The effect of some
insecticides, natural compounds and tomato cv. Venezia with
Mi gene on the nematode Meloidogyne ethiopica (Nematoda)
Root-knot nematode (RKN) Meloidogyne ethiopica is quite
unknown tropical plant parasitic species found in Slovenia
and Europe in 2003 for the first time. The species is able
to parasitize several economically important agricultural
crops and therefore is very difficult to control. In our
research, several approaches which can be used for M.
ethiopica control were tested in pot experiment. The effects
of some insecticides which are often used in the production
in greenhouses, natural compounds as aqueous extract of
Tagetes erecta, and the commercial natural product
Azadirachtin (NeemAzal-T/S) extracted from the seeds of
Indian Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) on the M. ethiopica
reproduction were assessed. Test plants treatments with
natural compounds reduced nematode multiplication by nearly
3 – 6 times compared to control while foliar application of
Thiacloprid as well as Imidacloprid had no effect on
nematode reproduction. The treatment with Volaton G
granulates (Phoxim) for ground application resulted in no
nematode multiplication. Additionally, M. ethiopica
reproduction ability on the tomato cultivar “Venezia” which
have a Mi gene for resistance to M. incognita was tested.
Key words: root knot nematode, M. ethiopica, control,
pesticides, plant extracts, resistant tomato
Meloidogyne ethiopica spada med ogorčice koreninskih šišk
in je dokaj neznana, tropska rastlinsko parazitska vrsta, ki
je bila prvič ugotovljena v Sloveniji in Evropi leta 2003.
Vrsta lahko zajeda številne gospodarsko pomembne kmetijske
rastline in jo zaradi tega zelo težko zatiramo. V naši
raziskavi smo v lončnem poskusu ovrednotili različne
prijeme, ki bi bili lahko uporabni za njeno zatiranje.
Preučevali smo vpliv različnih substanc na reprodukcijo
ogorčice M. ethiopica. Preučili smo vpliv nekaterih
insekticidov, ki se jih pogosto uporablja v proizvodnji v
rastlinjakih, ter nekaterih rastlinskih izvlečkov, kot sta
vodni ekstrakt iz vrste Tagetes erecta in ekstrakt semen
indijskega drevesa Azadirachta indica, ki vsebuje
azadirahtin in je dostopen kot komercialni pripravek
NeemAzal-T/S. Zalivanje testnih rastlin z rastlinskimi
izvlečki je zmanjšalo reprodukcijo ogorčic za 3 do 6 krat v
primerjavi s kontrolami, medtem ko foliarno tretiranje s
tiaklopridom kot tudi z imidaklopridom na reprodukcijo ni
imelo učinka. Prav nasprotno je učinkoval granulat za talno
tretiranje Volaton G (foksim), kjer reprodukcije ogorčic
nismo opazili. Preučili smo tudi reprodukcijski potencial
ogorčice M. ethiopica pri paradižniku sorte “Venezia”, ki
vsebuje Mi gen za odpornost na ogorčice vrste M. incognita.
Ključne besede: ogorčice koreninskih šišk, M. ethiopica,
zatiranje, pesticidi, rastlinski izvlečki, odporen
Mass propagation of
Solanum surattense Bum. using direct adventitious shoot
organogenesis from internode
Md. Mahabubur RAHMAN, Muhammad Nurul AMIN,
Md. Zohurul ISLAM, Rubaiyat Sharmin SULTANA
An efficient and reproducible procedure was established for
direct shoot regeneration of Solanum surattense Bum. using
internodal explants. The shoot regeneration efficiency on
Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine
(BAP) was superior in compared to 6-furfurylaminopurine (Kn).
The highest mean number of shoots per explant was recorded
on MS medium containing 0.5 mgl-1 BAP. BAP alone was more
effective for shoot regeneration than combination of BAP and
-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The number of shoot per
explant was highest in the 4th subculture and then it was
remained stable up to 6th subculture. The shoot number
drastically reduced from 7th subculture when explants were
repeated subculturing up to 8th subculture. Hundred percent
adventitious shoots were rooted successively on half
strength MS medium fortified with 0.05 mgl-1 NAA. At about
90% of the in vitro-propagated plantlets survived when they
were transferred to ex vitro conditions for acclimatization.
Key words: Direct shoot organogenesis, internodal explant,
in vitro, medicinal plant, Solanum surattense
RAZMNOŽEVANJE Solanum surattense Bum. Z
Avtorji so razvili učinkovit in reproducibilen način
neposredne organogeneze zdravilne rastline Solanum
surattense Bum. z uporabo internodijskih eksplantov.
Regeneracija na gojišču Murashige in Skoog (MS) je bila bolj
uspešna z dodatkom 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) v primerjavi z
uporabo 6-furfurilaminopurina (Kn). Največje število
poganjkov na eksplant je bilo na gojišču MS z 0,5 mg/l BAP.
BAP sam je bil bolj učinkovit za regeneriranje poganjkov kot
kombinacija BAP in -nafthalenocetne kisline (NAA). Število
poganjkov na eksplant je bilo najvišje v četrti subkulturi
in je ostalo stabilno vse do šeste, močno pa se je zmanjšalo
v sedmi in osmi subkulturi. Adventivne korenine so se
pojavile pri vseh poganjkih pri MS mediju polovične jakosti
z dodatkom 0,05 mg/l NAA. Približno 90 % in vitro
razmnoženih rastlinic je preživelo prenos ex vitro in
Ključne besede: neposredna organogeneza poganjkov,
eksplanti internodijev, in vitro, zdravilna rastlina,
Solanum surattense
Efficacy of three natural
substances against apple aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer,
Aphididae, Homoptera) under laboratory conditions
Žiga LAZNIK, Vlasta CUNJA, Milica KAČ,
Stanislav TRDAN
In 2008 the efficacy of three environmentally friendly
substances against apple aphid (Aphis pomi) was tested. The
selected substances were cinnamic acid and two plant
extracts, namely glicolic extract of comfrey (Symphytum
officinale) and fluid extract of marigold (Calendula
officinalis). All of the substances were tested at 0.5, 1
and 5 % concentrations. The individuals of apple aphids were
collected in the organic orchard of the Biotechnical Faculty
in Ljubljana; 10 aphids were then transferred to an apple
tree leaf, which was previously sprinkled with water,
treated with selected substance and put in a Petri dish. The
efficacy was assessed at 15, 20 and 25 °C with relative
humidity being 75 %. The mean corrected mortality rate was
determined on the first, second and third day after
treatment. In general all of the tested substances showed
aphicidal properties, and the highest mean corrected
mortality rates were determined on the third day at 25 °C.
Only marigold extract exceeded a 50 % aphicidal efficacy at
15 °C and at 5 % concentration of the suspension used, while
other treatments showed aphicidal efficacy between 4 ± 4 % (cinnamic
acid, 15 °C, 0.5 %) and 39 %±12 % (cinnamic acid, 25 °C, 1
%). In general, the best mean efficacy (mean corrected
mortality rate (15 % ± 2) % of the substances tested was
found at highest concentration.
Key words: aphicidal efficacy, Aphis pomi, Calendula
officinalis, cinnamic acid, comfrey extract, marigold
extract, Symphytum officinale
V letu 2008 smo preučevali delovanje treh okoljsko
sprejemljivih snovi za zatiranje zelene jablanove uši (Aphis
pomi). Izbrane snovi so bile cimetna kislina, glikolni
izvleček navadnega gabeza (Symphytum officinale) in tekoči
izvleček vrtnega ognjiča (Calendula officinalis). Snovi smo
preizkušali pri 0,5 %, 1 % in 5 % koncentraciji. Odrasle
osebke zelene jablanove uši smo nabrali v ekološkem
sadovnjaku Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani. Po 10 uši smo
prenesli na liste jablan, ki so bili predhodno poškropljeni
z vodo, jih tretirali z izbrano snovjo in jih položili v
petrijevke. Učinkovitost smo ugotavljali pri treh
temperaturah (15, 20 in 25 °C) in relativni zračni vlagi 75
%. Smrtnost osebkov smo ugotavljali prvi, drugi in tretji
dan po aplikaciji snovi. Vse snovi so pokazale aficidno
delovanje, največje vrednosti povprečne korigirane smrtnosti
smo določili tretji dan poskusa pri 25 °C. Le pri 5 %
koncentraciji izvlečka vrtnega ognjiča smo pri 15 °C
presegli 50 % stopnjo smrtnosti preučevanih žuželk, medtem
ko je bila ta vrednost pri ostalih obravnavanjih od 4 ± 4 %
(cimetna kislina, 15 °C, 5 %) in 39 ± 12 % (cimetna kislina,
25 °C, 1 %). V poskusu je bila učinkovitost delovanja
preučevanih substanc najboljša pri najvišji koncentraciji (5
%) – povprečna korigirana smrtnost (15 ± 2) %.
Ključne besede: Aphis pomi, Calendula officinalis,
cimetna kislina, ekstrakt navadnega gabeza, ekstrakt vrtnega
ognjiča, Symphytum officinale, učinkovitost proti ušem,
zelena jablanova uš
Wine production on Istria
family farms
Viticulture in Istria is considered as a pillar in the
agricultural economy. Wine tourism is present in Istria in
the last two decades along with the establishment of wine
roads. There are three existing wine roads in Istria. One of
the activities on the wine road is wine tasting. From the
perspective of the family farms it is a service that offers
the farm product (wine) directly to consumers. We questioned
farmers on Istrian wine roads and partners in Vinistra (the
Istrian association of grape and wine producers) the wine
offer and concluded that most wine cellars offer wines like
Malvazija istarska and Teran from autochthonous varieties,
Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon from introduced grape
varieties, was examined. Very few wine cellars offered wines
like Borgognja, Hrvatica or other. Also issues like consumer’s
preferences and possible solutions of enhancing the wine
offer and wine roads of Istria in general were referred.
Keywords: Croatia, Istria, wine, marketing
Vinogradništvo sodi v Istri med temeljne kmetijske
panoge. Vinski turizem, se je na tem območju v zadnjih dveh
desetletjih razvijal skupaj z ustanavljanjem tako imenovanih
vinskih cest. V Istri so se uveljavile tri vinske ceste. Ena
od dejavnosti na vinskih cestah je tudi degustacija vin. Z
vidika družinskih kmetij je to storitev oz. izdelek (vino),
ki je neposredno ponujen potrošnikom. V raziskavo so bili
vključeni kmetje na Istrskih vinskih cestah in partnerji v
Vinistra (istrsko združenje pridelovalcev grozdja in vina).
Iz analizirane ponudbe vin je bilo ugotovleno, da večina
vinskih kleti ponuja vino iz avtohtonih sort (istrska
malvazija in teran) ter iz introduciranih sort (chardonnay
in cabernet sauvignon). Zelo malo vinskih kleti ponuja vina
kot so Borgognja, Hrvatica ali druga. V raziskavo so bila
vključena tudi nekatera druga vprašanja, kot so preference
potrošnikov in možne rešitve za izboljšanje ponudbe vina na
splošno in na vinskih cestah Istre.
Ključne besede: Hrvaška, Istra, vino, ponudba
Primerjava modelov FOCUS
PELMO in PEARL pri ocenjevanju izpiranja herbicidov v treh
izbranih vrstah tal na območju Apaške doline
Modela PELMO 3.3.2 in PEARL 3.3.3 sta uveljavljena modela
za ocenjevanje izpiranja fitofarmacevtskih sredstev (FFS) in
se uporabljata tudi za namen registracije FFS v državah
članicah EU. Medsebojno smo primerjali rezultate obeh
modelov in sicer ocene izpiranja izbranih herbicidov (Lumax,
Primextra Gold 720 SC in Primextra 500 tekoči) za standardne
t. im. scenarije FOCUS, kot tudi za specifične okoljske
scenarije, ki so značilni za Apaško dolino. Uporabili smo
dolgoletne dnevne podatke z meteorološke postaje Murska
Sobota in pedološke podatke treh izbranih profilov na
območju Apaške doline: obrečnih tal, hipogleja in
psevdogleja. Ugotovili smo, da so pri standardnih scenarijih
FOCUS ocene izpiranja izbranih FFS v modelu PEARL v splošnem
večje kot pa v modelu PELMO, v specifičnih (realnih)
scenarijih iz Apaške doline za obdobje 1984-2009 pa se je ta
ugotovitev potrdila le v izbranih (najobčutljivejših)
plitvih obrečnih tleh, medtem ko so v drugih dveh talnih
profilih nekoliko višje ocene izpiranja izbranih herbicidov
pokazali rezultati PELMO modela.
Ključne besede: fitofarmacevtska sredstva, izpiranje,
modeliranje, tla, podtalnica, FOCUS scenariji
FOCUS PELMO 3.3.2 and PEARL 3.3.3 are well established
models for predicting pesticide leaching and can be used
also for the pesticide registration purposes in the EU
Member States. Results of both models were compared, namely
the predicted leached concentrations of selected herbicides
(Lumax Primextra Gold 720 SC and Primextra 500 liquid) for
the standard FOCUS scenarios, as well as for the specific
environmental scenarios that are typical for Apače Valley.
Long term daily data from meteorological station Murska
Sobota and soil data of three selected soil profiles (Fluvisol,
Gleysol, and Stagnosol) were used. The results demonstrate
that predicted leached concentrations of selected herbicides
under standard FOCUS scenarios are in PEARL generally higher
than in PELMO model, however under specific (realistic)
scenarios in Apače Valley for the period 1984-2009, this
finding is confirmed only in selected (the most vulnerable)
shallow Fluvisol soil, while the predicted leached
concentrations in the other two soil profiles are slightly
higher when using PELMO model.
Key words: pesticides, leaching, modeling, soil,
groundwater, FOCUS scenarios
raziskovanje večnamenskosti Krakovskih vrtov kot podlage za
ohranitev zaščitene mestne kmetijske kulturne dediščine
Katja VADNAL, Marijana JAKŠE, Vesna ALIČ,
Krakovski vrtovi, ki imajo dolgo in zanimivo zgodovino, se
danes smiselno umeščajo v mestno kmetijstvo in to toliko
bolj, ker je njihova tradicionalna raba zavarovana kot
kulturna dediščina. Vendar so Krakovski vrtovi danes v
slabem stanju, ki se še slabša. Cilj raziskave je
analizirati, ali bi bil model prenove in ohranjanja
Krakovskih vrtov, ki bi izhajal iz načel večnamenskega
mestnega kmetijstva, sprejemljiv za relevantne déležnike:
lastnike zemljišč, Četrtno skupnost Trnovo, Mestno občino
Ljubljana in meščane. Uporabljeni sta metodi ankete in
participativnega raziskovanja. Lastniki zemljišč so modelu
bolj nenaklonjeni kot naklonjeni. Četrtna skupnost Trnovo je
modelu naklonjena, skeptična pa je glede njegove
realizacije. Tudi Mestna občina Ljubljana je modelu
naklonjena, pri čemer je potrebno upoštevati, da ne izvaja
ukrepov na področju javne koristi vrtov kot kulturne
dediščine. Meščanom za vrtove ni mar, le pozidati bi se jih
ne smelo. Rezultati raziskave sprožajo tudi novo vprašanje,
in sicer: ali za ohranitev sploh obstaja avtentičen javni
interes, čeprav je javna korist normativno izražena. V tem
kontekstu bi bilo smiselno sprožiti razpravo med déležniki,
v katerem bi se dorekla tako javni interes glede Krakovskih
vrtov kot tudi javna korist od njih v sedanjih razmerah.
Ključne besede: večnamensko kmetijstvo, mestno
kmetijstvo, varstvo kulturne dediščine participativno
raziskovanje, Krakovski vrtovi, Ljubljana
Having a long and interesting past, Krakovo gardens today
make a coherent part of urban agriculture, particularly as
their traditional land use has been protected as cultural
heritage. But the condition of Krakovo gardens is extremely
bad, becoming increasingly worse. To test the acceptability
for the relevant stakeholders, land owners, Quarter Trnovo,
Municipality of Ljubljana, and townspeople, of the
multifunctional urban agricultural model of revitalising and
maintaining Krakovo gardens, is the aim of this research.
The methods of participatory research and of survey are
used. Land owners are more adverse to than in favour of the
model. Quarter Trnovo is well disposed to the model, but
sceptical in terms of its practical implementation.
Municipality of Ljubljana is inclined to the model, but it
actually takes no action with regard to public good of the
gardens as protected cultural heritage. The townspeople do
not care about the gardens, as long as they are not built
up. The results of this research rise v new question,
whether there is an authentic public interest to preserve
the gardens although public good is legally expressed. In
this context a discussion between stakeholders should be
launched to define public interest in Krakovo gardens, as
well as their public good under the actual circumstances.
Key words: multifunctional agriculture, urban agriculture,
cultural heritage protection, participatory research,
Krakovo gardens, Ljubljana.
Ohranjanje medgeneracijske
kontinuitete kot pogoj za zagotavljanje socialne varnosti
starejše generacije kmečkega prebivalstva
V prispevku izhajamo iz spoznanja, da je eden od temeljnih
pogojev za zagotavljanje socialne varnosti starejše
generacije kmečkega prebivalstva uspešen prenos kmetij na
mlajšo generacijo. Ker se mladi vse redkeje odločajo za
prevzeme kmetij, kar je v Sloveniji značilno predvsem za
hribovska območja, smo preučili, kateri dejavniki vplivajo
na nasledstvo na kmetijah. Raziskava je pokazala, da imajo
najbolj izrazit vpliv dejavniki, skozi katere se odražajo
tradicija oziroma tradicionalni vzorci mišljenj in ravnanj
ter stališča, percepcije in mnenja gospodarjev, predvsem pa
dejavniki, ki izražajo ekonomsko moč kmetij. V zaključku
prispevka so navedeni nekateri predlogi, na podlagi katerih
bi se mladi za prevzemanje kmetij in ohranjanje kmetijske
dejavnosti na njih pogosteje odločali, s tem pa tudi za
zagotavljanje ustrezne socialne varnost nekdanjih
gospodarjev in njegovih partnerjev po predaji kmetij
Ključne besede: hribovske kmetije, nasledstvo na
kmetijah, prevzemanje kmetij, kmetje, starejši ljudje, skrb
za starejše
The paper is based on the finding that the successful
transfer of farms to the younger generation is one of the
basic conditions for ensuring social security for the
elderly generation of farm population. Since young people
are less and less interested for farm takeovers, in Slovenia
this is mostly typical for mountain areas, the factors that
affect farm succession were examined. It turned out that the
most distinctive influence have factors reflecting the
tradition or traditional way of thinking and acting, as well
as the factors reflecting householders’ viewpoints,
perceptions and opinions, and in particular the factors that
reflect the economic power of a farm. Some proposals for
rising of decisions among young people for farm takeovers,
and thereby also for ensuring an adequate social security of
former householders and their partners after the farm
transfers are given in conclusion.
Key words: mountain farms, farm succession, farm
takeovers, farmers, elderly people, care for the elderly
Ščitaste stenice (Pentatomidae)
kot škodljivci gojenih rastlin in načini njihovega zatiranja
Tanja BOHINC, Stanislav TRDAN
Šestdeset odstotkov vseh znanih vrst stenic (Heteroptera)
spada med fitofage. Gospodarsko pomembnejše vrste spadajo v
skupini Cimicomorpha in Pentatomomorpha, predstavnikom
slednje pa pripisujemo zaradi škodljivosti na gojenih
rastlinah vse večji pomen. Družina Pentatomidae je po
številčnosti na tretjem mestu, v Sloveniji in bližnjih
državah pa je gospodarsko najbolj škodljiva pisana stenica (Eurydema
ventrale Kolenati). Njen pomen je vse večji tudi zato, ker
za njeno zatiranje na križnicah, kjer se pojavlja najbolj
številno, nimamo registriranega nobenega insekticida, poleg
tega škodljivec nima znanega učinkovitega naravnega
sovražnika. Kljub temu pa je mogoče z uporabo nekaterih
okoljsko sprejemljivih načinov zatiranja stenic zmanjšati
njihovo številčnost pod prag gospodarske škodljivosti. Pri
tem je zelo pomembna izbira gostiteljskih rastlin, tako z
namenom izkoriščanja njihove naravne odpornosti na napad
škodljivca, kot tudi ustrezne izbire drugih načinov
njihovega zatiranja (vmesni posevki, privabilni posevki
Ključne besede: ščitaste stenice, Pentatomidae,
sistematika, morfologija, bionomija, škodljivost, zatiranje
Sixty percent of all known true bugs (Heteroptera) are
phytophagous. Economically the most important species belong
to Cimicomorpha and Pentatomomorpha groups. The
representatives of the latter are specially important, since
they are harmful on cultivated plants. The Pentatomidae
family is the 3rd largest from the Heteroptera (sub)order,
and its the most harmful representative in Slovenia and in
neighbouring countries is Eurydema ventrale. It is specially
important because of the lack of insecticides registered
against this pest in Brassica crops, where it occur most
numerously. Beside this the species does not have any
efficient natural enemy. Notwithstanding it is possible to
reduce the number of E. ventrale below the economic
threshold with the use of some environmentally acceptable
control measures. In this context the choice of suitable
host plants is very important, especially with the aim of
use their natural resistance as well as for the purposes of
other environmentally acceptable control measures (intercropping,
trap crops etc.).
Key words: stink bugs, Pentatomidae, systematics,
morphology, bionomics, damage, control
Selen in njegove zvrsti v
Selen (Se) je esencialen element za ljudi in živali, za
rastline pa njegova esencialnost še ni dokazana. Številne
študije so tudi pokazale, da imajo nekatere organske oblike
Se antikancerogeno delovanje proti določenim oblikam raka.
Se je prisoten v tleh (naravno ali zaradi antropogenih
vplivov) in pride v prehranjevalno verigo prek rastlin. Se
se v okolju nahaja tako v anorganski kot v organski obliki,
vključujoč selenoaminokisline in metilirane zvrsti.
Sposobnost nekaterih rastlin, da akumulirajo in
transformirajo anorganske oblike Se v bioaktivne organske
oblike, pomembno vpliva na prehrano in s tem na človekovo
zdravje. Esencialnost Se za rastline še ni bila dokazana,
vendar so nekatere rastline sposobne absorbirati večje
količine tega elementa. Nekatere rastline (vrste iz rodov
Astragalus, Stanleya, Morinda in Neptunia) na eni strani
lahko akumulirajo več tisoč miligramov Se kg-1 suhe snovi
(Se akumulirajoče rastline), na drugi strani pa imamo
rastline, ki vsebujejo manj kot 25 mg Se kg-1 suhe snovi (Se
neakumulirajoče rastline). V tretjo skupino sodijo Se
sekundarno akumulirajoče rastline iz rodov Aster, Atriplex,
Castilleja …, ki dobro uspevajo na tleh, bogatih s Se,
rastejo pa tudi, če je Se manj, in akumulirajo do 1.000 mg
Se kg-1 suhe snovi. Rastline se pred visokimi
koncentracijami Se branijo tako, da ohranjajo koncentracijo
SeCys in SeMet v celicah, da povečujejo tvorbo
nebeljakovinskih aminokislin, da izključijo SeCys iz
beljakovin ali s pretvorbo Se v hlapne spojine.
Ključne besede: selen, zvrsti, okolje, rastline
Selenium (Se) is an essential element for humans and
animals, but there is no evidence if plants need it.
Moreover, several studies have suggested that some organic
forms of Se could show anticarcinogenic properties against
certain types of cancer. Se is present in soil (naturally or
due to anthropogenic activities) and can enter the food
chain through plants. In environmental samples, Se can be
found in inorganic and organic forms, including
selenoaminoacids and metylathed compounds. The ability of
several plants to accumulate and transform inorganic forms
of Se into bioactive organic compounds has important
implications for human nutrition and health. Se essentiality
for plants has not yet been proven, but many plants are
capable of accumulating higher concentratios of Se compounds.
Certain native plants (as species of Astragalus, Stanleya,
Morinda and Neptunia) are able to accumulate several
thousand milligrams of Se kg-1 dry weight in their tissues
(Se accumulators). On the other hand, most crop plants
contain less than 25 mg Se kg-1 dry weight (Se
nonaccumulators). A third category of plants (Aster,
Atriplex, Castilleja …), grown on soils of low-to-medium Se
content and accumulate up to 1,000 mg Se kg-1 dry weight (secondary
Se accumulators). The resistance to excessive Se has been
related to the formation of organoselenium compounds (SeCys
and SeMet) that can not be incorporated into proteins and
also the ability of these plants to convert Se into volatile
Key words: selenium, species, environment, plants