PCR identification of
rpgip1 transgene in Pisum sativum L.
Kornelia POLOK
and Hans-Jörg Jacobsen
Recent efforts to
increase Ascochyta blight resistance of pea have focused on
the introduction of foreign genes by genetic engineering.
The rpgip1 gene from Rubus idaeus was
introduced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
into Pisum sativum, cv. Baroness with the aim to
increase pea resistance to fungal diseases. Notwithstanding
this success, practical applications have to be preceded by
the development of analytical methods for screening.
Singleplex and multiplex PCR assays were employed to test
primer efficiency in identifying the rpgip1 transgene
in 11 pea genotypes. Five from ten primer combinations were
effective in identifying transgene or insert sequences. PCR
amplification using five other primer pairs revealed
unspecific amplicons. According to in silico
analyses, they arose from retrotransposons and pea genes
including homologues of rpgip1. Two sets of primers
were prepared with the aim of simultaneous amplification of
different rpgip1 fragments. Fingerprints were sums of
bands observed from individual pairs so the utility of
multiplex assays was demonstrated. An additional advantage
of multiplex PCR was clear differentiation between the
transgene and endogenous pgip genes present in the
donor species, R. idaeus. Sequencing of two PCR
products confirms that no substantial rearrangements at the
rpgip1 transgene arose during development of
transgenic plants. However, a deletion occurred at 59 bp in
the PGIP+VST line and a substitution at 392 bp in the PGIP
line. The frequency of point mutations was not high (1.1 x
10-3) and comparable with the frequency expected
for host genes based on the neutral theory of molecular
Key words:
Transgenic pea, fungal diseases, Rubus idaeus,
pgip homologues, multiplex PCR
Novejši dosežki
pri povečanju odpornosti graha na Ascochyta so povezani z
uvajanjem tujih genov s pomočjo genskega inženiringa. Gen
rpgip1 iz malinjaka (Rubus idaeus) je vključen v
grah, cv. Baroness, s transformacijo z bakterijo
Agrobacterium, da bi se povečalo odpornost graha na to
glivično bolezen. Pred praktično uporabo te metode je
potrebno razviti načine za spremljanje dedovanja tega
transgena. Enojna in multipleks PCR sta bili uporabljeni za
testiranje učinkovitosti začetnikov in za identificiranje
transgena rpgip1 pri 11 genotipih graha. Pet od
desetih začetnikov je bilo uporabnih za identifikacijo
transgenov ali za vključevanje sekvenc. PCR namnoževanje z
drugimi petimi začetniki je dalo nespecifične namnožke.
Glede na in silico analize so ti nastali zaradi
retrotranspozonov in grahovih genov, ki vključujejo homologe
rpgip1. Dva seta začetnikov sta bila pripravljena za
istočasno namnoževanje različnih odlomkov rpgip1.
Elektroferogrami so bili vsote črt individualnih parov, tako
je prikazana uporabnost multipleksnega poskusa. Dodatna
prednost multipleksnega PCR je razločna diferenciacija med
transgenom in genom pgip prisotnim v donorski vrsti
R. idaeus. Sekvenciranje dveh PCR produktov potrjuje,
da ni pri rpgip1 bistvenega prerazporejanja
tekom razvoja transgenih rastlin. Toda pojavila se je
delecija pri 59 bp v liniji PGIP+VST in substitucija pri 392
bp v liniji PGIP. Relativna pogostnost točkovnih mutacij ni
bila visoka (1.1 x 10-3) in je bila primerljiva
z pogostnostjo pri gostiteljivih genih, glede na nevtralno
teorijo molekulske evolucije.
Transgeni grah,
glivične bolezni, Rubus idaeus, homologi pgip,
multipleksna PCR
treatment induces high transposon variation in barley (Hordeum
vulgare L.)
Kornelia POLOK
more than 2700 mutant-derived cultivars, mutation techniques
belong to the most efficient breeding methods. Despite a
relatively good understanding of mutagenesis there is no
agreement about the range of genome changes in mutants.
Visualizing the gain and the loss of transposon insertion
sites in SSAP profiles, the present studies aimed to answer
whether or not mutants can be regarded as near isogenic
lines with respect to their parent cultivar. Activities of
BARE-1 retrotransposon and Tpo1-like DNA
transposon from the CACTA superfamily were analysed in ten
barley mutants derived by mutagenic treatment of two
cultivars, Brenda and Scarlett. A large number and
proportion of mutations (on average 21.4 mutations
encompassing 19.7% loci) confirm high efficiency of applied
mutagens. However, differences exist among both cultivars
and transposons. The lack of clear correlation between
transposon activities and morphology reflects different
mechanisms shaping the mutant architecture. With respect to
a transposon type, BARE-1 and Tpo1-like were
equally active in inducing mutations. However, their
activity differs in that the former was mainly responsible
for new insertions while the latter equally for insertions
and deletions. An excess of new insertions over
recombinational loss suggests a transposon burst as a
response to stress caused by chemical mutagens. Low
estimations of Nei’s similarities, well within the range of
semispecies demonstrate the role of mutagenic factors in
diversification of populations. This way mutagenic treatment
not only provides rough breeding materials but also can be
used as a model in evolutionary studies.
Key words:
Induced mutants, SSAP, BARE-1 retrotransposon, CACTA
transposon, genetic similarity
JEČMENU (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Pri več kot 2700
kultivarjih gojenih rastlin so bili mutanti izhodišče za
požlahtnitev, torej je induciranje mutacij ena od
učinkovitih metod žlahtnjenja rastlin. Kljub razmeroma
dobremu razumevanju procesa mutageneze ni soglasja o tem,
kakšen je pri mutantih obseg sprememb genoma. S prikazom
pridobitve ali izgube na mestih insercije transpozonov pri
SSAP profilih poskuša ta raziskava pojasniti, če so mutanti
skoro izogene linije v primerjavi z izhodiščnimi kultivarji.
Aktivnost retrotranspozona BARE-1 in transpozonu
Tpo1 podobnega iz superdružine CACTA je bila raziskana
pri desetih mutantih ječmena, dobljenih z mutagenim
tretiranjem dveh kultivarjev, Brenda in Scarlett. Veliko
število mutacij in njihov delež (v povprečju 21,4 mutacij na
19,7% lokusih) potrjuje učinkovitost uporabljenih mutagenov.
Toda med obema kultivarjema in transpozoni so razlike.
Ugotovljeno je, da ni jasne povezave med aktivnostjo
transpozonov in morfologijo, kar se odraža v razlikah v
mehanizmu formiranja oblik pri mutantih. Glede na vrsto
transpozona sta BARE-1 in Tpo1-u sličen enako
aktivna pri induciranju mutacij. Toda so razlike v
aktivnosti glede na to, da prvo navedeni povzroča predvsem
nove insercije, medtem ko drugi povzroča tako insercije kot
delecije. Višek novih insercij v primerjavi z
rekombinacijsko izgubo nakazuje, da je nastanek transpozonov
povzročen s stresom, ki ga povzročijo kemični mutageni.
Nizka ocena podobnosti po Nei-u, ki je v okviru podobne kot
pri podvrstah, kaže na vlogo mutagenih dejavnikov pri
diverzifikaciji populacij. Na ta način mutageno obravnavanje
ne daje samo izhodiščnega materiala za žlahtnjenje rastlin,
ampak je lahko uporabno tudi kot model v evolucijskih
Ključne besede:
inducirane mutacije, SSAP, BARE-1 retrotranspozon,
CACTA transpozon, genetska podobnost
uptake and distribution in chicory (Cichorium intybus
L.) grown in an aeroponic system
Polona Smrkolj,
Radojko Jaćimović,
Jože Osvald
plants generally are a poor source of dietary selenium (<
0.1 mg/kg wet weight). In this work the influence of sodium
selenate on selenium distribution in the chicory (Cichorium
intybus L.) cultivars ‘Anivip’ and ‘Monivip’ was studied
in an aeroponic system in a greenhouse. The plants roots
were moistened every fifteen minutes with a Resh nutrient
solution with added selenium (10 mg L-1) in the
form of sodium selenate. The content of total selenium in
chicory roots and leaves was studied after different periods
of time and different temperatures of exposure to the
selenium enriched nutrient solution. In two separate
experiments chicory was treated with selenium enriched
nutrient solution for 40 days at 10 ºC in the slow growing
phase, and for 5, 7 and 10 days at 20 ºC in the
developmental phase at the beginning of formation of the
flower stem. The concentration in leaves increased with time
during plant growth, and in Se treated groups was 370 and
139 mg kg-1 in ‘Anivip’ and 460 and 205 mg kg-1
in ‘Monivip’ leaves after 40 and 10 days of exposure,
respectively. A smaller increase in selenium content was
obtained in roots, namely to 73 and 46 mg kg-1 in
‘Anivip’ roots and to 87 and 46 mg kg-1 in
‘Monivip’ roots after 40 and 10 days of exposure,
respectively. All results are expressed on a lyophilised
matter basis. In long and short term treatment, the selenium
content in ‘Monivip’ cultivar was higher than in ‘Anivip’.
No visible toxic effects on the chicory plants were
Key words:
aeroponics, chicory, selenium, distribution, uptake
rastline so skromen vir selena (<0,1 mg/kg ). Raziskovali
smo vpliv selenata na privzem selena in njegovo porazdelitev
v radiču (Cichorium intybus L.) kultivarjev ‘Anivip’
in ‘Monivip’. Rastline so bile gojene aeroponično v
rastlinjaku. Korenine rastlin smo škropili s Reshevo
hranilno raztopino, ki je vsebovala 10 mg Se(VI) L-1
v obliki natrijevega selenata, vsakih petnajst minut.
Naredili smo dve pilotni študiji. V prvi študiji so bile
rastline, ki so ob začetku poskusa imele 6 listov,
izpostavljene 40 dni hranilni raztopini, ki je vsebovala
Se(VI) pri temperaturi 10 0C, v drugi pa 5, 7 in
10 dni pri temperaturi 20 0C in v razvojni fazi
tik pred cvetenjem. Vsebnost Se je bila večja v listih kot v
koreninah in je naraščala s časom izpostavljenosti. Masni
delež selena v listih kultivarja ‘Anivip’ se je povečal od
55 na 139 mg kg-1 med petim in desetim dnevom
izpostavljenosti, v kultivarju ‘Monivip’ pa od 78 na 205 mg
Vsebnost Se v koreninah je tudi naraščala, vendar so bile
razlike med kultivarjema manjše. Pri 40 dnevni
izpostavljenosti je bil masni delež Se 370 mg kg-1
v listih in 73 mg kg-1 v koreninah
kultivarja ‘Anivip’ ter 460 mg kg-1 v listih in
87 mg kg-1 v koreninah kultivarja ‘Monivip’. Vsi
rezultati so izraženi na liofilizirano snov. Tako pri dolgi
kot pri kratki izpostavljenosti rastlin hranilni raztopini
s selenom je bila vsebnost Se v kultivarju Monivip večja
kot pri kultivarju Anivip. Na rastlinah nismo opazili znakov
Ključne besede:
Aeroponsko gojenje, radič, selen, privzem, porazdelitev
related to social sciences by authors from Slovenia in
agriculture-and-life-sciences database CAB Abstracts
related to social sciences are processed/indexed by several
field-specific (e.g. Sociological Abstracts) and general
(Web of Science, Scopus) bibliographic databases. These
topics are scattered also among other specialized databases
and information systems in agriculture, biomedicine, and
other life-sciences, for example Agris, Agricola, FSTA,
Medline (PubMed), etc. Agriculture can also involve social
issues such as rural sociology, public services,
settlements, demography, tourism (agritourism). Relevant
documents may thus elude attention of researchers which seek
information in a limited number of databases. We used CAB
Abstracts (CABI/CAB International), the leading global
database for agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences,
applied economics, food science and nutrition. In a
bibliometric/scientometric analysis, we used the
classification based on subject categories CABICODES (CC),
which enable identification of general research subject
areas, in order to assess publishing patterns by researchers
from Slovenia in 1991-2010. We assessed growth, and
identified database records which had been classified with
the social-sciences-related CC. We assessed
co-classification or co-occurrence of these categories with
other general subjects, such as Economics, Plant Science and
Protection, Food Science and Produce, Animal Science,
Forestry and Wood, Pathogen, Pest, Parasite and Weed
Management, Soil Science, Human Health and Nutrition,
Education, Extension, Information, Training, Natural
Resources. 336 records were published by Slovenian authors,
and classified with social sciences CC in CAB Abstracts. In
total, 1313 different CC had been assigned to the records.
The social-sciences-related research co-occurs with the
following subject matter, in a decreasing order: economics,
forestry/wood science, natural resources (e.g. water,
meteorology, pollution), human biology/health/nutrition,
food, plant, animal science/protection.
Keywords: agriculture, sociology, social sciences, bibliographic databases,
information systems, subject headings, category codes,
categories, indexing, co-occurrence, co-classification, CAB
Abstracts, bibliometrics, scientometrics
v povezavi z družboslovjem oz. sociologijo obdelujejo in
indeksirajo različne specializirane (npr. Sociological
Abstracts) in splošne (Web of Science, Scopus) bibliografske
podatkovne zbirke (baze podatkov). Ta tematika je
razkropljena tudi med drugimi specializiranimi zbirkami in
informacijskimi sistemi v kmetijstvu (biotehniki),
biomedicini in drugih disciplinah, npr. Agris, Agricola,
FSTA, Medline (PubMed). Kmetijstvo se navezuje na ruralno
sociologijo (sociologijo podeželja), javne storitve,
demografijo, naselja, turizem (kmečki turizem) ipd.
Raziskovalci, ki uporabljajo samo določene zbirke, lahko
spregledajo številne relevantne dokumente. V
bibliometrični/scientometrični analizi smo uporabili zbirko
CAB Abstracts (CABI/CAB International), ki je vodilna zbirka
za kmetijstvo, okolje, veterino, uporabno ekonomiko,
živilstvo in prehrano, in sicer glede na klasifikacijo,
temelječo na predmetnih kategorijah CABICODES (CC), ki
omogočajo identifikacijo splošnih raziskovalnih področij in
na tem temelju ocenili objave avtorjev iz Slovenije v
1991-2010. Ocenili smo letno rast objav in identificirali
vse zapise v zbirki, ki so bili klasificirani s kategorijami
iz sekcije družboslovje (social sciences). Ovrednotili smo
soklasifikacijo-sopojavnost teh kategorij z drugimi
splošnimi kategorijami, kot so ekonomika, rastlinska
pridelava in varstvo rastlin, živilstvo, znanost o živalih
in varstvo živali, gozdarstvo in lesarstvo, bolezni,
škodljivci in pleveli, pedologija, zdravje, biologija in
prehrana ljudi, izobraževanje, svetovanje, informacije,
naravni viri ipd. Slovenski avtorji so v tem obdobju
objavili 336 dokumentov, ki so bili klasificirani z
družboslovnimi kategorijami zbirke CAB. Ti dokumenti so bili
skupno opremljeni s 1313 različnimi kategorijami.
Družboslovna tematika se najbolj prepleta z ekonomiko,
sledijo gozdarstvo/lesarstvo, naravni viri (npr. voda,
meteorologija, onesnaževanje), zdravje, biologija in
prehrana ljudi, živilstvo, rastlinska proizvodnja in varstvo
ter živalska proizvodnja.
kmetijstvo, biotehnika, sociologija, družboslovje,
bibliografske podatkovne zbirke, informacijski sistemi,
predmetne oznake, kategorije, indeksiranje, sopojavnost,
soklasifikacija, CAB Abstracts, bibliometrija,
women’s attitudes toward their participation in the
decision-making process and production of potato crops in
Shoushtar, Iran
Sayedeh Somayeh
MOSAVI, Ahmad Reza OMMANI and Mohammad Sadegh ALLAHYARI
main purpose of this study was to evaluate rural women’s'
attitudes to their participation in the decision-making
process and production of potato crops in Shoushtar, Iran.
It is an applied research for which a
descriptive-correlation method is chosen. Using the
documentary study methodology and field study, required data
have been collected and then described in terms of
frequency, percentage and standard deviation. According to
the size of population, the number of samples was determined
to be 288 people. According to the results, there is a
significant correlation between the level of attitude and
participation in the decision-making process and production.
Also, the rural women’s' higher levels of attitude to their
participation in decision-making processes regarding crop
production and farm work improves their self-confidence,
sense of independence and power and, therefore, encourages
them to participate in those activities effectively.
Key words:
participation, rural women, decision-making, attitude,
raziskave je ovrednotiti držo podeželskih žensk do njihove
udeležbe v procesu odločanja in pridelave krompirja v
Shoushtarju v Iranu. Gre za aplikativno raziskavo, pri
kateri je uporabljena deskriptivno-korelacijska metoda.
Želeni podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo študija metodološke
literature in terenske raziskave, predstavljeni pa so s
frekvencami, odstotki in variancami. Glede na velikost
populacije je bil izbran vzorec, ki je zajemal 288 ljudi.
Rezultati so nakazali močno povezavo med odnosom do dela ter
participacijo v procesih odločanja in pridelave. Rezultati
so prav tako pokazali, da boljša drža žensk do njihove
participacije v procesu odločanja glede pridelovanja in dela
na kmetiji izboljša njihovo samozavest, občutek neodvisnosti
in moči ter jih tako spodbuja k učinkovitemu sodelovanju v
teh dejavnostih.
udeležba, podeželske ženske, odločanje, drža, krompir
The comparison
of number of deaths in accidents with the agriculture and
forestry tractors among European countries
and forestry tractors are very often involved in accidents
with overturning because of their construction with a high
centre of gravity. Such accidents are caused by various
factors such as drivers, vehicles, driving conditions, or
landscape/terrain. The data related to the number of deaths
in accidents with agriculture and forestry tractors was
collected from several European countries. The landscapes
(or terrain) of the countries for tractor traffic was
assessed by the coefficient of the topography and the
economic development level of the countries was evaluated in
terms of the GDP. The correlation analysis among the factors
showed us that neither the relief of the country landscape
nor the economic development level of the countries have a
significant influence on the number of deaths in such
accidents. The essential influence is in the legislation for
the tractors and drivers. The comparison of three countries
(Austria, Slovenia, and Serbia) showed the implementation of
legislation in this area and time are needed for reducing
the number of deaths by half.
Key words:
agriculture tractors, forestry tractors, accidents, deaths
in traffic accidents, influence of factors
Kmetijski in
gozdarski traktorji so zelo pogosto vpleteni v nesreče s
prevračanjem, saj imajo zaradi njihove konstrukcije zelo
visoko težišče. Take nesreče se dogajajo zaradi različnih
vplivov kot so vozniki, vozila, vozne razmere ali
površina/teren. Zbrani so bili podatki o številu mrtvih v
nesrečah s kmetijskimi in gozdarskimi traktorji za več
evropskih držav. Oblika površine držav, po katerih poteka
vožnja traktorja, je bila ocenjena s koeficientom
topografije, stopnja gospodarskega razvoja držav pa je bila
ocenjena z BDP. Korelacijska analiza med faktorji je
pokazala, da niti oblika površine države niti stopnja
gospodarskega razvoja držav nimata močnejšega vpliva na
število mrtvih v tovrstnih nesrečah. Bistveni vpliv imajo
predpisi za traktorje in voznike. Primerjava treh držav
(Avstrije, Slovenije in Srbije) je pokazala, da sta potrebna
implementacija predpisov na tem področju in čas, da se
število mrtvih prepolovi.
Ključne besede:
kmetijski traktorji, gozdarski traktorji, nesreče, mrtvi v
prometnih nesrečah, vpliv faktorjev
Evaluation of
cacao-pudding as a probiotic food carrier and sensory
acceptability properties
Reyhan IRKIN and
number of health benefits have been claimed for probiotic
bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus,
Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus casei.
These benefits include anti-mutagenic effects,
anti-carcinogenic properties, improvement in lactose
metabolism, reduction in serum cholesterol and immune system
stimulation. Because of the potential health benefits, these
microorganisms are increasingly being incorporated into
dairy foods. Several studies in recent years have shown
the benefits deriving from the ingestion of probiotics and a
large number of products containing lactobacilli and
bifidobacteria formulated. The purpose of this study was to
develop a pudding with cacao to which probiotic
microorganisms were added and investigate the viability of
probiotic microorganisms during the shelf-life along 25 days
at 4 °C. Organoleptic properties of the puddings were also
evaluated during the storage. Bifidobacterium animalis
ssp. lactis LAFTI B94, Lactobacillus acidophilus
LAFTI L10 and Lactobacillus casei LAFTI L26 cultures
were activated and incorporated into the product. Pudding
with cacao was shown to be a good vehicle for the delivery
of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis,
Lactobacillus acidophilus during 15 and 25 days
respectively and these microorganisms did not interfere in
the sensorial preferences of the product except
Lactobacillus casei. The pH values and organoleptic
scores of the pudding samples, except Lactobacillus casei
LAFTI L26 containing ones, did not change for 20 days during
the storage period, statistically (P<0.01).
The pudding containing Lactobacillus casei LAFTI L26
was taken the lowest sensorial scores. The all samples were
lost their organoleptic properties at the 25 days of storage
Key words: Probiotic cacao-pudding, Lactobacillus acidophilus,
Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis ,
Lactobacillus casei.
bakterije kot so Lactobacillus acidophilus,
Bifidobacterium spp. in Lactobacillus casei so
pomembne za pripravo živil, primernih za prehrano za
varovanje zdravja. Varujejo lahko pred mutagenimi in
rakotvornimi učinki, izboljšajo presnovo laktoze, prispevajo
k zniževanju holesterola in stimulirajo imunski sistem.
Zaradi potencialnega pomena za zdravje te mikroorganizme
čedalje bolj uporabljajo pri pripravi mlečnih izdelkov. Več
raziskav je v zadnjih letih pokazalo prehransko prednost
uživanja probiotikov; razvili so vrsto izdelkov, zasnovanih
na uporabi laktobacilov in bifidobakterij. Namen te
raziskave je bil uvesti kakavov puding z dodatkom
probiotskih mikroorganizmov in ugotoviti viabilnost
probiotskih mikroorganizmov tekom roka trajanja 25 dni pri 4
oC. V času skladiščenja so bile preverjene tudi
organoleptične lastnosti pudingov. Pri pripravi izdelkov smo
uporabili kulture Bifidobacterium animalis
ssp. lactis LAFTI B94, Lactobacillus acidophilus
LAFTI L10 in Lactobacillus casei LAFTI L26. Kakavov
puding se je izkazal kot primerna osnova za živila z
Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis,
Lactobacillus acidophilus tekom 15 in 25 dni in razen
mikroorganizma Lactobacillus casei niso neugodno
vplivali na senzorične lastnosti izdelkov. Vrednosti pH in
organoleptične lastnosti vzorcev pudingov se, razen enega z
Lactobacillus casei LAFTI L26, se tekom 20 dnevnega
skladiščenja niso statistično značilno spreminjale (P<0,01).
Puding z Lactobacillus casei LAFTI L26 je imel
najnižjo senzorično vrednost. Vsi vzorci so po preteku 25
dni skladiščenja izgubili značilne senzorične lastnosti.
Probiotični kakavov puding, Lactobacillus acidophilus,
Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis,
Lactobacillus casei.
Contrastive responses of spring and winter wheat cultivars to
chilling and acclimation treatments
and antioxidant defense system were investigated under
chilling stress without (Ch, 25-4 ºC) and with acclimation
(AcCh, 14-4 ºC) in winter (Sabalan) and spring (Zagros)
wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Maximum
quantum efficiency of photosystem II and CO2
assimilation rate decreased in AcCh ‘Zagros’ but not in
‘Sabalan’, and in contrast, an increase in non-photochemical
quenching was observed in ‘Sabalan’ but not in ‘Zagros’.
Reduction of leaf starch content was observed in both
cultivars while total soluble carbohydrates increased only
in ‘Sabalan’ under both Ch and AcCh treatments. Activity of
superoxide dismutase was significantly higher in Ch plants
and activity of ascorbate peroxidase and catalase was
slightly higher in Ch and AcCh plants of both cultivars
compared with control. Activity of peroxidase increased in
Ch and AcCh plants of ‘Zagros’ while phenylalanine
ammoialyase (PAL) activity increased in AcCh ‘Sabalan’.
Increase in the leaf content of H2O2
and malondialdehyde (MDA) was more prominent in ‘Zagros’
than in ‘Sabalan’. According to our results, chilling
tolerance in winter cultivar was associated with greater
thermal dissipation, higher soluble carbohydrates content,
greater PAL activity and lower H2O2
and MDA content. Furthermore, acclimated plants were not
more protected against chilling injury compared with
non-acclimated ones.
Key words:
Antioxidant enzymes, leaf photochemistry, gas exchange,
phenylalanine ammoialyase
in antioksidantna obramba sta bili raziskovani v razmerah
hladnega stresa brez aklimatizacije (Ch, 25-4 ºC) in z
aklimatizacijo (AcCh, 14-4 ºC) pri ozimni pšenici
Triticum aestivum L. (cv. Sabalan) in jari pšenici (cv.
Zagros). Maksimalna učinkovitost fotosistema II in
asimilacije CO2 sta se zmanjšali pri AcCh za
‘Zagros’, toda ne pri kultivarju ‘Sabalan’. Nasprotno od
tega se je povečalo nefotokemično gašenje pri kultivarju
‘Sabalan’, a ne pri ‘Zagros’. Pri obeh kultivarjih je bilo
ugotovljeno manj škroba v listih, medtem ko se je vsebnost
celokupnih topnih ogljikovodikov povečala pri ‘Sabalan’ pri
obeh tretiranjih, Ch in AcCh. Aktivnost superoksidne
dismutase je bila značilno večja pri rastlinah Ch, aktivnost
askorbatne peroksidaze in katalaze je bila pri obeh
kultivarjih malo višja pri razmerah Ch in AcCh v primerjavi
s kontrolo. Aktivnost peroksidaze se je povečala pri
rastlinah Ch in AcCh pri kultivarju ‘Zagros’ medtem ko se je
aktivnost fenilalanin ammoialiase (PAL) povečala pri AcCh
cv. ‘Sabalan’. Povečanje koncentracije H2O2
in malondialdehida (MDA) je bilo bolj izrazito pri
kultivarju ‘Zagros’ v primerjavi s kultivarjem ‘Sabalan’.
Glede na naše rezultate je toleranca na mraz pri ozimnem
kultivarju povečana z večjim termalnim trošenjem in večjo
vsebnostjo večjih topnih ogljikovodikov. Odpornost na mraz
je pri ozimnih kultivarjih povezana z večjo aktivnostjo PAL
ter nižjo vsebnostjo H2O2 in MDA.
Nadalje, aklimatizirane rastline niso bile nič bolje
zaščitene pred poškodbami zaradi mraza v primerjavi z
Antioksidantni encimi, fotokemija listov, izmenjava plinov,
fenilalanin amoialiaza
Reduction of
the lenght of 1 RS.1BL translocation in the bread wheat
variety "Yugoslavia"
study was conducted to estimate the survival of 1RS.1BL
wheat-rye translocations in a bread wheat (Triticum
aestivum L. em Thell.) variety "Yugoslavia" including
"Aurora" as a donor of translocation in its pedigree. The
cultivar was cytologically checked by N-banding for the
presence of 1RS.1BL translocation. Fluorescence in situ
hybridization using total genomic biotin labelled rye DNA as
a probe was used for identification and localisation of the
translocation breakpoints and their size. At metaphase and
interphase the introgressed rye segment was observed and
photographed. Digital image analysing system with cooled CCD
camera was used for overlapping the pictures of the probe
signals and counterstained wheat chromosomes and helped to
determine the position and extent breakpoint of this
translocation. The translocation in this variety is probably
restricted to the NOR region only, unlike in other 1RS.BL
translocation lines ("Kavkaz") where the translocation
carries at least the major part of the 1RS arm.
Key words:
wheat, Triticum aestivum L. em Thell., N-banding,
fluorescence in situ hybridization, 1RS.1BL
Raziskava je
skušala ugotoviti preživetje 1RS.1BL translokacije pri
kultivarju navadne pšenice “Yugoslavia”. Kultivar je imel v
rodovniku “Avroro” kot donorja translokacije.
Sorta je bila
citološko pregledan s pomočjo N-proganja na prisotnost
translokacije. Uporabili smo tudi fluorescenčno in situ
hibridizacijo s celotno genomsko probo rži za natančno
opredelitev mesta translokacije in dolžine.
V interfazi in
metafazi je bil rženi segment na kromosomu opazovan in
fotografiran. Slike smo posneli z digitalno CCD kamero in
sliki tarče in protibarvanih kromosomov združili z digitalno
analizo slike. 1RS.1BL translokacija je bila pri tem
kultivarju pšenice omejena na NOR področje kromosoma 1B, z
razliko od drugih translokacij („Kavkaz”), kjer je
translokacija obsegala vsaj večji del rženega kromosomskega
kraka 1RS.
navadna pšenica,
Triticum aestivum L. em Thell., N-proganje, flurescenčna
in situ hibridizacija, 1RS.1BL translokacija
Cultivation, varietal structure and possibilities for
cross-pollination of Brassica napus L. in
rape, Brassica napus L., is one of the most important
oil plants of the moderate climatic zone and a typical
industrial plant.
In the past, dynamics of oilseed rape production in Slovenia
was reflected in flexible agricultural market situation
because of introduction of new crops into rotation and due
to financial supports from European Union.
In 2010, it was cultivated on 5351ha, accounting for about
1.1% of the total production areas in Slovenia. It is mainly
grown in the eastern part of Slovenia (Pomurje, Podravje)
and in the Spodnje-Posavska region. From 1984 until 2010, 58
different genotypes of oilseed and fodder rape were grown in
Slovenia, of which a total of 28 were registered in the
National List of Varieties in each year. Average yield of
oilseed rape was ranged between 1.8 and 2.9 t/ha. Under
Slovenian fragmented property structure the
cross-pollination between B. napus and volunteer or
feral populations (within and outside the production area)
can occur. In addition to that, the presence of some
sexually compatible relatives which have a high affinity to
cross-pollination with B. napus are found (B. rapa,
B. oleracea, B. nigra, Hirchfeldia incana, Raphanus
raphanistrum, Sinapis arvensis, Diplotaxis erucoides, D.
tenuifolia, D. muralis, S. alba, R. sativus and
Rapistrum rugosum). Uncontrolled gene flow between
different forms of B. napus or sexually compatible
wild relatives in the case of coexistence of different
production systems has a direct impact on the varietal
purity of seeds and on crop quality.
Brassica napus L., oilseed rape, field production,
varietal structure, wild relatives, volunteers, feral
populations, gene flow
Oljna ogrščica,
Brassica napus L., je najpomembnejša oljnica zmernega
klimatskega pasu in tipična industrijska rastlina. V
Sloveniji se je v preteklosti obseg njene pridelave zelo
spreminjal zaradi prilagajanja razmeram na trgu, uvajanja
novih poljščin v kolobar in zaradi neposrednih plačil s
strani Evropske unije. V letu 2010 se je pridelovala na
5351ha, kar predstavlja okrog 1,1% vseh pridelovalnih
površin. Največ se je pridela v vzhodni Sloveniji, in sicer
v Pomurski, Podravski in Spodnje-posavski regiji. Od leta
1984 do 2010 se je na območju Slovenije pridelovalo 58
različnih genotipov oljne in krmne ogrščice, od tega je bilo
28 vpisanih v Sortno listo v posameznem letu. Povprečni
pridelki oljne ogrščice se gibljejo med 1,8 in 2,9 t/ha. V
slovenskih razmerah razdrobljene posestne strukture
obstajajo možnost oprašitve posevkov B. napus s
samosevnimi in podivjanimi populacijami (znotraj in zunaj
pridelovalnih površin). Poleg tega se v pri nas pojavljajo
nekateri spolno kompatibilni sorodniki, ki imajo visoko
sposobnost oprašitve z B. napus (B.
rapa, B. oleracea, B. nigra, Hirchfeldia incana, Raphanus
raphanistrum, Sinapis arvensis, Diplotaxis
erucoides, D. tenuifolia, D. muralis, S. alba, R. sativus
and Rapistrum rugosum).
Nenadzorovan prenos genov med različnimi pojavnimi oblikami
B. napus ali spolno kompatibilnimi sorodniki v
primeru soobstoja različnih sistemov pridelave neposredno
vpliva na sortno čistost semenskih posevkov in na kvaliteto
Brassica napus L., oljna ogrščica, obseg pridelave,
sortna struktura, divji sorodniki, samosevci, podivjane
populacije, prenos genov
occurrence of Podagrica fuscicornis (L.)
(Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) on common marshmallow (Althaea
officinalis L.)
May 2011 we noticed high number of Podagrica fuscicornis
adults on the leaves of common marshmallow (Althaea
officinalis) grown on Laboratory Field of Biotechnical
Faculty in Ljubljana. In Slovenia, this beetle was already
recorded earlier but it did not caused any damage on common
marshmallow (Althaea officinalis). Due to the feeding
of beetles on leaves, 1 to 2 mm large holes appear. By
expecting climate changes, already known bionomics of some
related species and giving more emphasis on herb production
in the future, Chrysomelid P. fuscicornis might
represent medium sized biological factor in producing common
words: flea beetles, Podagrica fuscicornis, medicinal plants, common
marshmallow, Althaea officinalis
Močan pojav vrste
Podagrica fuscicornis (L.) (Coleoptera,
Chrysomelidae) na navadnem slezu (Althaea officinalis L.)
maju 2011 smo na listih navadnega sleza (Althaea
officinalis) na Laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške
fakultete v Ljubljani ugotovili večje število odraslih
osebkov bolhača Podagrica fuscicornis. Vrsta je bila
v Sloveniji že prej zastopana, a ni bila škodljiva pri
pridelovanju navadnega sleza (Althaea officinalis).
Na listih rastlin se kot posledica hranjenja hroščev
pojavijo 1-2 mm velike luknjice. Ob pričakovanih podnebnih
spremembah, znani bionomiji nekaterih sorodnih vrst in
večjem pomenu pridelave zelišč v Sloveniji bi lahko vrsta
P. fuscicornis v prihodnosti bila srednje pomemben
biotični dejavnik pri pridelavi navadnega sleza.
Ključne besede:
bolhači, Podagrica fuscicornis, zdravilne rastline,
navadni slez, Althaea officinalis
of fungicides and other preparations for seed treatment
and different cultivation techniques on seed
contamination of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum
L. emend. Fiori et Paol.)
of cereal crops and their products could be a result of
inappropriate cultivation techniques as well as disregarding
usual agro-technical measures like the seed treatment with
fungicides. The aim of the study was to determine the impact
of pre-sowing seed treatment on wheat seed infection and
contamination of produced grains from the field trial at the
Biotechnical faculty (BF) and contamination of crop samples
from Slovene farms with conventional and organic type of
production. In our laboratory we performed grain incubation
on agar with various disinfectants before sowing the grain
on the field. We found that seed treatment with fungicides
Maxim 050 FS and Vitavax 200-FF had significantly improved
the health status (2% infected grains) compared to untreated
processed seed (25% infected grains). The effectiveness of
both tested fungicides was significantly better (2% infected
grains) compared to the Agrostemin and Fitolife
preparations, which are allowed in organic farming (15%
infected grains). Compared to the untreated seed, treating
the seeds with both fungicides and the Agrostemin
preparation reduced visible ear contamination with
fusariosis during the time of dough maturity. With
incubation of grain from our field experiment with different
seed treatments, the positive effect of fungicides on the
health status of grain yield was confirmed (27% infected
grains), compared to sowing of seed that was not treated
with disinfectants (34% infected grains). When compared to
the control group a positive effect of wheat seed treatment
with disinfectants used in organic farming was determined.
Furthermore, seed treatment with fungicides had a greater
influence on improving the health status of produced grain,
compared to the above mentioned preparations allowed in
organic farming (29% infected grains). The effect of seed
treatment on the health status of the grain was the greatest
when using the Vitavax 200-FF fungicide. The percentage of
infected grains in laboratory incubation of produced wheat
grain on agar, sampled from eight Slovenian farms, ranged
from 1.5 to 19.5%. Contamination of sampled grain from
organic production (7% infected grains) was comparable with
infection of grain from the conventional farming (8.4%
infected grains), where the infection ranged from 1.5% to
crop management, Triticum aestivum, seed infection of
winter wheat, fungicides and the other preparations for seed
treatment, laboratory tests for infection of seed
aestivum L. emend. Fiori et Paol.)
pridelkov in izdelkov žit so lahko posledica slabe
pridelovalne prakse, zlasti neupoštevanja običajnih
agrotehničnih ukrepov, med katerimi je razkuževanje semena.
Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti vpliv razkuževanja semena
na okuženost semena pšenice pred setvijo in pridelka zrnja
iz poljskega poskusa Biotehniške fakultete (BF) ter
okuženost vzorcev pridelanega zrnja iz konvencionalne in
ekološke pridelave. Pri laboratorijski inkubaciji zrnja na
agarju pred setvijo poljskega poskusa na BF z različnimi
razkužili smo ugotovili, da tretiranje semena s fungicidoma
Maxim 050 FS in Vitavax 200-FF (2 % okuženih zrn) pomembno
izboljša zdravstveno stanje v primerjavi z nerazkuženim
dodelanim semenom (25 % okuženih zrn). Delovanje obeh
fungicidnih pripravkov je bilo statistično značilno boljše
(2 % okuženih zrn) od pripravkov Agrostemin in Fitolife, ki
sta dovoljena v ekološkem kmetijstvu (15 % okuženih zrn).
Razkuževanje semena s fungicidoma in pripravkom Agrostemin
je v primerjavi z nerazkuženim semenom zmanjšalo vidne
okužbe klasov s fuzariozami v času voščene zrelosti. Pri
inkubaciji pridelka zrnja iz poljskega poskusa z različnimi
razkužili smo potrdili pozitiven vpliv tretiranja semena s
fungicidoma na zdravstveno stanje pridelanega zrnja (27 %
okuženih zrn) v primerjavi s setvijo nerazkuženega semena
(34 % okuženih zrn). V primerjavi s kontrolo je bil
ugotovljen pozitiven vpliv razkuževanja semena pšenice s
pripravkoma, ki ju lahko uporabljajo tudi ekološki kmetje.
Razkuževanje s fungicidoma je imelo večji vpliv na boljše
zdravstveno stanje pridelanega zrnja kot pripravka dovoljena
v ekološkem kmetijstvu (29 % okuženih zrn). Vpliv
razkuževanja na zdravstveno stanje pridelanega zrnja je bil
največji pri fungicidu Vitavax 200-FF. Pri laboratorijski
inkubaciji pridelka zrnja pšenice na agarju z osmih
slovenskih kmetij smo ugotovili, da je bila okuženost
vzorcev pridelanega zrnja iz ekološke pridelave (7 %
okuženih zrn) na ravni vzorcev iz konvencionalne pridelave
(8,4 % okuženih zrn), pri katerih pa je bil razpon
okuženosti od 1,5 % do 19,5 %.
načini pridelave, Triticum aestivum, okuženost semena
za setev in pridelanega zrnja ozimne pšenice, fungicidi in
drugi pripravki za razkuževanje semena, laboratorijski testi
okuženosti semena
Adventitious presence of GMOs in maize in the view of
Petra KOZJAK1,
introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops in the
European Union (EU) demand specific management.
The EU
recommendations for the management of different agricultural
practices are oriented towards the sustainable agriculture
in the frame of flexible coexistence. Coexistence may be
affected by the
presence of genetically modified organisms (APGM) in non-GM
crops along the supply chain. Various biological and
environmental parameters as well as technical management
have influence on the occurrence and the degree of APGM.
These parameters are being used for the development of
preventive coexistence measures in individual EU countries.
Applicability of the prescribed coexistence measures is
critically reviewed, also in the view of possible
introduction of GM maize cultivation in Slovenia. From the
review, it is concluded that some coexistence measures are
not in line with coexistence principles because they demand
excessive work and are sometimes difficult to implement in
practice. Alternative cooperation of different cropping
systems are discussed for potential future implementation.
The review is focused on maize, the predominant GM crop
cultivated in the EU and an interesting crop for cultivation
in Slovenia.
Key words:
coexistence, GMO, adventitious presence of GMOs, maize
Uvajanje gensko
spremenjenih (GS) rastlin v pridelavo v Evropski uniji (EU)
zahteva posebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje soobstoja različnih
sistemov pridelovanja. Evropska priporočila za soobstoj
spodbujajo upravljanje različnih pridelovalnih sistemov v
smeri trajnostnega kmetijstva.
soobstoj vpliva naključna, nenamerna prisotnost gensko
spremenjenih organizmov (APGM) v gensko nespremenjenih
pridelkih in proizvodih vzdolž celotne pridelovalne verige.
Na prisotnost in stopnjo APGM vplivajo številni dejavniki,
kot so biološki in okoljski ter načini upravljanja. Na
podlagi teh dejavnikov so pripravljeni ukrepi za
zagotavljanje soobstoja različnih kmetijskih praks.
Podrobneje smo pregledali uporabnost posameznih ukrepov v
luči možnosti uvedbe pridelovanja gensko spremenjene koruze
v Sloveniji. Iz preglednega prispevka ugotavljamo, da
nekateri ukrepi niso v skladu s temeljnimi načeli soobstoja,
da zahtevajo ogromno dela in so zato v praksi težko
izvedljivi. V razpravi smo predstavili alternativne načine
upravljanja kmetijskih praks, ki bi jih lahko izvajali v
prihodnosti. V prispevku smo se osredotočili na koruzo, ki
je prevladujoča gensko spremenjena poljščina v EU in najbolj
zanimiva za uvajanje v Sloveniji.
Ključne besede:
soobstoj, GSO, naključna prisotnost GSO, koruza
Validation of the method for the determination of some
wine volatile compounds
aroma is influenced by a number of volatile compounds. This
article describes the validation of the method for 26
volatile compounds found in wine. Volatile compounds were
determined with discontinuous liquid-liquid extraction and
GC-MS detection. It was determined, that the method is
linear with square correlation coefficient ranging from
0.961 to 0.999. Limits of quantitative determination range
from 0.52
to 14.8
Recoveries range from 71.1% to 105.7% except for two
compounds with lower recoveries. Measurement uncertainty
ranges from 5.0% to 28.9%. According to the validation, the
method is suitable for the determination of at least 24
volatile compounds common to wine. A practical method
application was presented on Zelen wine variety from two
different production procedures.
Key words:
wine, aroma, volatile compounds, GC-MS
aromo vina vplivajo številne hlapne spojine. Ta članek
opisuje validacijo metode za 26 hlapnih spojin, ki jih
najdemo v vinu. Hlapne spojine so bile določene z
diskontinuirano ekstrakcijo tekoče-tekoče in GC-MS
detekcijo. Določili smo, da je metoda linearna, z razponom
kvadrata korelacijskega koeficienta od 0,961 do 0,999. Meje
kvantitativne določitve imajo razpon od 0,52
do 14,8
Izkoristki imajo razpon od 71,1% do 105,7%, razen za dve
spojini, katerih izkoristek je nižji. Merilna negotovost ima
razpon od 5,0% do 28,9%. Z ozirom na validacijo lahko
potrdimo primernost metode za določanje vsaj 24 hlapnih
spojin značilnih za vino. Praktični prikaz uporabe metode
smo predstavili na vinih sorte Zelen iz dveh različnih
postopkov pridelave.
vino, aroma, hlapne spojine, GC-MS
Za 18
meteoroloških postaj na širšem območju Triglavskega
narodnega parka smo za obdobje 1961-2009 analizirali letne
višine padavin, število dni z dnevno višino padavin nad 5,
10, 20, 50, 100 in 150 mm ter število dvodnevnih nalivov z
višino padavin nad 50, 100 in 150 mm. Za snežno odejo smo
analizirali število dni po letnih časih in za snežno sezono
ter trende v številu dni s snežno odejo. Največ padavin je
imela v letnem povprečju Žaga pri Bovcu (2972 mm), najmanj
Rateče (1532 mm). Medletna variabilnost višine padavin je na
vseh postajah velika, v izrazito mokrih letih je višina
padavin več kot dvakratna višina tiste v najbolj sušnih
letih. Povprečne letne višine padavin, izračunane za dekade,
se statistično značilno razlikujejo. Na večini postaj je
bila najbolj mokra dekada 1961-1969, najbolj sušni dekadi pa
1980-1989 in 2000-2009. Na vseh
postajah se pojavljajo močni enodnevni in dvodnevni nalivi,
variabilnost števila izjemnih padavinskih dogodkov se
povečuje z višino padavin. Največje število dni z višino
padavin >5 mm ima Vogel (90), >10 mm in >20 mm Kneške Ravne
(69 oz. 44). Dvodnevnih nalivov >50, >100 in >150 mm je
največ na Žagi, najmanj pa v Ratečah. Na vseh
postajah lahko vsako leto pričakujemo vsaj en dan, ko višina
padavin presega 150 mm. Dolžina snežne sezone se v zadnjih
letih zmanjšuje. Trend v številu dni s snežno odejo je na
vseh postajah negativen. Velikost statistično značilnih
sprememb je od -4,3 dni/10 let na Žagi do -14,9 dni/10 let v
Stari Fužini.
padavine, nalivi, snežna odeja, trendi, Triglavski narodni
annual rainfall series were analyzed for the 18
meteorological stations in the wider area of the Triglav
National Park for the period 1961-2009: the amount of annual
rainfall, the number of days with 24-h rainfall totals
exceeding 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150 mm and the number of 48-h
rainfall totals exceeding 50,
and 150 mm. For snow cover,
duration and the trend of days with snow cover were
analyzed. The maximum annual precipitation over the entire
period has been in Žaga by Bovec (2972 mm) and the minimum
in Rateće (1532 mm). High interannual rainfall variability
was noticed during period observed, more than twice as much
rain has fallen in the wettest periods as in the driest
periods. There were some significant differences between the
decadal precipitation amounts. At most stations, the wettest
period was 1961-1969 and the driest were 1980-1989 and
Heavy 24-h and 48-h rainfalls were measured at all stations,
in the number of extreme rainfall events has increased with
the amount of rainfall. The maximum number of
days with day-rainfall above 5 mm was measured in Vogel
(90), and above 10 mm (69) and 20 mm (44) in
Kneške Ravne.
Žaga had the highest number with rainfall above 50, 100 and
150 mm and Rateče the lowest one. The snow season has
shortened in recent years, negative trends were observed at
all stations in the number of days with snow cover. The
significant trend rates ranged from -4.3 days/decade
in Žaga to -14.9 days/decade in Stara Fužina.
Key words:
precipitation, heavy rain, snow cover, trends, Triglav
national park
Parametrični in neparametrični pristopi za odkrivanje
trenda v časovnih vrstah
od najpogosteje uporabljenih orodij za odkrivanje sprememb v
časovnih vrstah je analiza trenda. Obstaja veliko
parametričnih in neparametričnih testov za odkrivanje
značilnih trendov v časovnih vrstah. Slednji se pogosteje
uporabljajo zaradi manjšega števila predpostavk potrebnih za
njihovo izvedbo. Najpogosteje uporabljen test za odkrivanje
značilnih trendov je Mann-Kendallov test, ki še vedno
zahteva, da so vzorčni podatki neodvisni. Za odstranitev
vpliva serialne korelacije v Mann-Kendallovem testu so bili
vpeljani različni popravki in metode pred-beljenja. V tem
članku je pregled najpogosteje uporabljenih pristopov za
odkrivanje trenda v časovnih vrstah ob prisotnosti serialne
korelacije ali brez nje. Na koncu so te metode uporabljene
še na realnih podatkih.
Ključne besede:
analiza trenda, metoda najmanjših kvadratov, Mann-Kendallov
test, korelacijski koeficient, avtokorelacija,
One of the most
commonly used tools for detecting changes in time series is
trend analysis. A number of parametric and nonparametric
tests exist to detect the significance of trends in time
series. The latter have been widely used mainly because of
fewer number of assumptions needed in their implementation.
The most often used test for detecting significant trends is
Mann-Kendall test, that still requires sample data to be
serially independent. To eliminate the effect of serial
correlation on the Man-Kendall test different correction and
pre-whitening methods have been introduced. This paper
reviews the most commonly used approaches for trend
detection in time series with or without presence of serial
correlation. At the end these methods are applied to real
trend analysis, least square method, Mann-Kendall test,
correlation coefficient, autocorrelation, pre-whitening.
biotičnega zatiranja paradižnikovega molja (Tuta
absoluta Povolny, Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)
KOS, Stanislav TRDAN
molj (Tuta absoluta) velja v svetu za enega
najpomembnejših škodljivcev paradižnika, saj se hitro širi s
sadikami in predvsem z embalažo. Škodljivec lahko napada vse
nadzemske dele rastlin, njegove ličinke težko dosežejo
kontaktni insekticidi, ima prilagodljiv razvojni krog ter
širok spekter gostiteljev. Zaradi teh lastnosti strokovnjaki
menijo, da ga je najustrezneje zatirati z naravnimi
sovražniki, saj parazitoidi ali plenilci sami najdejo
njihove gostitelje in se razvijajo skupaj z njimi. Številne
raziskave kažejo, da je samostojna uporaba insekticidov
premalo učinkovita, zato preučujejo različne kombinacije
biotičnih pripravkov, biotičnih pripravkov in insekticidov,
možnosti zaščite in sanacije zavarovanih prostorov,
načrtnega spremljanja in masovnega lovljenja škodljivca. V
Evropi v zadnjih letih intenzivno iščejo domorodne naravne
sovražnike, ki bi se lahko dovolj hitro prilagodili novemu
gostitelju, da bi jih bilo mogoče uporabiti v biotičnem
varstvu proti paradižnikovemu molju. Enak cilj smo si
zastavili tudi v Sloveniji, čeprav pri nas molj za zdaj še
ne povzroča gospodarsko pomembnih poškodb na paradižniku.
biotično varstvo, naravni sovražniki, paradižnikov molj
CONTROL OF TOMATO LEAF MINER (Tuta absoluta Povolny;
Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)
Tomato leaf
miner (Tuta absoluta) is a major pest on tomatoes
worldwide. It can spread very easily with plantings and
contaminated packaging, it can attack all aboveground parts
of tomato, it is hidden from contact insecticides and has
adaptive life-cycle with several secondary host plants.
Because of these advantages of the pest, biological control
is considered as one of the most efficient methods to
control the pest, because natural enemies are active in
finding host and they develop with it. According to the
researches single products are not as efficient as
combinations of biological control agents, biological agents
and chemical insecticides, and appropriate phytosanitary
measures in greenhouses, monitoring with sex pheromones and
mass trapping, if necessary. In Europe, we are looking for
indigenous natural enemies that could adapt to the new host
and could be therefore used in biological control of tomato
leaf miner. We have the same goal in Slovenia, though the
damage of T. absoluta still does not have economic
control, natural enemies, tomato leaf miner
model za simulacijo rasti in pridelka travne ruše
in uporaba agro-meteoroloških modelov sta pomembna za
raziskave razvoja travne ruše in tudi za napovedovanje
produktivnosti travne ruše ob različnih podnebnih danostih.
V delu je predstavljen dinamičen model LINGRA, ki simulira
rast travinja na osnovi procesov, ki se dogajajo v rastlini
in upošteva, kako na te procese vplivajo okoljske razmere.
Podane so glavne enačbe v pod-modelih LINGRA s katerimi
računamo prestrezanje svetlobe, učinkovitost izrabe
svetlobe, aktivnost vira in ponora, stopnjo razraščanja
poganjkov, stopnjo pojavljanja listov, količino vode v tleh
in evaporacijo. Model je dokaj enostaven za uporabo in če ga
dobro umerimo, je uporaben za različne simulacije vpliva
vremenskih in podnebnih razmer na pridelek trave, kar je
uporabno pri sprejemanju raznih odločitev ali pri oceni
tveganja rastlinske pridelave.
Ključne besede:
trava, simulacija, model, agrometeorologija, vreme
GRASS Growth AND YIELD simulation model
growth models are valuable tool for grassland management
for a
decision support application.
The grassland growth model LINGRA, which was developed to
predict growth and development of perennial rye grass across
Europe is presented and
some of the main
equations are described in this work. Key process simulated
in the model are light utilisation, leaf formatin and
elongation, tillering and carbon partitioning. Integration
time step is one day. LINGRA provides algorithms for the
simulatin of grass growth under irrigated and non-irrigated
conditins. Model is relatively simple, but it contains the
most imprtant features of grass growth. Validation of the
model from independent historical European data showed that
model predictions are sufficiently accurate to make it a
useful aid for on-farm decision-making processes.
words: Grass,
Simulation; modelling; sink-surce, grassland, weather
fenofaz paš, pri čebelah v Novem mestu
Glorija JELEN
smo vpliv temperature zraka na izbrane fenološke faze čebel
(Apis mellifera carnica Pollman)
za obdobje 1971-2007 v Novem mestu. Medletna variabilnost
nastopa fenofaz (prva paša čebel, paša na robiniji, paša na
lipi) je velika, variacijski razmik znaša od 44 do 86 dni. S
časovno analizo smo ugotovili, da se kot posledica višjih
temperatur zraka ter zgodnejših rastlinskih fenofaz, tudi
fenofaze pri čebelah pojavljajo v zadnjem obdobju zgodnejše.
Statistično značilen linearen trend za prvo pašo čebel znaša
-19 dni/dekado, za pašo na robiniji pa -10 dni/dekado.
Fenofaza paša na lipi nima statistično značilnega trenda.
Povezanost med fenološkim razvojem in temperaturo zraka smo
preučevali s korelacijsko analizo. Vrednosti koeficientov
korelacije so med -0,45 in -0,70. Vse tri fenofaze so
najbolj korelirane s povprečnimi dvomesečnimi temperaturami
marca in aprila. Izdelali smo enostavne regresijske modele
za napoved časa nastopa fenofaz na osnovi temperature zraka.
Kot pojasnjevalne spremenljivke modela smo vključili
povprečne mesečne temperature zraka in termalni čas,
potreben za nastop izbrane fenofaze. Akumuliran termalni čas
smo izračunali kot vsoto aktivnih temperatur (vsota
pozitivnih temperatur od 1.1. dalje) in efektivnih
temperatur (temperaturna vsota nad temperaturnim pragom 10
°C od 28.2. dalje). Koeficienti variabilnosti (KV) za
izračunan termalni čas znašajo od 15 % do 43 %. Z metodo
regresije po korakih smo oblikovali linearne regresijske
modele za napoved časa prve paše čebel in paše na robiniji.
Z modeli smo lahko pojasnili od 53 % do 91 % variabilnosti v
času nastopa fenofaz.
čebele, fenofaze, trendi, termalni čas, regresijski modeli
The influence of
air temperature on the chosen bee phenophases
(Apis mellifera carnica
Pollman) was studied in the period 1971-2007 in Novo
mesto, Slovenia. The inter-annual phenophase variability
(start, first bee pasture, pasture on black locust and
pasture on linden) is high - variation interval is from 44
to 86 days. With time analysis it was established that as a
result of higher air temperatures and earlier plant
phenophases also the bee phenophases appear earlier in the
last period. Statistically significant linear trend for the
first bee pasture is -19 day/decade, for pasture on black
locust it is -10 day/decade. Phenophase pasture on linden
has no statistically significant trend. The correlation
between phenological development and air temperature was
studied with correlation analysis. The correlation
coefficient values are between -0.45 and -0.70. All three
phenophases are best correlated with average monthly
temperatures in March and April. Simple regressions models
for the prediction of the start of phenophases on the basis
of air temperature were developed. As the models explanatory
variables average monthly air temperatures and thermal time
needed for an individual phenophase start were included. The
accumulated thermal time was calculated as the sums of
active temperatures (the sum of positive temperatures from
January 1) and effective temperatures (the sum of
temperatures above the temperature threshold 10 oC
from February 28). The variability coefficients (KV) for the
calculated thermal time are between 15 per cent and 43 per
cent. With backward selection linear regression models for
the prediction of time of the first bee pasture and pasture
on black locust were formed. With the models we were able to
explain 53 per cent to 91 per cent of variability at the
start of phenophases.
bees, phenophases, trends, thermal time, regression models
Problematika nabiranja
cvetnih brstov za izdelavo preparatov mejoze
Opisan je
evolucijski pomen mejoze in vzroki za prevlado spolnega
načina razmnoževanja pri višjih rastlinah ter pomen
prerazporejanja genov (rekombinacija) v profazi prve
zoritvene delitve. Predstavljen je razvoj mejoze iz mitoze
in razlike med tema celičnima delitvama. Opisano je
nabiranje cvetnih brstov čemaža za pripravo mejotskih
preparatov. Cvetne brste čemaža smo nabirali v marcu in
aprilu 2008. Največ mejotskih faz smo opazili pri cvetnih
brstih nabranih v tretjem tednu v mesecu marcu. Optimalna
dolžina cvetnih brstov je bila 1 do 1,5 cm. V aprilu so bili
cvetni brsti preveč razviti, lahko smo opazovali le pelodna
besede: mejoza,
Allium ursinum, cvetni brsti, nabiranje, redukcija
kromosomske števila, razvoj mejoze iz mitoze
aspect of meiosis and reasons for dominate sexual
reproduction in higher plants are described. Conjugation of
homologue chromosomes and recombination of genes in prophase
of the first meiotic division are presented. Evolution of
meiosis from mitosis is discussed. The problems of flower
bud sampling for meiotic preparations are presented. Flower
buds of Allium ursinum were collected in March and
April 2008. Best results were obtained by sampling flower
buds in the third week of March. For meiotic preparations
the optimal length of flower buds was 1 to 1.5 cm. In April
the flower buds were over-developed and we could observe
developing pollen grains only.
words: meiosis,
Allium ursinum, flower buds, sampling, chromosome
number reduction, the evolution of meiosis from mitosis
Virulenčni faktorji glive Verticillium albo-atrum
Janez Kosel
Verticillium albo-atrum je pomemben rastlinski
patogen, ki lahko okuži več sto rastlinskih vrst in povzroča
precejšnjo škodo v kmetijstvu. O mehanizmih patogeneze te
glive je znanega zelo malo, pred kratkim pa je bil
sekvenciran njen genom, kar ponuja dobre obete za raziskave
na tem področju. V tej raziskavi sva pregledala literaturo o
znanih genih gliv, ki sodelujejo pri napadu in pojavu
simptomov bolezni, nakar sva v genomu V. albo-atrum z
uporabo orodja BLAST poiskala homologe vseh najdenih genov
in poskusila prepoznati razloge za virulenco te pomembne
patogene glive.
glivni efektorji, patogeneza, BLAST
Virulence factors of the fungus
Verticillium albo-atrum
The fungus
Verticillium albo-atrum is an important plant pathogen,
capable of infecting several hundred plant species and
causing considerable agricultural losses. Pathogenesys
mechanisms of this fungus are poorly understood, but the
recent sequencing of its genome offers good foresight for
conducting research on this topic. We have surveyed
accessible knowledge on known pathogenesis related fungal
genes and conducted a search of gene homologs of these genes
in the genome of V. albo-atrum using BLAST. From
retrieved data, we tried to form a possible explanation for
the high virulence of this important pathogenic fungus.
fungal effectors, pathogenesis, BLAST