

Letnik 95

Ljubljana, 2010

Številka 2


The natural occurrence of toxigenic moulds and mycotoxins in Slovenian primary grain production



The aim of the present study was to determine the contamination of grains, grown in Slovenia and used for animal diets by Slovene farmers in year 2009. A total of 66 samples was examined on toxigenic moulds from genera Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Alternaria and on 8 different mycotoxins. The leading contaminants among moulds were from Fusarium spp., detected in 51 samples, mostly in barley (19). The average number of Fusarium spp. colony forming units (cfu) in different grains was from 5.5-23.3 x 103/g, whereas the contamination of barley with Penicillium, Aspergillus and Alternaria spp. was 4.5, 19.3 and 5 x 103 cfu/g. Using liquid (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) methods, the presence of various mycotoxins (expressed for 12% of moisture content) was proved in 57.6% of all samples; mostly deoxynivalenol (DON, 54.5%) in concentrations of 130-2860 ?g/kg, followed by zearalenone (ZON, 15.1%, 70-800 ?g/kg), fumonisin B1 (3%, 120-210 ?g/kg), while fumonisin B2, ochratoxin A, diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), HT-2 and T-2 toxins were not detected. The results indicate that further control of toxigenic moulds and mycotoxins in Slovenian primary grain production is thus required and justified.

Keywords: animal feed, grains, grains-microbiology, mycotoxins-analysis, Slovenia



Z raziskavo smo želeli dobiti vpogled v kontaminacijo žit, ki so jih kmetje v Sloveniji pridelali in uporabili za prehrano živali v letu 2009. Na toksigene plesni iz rodu Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Alternaria in 8 različnih mikotoksinov smo preiskali skupno 66 vzorcev. Najbolj razširjene so bile plesni iz rodu Fusarium. Izolirali smo jih iz 51 vzorcev, najpogosteje iz ječmena (19). Njihovo povprečno število kolonij (cfu) je bilo v različnih žitih od 5,5-23,3 x 103/g, v ječmenu pa je bilo 4,5, 19,3 in 5 x 103 cfu/g kolonij plesni iz rodu Penicillium, Aspergillus in Alternaria. S tekočinsko (HPLC) in plinsko kromatografijo (GC) smo dokazali različne mikotoksine (rezultati so izraženi pri 12% vsebnosti vlage vzorca) v 57,6% vseh preiskanih vzorcev. Največ vzorcev je vsebovalo deoksinivalenol (DON, 54,5%) v koncentraciji od 130-2860 ?g/kg, sledijo zearalenon (ZON, 15,1%, 70-800 ?g/kg) in fumonizin B1 (3%, 120-210 ?g/kg). Fumonizinov B2, ohratoksina A, diacetoksiscirpenola (DAS), HT-2 in T-2 toksina nismo dokazali v nobenem vzorcu. Rezultati kažejo, da je nadaljnja kontrola toksigenih plesni in mikotoksinov v krmi iz primarne pridelave v Sloveniji vsekakor potrebna in upravičena.

Ključne besede: krma, žita-mikrobiologija, mikotoksini-analize, Slovenija


Testing the efficacy of different substances against Arion slugs (Arionidae) under laboratory conditions




In 2008 and 2009 we studied molluscicidal activity of 26 substances in 89 different treatments under laboratory conditions. The experiments in which slugs (Arion spp.) were a part took place in two series: 1) with the injection of active substances in slug intestines; and 2) with the application of pellets. After giving the injection we observed 100% mortality of slugs in treatments with Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (0.25 ml in 10% concentration/individual), caffeine (0.25 ml in 10% concentration/individual), sodium dodecyl sulphate (0.25 ml in 10% concentration/individual, 0.125 ml in 10% concentration/individual, 0.125 ml in 5% concentration/individual, 0.0625 ml in 10% concentration/individual), and pirimicarb (0.25 ml in 10% concentration/individual, 0.125 ml in 10% concentration/individual, 0.125 ml in 5% concentration/individual, 0.0625 ml in 10% concentration/individual). Meanwhile, the application of pellets resulted in the highest (100%) slug mortality when sodium dodecyl sulphate in 0.5% concentration with caraway as a supplement was used.

Keywords: laboratory experiment, Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, caffeine, sodium dodecyl sulphate, pirimicarb, slugs, Arion spp., molluscicides, efficacy



V letih 2008 in 2009 smo v laboratorijskih razmerah preizkušali limacidno delovanje 26 snovi v 89 različnih obravnavanjih. Poskusi, v katere smo vključili polže lazarje (Arion spp.), so potekali v dveh serijah, in sicer z injiciranjem aktivne snovi v prebavilo polžev in z uporabo pelet. Pri injiciranju smo 100 % smrtnost polžev ugotovili v obravnavanju z bakterijo Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (0,25 ml v 10 % koncentraciji/osebek), kofeinom (0,25 ml v 10 % koncentraciji/osebek), natrijevim dodecil sulfatom (0,25 ml v 10 % koncentraciji/osebek; 0,125 ml v 10 % koncentraciji/osebek; 0,125 ml v 5 % koncentraciji/osebek; 0,0625 ml v 10 % koncentraciji/osebek), in pirimikarbom (0,25 ml v 10 % koncentraciji/osebek; 0,125 ml v 10 % koncentraciji/osebek; 0,125 ml v 5 % koncentraciji/osebek; 0,0625 ml v 10 % koncentraciji/osebek), medtem ko smo največjo (100 %) smrtnost polžev pri uporabi pelet dosegli z natrijevim dodecil sulfatom v 0,5 % koncentraciji z dodatkom kumine.

Ključne besede: laboratorijski poskus, Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, kofein, natrijev dodecil sulfat, pirimikarb, lazarji, Arion spp., limacidi, učinkovitost


Activity of entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida) against cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus [L.], Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) adults under laboratory conditions

Žiga LAZNIK, Melita ŠTRUKELJ, Stanislav TRDAN


In 2009, three Slovenian strains of entomopathogenic nematodes) and commercial product Entonem (active ingredient S. feltiae), were tested under laboratory conditions for their activity against adult cereal leaf beetles (Oulema melanopus). The nematode strains were tested at four different doses (250, 500, 1000, and 2000 infective juveniles/adult) and at three temperatures (15, 20, and 25 ?C). Steinernema carpocapsae strain C101 was the most effective and showed itself to be a good alternative to chemical insecticides, and appears to have the highest potential for controlling overwintered cereal leaf beetles under field conditions. In our bioassay the temperature had the greatest influence on the efficacy of the entomopathogenic nematode strains; both S. feltiae treatments (strain B30 and Entonem) proved to work better at the lowest temperature, however the strain H. bacteriophora D54 had its best efficacy at the highest temperature in the experiment. Several species (S. feltiae and S. carpocapsae) have been efficient at lower suspension concentrations, which enables their economical usage against the cereal leaf beetle in integrated cereal production in the future.

Key words: entomopathogenic nematodes, Oulema melanopus, biological control, laboratory experiment



V letu 2009 smo v laboratorijskem poskusu preizkušali učinkovitost treh domačih ras entomopatogenih ogorčic in komercialnega pripravka Entonem (aktivna snov S. feltiae) zoper odrasle osebke rdečega žitnega strgača (Oulema melanopus). Delovanje entomopatogenih ogorčic smo preizkušali pri štirih različnih koncentracijah (250, 500, 1000 in 2000 infektivnih ličink/osebek) in treh različnih temperaturah (15, 20 in 25 ?C). Rasa C101 vrste Steinernema carpocapsae je bila najbolj učinkovita in bi lahko predstavljala dobro alternativo kemičnim insekticidom pri zatiranju prezimljenih odraslih osebkov rdečega žitnega strgača na prostem. V našem poskusu je imela največji vpliv na delovanje entomopatogenih ogorčic temperatura; obe obravnavanji z vrsto S. feltiae (rasa B30 in Entonem) sta bili učinkoviti tudi pri nižjih temperaturah, rasa D54 vrste H. bacteriophora pa je najbolje delovala pri najvišji temperaturi v poskusu. Ogorčici S. feltiae in S. carpocapsae sta zadovoljivo učinkovali tudi pri nižji koncentraciji suspenzije ogorčic, kar omogoča večjo gospodarnost rabo njihove uporabe pri zatiranju odraslih osebkov rdečega žitnega strgača v integrirani pridelavi žit v prihodnje.

Key words: entomopatogene ogorčice, Oulema melanopus, biotično varstvo, laboratorijski poskus


Cabbage moth (Mamestra brassicae [L.]) and bright-line brown-eyes moth (Mamestra oleracea [L.]) - presentation of the species, their monitoring and control measures

Marko DEVETAK, Matej VIDRIH, Stanislav TRDAN


The paper describes polyphagous pests, the cabbage moth (Mamestra brassicae) and bright-line brown-eyes moth (Mamestra oleracea), which were not systematically investigated up to now in Slovenia. The cabbage moth, which is more abundant, preferably attacks Brassica plants, and its caterpillars are especially harmful in the cabbage. The paper deals with the morphology, distribution and methods of monitoring the pest populations and discuss on their control. The protection of vegetables from both pests is primarily based on the use of chemical insecticides. However, the use of natural enemies and various agro-technical measures can also be very important in diminishing the populations of the pests. With interlacing of all of these approaches, healthy and quality food can be produced even in the growing seasons with high attack of the pests mentioned.

Key words: cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae, bright-line brown-eyes moth, Mamestra oleracea, presentation, distribution, damage, monitoring, control



V prispevku sta predstavljena polifagna škodljivca, kapusova sovka (Mamestra brassicae) in zelenjadna sovka (Mamestra oleracea), ki v Sloveniji doslej nista bila načrtneje preučevana. Kapusova sovka, ki se pri nas pojavlja bolj številčno, najraje napada kapusnice, njene gosenice pa se najraje hranijo na zelju. V prispevku predstavljamo morfologijo, razširjenost, način spremljanja sezonske dinamike vrst ter njuno zatiranje. Varstvo vrtnin pred kapusovo sovko in zelenjadno sovko še vedno temelji zlasti na uporabi kemičnih insekticidov, čeprav je številčnost populacij omenjenih škodljivcev mogoče zmanjšati tudi z naravnimi sovražniki in ustreznimi agrotehničnimi ukrepi. S prepletanjem omenjenih ukrepov je namreč mogoče tudi ob močnem napadu pridelati zdrav in kakovosten živež.

Ključne besede: kapusova sovka, Mamestra brassicae, zelenjadna sovka, Mamestra oleracea, predstavitev, razširjenost, škodljivost, spremljanje, zatiranje

Evaluation of buckwheat sprouts as microgreens




Microgreens from common and tartary buckwheat genotypes were evaluated for total flavonoid content (rutin, quercetine and kaempferol separately), bound phenolic acids content, carotenoids and -tocopherol content and antioxidant activity. The results have shown that in common and tartary buckwheat microgreens antioxidant activity was found. High level of flavonoids, carotenoids, and -tocopherol was detected as well. Higher amount of flavonoids was found out in tartary buckwheat microgreens. No significant differences were detected between common and tartary buckwheat microgreens in content of phenolic acids. Microgreens of both common and tartary buckwheat represent potential nutritional sources for alternative vegetable in the Czech Republic.

Key words: buckwheat, microgreens, flavonoids, rutin, phenolic acids, carotenoids, antioxidant activity



Vsebnost celokupnih flavonoidov (posebej rutina, kvercetina in kempferola), vezanih fenolnih kislin, karotenoidov, -tokoferola in antioksidantna aktivnost so bili raziskani pri mladih rastlinah navadne in tatarske ajde. Ugotovljena je antioksidativna aktivnost izvlečkov mladih rastlin navadne in tatarske ajde ter visoka vsebnost flavonoidov, karotenoidov in -tokoferola. Posebej visoka vsebnost flavonoidov je bila ugotovljena pri tatarski ajdi, medtem ko glede na vsebnost fenolnih snovi ni bilo razlike med mladimi rastlinami navadne in tatarske ajde. Mlade rastline tako navadne kot tatarske ajde so možen alternativni vir zelenjave v Češki republiki

Ključne besede: ajda, mlade rastline, flavonoidi, fenolne kisline, karotenoidi, antioksidativna aktivnost


Impacts of gibberellin (GA3) on sensorial quality and storability of table grape (Vitis vinifera L.)



The eventual impacts of the gibberellin (GA3) application on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties 'Cardinal' and 'Michele Palieri', on grape quality and their storage potential were studied. The grape quality was determined as individual and total carbohydrates and organic acids, but also the external skin colouration was measured. The measurement of polyphenol oxidases (PPO) activity was contributed to clearly understand storage potential. During the grape maturation the statistical differences in grape quality were observed according to the treatments. The treatments with GA3 showed similar and related impacts on grape quality at both varieties only at harvest, where the statistically highest total sugar concentration (223-226 g kg-1) was determined at 50 ppm, followed by 20 ppm (216-223 g kg-1) and the lowest 201-220 g kg-1 at control. The organic acid concentrations in the grape of both varieties did not show any similar correlation according to treatments. The PPO activities were slightly higher at mature grape of 'Cardinal' (2.5-3.0 ?A min-1g-1) compared to 'Michele Palieri' (1.0-1.2 ?A min-1g-1), and the activities at both varieties during storage decreased. At harvest the CIRG indices of 'Cardinal' (5.5-6.1) and of 'Michele Palieri' (6.6-6.9) did not statistically differ among treatments as at the end of storage, where the highest indices were calculated at treatment 50 ppm at both varieties. The grape quality of table grape responded differently to GA3 applications, especially the different impacts were observed according to varieties.

Key words: carbohydrate, organic acid, gibberellin, PPO, quality



V poskusu smo vrednotili morebitne vplive uporabe giberelinov (GA3) pri pridelavi žlahtnih vinskih trt (Vitis vinifera L.) na kakovost namiznega grozdja sort 'Cardinal' in 'Michele Palieri' in njun potencial za skladiščenje. Kakovost grozdja smo opisali z vsebnostjo posameznih in skupnih ogljikovih hidratov in organskih kislin, kot tudi z barvo kožice jagod. Potencial skladiščenja smo določili z merjenjem aktivnosti polifenol oksidaz (PPO). Med zorenjem grozdja so se v kakovosti grozdja med obravnavanji pokazale statistično značilne razlike. Tretiranja z GA3 imajo enak vpliv na kakovost grozdja obeh sort, vendar samo ob trgatvi, ko so se statistično značilne največje vsebnosti skupnih sladkorjev (223-226 g kg-1) pokazale pri 50 ppm, sledita še 20 ppm (216-223 g kg-1) in najmanjša vsebnost pri kontroli (201-220 g kg-1). Vsebnosti organskih kislin se niso odzvale na uporabo GA3. Aktivnost PPO je bila nekoliko večja pri sorti 'Cardinal' (2.5-3.0 ?A min-1g-1), kot pa pri sorti 'Michele Palieri' (1.0-1.2 ?A min-1g-1), vendar se je le-ta pri obeh sortah med skladiščenjem precej zmanjšala. Povprečni CIRG indeks kožice jagod je bil pri sorti 'Cardinal' 5,5-6,1, medtem ko pri sorti 'Michele Palieri' 6,6-6,9 in statistično neznačilen med obravnavanji, čeprav se je povprečno največji indeks pri obeh sortah pokazal pri 50 ppm. Kakovost grozdja se pri različnih sortah različno odziva na uporabo giberelinov GA3.

Ključne besede: ogljikovi hidrati, organske kisline, giberelini, PPO, kakovost


Potato yield and tuber quality in 75 cm and 90 cm wide ridges




In 2002, 2003, and 2004, a field trial was carried out in three locations in Slovenia, i.e., Pšata, Brnik, and Brežice with two different inter-row widths (IRWs) of 75 cm and 90 cm using three different potato cultivars (i.e., Agria, Bright, and Carlingford). The aim of this trial was to determine the influence of inter-row width (75 cm or 90 cm) with three potato cultivars on the market yield, the yield of green tubers, the cross-sectional area of the ridge, and the percentage of tubers with a hollow heart or blackspot. The trial was designed in the form of split plots with five repetitions. In the years with abundant rainfall during the period of growth (2002 and 2004), when plants completely covered the ground, the market yield at the 90 cm IRW was higher than at the 75 cm IRW. In 2003, however, the market yield was higher at the 75 cm IRW. The yield of green tubers was lower at the 90 cm IRW than at the 75 cm IRW, due to a larger cross-sectional area of the ridge (> 1000 cm2). Thus, the soil covering of tubers in the ridge was better. The hollow heart and blackspot disorders affecting the tubers depend more on the susceptibility of a particular cultivar and the meteorological conditions during the period of growth than the IRW. The findings showed that the Agria cultivar was more susceptible to the hollow heart disorder, particularly in the years with a higher yield with thicker tubers (2002 and 2004). The Bright cultivar was affected by blackspot in 2003, the year with a lack of rainfall.

Keywords: potato, ridge, cultivator, ridger, inter-row width, cultivar



V letih 2002, 2003 in 2004 smo na Pšati, Brniku in v Brežicah izvajali poljski poskus z dvema medvrstnima razdaljama (MVR) 75 in 90 cm ter s tremi sortami krompirja Agria, Bright in Carlingford. Namen poskusa je bil ugotoviti vpliv MVR 75 in 90 cm pri treh sortah krompirja na tržni pridelek gomoljev, na pridelek zelenih gomoljev, na površino prečnega preseka grebena in na odstotek gomoljev z votlim srcem in rjavo pegavostjo. Poskus je bil zasnovan v obliki deljenih blokov s petimi ponovitvami. V letih z dovolj padavinami v rastnem obdobju (leto 2002 in 2004), ko so rastline popolnoma prekrile tla, je bil tržni pridelek pri MVR 90 cm višji kot pri MVR 75 cm. Ravno nasprotno je bilo v letu 2003, ko je bil tržni pridelek višji pri MVR 75 cm. Pridelek zelenih gomoljev je bil pri MVR 90 cm nižji kot pri MVR 75 cm zaradi večje površine prečnega preseka grebena, ki je znašala več kot 1000 cm2. To je pomenilo boljšo pokritost gomoljev z zemljo v grebenu. Votlo srce in rjava pegavost na gomoljih sta bolj odvisni od občutljivosti sorte in vremenskih razmer v rastnem obdobju kot od MVR. Izkazalo se je, da je sorta Agria bolj občutljiva na votlo srce predvsem v letih z visokimi pridelki in debelimi gomolji (leto 2002 in 2004). Pri sorti Bright se je rjava pegavost pojavila v letu 2003, ko je bilo pomanjkanje padavin.

Ključne besede: krompir, greben, okopalnik, osipalnik, medvrstna razdalja, sorta

Mikrosatelitski markerji uporabni za identifikacijo kultivarjev vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L.)



Identifikacija kultivarjev vinske trte z metodami, ki temeljijo na morfoloških razlikah med rastlinami, je lahko zaradi vpliva ekoloških dejavnikov nepravilna, zato so bile razvite metode, ki omogočajo analizo kultivarjev na nivoju genotipa. V zadnjih dvajsetih letih so se uveljavile različne tehnike za karakterizacijo kultivarjev, od izoencimskih analiz do analiz na nivoju DNA (RFLP, RAPD, AFLP, SCAR in SSR markerji). Med omenjenimi so se najbolj uveljavili mikrosateliti, ki kažejo največjo informacijsko vrednostjo polimorfizma in so večinoma zelo variabilni. Sestavljeni so iz kratkih, tandemsko ponovljivih motivov DNA, ki so prisotni pri večini organizmov. Glavni vzrok polimorfizma med posamezniki so spremembe v številu ponovitev osnovnega motiva mikrosatelita. Za izdelavo začetnih oligonukleotidov mikrosatelitskih lokusov so v začetnih raziskavah uporabili zaporedja obrobnih regij že znanih mikrosatelitov, ki so bila shranjena v podatkovnih bazah DNA. Kasneje pa se je strategija razvijala v smeri nastanka genomskih knjižnic obogatenih z mikrosateliti. Pri vinski trti je bilo razvitih več kot 500 mikrosatelitskih markerjev in njihov izredni potencial in uporabnost pri določanju kultivarjev vinske trte in podlag je bil dokazan v številnih raziskavah. Za genotipizacijo se večinoma uporablja set šestih oz. devetih mikrosatelitskih markerjev (označevalcev), ki so zelo polimorfni in najbolj primerni za ugotavljanje genetske variabilnosti med evropskimi kultivarji vinske trte. Uporaba enotnega seta markerjev ter vključevanje referenčnih kultivarjev v analize genotipizacije omogoča primerjave genotipov med različnimi raziskovalnimi skupinami, in tako lahko rešujemo številne dilem o sinonimih, homonimih ali o izvoru sort vinske trte.

Ključne besede: mikrosateliti, SSR markerji (označevalci), vinska trta, Vitis vinifera L.



Identification of grapevine cultivars using methods based on morphological differences between plants may be incorrect due to the influence of environmental factors. For these reasons, alternative methods for cultivar identification, which better illustrate differences at the genotype level, were developed. The diverse techniques for the molecular characterization (isoenzyme, RFLP, RAPD, AFLP, SCAR and SSR markers) developed in the past twenty years have been also applied to the grapevines. Among them, microsatellites show the best value of polymorphism information and are generally very variable. Microsatellites consist of short, tandem repeated DNA motifs and are ubiquitous in most organisms. The polymorphism among individuals is due to changes in the number of repeat units. In the early studies primers for the PCR amplification of the microsatellite loci were designed on the basis of the microsatellite sequences already existing in the Gene Bank databases. Subsequently a strategy was developed towards the construction of a genomic libraries enriched in microsatellites. A large number of microsatellite markers (more than 500) have been developed in grapevines and their extraordinary potential in determining grapevine cultivars and rootstocks was confirmed by numerous studies. The set of six or nine microsatellite markers, which are highly polymorphic and the most appropriate to determine the genetic variability among the European grapevine cultivars, is mainly used in the genotyping analysis. Using a definite set of markers and the integration of reference cultivars in the genotyping analysis allows comparison of genotypes between different research groups, and thus allows solving many dilemmas of synonyms, homonyms and origin or grape varieties.

Key words: microsatellites, SSR markers, grapevines, Vitis vinifera L.


Kemična komunikacija med parazitoidi in organizmi z drugih trofičnih nivojev

Katarina KOS, Helena ROJHT, Stanislav TRDAN


Vsi organizmi v ekosistemu so biokemično povezani. Semiokemikalije v receptorjih dražljajev vzbudijo vedenjske ali fiziološke odzive, kar privede do interakcije med dajalcem in prejemnikom dražljajev. Medvrstne semiokemikalije, ki jih imenujemo alelokemikalije, povezujejo organizme z različnih trofičnih nivojev in omogočajo naravnim sovražnikom najti gostitelje ali plen in jih prepoznati kot ustrezne. Tudi gostiteljske rastline v tem sistemu niso nevtralne in tako se lahko rastlinojedi ter njihovi naravni sovražniki odzovejo na njihove dražljaje. Številni parazitoidi se odzivajo na vonj rastlin in lahko ločijo med nepoškodovanimi rastlinami, napadenimi rastlinami in celo poškodovanimi rastlinami, na katerih škodljivec ni več prisoten. V prispevku predstavljamo semiokemikalije, ki so vključene v prehranjevalno verigo parazitoidov listnih uši.

Ključne besede: semiokemikalije, kemični dražljaji, interakcije gostiteljska rastlina - škodljivec - naravni sovražniki, parazitoidi



All the organisms in an ecosystem are biochemically linked. Semiochemicals elicit behavioral and physiological responses in the receiver, which results in the interaction between the donor and the receiver. Interspecific semiochemicals, called allelochemicals, connect all trophic levels and so help natural enemies to locate and recognize their hosts or prey. Also the host plants of herbivores are not neutral substrates, so herbivores and their natural enemies can respond to elicited cues. Many parasitoids respond to plant odors and many can also distinguish undamaged from host-infected or previously host-damaged plants. In this paper we present semiochemicals involved in food chain of aphid parasitoids.

Key words: semiochemicals, chemical cues, host-plant - herbivore - natural enemy interactions, parasitoids



Odločitveni dejavniki pri nakupu živil v Sloveniji



V spletni anketni raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kateri dejavniki so odločilni za nakup živil v osrednjem in SZ delu Slovenije (Gorenjska). Anketni vzorec je sestavljalo 249 anketirancev. Ugotovili smo, da 79 % anketirancev prideluje pretežno sadje in zelenjavo na svojem vrtu. Pri tem jih večina uporablja le organska gnojila (76 %), kar kaže na visoko ozaveščenost ljudi v zvezi z ohranjanjem okolja. Kar 94 % vprašanih nakupuje v večjih trgovinah (supermarketih), 88 % pa jih ni nikoli kupovalo živil prek interneta. Pri nakupu potrošniki na pomembno mesto dajejo poznan oziroma slovenski izdelek in ekološki izdelek, medtem ko cena izdelka ne sodi med pomembnejše motive za nakup. Rezultati so pokazali, da se za nakup ekološkega proizvoda anketiranci raje odločajo v ekoloških trgovinah kot v supermarketih.

Ključne besede: živila, navade potrošnikov, trženje, anketa



In the survey that was performed over internet we were looking for factors that are the most important for buying foodstuff products in central and NW part of Slovenia (Gorenjska region). Sample: 249 individuals. It was discovered that 79% of respondents on their gardens grow mostly fruits and vegetables. Mostly (76%) just organic fertilisers are used that shows high level of conscience towards environment friendly behaviour. As much as 94% of respondents are buying in supermarkets (bigger points of sale), 88% of them have never bought foodstuf over net. Knowing the product, ecological product and Slovenian origin are three important characteristics, where price is supposed not to be a motivator of a buying decision. Respondents prefer to buy ecological products in an ecological store and not to buying them in supermarkets.

Key words: foodstuff, consumers' habits, marketing, questionnaire