
Letnik 91

Ljubljana, 2008

Številka 1

 A comparative study of rainfall erosivity for eastern and western Slovenia



In April 2008, 120 soil samples from 24 locations were collected in Gorenjska, Notranjska and Primorska regions as well as in Ljubljansko barje. The presence of entomopathogenic nematodes was confirmed in 9 samples from 6 locations. Only the sample C101, which was taken in the village Svino in the area of Breginjski kot (western part of Slovenia, the vicinity of Italian border), was sent to genetic analysis. Molecular biological analysis was proved the identity of the sample with the species Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser). This was the first record of Steinernema carpocapsae in Slovenia. In preceding researches on the fauna of entomopathogenic nematodes in Slovenia, which started in 2007, we already established the occurrence of Steinernema affine (Bovien) and Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev).


ENTOMOPATOGENA OGORČICA Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), NOVI PREDSTAVNIK SLOVENSKE FAVNE

V aprilu 2008 smo na območju Gorenjske, Notranjske, Primorske in Ljubljanskega barja na 24 lokacijah nabrali 120 talnih vzorcev. Zastopanost entomopatogenih ogorčic smo ugotovili v 9 vzorcih s 6 lokacij. V nadaljnjo genetsko analizo smo poslali le vzorec C101. Ta je bil odvzet v vasi Svino na območju Breginjskega kota (skrajni zahod Slovenije na meji z Italijo). Z molekulsko analizo smo identificirali vrsto Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser). Gre za prvo odkritje omenjene vrste entomopatogene ogorčice pri nas. V predhodnjih raziskavah preučevanja faune entomopatogenih ogorčic v Sloveniji, ki potekajo od leta 2007, smo ugotovili zastopanost vrst Steinernema affine (Bovien) in Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev).

Evaluation of different designs of temporary electric fence systems for the protection of maize against wild boar (Sus scrofa L., Mammalia, Suidae)

Matej VIDRIH , Stanislav TRDAN


Among free living animals in Slovenia, wild boar (Sus scrofa) damages agricultural land by rooting and primarily by directly feeding on open fields. In some areas of Slovenia this large wildlife animal causes more than 50% of all estimated damage to cultivated plants grown on arable and forage fields. Many techniques for controlling wild boar and preventing damage are known, but none of them is optimal. In a trial for preventing wild boar ingress into maize fields different designs of electric fence system were used. The trial in which we used an electric fence to prevent wild boar from entering a maize field was erected in the area of Šmihel near Postojna (Slovenia). We decided to erect the electric fence at the end of July, after the fertilization of the maize. The following designs of electric fence systems were used: 1) a plastic post with a polywire and two polytapes with spacings of 15, 15, and 30 cm between them; 2) a plastic post with polywire and a polytape with spacings 25 and 25 cm between them; 3) a steal post as a wire offset in an inverted L shape on which three screws on rod insulators were fixed at a height of 15, 30, and 55 cm from the ground. A polytape at a height of 30 cm acted as depth and it was a so-called three-dimensional design of electric fence. No breaks through fencing were observed until the harvesting time of the maize for silage, although boar tracks on the outside of the fenced field were observed. Damage to arable fields in the vicinity of the protected field was also recorded.



Divji prašič (Sus scrofa) je v Sloveniji pomembna prostoživeča vrsta. Škodo povzroča na kmetijskih zemljiščih, in sicer z ritjem in neposrednim hranjenjem. Na nekaterih območjih Slovenije predstavlja škoda po divjem prašiču več kot 50 % vse s strani kmetov prijavljene škode. Ta je vezana tako na gojene kot samonikle rastline, namenjene za živež ali živalsko krmo. Za preprečevanje škode po divjem prašiču na poljščinah je znanih več načinov; ti pogosto niso dovolj učinkoviti, so predragi ali moteči pri oskrbi poljščin. Za preprečevanje vdora divjega prašiča na koruzno njivo smo v našem poskusu uporabili začasno elektroograjo. Na območju Šmihela pri Postojni je bil izveden poskus varovanja posevka (silažne) koruze pred divjim prašičem od konca julija (zadnje dognojevanje) do spravila pridelka. Uporabljene so bile naslednje tri postavitve začasne elektroograje: 1) plastični količek z elektrovrvico in dvema elektrotrakoma z razmiki 15,15 in 30 cm, 2) plastični količek z elektrovrvico in elektrotrakom z razmikoma 25 in 25 cm, in 3) železni količek v obliki distančnika (številke 7) in višino vrvice/trakov 15, 30 in 55 cm. Elektrotrak pri slednji postavitvi je na višini 30 cm deloval kot globina oziroma tretja dimenzija. Med poskusom vse do spravila pridelka ni prišlo do vdora divjih prašičev na ograjeni del zemljišča. Na zunanji strani ograje so bile opazne sledi divjega prašiča. Škoda zaradi preučevanega škodljivca je bila ugotovljena na sosednjih njivah, ki niso bile varovane.

Entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), a new member of Slovenian fauna

Žiga LAZNIK , Tímea TÓTH , Tamás LAKATOS , Stanislav TRDAN


In the period 2003-2006 we have performed block trials with two flax (Linum usitatissimum) cultivars: RBK cultivar (domestic flax population from Raztresen farm in Bela Krajina) and Laura cultivar (fibre-type-flax from the Common Catalogue of EU). The trial was carried out at the Experimental Field at the Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana (Slovenia). The two cultivars were sown in the first decade of April with manual sowing machine to the row spacing of 8.5 cm, 17 cm and 34 cm. Crop care was traditional. The plants were plucked at the end of the yellow maturity (the last decade of July). There was no significant difference between the average yields of stems produced at the row spacing of 8.5 cm (1.92 t/ha) and 17 cm (1.99 t/ha), but significantly the lowest yield was reached at the row spacing of 34 cm (1.52 t/ha). In the period of 4 years the average yield of stems that was reached by the RBK cultivar was 1.83 t/ha, and the one reached by the Laura cultivar was unsignificantly lower (1.79 t/ha). Compared to the average yield of the flaxseed from both cultivars produced at the row spacing of 8.5 cm (1.34 t/ha) and 34 cm (1.01 t/ha), the average yield of the seeds obtained from the 17 cm row spacing was significantly the highest (1.52 t/ha); for 0.11 t seed/ha the RBK cultivar (1.35 t/ha) was significntly more productive than the Laura cultivar. The influence of growing conditions to the yield of stems and seed was most favourable in the year of the drought (2003), when - with the cultivar RBK and at the row spacing of 17 cm - we produced significantly the highest quantity of stems (2.64 t/ha) and seeds (1.93 t/ha). We discovered that the unbranched stem of the RBK cultivar corresponds to the fibre-type-flax, the hight of plants (50 to 60 cm), absolute mass (6.3 to 6.8 g) and the yield of the seed (above 1 t/ha) show good biological capability for the seed production. Production and processing of flax should not remain just an attractive cultural and historical presentation of this activity at some turist farms in Bela Krajina (JV of Slovenia); it should also present a challenge to young farmers to find the place for this crop in organic production of food and other raw materials with the use of mechanisation and modern technological procedures. The production and processing of flax presents the possibility for increased biotic diversity of the cultural landscape and revitalization of rural areas.


ENTOMOPATOGENA OGORČICA Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), NOVI PREDSTAVNIK SLOVENSKE FAVNE

V aprilu 2008 smo na območju Gorenjske, Notranjske, Primorske in Ljubljanskega barja na 24 lokacijah nabrali 120 talnih vzorcev. Zastopanost entomopatogenih ogorčic smo ugotovili v 9 vzorcih s 6 lokacij. V nadaljnjo genetsko analizo smo poslali le vzorec C101. Ta je bil odvzet v vasi Svino na območju Breginjskega kota (skrajni zahod Slovenije na meji z Italijo). Z molekulsko analizo smo identificirali vrsto Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser). Gre za prvo odkritje omenjene vrste entomopatogene ogorčice pri nas. V predhodnjih raziskavah preučevanja faune entomopatogenih ogorčic v Sloveniji, ki potekajo od leta 2007, smo ugotovili zastopanost vrst Steinernema affine (Bovien) in Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev).


Epicuticular wax content in the leaves of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) as a mechanical barrier against three insect pests

Dragan ŽNIDARČIČ , Nevenka VALIČ , Stanislav TRDAN


Flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp.), cabbage stink bugs (Eurydema ventrale) and onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) cause significant economic problems to cabbage growers in Slovenia. The aim of our study was to assess the potential effect of the epicuticular wax on leaves as defence mechanism against these three cabbage pests. The impact of epicuticular wax content in relation to damage levels of cabbage pests was studied under field conditions at the Experimental Field of the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana on 12 cabbage cultivars (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata). These insect pests showed weak preference on cabbage heads with high epicuticular wax. There was a strong negative relationship between epicuticular wax content and the level of plants infested (r2 = -0.8399 for flea beetles, r2 = -0.7413 for cabbage stink bugs and r2 = -0.7042 for onion thrips). The cv.'Holandsko pozno rdeče', showed itself to be the most resistant to the cabbage stink bugs and onion thrips, while cv. 'Red Dinasty' was the most resistant against flea beetles.



Kapusov bolhač (Phyllotreta spp.), pisana stenica (Eurydema ventrale) in tobakov resar (Thrips tabaci), povzročajo gospodarsko pomembne težave pridelovalcem zelja v Sloveniji. Cilj naše raziskave je bil oceniti potencialni učinek epikutikularnega voska na listih kot obrambnega mehanizma proti naštetim škodljivcem. Vpliv količine epikutikularnega voska na poškodbe, ki jih povzročajo škodljivci, smo proučevali na 12 kultivarjih zelja (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata), vzgojenih na Laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani. Škodljivci so pokazal majhno preferenco do zeljnih glav, ki imajo visoko vsebnost epikutikularnega voska. Med koncentracijo epikutikularnega voska in poškodovanimi listi je bila namreč ugotovljena močno značilna negativna povezava (r2 = -0.8399 za kapusovega bolhača, r2 = -0.7413 za pisano stenico in r2 = -0.7042 za tobakovega resarja). Cv.'Holandsko pozno rdeče', se je pokazal kot najbolj odporen kultivar ob napadu tobakovega resarja in pisane stenice, medtem, ko je bil cv. 'Red Dinasty' najmanj odporen proti napadu kapusovega bolhača.

Influence of carbon dioxide, inoculum rate, amount and mixing of casing soil on Agaricus blazei fruiting bodies yield

Andrej GREGORI , Bojan PAHOR , Roman GLASER , Franc POHLEVEN


Influence of carbon dioxide concentration during compost and casing soil overgrowth, inoculum rate, casing soil depth and mixing on Agaricus blazei fruiting bodies yield was determined. Compost composed of chicken manure and wheat straw which is used for commercial button mushrooms cultivation in Slovenia showed to be appropriate for A. blazei fruiting bodies production. Out of the parameters tested in our experiments, casing soil depth and inoculum rate had the biggest positive effect on fruiting bodies production. For A. blazei fruiting bodies production higher rates of inoculum and at least 8.5 kg of commercial casing soil per square meter of compost surface should be used. Higher carbon dioxide concentrations shoved to be beneficial for attaining higher yields of A. blazei fruiting bodies.



Raziskovan je bil vpliv koncentracije ogljikovega dioksida med preraščanjem komposta in krovne prsti (pokrivke), količine glivnega vcepka primešanega kompostu ter količine krovne prsti in mešanje le-te po preraščanju s podgobjem na obrod gob Agaricus blazei. Kompost pripravljen iz kurjega gnoja ter pšenične slame, ki ga izdelujejo ter na območju Slovenije uporabljajo za komercialno gojenje šampinjonov, se je izkazal kot primeren za gojenje gob vrste A. blazei. Med testiranimi parametri gojenja sta na povečanje pridelka vplivali predvsem količina krovne prsti in koncentracija glivnega vcepka vmešanega v kompost. Za uspešno gojenje je potrebno uporabiti vsaj 8,5 kg komercialne krovne prsti na kvadratni meter komposta. Višje koncentracije ogljikovega dioksida in pokrivke pozitivno vplivajo na obrod gob.


Attitudes towards private labels - example of a consumer sensory evaluation of food in Slovenia

Aleš KUHAR and Tanja TIČ


The study aims to extend the understanding of consumers' perception of private labelled food products in Slovenia. Consumer sensory test of sour gherkins was conducted in two experimental conditions where the effect of brand information on hedonic judgment was examined. The difference between private label and producer label products was especially scrutinized. Results show that consumers in Slovenia perceive private labels as a lower price alternative of comparable quality to producer brands. Disposable income and family size proved to have significant effect on propensity to buy private label food. Study confirms that the information about brand significantly affect consumer sensory judgment. The effect of assimilation has been confirmed also in the case of private label.



Raziskava poskuša poglobiti razumevanje percepcije trgovskih blagovnih znamk hrane pri slovenskih potrošnikih. Izvedeno je bilo senzorično vrednotenje vzorcev kislih kumaric pri dveh različnih vrstah eksperimentalnih razmer, kjer je bil ocenjevan učinek informacije o blagovni znamki na hedonično vrednotenje. Test je bil osredotočen na razlikovanje trgovskih blagovnih znamk in proizvajalčevih blagovnih znamk. Rezultati so pokazali, da slovenski potrošniki trgovske blagovne znamke vrednotijo kot cenovno ugodno alternativno izbiro primerljive kakovosti v primerjavi s proizvajalčevimi blagovnimi znamkami. Statistično značilni učinki nagnjenosti k izbiri trgovskih blagovnih znamk so bili potrjeni za dejavnike: razpoložljivi dohodek in velikost družine. Raziskava potrjuje hipotezo, da informacija o blagovni znamki statistično značilno vpliva na senzorično vrednotenje vzorcev pri potrošnikih. Učinek asimilacije je bil potrjen tudi pri trgovskih blagovnih znamkah.


Morphological and agronomic evaluation of tissue culture derived Indian soybean plants



Somaclonal variation has become common for many plant species including soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr). The present study was aimed to compare the morphological and yield characters of tissue culture derived and field grown soybean cultivar CO-3 (Coimbatore-3). With respect to the plants derived from tissue culture, the morphological characters such as length of roots, shoots, petioles, internodal region, number of leaf nodes, leaf area, fresh and dry weight of leaves and roots and yield contributing characters length of pods, number of flowers/ node, number of pods/ node, number of pods/ plant, number of seed aborted fruits and number of seeds/ pod were significantly (p>0.05) varied from parent or field grown plants, except seed yield. Even the variation was observed in both the type of plants, since the difference was not too large. We conclude that tissue culture technique is not detrimental for plant growth and performance and which is widely used in many genetic engineering techniques.



Somaklonska variabilnost je pri soji (Glycine max (L.) Merr) in mnogih drugih rastlinah med uporabljanimi viri genske variabilnosti. Namen te raziskave je bil preveriti pojavljanje variabilnosti med rastlinami dobljenimi iz tkivnih kultur pri soji cv. CO3 (Coimbatore 3). Avtorji so primerjali regenerirane rastline s kontrolnimi rastlinami. Ugotovili so vrsto značilnih razlik pri morfoloških lastnostih, nas primer glede na dolžino korenin, poganjkov, petiol, internodijev in strokov. Poleg teh lastnosti so bile tudi razlike glede na število olistanih nodijev, število cvetov na nodij, strokov na nodij, strokov na rastlino, stevilo semen na strok, svežo in suho teža listov in korenin značilne (p>0.05), razlike pa niso bile značilne glede na pridelek rastlin. Ker razlike niso bile velike, avtorji ugotavljajo, da spremembe zaradi somaklonske variabilnosti niso nujno škodljive za rastline.To je pomembno, saj se tehniko tkivnih kultur široko uporablja pri uporabi metod genskega inženiringa.

Indigenous arbuscular mycorrhiza is more important for early growth period of groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) for P influx in an Oxisol



The contribution of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) on phosphorus (P) uptake by groundnut was examined in a low P field soil. The fungicide benomyl was applied to eradicate mycorrhizal infection. The treatments consisted of three P levels viz. 0, 50 and 400 mg P kg-1 soil, with and without benomyl application. Groundnut as test crop was sown two weeks after the application of benomyl and was harvested four times covering the whole growth period. At each harvest, the shoot yield, shoot P concentration, root length, soil solution P (CLi) and per cent root infection by AM was determined for benomyl treated and untreated soil at all P levels. Benomyl showed no effect on soil solution P concentration. When P was limiting, application of benomyl did reduce early groundnut growth by 40-50% at P-0, and by 25-30% at P-50. At high P supply (P-400), benomyl had little or no effect on dry matter production. Thus, indicate that the effect of benomyl on plant growth was by its influence on P uptake from soil. Phosphorus supply affected percentage of root infected by AM which was 40% of the roots at P-0, and decreased to around 30% and 10% at P-50 and P-400. In the early growing season, the P influx of maize was dependent on P in soil solution and the effect of AM was rather large. At high P supply, the contribution of AM to P influx showed a decrease. Without or low AM infection and at low P level, the P influx was 62% of that with AM. During early growth period groundnut showed a similar behaviour as maize at middle growth stage and without AM reduction of P influx, which was to an extent of 67%. In absolute terms AM is more important at maximum growth in the early growth season for groundnut. It is evident from the present investigation that AM may make an significant contribution by about 35 % to the P nutrition of groundnut, but other factors, like P solubilization by root exudates, may be even more important.



Proučevan je bil vpliv samonikle arbuskularna mikorize (AM) na sprejem fosforja (P) pri rastlinah arašida. Fungicid benomyl je bil uporabljen za zagotovitev kontrolnih rastlin brez mikorize. Gnojenje s P je potekalo na treh nivojih in sicer 0, 50 in 400 mg P na kg tal, z oziroma brez uporabe benomyla. Arašidi so bili posajeni dva tedna po tretiranju tal s fungicidom, vzorce so jemali štirikrat tekom obdobja rasti. Pri vsakem jemanju vzorcev je bila določena teža poganjkov, koncentracija P v poganjkih, dolžina korenin, topen P v tleh in odstotek okužbe z mikorizno glivo, na obeh nivojih tretiranja s fungicidom in na vseh nivojih dodatka P. Fungicid ni vplival na vsebnost topnega P v tleh. Ko je bil P omejujoč dejavnik je fungicid zmanjšal zgodnjo rast arašidov za 40 do 50% pri P-0 in za 25 do 30% pri P-50. Pri visokem dodatku P (P-400) je imel fungicid majhen vpliv ali sploh ni imel vpliva na pridelek sušine. Tako kaže, da je fungicid vplival na rast rastlin z vplivom na sprejem P iz tal. Oskrba s P je vplivala na AM, ki je bila 40% pri koreninah skupine rastlin P-0 in se je znižala na okoli 30% in 10% pri P-50 in P-400. Pri visokih odmerkih P se je zmanjšal pomen AM za oskrbo rastlin s P. Brez AM in pri nizkem nivoju P je bil dotok P v rastline samo 62% tistega, ki je bil pri rastlinah z AM. AM je najpomembnejša za zagotovitev maksimalne rasti v začetku rastne sezone arašidov. Raziskava je pokazala da je AM značilno prispevala z okoli 35% deležem oskrbe rastlin arašidov s P, da pa so lahko celo bolj pomembni tudi drugi vplivi, kot na primer, da izločki korenin prispevajo k povečanju topnega P v tleh.


Obravnava meteorološke suše z različnimi indikatorji




Meteorološko sušo pogosto označimo s sušnimi indeksi, ki so preprosti za uporabo, hkrati pa absorbirajo ogromne količine podatkov o količini padavin, temperaturi, vodnemu režimu v tleh, . Za študijo meteorološke suše v Sloveniji smo uporabili dva tovrstna indeksa: standardiziran padavinski indeks - SPI ter Palmerjev indeks sušnosti - PDSI. SPI lahko izračunamo na različnih časovnih skalah, zaradi česar lahko bolje opredelimo začetek, trajanje ter intenziteto suše. Prilagodljiva časovna skala pri SPI nam lahko pomaga nadzirati sušo tudi v kmetijstvu in hidrološkem sistemu. Primerjava obeh indeksov na primeru izračuna za Ljubljano nam je pokazala, da se PDSI najbolje ujema z SPI na devet- ter dvanajst-mesečni časovni skali. Oba indeksa kažeta, da je bilo v Ljubljani po letu 1900 najbolj sušno leto 1946. S pomočjo SPI smo ugotovili tudi statistično značilno ( =0,05) upadanje količine poletnih padavin v Ljubljani, Murski Soboti ter Biljah v obdobju 1971 - 2006 (postaje se nahajajo na klimatsko različnih območjih v Sloveniji). Analiza meteorološke suše v letu 2003 nam je pokazala, da je bil v vegetacijskem obdobju ekstremen primankljaj padavin prisoten na širšem območju Slovenije z izjemo skrajnega severozahodnega dela, kjer je bila količina padavin nadpovprečna. Leto 2003 je bilo pri nas eno izmed najbolj sušnih po letu 1950.



Meteorological drought is often described in terms of drought indices, which are simple to use and simultaneously absorb great amount of precipitation data, temperature data, ground water content data, etc. Two of them were used in analysis of meteorological drought in Slovenia: standardised precipitation index - SPI and Palmer drought severity index - PDSI. SPI can be calculated on different time scales, which is better for determining drought onset, duration and intensity. SPI with its adjustable time scale can be useful tool to determine the effects of precipitation shortages to ground water level, river discharges and soil water content. The comparison of two indices in Ljubljana showed us good agreement between the PDSI and SPI on nine-month and twelve-month time scale. Both indices showed us that after 1900 Ljubljana experienced worst drought conditions in 1946. SPI on three months time scale showed us significant ( =0,05) negative trend for summer precipitation (period 1961 - 2006) for stations Ljubljana, Murska Sobota and Bilje (they are located in three different climatic regions within Slovenia). Six months SPI for September 2003 indicated extreme precipitation deficiency in greater part of Slovenia (except northwest, where above average precipitation was measured). In 2003 Slovenia recorded its most severe drought conditions after 1950 in all agricultural parts.

 Možni vplivi podnebnih sprememb na vodno bilanco tal v Sloveniji



Novejše projekcije podnebnih sprememb v vedno večji meri kažejo na spreminjanje vodne bilance tal, ki ima tudi povraten učinek nanje. Obravnavali smo časovno dinamiko vode v tleh za Ljubljano in Mursko Soboto za zadnjih 46 let in preko podnebnih scenarijev do konca stoletja. Za osnovo smo izbrali tridesetletno obdobje 1961-1990, s tem smo nato primerjali obdobje 1991-2006 in projekcije po treh različnih scenarijih podnebnih sprememb, ki smo jih pripravili v obliki inkrementalnih sprememb temperature in padavin kot kombinacijo različnih projekcij za Slovenijo. Z modelom SIMPEL smo določili spremembe potencialne evapotranspiracije (metoda EPIC Penman-Monteith), vodnega primanjkljaja (razlika med količino padavin in potencialno evapotranspiracijo) in števila sušnih dni. Pri vseh treh spremenljivkah se kažejo naraščajoči trendi že za obdobje 1961-2006. Opazovali smo tudi spreminjanje variabilnosti, ki je izrazito predvsem pri številu sušnih dni in nam prinaša dodatno povečevanje tveganja suš. Glavne rezultate smo predstavili z izračuni verjetnosti za pojav določenega števila sušnih dni. Pri tem verjetnosti za več kot 35 sušnih dni v vegetacijskem obdobju (od aprila do septembra) v drugem obravnavanem obdobju ter pri projekcijah po srednjem in še toliko bolj po visokem scenariju podnebnih sprememb bistveno presegajo verjetnosti v prvem obdobju in pri projekcijah po blagem scenariju.



The latest climate change projections increasingly indicate the changing of soil water balance, which is then reflected back in climate change. This paper examines soil moisture availability time dynamics in Ljubljana and Murska Sobota in the last 46 years and under climate change scenarios for these locations through the end of the century. The basis was a thirty-year period 1961-1990 serving as a comparison with the period 1991-2006 and with projections of climate changes under three scenarios, presented in the form of incremental temperature and precipitation changes as a combination of alternative projections for Slovenia. Using the SIMPEL model, we determined variability of potential evapotranspiration (the EPIC Penman-Monteith method), water deficit (difference between the volume of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration) and the number of dry days. The analysis showed growing trends for all three variables in the period 1961-2006. Another subject of observation was variability change which is evident above all in the number of dry days and increases the risk of drought. The main results are presented by means of calculations of probability for the occurrence of a certain number of dry days. The probability of over 35 dry days in the vegetation period (April-September) of the second analysed period, under the medium and increasingly so high climate change scenario is much higher than such a probability in the first analysed period and under the low scenario.

Vpliv dejavnikov socialnoekonomske strukture hribovskih kmetij v Sloveniji na časovno opredelitev prenosa teh kmetij na naslednike



V članku je predstavljeno, kako dejavniki socialnoekonomske strukture vplivajo na časovno opredelitev prenosa hribovskih kmetij na naslednike. Podrobneje je opisana metodologija dela, zlasti modeli z omejeno odvisno spremenljivko - tobit modeli -, s katerimi smo ugotavljali vplive, spoznanja o vplivih pa so povezana z ugotovitvami drugih raziskovalcev. Rezultati kažejo, da se čas predaje kmetij naslednikom podaljša z večanjem števila otrok v gospodarjevi družini, zlasti števila otrok moškega spola, in s povečevanjem starosti gospodarja, podaljša pa se tudi, če so kmetije večje in ekonomsko močnejše, kar je v nasprotju s pričakovanji.



The paper presents how factors of the socio economic structure of mountain farms influence the timing of succession. The methodology is described in detail, especially the limited dependent variable models (tobit models) by which influences were assessed. The results were linked with findings of other researchers and show that the timing of succession increases with an increase in the number of children - especially male children - in a householder's family, and with an increase in the householder's age, as well as with an increase in the size and economic power of a farm, which is contrary to our expectations.


Mitoza in celični cikel pri višjih rastlinah




Prikazane so značilnosti celične delitve (mitoze) in njihovih faz. Mitozi sledi precej daljša interfaza ali obdobje med dvema delitvama. Po končani delitvi jedra (kariokineza) nastopi še delitev citoplazme (citokineza). Izmenjavo mitoze in interfaze imenujemo celični cikel. Čeprav je bila mitoza odkrita pred več kot sto leti so procesi mitoze, njej sledeče interfaze in predvsem regulacija celičnega cikla še do danes precej nejasni. Predstavljeni so osnovni mehanizmi regulacije celičnega cikla. V evkariontskih organizmih celični cikel regulirajo beljakovinske kinaze. Kompleks kinaz (CDKs) in ciklina se imenuje MPF (mitozni promocijski faktor), ki sproži delitve. Predstavljene so motnje regulacijskega mehanizma celičnega cikla. Celični cikel je skrbno nadzorovan. Usklajenost dogajanj, kot so celična rast, podvojevanje DNK in razporejanje podvojenih kromosomov, zagotavlja celično potomstvo in nespremenjen genom. Napake v regulaciji celičnega cikla vodijo v nenormalno delitev in lahko tudi v nastanek rakastih celic, zato je regulacija delovanja celičnega cikla predmet intenzivnih raziskav.



Characteristics of cell division (mitosis) and their phases are represented. Mitosis is followed by interphase or the period beetween two divisions. After the division of the nucleus (caryokinesis) the division of cytoplasma (cytokinesis) takes place. Although mitosis was discovered more than hundred years ago its processes, the following interphase and the regulation of the cell cycle are up to now still unclear. The basic mechanisms of the regulation of the cell cycle are presented. In eucaryotic organisms the cell cycle is regulated by protein kinases. The complex of kinases (CDKs) and cyclins is called MPF (mitosis promoting factor), which is the trigger for mitosis. Some disturbances of cell cycle regulation typical for higher plants are presented. The cell cycle is carefully regulated. Cell proliferation, duplication of DNA and the arrengement of duplicated chromosomes to daughter cells ensures future cell generations and unvaried genome. Errors in cell regulation cycle lead to abnormal divisions including also to cancers cells, therefore the regulation of the cell cycle is the subject of intense investigations.