
Letnik 101

Ljubljana, 2013

Številka 1


Expression and molecular analysis of DsRed and gfp fluorescent genes in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)



Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tobacco leaf disks with Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. t.) strain LBA4404 and two plasmids (pCAMBIA1390-DsRed and pART27 2mgfp5-ER) was used for introducing red fluorescent gene (DsRed), green fluorescent gene (gfp) and corresponding selection genes (hptII for resistance to antibiotic hygromycin and nptII for resistance to kanamycin) into leaf discs of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Epifluorescent microscopy with the appropriate set of filters did not reveal phenotypic expression of the DsRed gene in 6.9 % of regenerants and the gfp gene in 1.3 % of regenerants that were successfully grown on selective medium. The duplex PCR method also did not confirm the presence of fragments specific to DsRed or gfp genes in these regenerants, while the presence of fragments characteristic of selection genes hptII and nptII was confirmed. A built-in nptII gene mutation, a deletion, was detected in one regenerant. Out of the 139 regenerants generated after the transformation of A. t.-pCAMBIA1390-DsRed, 38 or 25.5 % successfully grew only on non-selective medium; after transformation with A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER 9 or 5.4 % of the 161 generants grew successfully. PCR analysis confirmed in all regenerants the presence of fragments characteristic of both transgenes, which were not expressed or were silenced. The effectiveness of transformation after infection with A. t.-pCAMBIA1390-DsRed was 93.1 %, and 98.7 % after infection with A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER. We established that both fluorescent genes are suitable for setting up a transformation system. The antibiotics hygromycin and kanamycin successfully prevented the growth of untransformed tissues, but the antibiotic timentin successfully prevented the growth of bacteria A. t. after the transformation.

 Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, fluorescent genes, selection genes, transformation, exspression of transgenes, DNA analysis



Z metodo posredne transformacije z vektorskim sistemom Agrobacterim tumefaciens (A. t.) sev LBA4404 in dvema plazmidoma (pCAMBIA1390-DsRed in pART27 2mgfp5-ER) smo v listne izsečke tobaka (Nicotiana tabacum L.) vnesli fluorescentni markerski gen za rdečo (DsRed) oz. zeleno (gfp) fluorescenco ter selekcijska gena za odpornost na antibiotik higromicin (hptII) oz. kanamicin (nptII). Z epifluorescentnim mikroskopom in ustreznim setom filtrov nismo zasledili fenotipskega izražanje DsRed gena pri 6,9 % regenerantih in gfp gena pri 1,3 % regenerantih, ki so uspešno rastli na selekcijskem gojišču. Pri teh regenerantih tudi z dupleks PCR metodo nismo potrdili prisotnosti fragmentov značilnih za DsRed oz. gfp gen, medtem ko smo potrdili prisotnost fragmentov značilnih za selekcijska gena hptII in nptII. Pri enem regenerantu smo v vgrajenem nptII genu zasledili mutacijo in sicer delecijo. Od 139 nastalih regenerantov, po transformaciji z A. t.-pCAMBIA1390-DsRed, jih je 38 oz. 25,5 % uspešno rastlo le na neselekcijskem gojišču, po transformaciji z A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER je bilo takih 9 oz. 5,4 % od 161 nastalih. Pri vseh smo s PCR analizo potrdili prisotnost fragmentov značilnih za oba transgena, ki se nista izražala oz. sta bila utišana. Učinkovitost transformacije po okužbi z A. t.-pCAMBIA1390-DsRed je bila 93,1 %, po okužbi z A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER pa 98,7 %. Ugotovili smo, da sta oba fluorescentna gena primerna za vzpostavitev transformacijskega sistema. Antibiotika higromicin in kanamicin sta uspešno preprečila rast netransformiranih tkiv, antibiotik timentin pa je uspešno preprečil rast bakterije A. t. po transformaciji..

 Ključne besede: Nicotiana tabacum, fluorescentni geni, selekcijski geni, transformacija, izražanje transgenov, DNA analiza


Effect of cytokinin type and concentration, and source of explant on shoot multiplication of pineapple plant (Ananas comosus ‘Queen’) in vitro

Majid A. IBRAHIM, Huda A. AL-TAHA, Aqeel A. SEHEEM


The current study was conducted to test cytokinin type and concentration, and source of explant on shoot multiplication of pineapple plant (Ananas comosus ‘Queen’) in vitro during 22/6/2009 to 1/5/2010. The results of the first experiment showed that axillary buds delayed to grow during 4-5 months of culturing in MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BA (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0 mg l-1). The MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l-1 BA has led to the vegetative growth of axillary buds. The other concentrations of BA added to MS medium led to callus growth. The results showed that MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l-1 BA and 0.2 mg l-1 NAA gave adventitious shoots directly after two months from culturing of callus. The results of the second experiment showed that nodal segments cultured in MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l-1 kinetin was a significantly superior on other treatments studied (0.5 mg l-1 kinetin, 0.5 and 1.0 mg l-1 BA) in number of shoots/explant, leaf length, number of leaves/shoot and leaf area of formation shoot which reached 18.60 shoot/explant, 5.38 cm, 10.60 leaves/shoot and 3.64 cm2, respectively. The results showed that kinetin was a significant superior in all vegetative characteristics of shoots compared with BA.

Abbreviation: BA: 6-benzyl adenine.

                       NAA: α-naphthalene acetic acid.

                       MS: Murashige and Skoog salts (Murashige and Skoog, 1962)

Key words: in vitro, benzyl adenine, axillary buds, kinetin, naphthalene acetic acid, shoot multiplication



Raziskava je bila izvedena z namenom testiranja različnih vrst in koncentracij citokininov ter vira stebelnih izsečkov na in vitro razmnoževanje ananasa (Ananas comosus ‘Queen’) v obdobju 22/6/2009 do 1/5/2010. Rezultati prvega poskusa so pokazali, da je rast zalistnih brstov zaostajala prvih 4-5 mesecev gojenja na MS gojišču, ki so mu dodali različne koncentracije BA (1,0, 1,5, 2,0, 2,5 ali 3,0 mg l-1). MS gojišče, ki so mu dodali 1,0 mg l-1 BA je vzpodbudilo rast zalistnih brstov. Druge koncentracije BA, dodane MS gojišču so vodile le k rasti kalusa. Nadaljnji rezultati so pokazali, da so se razvili na MS gojišču, ki sta mu bila dodana 1,0 mg l-1 BA in 0,2 mg l-1 NAA poganjki neposredno iz kalusa po dveh mesecih gojenja. Rezultati drugega poskusa so pokazali, da so bili nodijski izsečki, gojeni na MS gojišču, ki so mu dodali 1,0 mg l-1 kinetina značilno boljši kot drugi postopki, izvedeni v tej raziskavi (0,5 mg l-1 kinetina, 0,5 in 1,0 mg l-1 BA) v številu poganjkov/izseček, dolžini listov, številu listov/poganjek in listni površini nastalih poganjkov. Nastalo je 18,60 poganjkov/izseček, 10,60 listov/poganjek, dolžine 5,38 cm in 3,64 cm2 površine. Rezultati so pokazali, da je dalo obravnavanje s kinetinom boljše rezultate glede vrednosti vseh merjenih vegetativnih lastnosti poganjkov v primerjavi z BA.

Okrajšave: BA: 6-benzil adenin.

                  NAA: α-naftalen ocetna kislina.

               MS: Murashige in Skoog bazalno gojišče (Murashige in Skoog, 1962)

Ključne besede: in vitro, benzil adenin, zalistni brsti, kinetin, naftalen ocetna kislina, razmnoževanje s stebelnimi izsečki


Genetic variation among accessions of Lathyrus inconspicuous (L.) as revealed by SDS Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

Safaa A. RADWAN, Aziza S. El-KOLY and Reda H.SAMMOUR


Eighteen L. inconspicuous accessions collected from different countries were evaluated for variations of seed weight, seed protein content, and electrophoretic patterns of the total seed proteins analyzed under reducing conditions. They exhibited a reasonable genetic variability for the evaluated traits. This genetic variability revealed that improvement through simple selection for these traits is possible. The variation between the seed size of this accessions was attributed to the development process or the life cycle of the plant, and the environmental condition to which the mother plant is exposed. On the other hand, the variation in protein content among the different accessions may be due to genotype and/or seasonal influences. The relationship between protein content and 100 seeds weight in the evaluated accessions was reversible, the accession showed the lowest quantity of the total seed proteins was the accession that exhibited highest weight of 100 seeds and nearly vice versa. Each accession gave a different electrophoretic pattern except the two accessions collected from Iran, exhibited an identical one. The difference in 100 seed weight and total protein content of these accessions indicated that they are not genetically identical. The variation in the electrophoregram of the evaluated accessions located in the bands with molecular weight more than 98 kDa, the heavy subunits of alpha-lathyrin subunits and the region molecular weight around 70 kDa. The results of cluster analysis based of SDS/PAGE under reduction conditions indicated that genetic diversity between Turkish, Syrian, and Iranian and Australian accessions is pronounced, and Turkish accessions are closer to both Syrian and Iranian accessions than the relation between Syrian and Iranian. This suggested that crosses between the Iranian and Syrian accessions could create more genetic variability than crosses with Turkish accessions. The distribution of Turkish and Syrian accessions between more than one clusters revealed that genetic diversity and geographic distribution were independent of each other. PCA showed that all accessions were separated on the first principal component, indicating that the accessions showed a good association, due, probably, to parallel evolution.

 Key words: 100 seeds weight, Protein analysis, multivariate analysis, germplasm characterization



Osemnajst akcesij grahorja (L. inconspicuous L.), zbranih iz različnih držav, je bilo ovrednoteno glede na variabilnost mase semen, vsebnost semenskih proteinov in elektroforetskih vzorcev celokupnih semenskih proteinov analiziranih v reducirajočih razmerah, ob prisotnosti reducenta. Ovrednotene lastnosti so pokazale pričakovano genetsko variabilnost na osnovi katere je možna preprosta selekcija. Variabilnost v velikosti semen med akcesijami je bila odvisna od razvojnih procesov v življenskem ciklu rastlin in okoljskih dejavnikov, katerim je bila izpostavljena materinska rastlina. Po drugi strain so bile razlike v vsebnosti proteinov med različnimi akcesijami odvisne od genotipa in/ali sezonskih okoljskih vplivov. Razmerje med vsebnostjo proteinov in maso 100 semen je bilo med ovrednotenimi akcesijami obratno. Akcesije, ki so imele najmanjšo vsebnost proteinov so imele največjo maso 100 semen in obratno. Vsaka akcesija, z izjemo dveh iz Irana, je imela svojski elektroforetski vzorec. Razlika med maso 100 semen in celokupno vsebnostjo proteinov analiziranih akcesij je pokazala, da akcesije genetsko niso enake. Razlike v elektroforegramih analiziranih akcesij so se pojavljale v elektroforetskih črtah z molekulsko težo večjo od 98 kDa, težjih podenot alfa latrina in v območju elektroforetskih črt z molekulsko težo okrog 70 kDa. Rezultati klasterske analize dobljeni na osnovi SDS/PAGE elektroforeze v reducirajočih razmerah so pokazali, da je genetska raznolikost med turškimi, sirijskimi, iranskimi in avstralskimi akcesijami izrazita in da so turške akcesije bližje sirskim in iranskim, kot pa je bližina sirskih in iranskih akcesij med seboj. To nakazuje, da bi dala križanja med sirskimi in iranskimi akcesijami večjo variabilnost kot s turškimi. Porazdelitev turških in sirskih akcesij v več kot en klaster kaže, da sta genetska raznolikost in geografska razširjenost med seboj neodvisni. Analiza glavnih component (PCA) je pokazala, da so se vse akcesije ločile že na prvi glavni komponenti, kar kaže, da so akcesije dobro povezane, verjetno zaradi paralelne evolucije.

 Ključne besede: teža 100 semen, analiza proteinov, multivariatna analiza, karakterizacija genskih virov


Effect of drought stress and selenium spraying on photosynthesis and antioxidant activity of spring barley



This paper reports the effects of selenium (Se) application on some physiological characteristics of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Rihane-03) exposed to drought stress. Foliar application to barley at 30 g selenium ha-1, as sodium selenate, increased significantly shoot dry weight and relative water content in well-watered plants. A remarkable reduction in dry weight of water-stressed plants was associated with significant decrease in maximal efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm), stomatal conductance (gs) and net CO2 assimilation rate (A). Activity of antioxidant enzymes was increased by drought stress significantly. Amounts of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) remained unchanged in Se-supplemented water-deficit plants obviously because of an efficient scavenging following significant enhancement of catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities. These results indicate that an application of selenium was favorable for biomass accumulation of barley plants under well-watered conditions. However, it did not significantly affect dry matter accumulation under drought stress, but Se-supplemented water-deficit plants exhibited better protection from oxidative damage because of higher CAT and GSH-Px activities and lower level of lipid peroxidation. These results suggest that selenium application can improve antioxidant defense system under drought stress conditions, and it may be recommended for arid and semiarid regions.

Key words: Antioxidant enzymes, barley, drought, glutathione peroxidase, selenium



Članek poroča o učinku škropljenja s selenom na nekatere fiziološke značilnosti ječmena (Hordeum vulgare ‘Rihane-03’), ki je bil izpostavljen sušnemu stresu. Foliarna aplikacija selena 30 g Se ha-1, kot selenat je značilno povečala suho težo poganjkov in relativno vsebnost vode dobro zalivanih rastlin. Znatno zmanjšanje suhe teže rastlin v pomanjkanju vode je bilo povezano z značilnim zmanjšanjem maksimalne učinkovitosti PSII (Fv/Fm), stomatarne prevodnosti (gs) in neto asimilacije CO2 (A). Aktivnost antioksidativnih encimov se je v sušnem stresu značilno povečala. Količini malondialdehida (MDA) in vodikovega peroksida (H2O2) sta ostali nespremenjeni pri rastlinah tretiranih s Se pri sušnem stresu, kar je bila očitno posledica delovanja Se, ki se je kazala kot povečana aktivnost katalaze (CAT) in glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px). Ti izsledki kažejo, da uporaba Se prispeva k povečanju biomase ječmena pri dobri preskrbi z vodo. Vsebnost suhe snovi se pri rastlinah tretiranih s Se ni bistveno povečala v razmerah sušnega stresa, vendar pa so se te rastline bolje zaščitile pred oksidativnimi poškodbami s povečano aktivnostjo CAT in GSH-Px in manjšo peroksidacijo lipidov. Rezultati kažejo, da uporaba Se izboljša antioksidativno obrambo rastlin pri sušnem stresu in bi njegovo uporabo v te namene priporočali v aridnih in semiaridnih območjih.

 Ključne besede: antioksidativni encimi, ječmen, suša, glutation peroksidaza, selen (Se)

Influence of seed priming on emergence and growth of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) seedlings grown under salt stress

Elouaer Mohamed AYMEN, Hannachi CHERIF


Salinity is one of the biggest limiting factors for agriculture in semi-arid areas of the world. For this reason, an experiment was conducted to study the effect of seed priming with NaCl and CaCl2 on growth and yield responses of Tunisian coriander cultivar exposed to five levels of salinity (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 g l-1). Seeds of coriander were primed with aerated solutions of 0.13 M NaCl and CaCl2 for 24 h. Results indicated that with increasing salinity, emergence traits (total emergence, mean emergence time), growth parameters (plant height, shoot fresh and dry weight) and mineral contents (K+ and Ca2+) decreased, but to a less degree in primed seeds. In all of the salinity levels, primed seeds possessed higher emergence and growth rate than control. However, further studies are needed to highlight the effect of seed priming on yield and oil content of coriander under salt stress.

 Key words: Coriander, salinity, seed priming, emergence, growth, mineral content



Slanost je eden izmed največjih omejevalnih dejavnikov kmetijstva v polsušnih območjih sveta. V ta namen je bil izveden poskus za preučevanje učinkov predtretiranja semen z NaCl in CaCl2 sorte tunizijskega koriandra na parametre rasti in pridelka, ki je bila izpostavljena petim stopnjam slanosti (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 g l-1). Semena koriandra so bila tretirana s prezračeno raztopino 0.13 M NaCl in CaCl2 za 24 h. Izsledki so pokazali, da so z naraščajočo slanostjo parametri vznika (totalni vznik, poprečni čas vznika), rasti (višina rastlin, sveža in suha masa poganjkov) in vsebnosti hranil (K+ in Ca2+) upadli, vendar manj pri predhodno tretiranih semenih. Predhodno tretirana semena so imela pri vseh stopnjah slanosti boljši vznik in večjo rast kot kontrola. Za preučitev učinka predtretiranja s solmi na pridelek in vsebnost olj koriandra v razmerah solnega stresa so potrebne še nadaljne raziskave.

 Ključne besede: koriander, slanost, predtretiranje semen, vznik, rast, vsebnost hranil

Effect of intermittent irrigation with saline water on rice yield in Rasht, Iran



Guilan, a well-known province in rice production in Iran, has been facing water shortage and water degradation. In order to study the effects of salinity stress as well as water stress on rice a pot experiment was conducted at Rice Research Institute of Iran. Five water salinity levels: fresh water (EC = 1 dS m-1), 2, 4, 6 and 8 dS m-1 and five irrigation regimes: continues flooding, Alternative Wetting and Drying (AWD), intermittent irrigation at 100, 90 and 80 percent of field capacity (FC) were considered as irrigation treatments. The results showed severe effects of water and salinity stresses on rice yield and yield components. Fresh water produced the highest yield, 18.57 gr pot-1, whereas, the yield in salinity levels of 2, 4, 6 and 8 dS m-1 were 13.78, 5.78, 3.61 and 0.74 gr pot-1, respectively, with the yield losses of 25, 70, 80 and 97%, respectively. Intermittent irrigation at FC produced the highest yield. The yield increased 8 and 13% in AWD and intermittent irrigation at FC treatments respectively, while it decreased 8 and 27% in intermittent irrigation at 80 and 90% of FC treatments as compared with continues flooding treatment. The highest yield with application of intermittent irrigation at FC was valid only in water salinity less than 4 dS m-1. When water salinity was higher than 4 dS m-1 all irrigation methods gave the same yield. This study showed that the best method to use saline water was intermittent irrigation at FC with EC = 2 dS m-1. In case of more salinity, mixing fresh and saline water and intermittent irrigation can mitigate the severe effects of salinity on rice.

 Key words: rice, irrigation, saline water, Iran



Provinca Guilan v Iranu, ki je poznana po pridelavi riža se sooča s pomanjkanjem vode in slapšanjem njene kakovosti. Z raziskovanje učinka slanosti in vodnega stres na riž je bil izveden lončni poskus na Inštitutu za preučevanje riža v Iranu (Rice Research Institute of Iran). Uporabljeno je bilo pet slanostnih stopenj vode: sladka voda (EC = 1 dS m-1), 2, 4, 6 in 8 dS m-1 in pet režimov namakanja: stalna poplavljenost, izmenično namakanje in osuševanje (AWD), in periodično namakanje pri 100, 90 in 80 procentni poljski kapaciteti (FC). Izsledki so pokazali močne učinke solnega in vodnega stresa na pridelek riža in njegove komponente. Pridelek je bil največji v sladki vodi, 18.57 g/lonec, medtem ko so bili pridelki pri slanostih 2, 4, 6 in 8 dS m-1 13.78, 5.78, 3.61 in 0.74 g/lonec, z izgubo pridelka 25, 70, 80 in 97 %. Periodično namakanje pri poljski kapaciteti je dalo največji pridelek. Pri izmeničnem namakanju in osuševanju se je pridelek povečal za 8 in periodičnem namakanju za 13 %, vendar se je v primerjavi s postopkom stalne poplavljenosti zmanšal za 8 in 27 % pri izvedbi tretmajev pri 80 in 90 % poljski kapaciteti. Največji pridelek pri periodičnem namakanju pri poljski kapaciteti je bil dosežen samo pri slanosti vode manj kot 4 dS m-1. Če je bila slanost vode večja, so dali vsi postopki namakanja enak pridelek. Raziskava je pokazala, da je najboljši način periodičnega namakanja s slano vodo pri poljski kapacite s prevodnostjo vode za namakanje 2 dS m-1. V primeru večje slanosti je potrebno izmenično namakati s sladko in slano vodo, da se izognemu velikemu učinku slanosti na pridelek riža.

Ključne besede: riž, namakanje, slana voda, Iran

Production of rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) on plug trays and on a floating system in relation to reduced nitrate content



The effect of the growth system on the yield and nitrate content of rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) was evaluated in two experiments. In the first experiment, different sizes of cells in plug trays and different fertilization treatments were tested. In the second, a floating system was used with different substrates and the nitrate content in rocket leaves was analysed. The size of the cells did not affect the yield of rocket significantly but the yield was notably higher (2.02 - 2.21 kg m-2) when plugs were fertigated once per week with 6:12:36 + ME + natural biostimulant in comparison with plugs fertigated only with a water soluble fertilizer (1.53 - 1.74 kg m-2). The best yield was obtained in vermiculite and perlite in 20 ml cells (2.13 and 1.89 kg m-2). The different substrates used in the floating system had no effect on the dry matter content, which was on average 13.7 % and was significantly lower than the dry matter content of leaves grown in peat (19.1 %). The nitrate content in leaves measured a day before and 10 days after the replacement of the nutrient solution with tap water, fell greatly from 4,288-6,764 mg NO3 kg-1 FW to 52-634 mg NO3 kg-1 FW.

 Key words: fertigation; biostimulant; rock-wool flocks; vermiculite



Učinek tehnologije gojenja na pridelek in vsebnost nitratov pri navadni rukvici (Eruca sativa Mill.) je bil izvrednoten v dveh poskusih. V prvem poskusu smo primerjali različne velikosti vdolbin v gojitvenih ploščah in različna gnojila. V drugem poskusu pa smo gojili rukvico na plavajočem sistemu v različnih substratih in analizirali vsebnost nitratov v listih. Velikost vdolbin ni vplivala statistično značilno na pridelek. Pridelek je bil največji (2,02-2,21 kg m-2), ko smo gojitvene plošče fertigirali enkrat tedensko z vodotopnim gnojilom 6:12:36 + ME in dodatkom naravnega biostimulanta v primerjavi z ploščami, ki smo jih fertigirali samo z vodotopnim gnojilom (1,53-1,74 kg m-2). Najboljši pridelek smo dobili v vermikulitu in perlitu v 20 ml vdolbinah (2,13 and 1,89 kg m-2). Različni substrati niso imeli vpliva na % sušine v listih, ki je bila v plavajočem sistemu povprečno 13,7 % in statistično značilno manjša od sušine v listih navadne rukvice, gojene v šoti (19,1 %). Vsebnost nitrata v listih smo merili 10 dni pred pobiranjem, ko so rastline še rastle v hranilni raztopini in na dan pobiranja, ko smo hranilno raztopino nadomestili z navadno vodo. Vsebnost nitratov se je zelo zmanjšala, iz 4,288-6,764 mg NO3 kg-1 sveže snovi na 52-634 mg NO3 kg-1 sveže snovi.

 Ključne besede: fertigacija; biostimulant; kosmiči kamene volne; vermikulit

Wheat straw decomposition, N-mineralization and microbial biomass after 5 years of conservation tillage in Gleysol field



Long-term field experiment to follow various effects of conservation soil tillage is conducted at Biotechnical faculty in Ljubljana. The soil is Eutric Gleysol. Conventional treatment with plowing, 22 cm deep P, and conservation treatment by rotary harrow to a depth of 10 cm N, and subplots with compost amendment (-c) and without fertilization (-n) were observed. After 5 years nutrient contents and organic matter were higher in N than P. Compost addition had a positive effect on microbial biomass, but the tillage system did not affect it. However, nitrogen mineralization and decomposition of straw were higher in P as in N, and in the soil depth of 15 – 20 cm than in the 5 – 10 cm.

 Key words: soil, sustainable agriculture, conservation tillage, minimum tillage, mouldboard plowing, soil fertility, residue decomposition



V dolgoletnem poljskem poskusu na BF v Ljubljani, na evtričnih oglejenih tleh, merimo različne učinke ohranitvene obdelave tal. Obravnavamo konvencionalno obdelavo z oranjem 22 cm globoko P in ohranitveno obdelavo z vrtavkasto brano do 10 cm globine N, in podploskvi z dodatkom komposta (-c), in brez gnojenja (-n). Po 5 letih so bile višje vsebnosti hranil in organskih snovi v N v primerjavi P. Kompost je imel pozitiven učinek na mikrobno biomaso, obdelovani sistem pa nanjo značilno ni vplival. Mineralizacija dušika in razgradnja slame sta bila večja v P kot v N, ter v globini tal od 15 – 20 cm kot v 5-10 cm.

 Ključne besede: tla, trajnostno kmetijstvo, ohranitvena obdelava, konzervacijska obdelava, minimalna obdelava, rodovitnost tal, razgradnja ostankov

Contribution of agricultural policy measures to maintain grassland areas (the case of Radensko Polje Landscape Park)

Dubravka ŽGAVEC, Klemen ELER, Andrej UDOVČ, Franc BATIČ


Within this research paper, the enforcement of agricultural policy measures for farms that have their agricultural lands within the Radensko Polje Landscape Park (RPLP) were studied. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the additional payment for the extensive rearing of female bovine animals (ERB) and agri-environmental measures (AE measures) in terms of maintaining extensive agricultural systems or transitions from intensive systems to sustainable ones. This is especially desirable in the protected areas that also include landscape parks. The results of the survey of farmers of RPLP showed that both the ERB and AE measures are inefficient and fail to encourage farmers to implement more extensive farming. The main reasons for the poor enforcement of claims for ERB are intensive livestock production (milk production or bovine animals fattening), and the lack of information about the possibility of claim enforcement for ERB. Regarding AE measures, the main reasons for the failure are burdensome conditions and low financial compensation. Inventories of the composition of plant species on sample grasslands showed that the conditions of the habitats are still relatively good, because a relatively large number of species of high conservation value is present.

 Key words: agricultural policy, grasslands, landscape parks, sustainable development, nature conservation/subvention



V raziskavi smo na območju Krajinskega parka Radensko polje (KPRP) proučevali uveljavljanje ukrepov kmetijske politike za kmetije, ki imajo kmetijska zemljišča znotraj parka. Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti učinkovitost dodatnega plačila za ekstenzivno rejo ženskih govedi (ERG) in ukrepov kmetijsko okoljskega programa (KOP) v smislu ohranjanja ekstenzivnih kmetijskih sistemov oziroma prehodov iz intenzivnih sistemov v trajnostno naravnane. To je še posebej zaželeno na zavarovanih območjih, med katere sodijo tudi krajinski parki. Rezultati ankete pri kmetovalcih so pokazali, da so tako ukrep ERG kot ukrepi KOP na območju KPRP neučinkoviti in ne stimulirajo kmetovalcev k izvajanju bolj ekstenzivnega kmetijstva. Glavni razlogi za slabo uveljavljanje zahtevkov za ukrep ERG so v usmerjenosti v bolj intenzivno živinorejo (prireja mleka oziroma reja pitancev) in v premajhni informiranosti o možnosti uveljavljanja tega ukrepa. Pri ukrepih KOP so glavni razlogi za neuveljavljanje prezahtevni pogoji in premajhna finančna nadomestila. S popisi vegetacije vzorčnih travišč na območju parka smo ugotovili, da je kljub neuveljavljanju zahtevkov stanje habitatov še zmeraj relativno dobro, saj je še prisotno relativno veliko število naravovarstveno pomembnih vrst.

Ključne besede: kmetijska politika/travišča/krajinski parki/trajnostni razvoj/varstvo narave/ subvencije

Enhanced growth of cabbage and red beet by Trichoderma viride



The main agricultural importance of Trichoderma species was not so far away mainly suppression of plant diseases. Novel investigations emphasize their potential to stimulate plant growth independently of suppression of any plant disease. However, Trichoderma spp. and even biotypes of same species vary between each other in its effectiveness both in the control of plant pathogenic fungi and in the promotion of plant growth and increasing yield. The subject of this study was to evaluate growth promoting effect of two indigenous T. viride stains STP16 and STP8 on cabbage and red beet. Increment of fresh and dry weight accomplished by STP16 was statistically significant so, it could be concluded that growth enhancement of 27% at red beet and 29% at cabbage is significant.

 Key words: cabbage, plant growth, red beet, Trichoderma




Agronomski pomen gliv iz rodu Trichoderma je bil do nedavnega v zatiranju rastlinskih bolezni. Novejše raziskave poudarjajo njihov potencial vzpodbujanja rasti rastlin neoodvisno od zaviranja katerekoli bolezni. Pospeševanje rasti in povečevanje pridelka kot nadzor patogenih gliv pa se pri vrstah iz rodu Trichoderma razlikuje med biotipi iste vrste v učinkovitosti. Predmet te raziskave je bil ovrednotiti učinek na povečanje rasti zelja in rdeče pese dveh samoniklih sojev glive T. viride, STP16 in STP8. Povečanje sveže in suhe teže obeh vrtnin je bilo ob prisotnosti seva STP16 statistično značilno, 27 % pri rdeči pesi in 29 % pri zelju.

Ključne besede: zelje, rdeča pesa, rast, Trichoderma

The suitability of malolactic fermentation for the Cviček wine

Franc ČUŠ


Cviček is a traditional, light red Slovenian wine made by blending the grapes, must or wine of red and white grapevine varieties. The malic acid concentration in Cviček wine is relatively high, so the use of malolactic fermentation (MLF) during its production was studied in two consecutive vintages, particularly with respect to the varieties with which it might be appropriate. The concentrations of organic acids were analysed using HPLC and UV-Vis detection. The simple ranking test and directional difference test were used for sensory assessments. They showed that partial MLF, concerning 15-50% of the wines in the final blend, contributed to a balanced acidity of Cviček. A suitable technique concerned either the MLF of Blaufränkisch or that of Blaufränkisch and white wine together. The MLF of Blauer Kölner or white wine alone was not appropriate. Despite our analysis of only a limited number of bottled wines, it appeared that MLF is already used in Cviček production and the resulting quality is promising.

 Key words: wine, acidity, biological deacidification, Oenococcus oeni, sensory evaluation



Cviček PTP je tradicionalno rdečkasto vino, ki ga pridelujejo z mešanjem grozdja, mošta ali vina rdečih in belih sort žlahtne vinske trte. Vsebnost jabolčne kisline v njem je precej velika, zato smo v dveh zaporednih letih proučevali uporabo jabolčno mlečnokislinske fermentacije (JMKF) s poudarkom na izboru sort, ki bi bile primerne za izvedbo JMKF. Vsebnost organskih kislin smo merili s HPLC in UV-Vis detektorjem. Za senzorično ocenjevanje smo uporabili test razvrščanja in test parov. Pokazali smo, da je delna uporaba JMKF (na 15-50 % vina v končni zvrsti) pozitivno vplivala na uravnoteženost kislinske zaznave vina cviček PTP. Primerna sta bila bodisi JMKF vina modra frankinja, bodisi modra frankinja in belo vino skupaj. Uporaba JMKF samo pri vinu žametovka ali belem vinu ni bila primerna. Čeprav smo analizirali le omejeno število stekleničenih vin, se zdi, da pridelovalci že uporabljajo JMKF v pridelavi cvička PTP in kakovost procesa je obetavna.

Ključne besede: vino, kislina, biološki razkis, Oenococcus oeni, senzorično ocenjevanje

The impact of environmental factors on the infection of cereals with Fusarium species and mycotoxin production – a review

Sasho POPOVSKI, Franci Aco CELAR


Several phytopathogenic Fusarium species occurring worldwide on cereals as causal agents of ‘head blight’ (scab) of small grain cereals and ‘ear rot’ of maize, are capable of accumulating, in infected kernels, several mycotoxins some of which of notable impact to human and animal health. Fusarium graminearum, F. culmorum, F. poae, F. avenaceum and Microdochium nivale predominantly cause Fusarium diseases of small-grain cereals. Maize is predominantly attacked by F. graminearum, F. moniliforme, F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans. The review is focused on the influence of climatic variables, particularly temperature, humidity and rainfall on growth, reproduction, survival, competitive ability, mycotoxicity and pathogenicity of Fusarium fungi commonly isolated from wheat, barley and maize.

 Key words: Fusarium spp., mycotoxins, smal grain cereals, maize, climatic factors



Številne fitopatogene glive rodu Fusarium, ki povzročajo plesnivost klasov žit in koruznih storžev, je sposobnih v okuženih zrnih akumulirati številne mikotoksine, med katerimi so nekateri škodljivi za zdravje ljudi in živali. Žita prvenstveno okužujejo vrste Fusarium graminearum, F. culmorum, F. poae, F. avenaceum in Microdochium nivale, medtem ko koruzo F. graminearum, F. moniliforme, F. proliferatum in F. subglutinans. V pregledu je poudarek na vplivu vremenskih dejavnikov (temperatura, vlaga in padavine) na rast, razmnoževanje, preživetje, tekmovalno sposobnost, mikotoksičnost in patogenost Fusarium vrst, običajno izoliranih iz pšenice, ječmena in koruze.

 Ključne besede: Fusarium spp., mikotoksini, strna žita, koruza, klimatski dejavniki

Antioksidativni potencial otrobov pire, navadne in tatarske ajde



Pira, navadna in tatarska ajda vsebujejo antioksidante in še nekatere snovi, ugodne za ohranjanje zdravja ljudi. V raziskovalni nalogi smo preučevali predvsem koliko in katere antioksidante vsebujejo otrobi posameznih vrst rastlin in v kakšnem zaporedju po količini antioksidantov, si vrste sledijo. Antioksidante smo tako v vzorcih rastlin določali spektrofotometrično. Ugotovili smo, da otrobi tatarske ajde vsebuje največ antioksidantov. Njena skupna antioksidativna aktivnost znaša 87,23 % DPPH razbarvanja, sledi ji navadna ajda z 11,71 % DPPH razbarvanja, najmanjšo skupno antioksidativno aktivnost pa ima pira z 1,01 % DPPH razbarvanja.

 Ključne besede: antioksidanti, fenoli, polifenoli, tanini, navadna ajda, tatarska ajda, pira




Species as spelt, common buckwheat and tartary buckwheat contain antioxidants and some other substances, which are important for maintaining human health. In our research we tried to determine which and how many antioxidants contained bran and which species of plants contained the the highest quantity of antioxidants. We determined the amount of antioxidants in samples spectrophotometrically. We found out that bran of tartary buckwheat contained the the highest quantity of antioxidants. Total antioxidant activity of tartary buckwheat was 87.23 % DPPH discoloration, followed by common buckwheat with 11.71 % DPPH discoloration, and the lowest total antioxidant activity was found in spelt (1.01 % DPPH discoloration).

 Key words: antioxidants, phenols, polyphenols, tannins, common buckwheat, tartary buckwheat, spelt


Vpliv različnih tehnoloških postopkov na kakovost vina malvazija

Mojmir WONDRA, Kristina KAVČIČ


Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti vpliv različnih tehnoloških postopkov predelave grozdja in pridelave vina na fizikalne in kemijske parametre vina ter njegovo senzorično kakovost. Za izvedbo poskusa smo izbrali vina sorte malvazija (letnik 2007), pridelana na območju Slovenske in Hrvaške Istre. Vina so pridelana po treh tehnoloških postopkih: klasičnem postopku, z maceracijo drozge in z zorenjem vina na drožeh. Pri nekaterih vzorcih je bila uporabljena kombinacija več postopkov (hladna maceracija in zorenje vina na drožeh). Pri vinih smo določili pH, vsebnost titrabilnih kislin, vsebnost hlapnih kislin, pufrno kapaciteto, sladkorja prostega ekstrakta, vsebnost alkohola, relativno gostoto, vsebnost reducirajočih sladkorjev, vsebnost prostega in skupnega SO2, vsebnost fenolov, taninskih fenolov, intenziteto barve ter vsebnost nekaterih hlapnih aromatičnih snovi. Poleg tega smo vina tudi senzorično ocenili in rezultate statistično izvrednotili. Ugotovili smo, da uporaba različnih tehnoloških postopkov predelave grozdja in pridelave vina značilno vpliva na vse fizikalne in kemijske parametre vina. Analiza korelacijskih koeficientov je pokazala številne pozitivne in negativne korelacije med izmerjenimi parametri. Analiza glavnih komponent je pokazala, da je večina variabilnosti med vzorci posledica različne intenzitete barve ter različnih koncentracij fenolov metanola, etil acetata in izoamil acetata. Pri senzorični analizi so najboljše ocenjena vina, pridelana po tehnologiji zorenja vina na drožeh.

Ključne besede: vino, Malvazija, tehnološki postopki, klasična predelava, maceracija drozge, zorenje vina na drožeh, sur lie, kemijska sestava, kemijske lastnosti, senzorična kakovost



White variety Malvasia (vintage 2007) from the winegrowing districts in Slovenian and Croatian Istria was chosen for the experiment. Three different technological procedures were included in the study: classical method, maceration and ageing wine on less. In some cases combinations of more than one technological were used (maceration and ageing on lees). The following parameters were determined: pH value, total acidity, volatile acid content, buffer capacity, extract , alcohol content, relative density, sugars level, free and total, SO2 content, total phenols content, tannin content, colour intensity and content of some volatile aromatic compounds. Wines were also evaluated and the results were statistically analysed. The results showed that different technological procedures have significant influences on all physical and chemical parameters included in this question. Principal component analyses showed that the most of the variability among wine samples is due to colour intensity and contents of total phenols, methanol, ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate. According to sensory evaluation the top grades were given to wines produced using wine ageing on lees.

Kwy words: wines, cv. Malvasia, winemaking, classical method, maceration, ageing on lees, sur lie, chemical composition, physico-chemical properties, sensory quality

Alternativni načini zatiranja strun (Coleoptera, Elateridae) na njivah

Tanja BOHINC, Stanislav TRDAN


Strune, ličinke hroščev pokalic (Coleoptera: Elateridae), imajo velik gospodarski pomen v pridelavi živeža in krme v Sloveniji, drugih državah Evrope in na drugih celinah. Zaradi dokazanih negativnih učinkov sintetičnih insekticidov, se za zatiranje strun vse bolj ne le raziskujejo, ampak tudi uporabljajo alternativne metode . Med njimi je vse več v uporabi biofumigacija, ki je največkrat predstavljena kot uspešna alternativa sintetičnim fumigantom. V tej zvezi so križnice lahko v tla vnesene na več načinov. Med najbolj učinkovite spada uporaba moke iz semena, saj je prav v semenu koncentracija glukozinolatov največja. S kolobarjem in privabilnimi posevki izkoriščamo rastlinske izločke, ki z alelopatijo ali na kakšen drug način zmanjšujejo vitalnost strun ali jih na ta način odvračajo od glavnih posevkov. Privabilni in varovalni posevki pa varujejo tudi tla pred erozijo in zmanjšujejo gospodarski pomen plevelov. Poplavljanje njiv je zaradi potrebe po dostopu vode zahtevno, pri tem postopku pa imata velik pomen dolžina poplavljanja in temperatura vode. Medtem ko je v drugih evropskih državah dostopnost sintetičnih insekticidov za zatiranje strun nekoliko večja, pa je v Sloveniji registriran le sintetični insekticid teflutrin in entomopatogena gliva Beauveria bassiana. Našim bralcem in pridelovalcem želimo predstaviti alternativne možnosti zatiranja strun. V prispevku je predstavljeno 10 takšnih načinov, ki so se v raziskavah na različnih delih sveta pokazali kot učinkoviti in bi lahko našli mesto tudi na njivah v Sloveniji.

Ključne besede: strune, Elateridae, Agriotes spp., zatiranje, njive, privabilni posevki, varovalni posevki, biofumigacija, odporne sorte, kolobar, biotično varstvo rastlin, mineralna gnojila, poplavljanje, tretirano seme, mehanična obdelava, semiokemikalije



Wireworms, the larvae of the click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae), have a large economic impact in food and fodder production in Slovenia, other European countries, as well as in other continents. Because of proved negative effects of synthetic insecticides, alternative methods for cotrolling wireworms are not only studied but also used in common practice. Among the methods mentioned biofumigation is more and more commonly used as alternative to synthetic fumigants. In the process of biofumigation the Brassicas can be incorporated into the soil in different ways; one of the most effective way is the use of Brassicaceous seed meals, since the concentration of the glucosinolates are the highest in the seeds. With the use of crop rotation and trap crops we exploit the plant secretions, which have the ability (allelopatic etc.) to diminish the vitality of the wireworms or to repel them from the main crops. Trap crops and cover crops protect the soil against erosion and they also diminish the economic impact of weeds. Flooding of the fields is often pretentious measure, owing to necessity of water access; time interval of flooding and water temperature are important factors of this alternative method. In other European countries the number of registered synthetic insecticides against the wireworms is higher compared to Slovenia, where only tefluthrin and entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana are registered for the same purpose, therefore we would like to present different alternatives to insecticies to our readers and also to food and fodder producers. In this article 10 alternative methods, which showed the efficacy in diminishing the economic importance of wireworms in different parts of the world, are presented. At least some of them have a potential to become a part of sustainable strategies for controlling wireworms in Slovenia.

Kwy words: wireworms, Elateridae, Agriotes spp., control, fields, trap crops, cover crops, biofumigation, resistant varieties, rotation, biological control, mineral fertilizers, flooding, seed treatment, mechanical cultivation, semiochemicals


Pol-naravno travinje kot vir semena za obnovo ruše velike naravne vrednosti



V zadnjih letih pol-naravno travinje vedno bolj pridobiva večnamensko vlogo v prostoru. Poleg zagotavljanja voluminozne krme domačim živalim postajajo pomembne tudi številne druge funkcije pol-naravnega travinja, med katerimi se vse bolj izpostavlja tudi biotska pestrost ruše. S tega vidika so posebej cenjene ruše velike naravne vrednosti. Skozi zgodovino se je biotska pestrost ohranjala predvsem z ekstenzivno pašno rabo in košnjo rastlin v obdobju dozorevanja semena. Z intenzifikacijo gospodarjenja na travinju v dvajsetem stoletju in uporabo komercialnih semenskih mešanic se je na pol-naravnem travinju biotska pestrost ruše na splošno pričela zmanjševati. V zadnjem obdobju smo se začeli zavedati negativnih posledic upadanja biotske pestrosti in začeli razvijati ukrepe za zaustavitev tega procesa. Med temi ukrepi ima pomembno vlogo setev oz. obnova ruše velike naravne vrednosti. Vir semen za zasnovo take ruše je lahko le biotsko pestro pol-naravno travinje. V svetu so se v zadnjih letih razvile različne metode pridobivanja semena in načini setve, ki omogočajo uspešno vzpostavitev izvorne biotsko pestre ruše prilagojene lokalnim rastnim razmeram.

Ključne besede: pol-naravno travinje, biotska pestrost, pridelava semena, setev



In recent years semi-natural grassland has gained a multifunctional role in the environment. In addition to providing forage for farm animals, many other functions of semi-natural grassland, including biodiversity, are even so important. From this point of view, grasslands of high natural value are of high significance. Throughout the history, biodiversity has been maintained primarily by the extensive grazing and harvesting hay during seed maturation. With the intensification of grassland management in the 20th century and the use of commercial seed mixtures on the semi- natural grasslands, biodiversity of the sward in general began to decline. We have recently become aware of the negative consequences of declining biodiversity and begun to develop measures to stop this process. Among these measures, establishment and restoration of semi-natural grassland with high natural value play an important role. Seed material for the establishment and restoration of such sward can be obtained only from species rich semi-natural grassland. In recent years a variety of methods have been developed all over the world for seed production and sowing on semi-natural grasslands, allowing successful reestablishment of original biodiversity, adapted to local growing conditions.

Kwy words: semi-natural grassland, biodiversity, seed production, seeding