (LA) of 10 inbred lines and their F1 hybrids. Based on a diallel (without reciprocals) GCA and SCA were calculated. The components of the genetic variance were calculated using Griffing's (1956) method 2. The maximum LA value was determined for the combination L6×L10 (788.6 cm2), whereas the minimum for the combination L4×L5 (558.9 cm2). The average value of F1 generation was 678.8 cm2 and the variation range was from +109.8 cm2 to -119.9 cm2. Both, the GCA and SCA for LA were significant at p=0.01. The highest value of GCA was obtained for L2 (+31.33), whereas the lowest for L4 (-38.07). The highest value of SCA was determined for L6×L10 (+156.73).



V žlahtnjenju rastlin igra eno od najpomembnejših vlog selekcija roditeljev z dobrimi kombinacijskimi sposobnostmi za želene lastnosti, ki jih običajno ugotavljamo z dialelnimi križanji. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti kombinacijsko sposobnost 10 samooplodnih linij koruze ter njihovih križancev za listno površino (LP). Na osnovi njihovih dialelnih križancev (brez recipročnih križancev) je bila za LP izračunana splošna (SKS) in posebna (PKS) kombinacijska sposobnost. Komponente genetske variabilnosti so bile računane po metodi 2 Griffingovega modela (1956) računanja kombinacijskih sposobnosti. Največja LP je bila ugotovljena za križanec L6×L10, (788,6 cm2), najmanjša pa za križanec L4×L5 (558,9 cm2), medtem ko je bila povprečna vrednost vseh križancev 678,8 cm2. Tako za SKS kot za PKS so bile ugotovljene statistično značilne razlike med križanci pri p=0,01. Največja vrednost SKS za LP je bila ugotovljena pri L2 (+31,33), najnišja pa pri L4 (-38,07), medtem ko je bila največja vrednost PKS ugotovljena za križanec L6×L10 (+156,73).

Introduction of Grapevine virus B and Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 testing in sanitary selection of grapevine



To introduce testing of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) and Grapevine virus B (GVB) in sanitary selection of grapevine, commercially available antibodies were evaluated and conditions for routine ELISA testing were optimized. Extraction procedure with Granex 91 - special machine, which is used in routine testing in Slovenia, was compared with grinding samples in mortar. Three different extraction buffers were applied in order to overcome the inconvenience of using more than one extraction procedure when testing grapevine material for several viruses in a routine large-scale testing scheme. Results were verified with Western blot and immuno-electron microscopy. The best results were obtained using extraction buffer with unknown composition (pH 9.0) from BIOREBA kit for GLRaV-2. Other extraction buffers gave less positive samples and they are not convenient for routine testing where extraction with Granex is done. Both viruses, GLRaV-2 and GVB were found in Slovenia, but they couldn't be correlated with rougose wood disease that appears on indigenous cultivar Refošk grafted on 'SO4' from collection vineyard in Komen.



Z namenom, da bi uvedli testiranje virusa Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 (GLRaV-2) in virusa Grapevine virus B (GVB) v zdravstveno selekcijo vinske trte, smo testirali komercialno dostopna protitelesa in optimizirali pogoje za rutinsko testiranje v ELISA. Primerjali smo ekstrakcijo s strojem Granex 91, ki ga v Sloveniji uporabljajo v rutinskem testiranju, z ekstrakcijo v terilnici. Da bi poenotili ekstrakcijo različnih virusov v obsežnem rutinskem testiranju, smo preizkusili tri različne ekstrakcijske pufre. Rezultate smo preverili z imunskim pivnikom (Western blot) in imunsko elektronsko mikroskopijo. Najboljše rezultate smo dobili pri vzorcih ekstrahiranih s pufrom nepoznane sestave iz kita za določevanje GLRaV-2 proizvajalca BIOREBA. Z ostalima pufroma smo dobili manj pozitivnih vzorcev, zato menimo, da pufra nista primerna za ekstrakcijo vzorcev v rutinskem testiranju kjer se uporablja stroj Granex 91. Ugotovili smo prisotnost obeh virusov v Sloveniji, nismo pa uspeli dokazati povezave teh dveh virusov z razbrazdanjem lesa, ki se pojavlja na trsih domače sorte Refošk cepljenih na podlago 'SO4' iz kolekcijskega vinograda v Komnu.


The efficiency of AFLP and SSR markers in genetic diversity estimation and gene pool classification of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)




The present work was conducted to evaluate AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) and SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) marker systems for their ability to detect genetic diversity within a set of 29 common bean accessions spanning both the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools and to compare the efficiency of these two marker types in the classification of accessions according to the gene pools of origin. The ten AFLP primer combinations produced 112 polymorphic bands, while 14 SSR primer pairs generated 100 polymorphic bands. Almost two-fold higher value of expected heterozygosity was calculated for SSR (0.63) than for AFLP (0.32). As the result of a higher multiplex ratio component (11.20), higher marker index value was observed for AFLP (3.56) in comparison to SSR (0.63). The higher level of polymorphism detected by SSR markers has contributed to the lower genetic similarity estimates based on SSR markers (mean 0.25) as compared to AFLP markers (mean 0.88). The dendrograms generated with hierarchical UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean) cluster analysis of the Jaccard's similarity coefficient matrices revealed two major clusters, which were identified as the Andean and the Mesoamerican gene pools. Both marker systems showed comparable accuracy in grouping genotypes of common bean according to their gene pool of origin.



V raziskavi smo na vzorcu 29 genotipov navadnega fižola različnega geografskega porekla (srednjeameriško, andsko) proučevali učinkovitost AFLP (polimorfizem dolžine pomnoženih restrikcijskih fragmentov) in SSR (enostavne ponavljajoče se sekvence) markerjev v vrednotenju genetske raznolikosti in klasifikaciji navadnega fižola glede na poreklo. Z 10 pari AFLP začetnih oligonukleotidov smo v verižni reakciji s polimerazo (PCR) pri 29 genotipih namnožili 112 polimorfnih fragmentov, s 14 pari SSR začetnih oligonukleotidov pa 100. Za SSR markerski sistem (0,63) smo v primerjavi z AFLP sistemom (0,32) izračunali skoraj dvakrat višjo vrednost pričakovane heterozigotnosti polimorfnih lokusov. Pri AFLP sistemu smo zabeležili skoraj šestkrat višjo vrednost markerskega indeksa kot pri SSR (3,56:0,63), kar je posledica večjega povprečnega števila polimorfnih DNA fragmentov, namnoženih v posamezni AFLP analizi, in multipleksnega razmerja. Na podlagi odkritih polimorfizmov smo v primerjavi z AFLP s SSR sistemom izračunali nižjo povprečno vrednost genetske podobnosti med pari genotipov (0,88:0,25). Pri razvrščanju genotipov v skupine z metodo netehtane aritmetične sredine (UPGMA) na osnovi podobnosti so se akcesije ne glede na tip markerjev razvrstile v 2 skupini, ki ustrezata dvema izvornima geografskima regijama navadnega fižola (srednjeameriško, andsko). Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da sta SSR in AFLP markerska sistema podobno uspešna pri vrednotenju genetske raznolikosti navadnega fižola in njegovi klasifikaciji glede na poreklo.

 Plant parasitic nematodes associated with banana crop in Crete, Greece



This is a report on the presence of Meloidogyne spp., Helicotylenchus multicintus and Pratylenchus goodeyi in roots of banana crops in Crete.



To je poročilo o najdbi parazitskih ogorčic Meloidogyne spp., Helicotylenchus multicintus in Pratylenchus goodeyi v koreninah bananovcev na Kreti.

Response of tomato cultivars differing in growth habit to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and spacing on vertisol in Ethiopia

Tesfaye BALEMI


A field experiment was conducted on vertisol at Ambo University College (Ethiopia) during 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 cropping seasons to investigate the response of tomato cultivars varying in growth habit to rates of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) fertilizers and plant spacing. The treatment consisted of factorial combination of two cultivars (Margelobe and Melka shola), three NP fertilizers rates (50 kg N + 60 kg P2O5/ha, 80 kg N + 90 kg P2O5/ha and 110 kg N + 120 kg P2O5/ha) and three spacing (100 cm x 30 cm, 80 cm x 30 cm and 60 cm x 45 cm) arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Results revealed that fertilizer rates and spacing significantly affected the total and marketable fruit yields as well as % marketable fruit yield. Similarly, plant vigor (plant height), number of fruits per cluster and 10 fruit weight were significantly influenced by all of the main factors. Besides the main factors effect, fertilizer rate*spacing and cultivar*spacing interaction effects were also observed on % marketable fruit yield and 10 fruit weight, respectively. The results of 2003/2004 cropping season showed that the application of 110 kg N + 120 kg P2O5/ha or 80 kg N + 90 kg P2O5/ha resulted in significantly higher total as well as marketable fruit yield of the tomato cultivars. Result of 2004/2005 cropping season, however, demonstrated that only the application the highest fertilizer rate (110 kg N + 120 kg P2O5/ha ) resulted in superior fruit yields whilst the other two rates did not significantly differ from each other in affecting fruit yields. Results of both cropping seasons confirmed significantly higher % marketable fruit yield due to the application of either 110 kg N + 120 kg P2O5/ha or 80 kg N + 90 kg P2O5/ha. Closer spacing of 80 cm x 30 cm and 60 cm x 45 cm gave higher total as well as marketable fruit yield than the wider spacing of 100 cm x 30 cm.



Na Ambo University College v Etiopiji je bil v letih 2003/2004 in 2004/2005 izveden poljski poskus z dvema kultivarjema paradižnika (determinantnim in nedeterminantnim) da bi raziskali vpliv gnojenja z dušikom (N) in fosforjem (P) ter razdalje med rastlinami na paradižnik. Izveden je bil faktorski poskus z dvema kultivarjema (Margelobe in Melka shola), tremi odmerki gnojil NP (50 kg N + 60 kg P2O5/ha, 80 kg N + 90 kg P2O5/ha in 110 kg N + 120 kg P2O5/ha) in tremi razdaljami med rastlinami (100 cm x 30 cm, 80 cm x 30 cm in 60 cm x 45 cm) v naključnem bloku. Rezultati so pokazali, da so stopnje gnojenja in gostota rastlin značilno vplivali na celoten in tržen pridelek raslin, kot tudi na odstotek uporabnega pridelka. Podobno so bile višine rastlin, teža in število plodov v značilni povezavi z vsemi glavnimi faktorji. Poleg glavnih vplivom so vplivale tudi interakcije gnojenje*gostota in kultivar*razdalje tako na % tržnega pridelka plodov kot na težo 10 plodov. Rezultati v sezoni 2003/2004 so pokazali da je uporaba 110 kg N + 120 kg P2O5/ha ali 80 kg N + 90 kg P2O5/ha omogočila značilno višje celokupne in tržne pridelke paradižnikov pri obeh kultivarjih. Toda v sezoni 2004/2005 je samo najvišji odmerek gnojil (110 kg N + 120 kg P2O5/ha ) dal višje pridelke. Rezultati obeh sezon skupaj so potrdili višji % tržnega pridelka pri uporabi 110 kg N + 120 kg P2O5/ha ali 80 kg N + 90 kg P2O5/ha. Gostejša saditev (80 cm x 30 cm oziroma 60 cm x 45 cm) je dala višje pridelke kot redkejša saditev (100 cm x 30 cm).


The response of two potato cultivars on combined effects of selenium and drought


Mateja GERM


The combined effect of selenium (Se) foliar spraying and drought was studied for 3 months in two cultivars of potato; Bard and Adora in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Four combinations of treatments were conducted: well-watered plants with and without Se foliar spraying, and drought exposed plants with and without Se foliar spraying. Net photosynthesis, transpiration rate, quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII), and respiration potential measured by electron transport system activity were monitored throughout the period. After three months of treatment, leaf water potential, the number and size of leaf stomata, and tuber yield were determined. Several impacts of drought and Se application and their combinations were established, and the responses shown to be cultivar-specific. Net photosynthesis, transpiration rate, effective quantum yield of PSII, and respiratory potential were lower in drought exposed plants. Se lowered respiratory potential in the leaves in cv. Bard. The mass of the tubers in cv. Adora, and photosynthesis in cvs. Bard and Adora were lower in Se treated plants. Se treatment did not significantly affect the number and size of leaf stomata in the cultivars.



Kombiniran vpliv selena (Se) in suše na dva kultivarja krompirja Bard in Adora, smo preučevali v poskusu, ki je trajal tri mesece. Rastline so bile izpostavljene štirim kombinacijam obravnavanja: zalite rastline z ali brez foliarnega gnojenja s Se in suši izpostavljene rastline z ali brez foliarnega gnojenja s Se. V rastni sezoni smo spremljali neto fotosintezo, transpiracijo, fotokemično učinkovitost fotosistema II (FSII) in respiratorni potenical, merjen s pomočjo meritev aktivnosti terminalnega elektronskega transporta. Po treh mesecih, ko so bile rastline izpostavljene vsem obravnavam, smo izmerili še vodni potencial v listih, število in dimenzije listnih rež in pridelek gomoljev. Preučevana kultivarja sta se na učinke suše in dodanega Se odzvala na različne načine. Neto fotosinteza, transpiracija, fotokemična učinkovitost fotosistema II (FSII) in respiratorni potenical so bili nižji pri rastlinah, ki so bile izpostavljene suši. Rastline, foliarno gnojene s Se so imele nižji respiratorni potencial pri kultivarju Bard. Masa gomoljev pri kultivarju Adora in fotosinteza pri obeh kultivarjih sta bili nižji pri rastlinah, kjer smo dodali Se. Dodatek Se ni bistveno vplival na število in dimenzije listnih rež pri preučevanih kultivarjih.


Geni za odpornost proti škodljivim organizmom pri rastlinah




Pri rastlinah so znani različni mehanizmi obrambe proti škodljivim organizmom, med katerimi so nekateri pogojeni z izražanjem genov za odpornost proti škodljivim organizmom, ki jih krajše imenujemo R geni. R geni kodirajo proteine (R proteine) za odpornost proti virusom, bakterijam, ogorčicam in glivam. Večina kloniranih R genov kodira proteine, ki spadajo v NBS-LRR razred, za katere je značilna domena za vezavo nukleotidov (NBS domena) in domena bogata z levcini (LRR domena). Za delovanje R proteinov so postavljeni modeli receptor-ligand interakcij, ki predvidevajo, da produkti R genov delujejo kot receptorji za posredno ali neposredno prepoznavanje patogena. Večina R genov in R genom podobnih sekvenc je izoliranih z insercijsko mutagenezo, pozicijskim kloniranjem in z verižno reakcijo s polimerazo.



Plants defend themselves against pathogens using different mechanisms, some of which rely on the expression of disease resistance genes (R genes). R genes encode proteins (R proteins) that provide resistance to a wide spectrum of pathogens including viruses, bacteria, nematodes and fungi. Most of the isolated R genes code for the protein of NBS-LRR class with characteristic nucleotide binding domain (NBS domain) and leucine-rich domain (LRR domain). Models of defence mechanism initiated by R gene products are proposed, based either on direct or indirect interaction of the plant R protein with the product of avirulence pathogen gene. Most of the R gene and R gene-like sequences are isolated by insertional mutagenesis, map-based cloning and amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Ocena dostopnosti težkih kovin iz onesnaženih tal Mežiške doline



V dvanajstih vzorcih tal iz okolice vrtcev, šol, zelenjavnih vrtov in dvorišč v Mežiški dolini, s koncentracijami Pb od 469 do 4333 mg kg-1 in Zn od 313 do 8670 mg kg-1, smo določili mobilnost in biodostopnost Pb in Zn. Koncentracija Pb je v enajstih vzorcih presegla kritično vrednost, koncentracija Zn pa v devetih (glede na uredbo v Ur.l.RS št. 68, 1996). Mobilnost Pb in Zn določena s TCLP metodo (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) je pokazala, da nobeden od vzorcev ni presegal vrednosti, ki bi tla po metodologiji EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) uvrščala med nevarne odpadke. Koncentacije Pb in Zn v testni rastlini solati (Lactuca sativa L.) so bile pod mejo detekcije instrumenta (atomski absorpcijski spektrofotometer). S fiziološko osnovanim PBET ekstrakcijskim testom (Physiologically Based Extraction Test) smo vzorcem in talnim prašnim delcem določili delež Pb, ki je biodostopen v človeškem prebavnem sistemu. Iz simulirane želodčne faze je bilo dostopnega 2,8 - 22,8 %, iz črevesne pa 1,2 - 9,0 % celokupnega Pb v tleh. Koncentracije biodostopnega Pb so bile v prašnih delcih manjše kot v vzorcih tal.



The bioaccessibility and mobility of Pb and Zn were determined in twelve soil samples taken around nursery schools and schools and from vegetable gardens and backyards in Mežiška Valley, Slovenia. The concentrations of Pb ranged from 469 to 4333 mg kg-1 and of Zn from 313 to 8670 mg kg-1. In eleven (Pb) and nine (Zn) samples they were higher than the critical values set by the Slovenian legislature (Ur.l.RS No. 68, 1996). The Pb and Zn mobility was determined using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and was in every sample lower than the values set by US EPA for hazardous waste. The concentrations of Pb and Zn in the test plant lattuce (Lactuca sativa L.) were bellow the detection limit of the analytical instrument (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). The bioacessibility of Pb in soil samples and soil dust in the human gastro-intestinal tract was determined in vitro using PBET (Physiologically Based Extraction Test). 2.8 - 22.8 % of the total soil Pb content was available from the simulated stomach and 1.2 - 9.0 % from the intestinal phase. The concentrations of bioaccessible Pb were higher in the soil than in the soil dust.

Diskriminantna analiza in klasifikacija: osnove in primer

Damijana KASTELEC , Katarina KOŠMELJ


V članku so predstavljene osnove diskriminantne analize in klasifikacije. Njuna uporabnost je predstavljena na preprostem primeru analize treh sort leske na podlagi treh morfoloških lastnosti ploda: mase, višine in premera. Izračuni so narejeni s programom SPSS. Ključne besede: diskriminantna analiza, klasifikacija



Discriminant analysis and classification are presented in the paper. Their applicability is illustrated on an example of three hazel cultivars described by hazelnut mass, height and diameter. The calculations were made with the SPSS programme.


Mestno kmetijstvo - oblike in izkušnje

Katja VADNAL in Vesna ALIČ


Problem mestnega in primestnega kmetijstva postaja vse bolj pereč tudi v Sloveniji, tako zaradi širjenja mest v njihovo ruralno zaledje, kot tudi zaradi vse nižje prehranske kompetence prebivalstva. Osnovni namen prispevka je spodbuditi zanimanje za to dokaj novo področje kmetijstva, njegov cilj pa je prikazati stanje na področju mestnega kmetijstva in primere dobre prakse na tem področju v razvitih državah. Mestno kmetijstvo je definirano kot dejavnost, ki je locirana v mestih, velemestih ali metropolah oziroma v njihovem obrobju in obsega pridelovanje/rejo, predelavo in razpečavanje različnih prehranskih in neprehranskih dobrin, pri čemer v veliki meri uporablja in ponovno izrablja človeške in naravne vire, izdelke/pridelke in storitve, ki so na razpolago neposredno v urbanem območju oziroma v njegovi bližnji okolici ter zagotavlja človeške in gmotne vire, izdelke/pridelke in storitve temu urbanemu območju. Ključne determinante mestnega kmetijstvo so prostorska, ekonomska, sociološka in ekološka umeščenost v živo tkivo sodobnih mest, ki jo generirajo in utrjujejo potrebe meščanov. Najbolj razširjena modela mestnega kmetijstva sta vrtičkarstvo in lokalno podprto kmetijstvo, uveljavljajo pa se tudi novi, komercialno usmerjeni modeli, kot je npr. SPIN kmetijstvo.



An issue of urban and periurban agriculture becomes more and more urgent because of towns spreading into their rural surroundings and because of decreasing nutritional competence of the people in Slovenia. The basic goal of the article is to stimulate an interest for this rather new area of agriculture, while its' aim is to present state-of-art in the field of urban agriculture, as well as examples of good practice in the developed countries. Urban agriculture is an industry located within (intra-urban) or on the fringe (peri-urban) of a town, a city or a metropolis, which grows and raises, processes, and distributes a diversity of food and nonfood products, using or reusing largely human and natural resources, products, and services found in and around that urban area, and in turn supplying human and material resources, products, and services largely to that urban area. Key determinants of urban agriculture are its spatial, economic, social and ecological incorporation into vivid tissue of modern towns/cities/metropolis that is generated and consolidated by the needs of urban population. The most common models of urban agriculture are gardening and locally supported agriculture, although new commercially oriented models, e.g. SPIN agriculture, are emerging recently.

Entomopatogene in entomofilne ogorčice - naravni sovražniki resarjev (Thysanoptera)

Žiga LAZNIK , Stanislav TRDAN


V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati dosedanjih raziskav delovanja entomopatogenih ogorčic na gospodarsko škodljive resarje (zlasti na vrsto Frankliniella occidentalis) in doslej v resarjih ugotovljene vrste entomofilnih (parazitskih) ogorčic (rod Thripinema). Zlasti entomopatogene ogorčice bodo v bližnji prihodnosti najverjetneje delno nadomestile insekticide pri zatiranju resarjev in drugih rastlinskih škodljivcev, medtem ko bo potrebno mehanizem delovanja in bionomijo entomofilnih ogorčic za njihovo učinkovitejšo rabo pri zatiranju resarjev v prihodnosti še natančneje preučiti.



The results of previous research on activity of entomopathogenic nematodes against harmful Thysanoptera species (particularly against Frankliniella occidentalis) and so far recorded entomophilic (parasitic) nematodes (Thripinema genus) in the body of thrips are presented in the paper. The most probably in the near future entomopathogenic nematodes will partly substitute the insecticides in controlling thrips and other plant pests. The investigation on the mode of action and the bionomics of entomophilic nematodes will be required to improve their activity in controlling thrips.



Entomopatogene ogorčice, naravni sovražniki nadzemskih škodljivcev kapusnic

Žiga LAZNIK , Stanislav TRDAN


V prispevku je predstavljen pomen, način delovanja in razvojni krog entomopatogenih ogorčic, ki so v svetu pomembni naravni sovražniki talnih in nadzemskih škodljivcev. Poseben poudarek je namenjen dosedanji uporabi entomopatogenih ogorčic pri zatiranju nadzemskih škodljivcev kapusnic; vrst Delia radicum, Plutella xylostella, Pieris brassicae, Mamestra brassicae in Phyllotreta spp. V prispevku je predstavljena foliarna aplikacija ogorčic, z namenom njihovega hitrejšega in učinkovitejšega delovanja na ciljne organizme.



Significance, mode of action and developmental cycle of entomopathogenic nematodes, which are important natural enemies of soil and foliar pests around the world, are presented. Special emphasis is given to previous use of entomopathogenic nematodes against foliar pests of vegetable Brassicas, such as Delia radicum, Plutella xylostella, Pieris brassicae, Mamestra brassicae and Phyllotreta spp. Foliar application of nematodes with the aim of their faster and more efficient activity against target organisms is also described.


Ekstrakcija kroma iz kvasne biomase

Maja PAŠ , Radmila MILAČIČ , Peter RASPOR


Celokupni krom v kvasni biomasi ni dober pokazatelj količine organsko vezanega oz. biološko aktivnega kroma. Namen študije je bil preizkusiti različne reagente za ekstrakcijo organsko vezanega kroma iz kvasnih celic in protoplastov ter optimizirati parametre ekstrakcije. Kvasovke Candida intermedia ZIM 156 smo namnoževali 12 oz. 22 ur pri 28 C v kemijsko definiranem gojišču z dodanim 1 mM CrCl3 oz. Na2Cr2O7 (20 ?M Cr6+). Izprane kvasne celice smo suspendirali v reagentih za ekstrakcijo (0,05 M EDTA, 0,7 M CH3COONa, 0,1 M NH3, 0,1 M Na4P2O7.10H2O) ter suspenzije inkubirali pri 28 C. Optimizirali smo čas ekstrakcije, mešanje med ekstrakcijo in koncentracijo suspenzije kvasovk v EDTA. Iz dela kvasnih celic smo pripravili protoplaste in iz njih ekstrahirali krom. Vsebnosti kroma v ekstraktih, celokupnega kroma v kvasni biomasi in kroma v protoplastih smo določili z atomsko absorpcijsko spektroskopijo. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov smo kot najprimernejši reagent za ekstrakcijo izbrali EDTA, najugodnejši čas ekstrakcije 21 ur, pri čemer stresanje ni potrebno. Iz rezultatov je tudi razvidno, da se z EDTA iz kvasnih celic ekstrahira približno enak delež kroma kot iz protoplastov, kar velja za obe uporabljeni kromovi spojini v gojišču. Ne moremo pa zaključiti, ali je bil krom, ekstrahiran iz protoplastov, intracelularnega izvora ali je bil vezan v celičnih membranah. Zato bi bilo potrebno v nadaljnjih raziskavah natančneje določiti lastnosti ekstraktov z EDTA, predvsem identificirati spojine, na katere je vezan krom.



Total chromium in yeast biomass does not indicate well the amount of organically bound or biologically active chromium. The study presented in this paper investigated different reagents for extraction of organically bound chromium from yeast cells and yeast protoplasts and different parameters of extraction procedure. Yeasts Candida intermedia ZIM 156 were cultivated for 12 or 22 hours at 28 C in chemically defined medium containing 1mM CrCl3 or Na2Cr2O7 (20 ?M Cr6+). Washed yeast cells were resuspended in appropriate reagents for extraction (0.05 M EDTA, 0.7 M CH3COONa, 0.1 M NH3, 0.1 M Na4P2O7.10H2O) and suspensions were incubated at 28 C. Extraction time, mixing conditions and concentration of yeast suspension in EDTA were optimized. An aliquot of yeast cells was used to prepare protoplasts from which chromium was extracted. Chromium content in extracts, in yeast biomass and in protoplasts was analysed by atomic absorption spectrometry. On the basis of our results EDTA was chosen as the most appropriate reagent for extraction, optimal extraction time was 21 hours without shaking. Furthermore, the results obtained for both chromium compounds showed, that the amounts of extracted chromium from yeast cells and from protoplasts were approximately the same. Nevertheless, we can not conclude, whether chromium, which was extracted from yeast protoplasts originated from cell interior or from yeast cell membranes. In further research exact properties of EDTA extracts should be determined and chromium compounds in the extracts should be identified


Medsebojni vplivi trofičnih nivojev v prehranjevalni verigi parazitoidov

Katarina KOS , Stanislav TRDAN


Prispevek predstavlja odnose med trofičnimi nivoji v prehranjevalni verigi parazitoidov. Z njihovim poznavanjem je mogoče lažje razumeti interakcije med organizmi, ki so za nas pomembni z gospodarskega in biološkega vidika. Vsi trofični nivoji so med seboj povezani s semiokemikalijami, ki služijo za komunikacijo med gostiteljskimi rastlinami in herbivori, parazitoidi, plenilci, hiperparazitoidi in drugimi organizmi v trofičnih nivojih. V prispevku je v besedi in sliki predstavljenih pet scenarijev prehranjevalnih verig parazitoidov.



The paper introduces the relationships between trophic levels in food chain of parasitoids. With their familiarity it is possible much easier to understand the interactions between organisms, which are important from the economical and biological point of view. All trophic levels are connected between each others with semiochemicals, which serves for communication between host plants and herbivores, parasitoids, predators, hyperparasitoids and other organisms in trophic levels. In this contribution five scenarios of food chain of parasitoids are represented in written and illustrated forms.

Širjenje koruznega hrošča Diabrotica v. virgifera v Sloveniji v obdobju 2003 - 2007

Špela MODIC , Matej KNAPIČ , Gregor UREK


Koruznega hrošča, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Dvv), smo v Sloveniji prvič našli leta 2003 na vzhodu v Pomurju in Podravju vzdolž meje z Madžarsko in Hrvaško ter na zahodu na Goriškem v bližini meje z Italijo. V obdobju 2003-2007 smo sistematično spremljali njegovo širjenje v Sloveniji. Za ulov škodljivca smo uporabljali feromonske in spolno-prehranske vabe ter rumene lepljive plošče. Na podlagi rezultatov smo ugotovili, da se je koruzni hrošč v obdobju 2003-2006 postopoma širil od severovzhoda proti notranjosti države za povprečno 24 km/leto, v letu 2007 pa se je, zaradi zanj ugodnih okoljskih razmer, areal njegove razširjenosti povečal za dobrih 70 km. Vzorec širjenja Dvv kaže na to, da so glavne transportne poti, kot so ceste, železnica, letališče Jožeta Pučnika, vključno z nekaterimi manjšimi letališči s povečanim notranjim prometom ter večjimi počivališči ob avtocestah, poleg njegovega naravnega širjenja in pridelave koruze v monokulturi, eden glavnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na njegovo razširjenost pri nas. V letu 2007 se je koruzni hrošč pojavil prej kot v prejšnjih letih, zaradi česar je prišlo tudi do občutnih razlik v obsegu širjena.



The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Dvv), was found for the first time in Slovenia in 2003, in the eastern regions of Pomurje and Podravje along the border with Hungary and Croatia, and in the western region Goriška near the border with Italy. Between 2003 and 2007, its spreading in Slovenia was systematically monitored. To catch the pest we used pheromone and floral bait traps and yellow sticky traps. Computer analyses adopting plant protection geographical information systems (GIS) suggested that between 2003 and 2006 Dvv was spreading progressively from north-east towards the interior of the country by 24 km/year on the average while in 2007, due to favourable environmental conditions, the area of its spread increased by 70 km. The pattern of Dvv spreading indicates that the main transport routes such as roads, railway, Jože Pučnik Airport including some small scale airports with an increased inland traffic and larger resting places along the highways are, beside its natural spreading and growing of maize as monoculture, one of the major factors affecting its spread in Slovenia. In 2007, Dvv appeared earlier than in the previous years which resulted in a considerable difference as to the extent of spreading.

Karotenoidi v fotosinteznem aparatu in odziv na stres



Karotenoidi so tetraterpeni, ki so locirani izklučno v kloroplastih in kromoplastih. V kloroplastu imajo pomembno vlogo pri zbiranju svetlobe, pri odvajanju odvečne svetlobe iz fotosistema in pri odstranjevanju škodljivih molekul, ki nastajajo kot posledica delovanja stresorjev na rastlino. V članku so predstavljeni kloroplastni karotenoidi in njihova vloga. Poudarjena je vloga in delovanje ksantofilnega cikla v rastlinah v stresu.



Carotenoids are tetraterpenes which are exclusively located in chloroplast and chromoplast. Within the chloroplast, carotenoids have important roles in light-harvesting, photoprotection and stress response. Carotenoids in chloroplast are reviewed in this paper. The importance of carotenoids in plants under stress is discussed. The role and function of xantophyll cycle in plants under stress is pointed out.


Remediacija zemljine z območja stare cinkarne v Celju z metodo stabilizacije s cementom



Pet reprezentančnih vzorcev močno onesnažene zemljine z območja stare cinkarne v Celju (Slovenija), ki so vsebovali od 7300 do 17200 mg kg-1 celokupnega Pb, od 6000 do 63600 mg kg-1 celokupnega Zn in od 24 do 250 mg kg-1 celokupnega Cd, smo remedirali z metodo stabilizacije s 15 ut.% portland cementa. Po 4 mesecih stabilizacije se je mobilnost Pb, Zn in Cd določena s TCLP metodo ("Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure") 5,8 - 17,4, 8,1 - 35,8 oz. 4,3 - 7,3-krat zmanjšala. Potencialna dostopnost Pb, Zn in Cd za rastline, določena z ekstrakcijo z dietilentriaminpentaocetno kislino (DTPA), se je po stabilizaciji 1,6 - 9,8, 1,1 - 2,1 oz. 1,3 - 4,1-krat zmanjšala. Biodostopni delež Pb določen s fiziološko osnovanim ekstrakcijskim testom ("Physiologically Based Extraction Test"; PBET) se je v črevesni frakciji po stabilizaciji 5,9 - 11,3-krat zmanjšal.



Five representitative samples of heavily polluted soil from a former industrial area in Celje (Slovenia) containing 7300 - 17200 mg kg-1 total Pb, 6000 - 63600 mg kg-1 total Zn and 24 - 250 mg kg-1 total Cd were remediated with the stabilization method with 15 % (w/w) portland cement. After 4 months of stabilization the mobility of Pb, Zn and Cd assessed with Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) decreased by factors 5.8 - 17.4, 8.1 - 35.8 and 4.3 - 7.3, respectively. Potential availability of Pb, Zn and Cd for plants assessed with dietilentriaminpentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction decreased by factors 1.6 - 9.8, 1.1 - 2.1 and 1.3 - 4.1 after stabilization, respectively. Bioacessibility of Pb assessed with a physiologically based extraction test (PBET) decreased after stabilization by factors up to 11.3 in the small intestine fraction.

Vpliv izbire fungicidov in medvrstne razdalje na pojavljanje ostankov ditiokarbamatov v krompirju



Monitoring ostankov pesticidov v kmetijskih pridelkih kaže, da so ostanki ditiokarbamatov tudi v Sloveniji med najpogosteje ugotovljenimi. V letih od 2003 do 2005 smo v poljskih poskusih ugotavljali vpliv izbora fungicidov in časa po zadnjem škropljenju krompirja na vsebnost ostankov v gomoljih krompirja. Primerjali smo štiri obravnavanja: enostransko in izmenično škropljenje s fungicidi na osnovi ditiokarbamatov, škropljenje brez ditiokarbamatov in neškropljeno kontrolo. Po končanih škropljenjih smo v zaporednih vzorčenjih naključno jemali vzorce po 10 grmov na polju in po 5 kg krompirja v skladišču. V drugem poskusu smo preučevali vpliv medvrstne razdalje na vsebnost ostankov ditiokarbamatov v gomoljih na različnih globinah. Primerjali smo medvrstne razdalje 66 cm, 75 cm in 90 cm pri sortah Carlingford, Agria in Bright. Razporeditev gomoljev v grebenih smo ugotavljali z napravo za tridimenzionalno merjenje oblike grebena in položaja gomoljev v grebenu. Vzorčili smo gomolje po plasteh 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm in >10 cm in pobirali gomolje posamično. Vzorce krompirja smo na ostanke ditiokarbamatov analizirali s plinskim kromatografom, sklopljenim z masnim spektrometrom. Ostanke ditiokarbamatov v gomoljih smo ugotovili le v letu 2003. Rezultati kažejo, da so okoljske razmere ključen dejavnik za pojavljanje ostankov v gomoljih in imajo lahko celo večji vpliv kot količina uporabljene aktivne snovi ali drugi tehnološki ukrepi. Upoštevanje dobre kmetijske prakse v večini let omogoča pridelavo krompirja brez ostankov ditiokarbamatov. V neugodnih letih lahko najdemo ostanke, kljub pridelavi v skladu s tehnološkimi priporočili in upoštevani karenci ob izkopu krompirja.



The residues of dithiocarbamates are very often found in foodstuff monitoring programme in Slovenia. The effect of fungicide choice and time spent since the last spraying on dithicarbamate residues in potato tubers were studied in the field trials from 2003 to 2005. Four different treatments were applied in trial: exclusive and alternate spraying with fungicides on the basis of dithiocarbamates, spraying schedule without dithiocarbamates and unsprayed control. 10 plants in the field and 5 kg of tubers in storage were randomly sampled in consecutive sampling after the last spraying. The influence of row width on the dithicarbamate residue content of tubers in different depths was studied in the second experiment. Row distances of 66, 75 and 90 cm were compared using varieties Carlingford, Agria and Bright. Tuber distribution in the hill was measured using device for three-dimensional measurement of hill shape and tuber position. Tubers were sampled in two ways: in layers of 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm and deeper than 10 cm, and each tuber separately. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry was used for the analysis of dithiocarbamates. They were found only in the year 2003. The results show that the environmental conditions are the key factor for determination of dithiocarbamate residues. They have bigger influence than the amount of active substance used or other technological measures taken. Application of good farming practice enables the production of food without residues in most of the years. In certain years it is possible to find residues despite the utilization of technological recommendations and pre-harvest interval.


Pojav naravnih mutacij pri nekaterih linijah koruze (Zea mays L.) iz genske banke

Ludvik ROZMAN , Katja POKOVEC ,


Z namenom ugotovitve vrste in frekvence mutacij na nekaterih linijah koruze iz genske banke koruze Oddelka za agronomijo Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani smo v letu 2003 na poskusnem polju BF v Jablah pri Trzinu posejali 100 linij koruze iz genske banke. Na poskusni parcelici vsake linije je bilo posejanih po 40 rastlin. Storže linij smo po spravilu v laboratoriju vizualno pregledali in s pomočjo literature beležili pojav naravnih mutacij na storžih in zrnih posamezne linije. Vrste mutacij, ki smo jih na podlagi literature ugotovili, so bile: sladka zrna, zrna s praznim perikarpom, zgrbančena - nerazvita zrna, slabo razvita - abortirana zrna, zrna podobna visoko-lizinskim ali moknatim zrnom, zrna z zmanjšanim endospermom ter zrna v plevah. Nekaterih mutacij na podlagi literature (pisan - sivobel perikarp, nepravilne in odprte vrste zrnja na storžu) nismo mogli natančno definirati.



The aim of this study, conducted in 2003, was to investigate the appearance and frequency of spontaneous mutations in maize inbred lines. In the investigation were included 100 maize inbred lines obtained from the maize gene bank of the Department of Agronomy, Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. The experimental plots included 40 plants per each inbred line. The ears of inbred lines were analysed, and on the base of literature, the appearance of spontaneous mutations on ears and kernels, were scored. The mutations that were determined are sugary kernels, kernels with empty pericarp, shrunken - undeveloped kernels, nonviable - defective kernels, kernels like opaque and floury endosperm, reduced endosperm and kernels with papyrescent glumes. On the base of literature some mutations (variegated - greyish white perikarp, irregular kernel row) we couldn't have determined.