
Letnik 103

Ljubljana, 2014

Številka 1


Some plant extracts retarde nitrification in soil

Abdul –Mehdi S. AL-ANSARI, Mohammed A. ABDULKAREEM


An incubation experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of aqueous extracts of 17 plant materials on nitrification inhibition of urea- N in soil as compared with chemical inhibitor Dicyandiamide (DCD). Plant materials used in study were collected from different areas of Basrah province, south of Iraq. Aqueous extracts were prepared at ratio of 1:10 (plant material:water) and added at conc. of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 ml g – 1 soil to loamy sand soil. DCD was added to soil at rate of 50 µg g-1 soil . Soil received urea at rate of 1000 µg N g-1 soil. Treated soils were incubated at 30OC for 40days. Results showed that application of all plant extracts, except those of casuarina, date palm and eucalyptus to soil retarded nitrification in soil. Caper, Sowthistle ,bladygrass and pomegranate extracts showed highest inhibition percentage (51,42,40 and 40% ,respectively) and were found to be more effective than DCD (33%). Highest inhibition was achieved by using those extracts at conc. of 0.1 ml g-1 soil after 10 days of incubation . Data also revealed that treated soil with these plant extracts significantly increased amount of NH4+–N and decreased amount of NO3-–N accumulation in soil compared with DCD and control treatments. Results of the study suggested a possibility of using aqueous extracts of some studied plants as potent nitrification inhibitor in soil.

 Key words: nitrification inhibitor, plant extract , inorganic nitrogen



V inkubacijskem poskusu je bil ovrednoten vpliv 17 vodnih rastlinskih izvlečkov na inhibicijo nitrifikacije dušika v urei primerjalno s kemijskim inhibitorjem diciandiamidom (DCD). Uporabljen rastlinski material je bil nabran na različnih območjih province Basrah v južnem delu Iraka. Vodni izvlečki so bili pripravljeni v razmerju 1:10 (rastlinski material:voda) in dodani v koncentracijah 0.05, 0.10 in 0.20 ml g – 1 ilovnato-peščenim tlem. DCD je bil dodan tlem v razmerju 50 µg g-1 tal, urea pa v razmerju 1000 µg N g-1 tal. Tretirana tla so bila inkubirana pri 30O C 40 dni. Rezultati so pokazali, da je uporaba rastlinskih izvlečkov upočasnila nitrifikacijo v tleh, razen pri izvlečkih kazaurine, dateljeve palme in evkalipta. Izvlečki kaprovca, škrbinke, trave (Imperata cylindrica (L.) P.Beauv) in granatnega jabolka so se izkazali za bolj učinkovite inhibitorje (51, 42, 40 in 40 % inhibicija) kot DCD (33 %). Največja inhibicija je bila dosežena z uporabo izvlečkov v koncentraciji 0.1 ml g-1 tal, pri inkubaciji 10 dni. Rezultati so tudi pokazali, da se je v tleh obravnavanih s temi izvlečki značilno povečala količina NH4+–N in zmanjšala količina NO3-–N v primerjavi s tlemi, obravnavanimi z DCD in kontrolo. Rezultati te raziskave nakazujejo možnost uporabe izvlečkov preučevanih rastlin kot potencialnih inhibitorjev nitrifikacije v tleh.

 Ključne besede: inhibitorji nitrifikacije, rastlinski izvlečki, anorganski dušik


Soil acidification and liming in grassland production and grassland soil fertility in Slovenia

Jure ČOP


This paper reviews the evidences on grassland soil acidity and liming in relation to soil processes and herbage production. There is also an outline of the present state of soil acidity and acidity-related traits – contents of organic matter (OM), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in Slovene grassland. In grassland, soil acidification is an ongoing process under humid climate conditions. It is mainly driven by leaching of nutrients, net loss of cations due to retention in livestock products, use of physiologically acid fertilizers, acid rain and N2 fixation. This process is reduced by strong pH buffering capacity of the soil and by physiologically basic fertilizers. Acid grassland soils in Slovenia are widely distributed in spite of the fact that 44% of the total land has developed from a carbonate parent material. Of the 1713 grassland soil samples analysed during 2005-2007 45% were regarded as acid ones (pH < 5.5; in KCl), 57% as soils with very low P status (˂ 6 mg P2O5/100 g soil) and 22% as soils with very low K status (˂ 10 mg K2O/100 soil). Increased content of soil organic matter was identified for alpine pastures (˃ 10% OM in 44% of samples), mainly as a result of low decomposition rate. Liming of acid grassland soils did not always reflect in a higher herbage yield. The cause for this inefficiency is plant composition of grassland. Thus, many grassland plants with relatively high production potential have adapted to acid soil conditions. To illustrate the inconsistent liming effect three researches are reviewed. In the first two researches liming along with fertilizer application did not increase the yield comparing to the fertilized control while in the third research the increase amounted 26%. Liming improves considerably botanical composition of the acid grassland (e.g. sward where Common Bent – Agrostis tenuis Sibth. – prevails) and thus indirectly affects palatability and nutritive value of herbage. Grassland liming has a weak direct effect on herbage quality – it usually increases content of Ca and sometimes decreases Mg in herbage. The latter effect is rare. In Slovenia, ameliorative liming is advised for grassland soils with pH < 5.0 and maintenance liming for grassland soils with pH < 6.0 (pH in KCl or CaCl2).


Key words: grassland, soil acidity, liming, herbage yield, Slovenia



Pregledni članek obravnava kislost travniških tal in apnjenje v povezavi s procesi v tleh in pridelavo travniške krme. Dodan je zgoščen prikaz kislosti ter s tem povezane vsebnosti organske snovi, fosforja in kalija v travniških tleh v Sloveniji. Zakisanje travniških tal je v vlažnem podnebju stalen proces, ki je odvisen predvsem od izpiranja hranil, negativne bilance hranil zaradi odvzema, uporabe fiziološko kislih gnojil, kislega dežja in biotske fiksacije N2. Zakisanje tal po drugi strani pomembno zmanjšujejo puferski mehanizmi v tleh in nekatera gnojila. Razširjenost kislih travniških tal v Sloveniji je velika, kljub temu, da ima 44 % zemljišč karbonatno podlago. Od 1713 vzorcev travniških tal je imelo 45 % pH vrednost pod 5,5 (v KCl), 57 % zelo malo fosforja (˂ 6 mg P2O5/100 g tal) in 22 % zelo malo kalija (˂ 10 mg K2O/100 g tal). Vsebnost organske snovi je povečana na planinskih pašnikih (˃ 10 % OS v 44 % vzorcev) predvsem zaradi slabe razgradnje. Apnjenje kislih travniških tal vedno ne poveča pridelka krme. Razlog za to je v travniških rastlinah, ki dobro prenašajo kisla tla, a imajo obenem razmeroma velik rastni potencial. V zvezi s tem so predstavljene tri raziskave, v dveh apnjenje skupaj z gnojenjem ni povečalo pridelka v primerjavi z gnojenimi kontrolami, v enem pa je pridelek povečalo za 26 %. Apnjenje pomembno izboljša botanično sestavo acidofilne travne ruše (npr. ruša s prevladujočo lasasto šopuljo – Agrostis tenuis Sibth.) in s tem posredno vpliva na okusnost in hranilno vrednost krme. Neposredni vpliv apnjenja na kakovost krme je razmeroma majhen – običajno poveča vsebnost Ca v krmi, lahko pa tudi zmanjša vsebnost Mg. Slednji vpliv je redek. Za Slovenijo stroka priporoča meliorativno apnjenje travniških tal s pH < 5,0 in vzdrževalno apnjenje tal s pH < 6,0 (pH v KCl ali CaCl2).

Ključne besede: travništvo, kislost tal, apnjenje, pridelek zelinja, Slovenija


Response of leaf area and dry matter of crop, weeds and cover crops to competition and fertilizer resources

Fahimeh DADASHI, Faezeh ZAEFARIAN, Rahmat ABBASI, Mohammad Ali BAHMANYAR, Mohammad REZVANI


Plasticity of plants to allocate leaf area and dry matter to upper layer of canopy play important role in canopy architecture and competition. In order to study the vertical distribution of leaf area and dry matter of corn (Zea mays L.), cover crops and weeds canopy in different fertilizer condition and competition, a randomized complete block design experiment with 8 treatments and 3 replicates was conducted at Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University in 2012. Treatments were included corn with soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) as cover crop without fertilizer application, corn with soybean as cover crop with chemical fertilizer application, corn with soybean as cover crop with compost fertilizer application, corn with wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) as cover crop without fertilizer application, corn with wheat as cover crop with chemical fertilizer application, corn with wheat as cover crop with compost fertilizer application and corn monoculture both in weedy and weed free conditions. The results showed that weed infestation reduced total leaf area and dry matter of corn. Corn distributed more leaf area and dry mater of canopy to the upper layer in weedy conditions. Between cover crops, soybeans allocated corn leaf area and dry mater to the higher layers of canopy than wheat. Also, soybean reduced leaf area and dry mater production of weeds more than wheat. Soybean as cover crop with the use of compost treatment was more efficient in reducing of weed biomass and corn yield production.

 Key words: corn, compost, dry matter allocation, soybean, weed biomass, wheat



Sposobnost rastlin za premeščanje listne površine in suhe snovi v zgornje plasti krošnje ima pomebno vlogo v njihovi zgradbi in tekmovalnosti. Za preučevanje vertikalne razporeditve listne površine in suhe snovi v krošnji koruze (Zea mays L.), njenega vmesnega posevka in plevelov v različnih razmerah gnojenja in tekmovalnosti je bil v letu 2012 izveden naključni bločni poskus z osmimi obravnavanji in tremi ponovitvami na Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. Obravnavanja so obsegala koruzo in njen vmesni posevek sojo (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) brez uporabe mineralnih gnojil, koruzo s sojo kot vmesnim posevkom gnojeno s kompostom, koruzo s pšenico (Triticum aesitivum L.) kot vmesnim posevkom brez gnojenja, koruzo s pšenico kot vmesnim posevkom, gnojeno z mineralnimi gnojili, koruzo s pšenico kot vmesnim posevkom gnojeno s kompostom in monokulturo koruze v razmerah z in brez plevelov. Rezultati so pokazali, da so pleveli zmanjšali listno površino in vsebnost suhe snovi pri koruzi. Koruza je premestila več listne površine in suhe snovi v zgornje plasti krošnje v razmerah zapleveljenosti. V razmerah z vmesnimi posevki je koruza premestila več listne površine in suhe snovi v zgornje plasti z vmesnim posevkom sojo kot pa s pšenico. Podobno je soja bolj zmanjšala listno površino in suho snov plevelov kot pšenica. Soja je kot vmesni posevek ob uporabi komposta bolj učinkovito zmanjšala biomaso plevelov kot tudi pridelek koruze.

 Ključne besede: koruza, kompost, alokacija suhe snovi, soja, biomasa plevelov, pšenica, vmesni posevek


Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of jellies made from seven grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties



Jellies of seven grapevine varieties were physico-chemical and sensorial characterized for the first time. Jellies differed significantly in moisture and ash contents, colour, pH, acidity and antioxidant activities. ‘Tinta Carvalha’ was the darkest and redness jelly, showing the highest antioxidant activity. Regarding sensory characteristics, no significant differences in the appearance, taste, sweetness, acidity and global assessment were observed among jellies. Nevertheless, these attributes were positively evaluated. In conclusion, the production of different jellies will allow the valorisation of grapevine varieties with less potential for wine production, helping to preserve biodiversity, and be an economic alternative to grape producers who may elaborate an enjoyable product with interesting bioactivity.

Key words: grapevine, jellies, physico-chemical characterization, antioxidant activity, sensory analysis



Fizikalno-kemične in senzorične lastnosti sedmih sort grozdja so bile prvič analizirane. Želeji so se značilno razlikovali v vsebnosti vode in pepela, v barvi, pH, kislosti in antioksidativni aktivnosti. Žele pripravljen iz sorte ‘Tinta Carvalha’ je bil najtemnejši in najbolj rdeč. V senzoričnih lastnostih med želeji ni bilo značilnih razlik v izgledu, okusu, sladkosti, kislosti in celotni oceni, vendar so bile te lastnosti pozitivno ovrednotene. Sklepamo, da bo izdelava različnih želejev omogočala ovrednotenje tistih sort vinske trte, ki imajo manjši potencial za pridelavo vina, kar bo prispevalo k ohranjanju raznolikosti žlahtne vinske trte in bo ekonomska alternativa vinogradnikom za izdelavo koristnega izdelka z zanimivo bioaktivnostjo.

 Ključne besede: grozdje, želeji, fizikalno-kemično vrednotenje, antioksidacijska aktivnost, senzorična analiza


Cultivation of three medicinal mushroom species on olive oil press cakes containing substrates



Olive oil press cakes (OOPC) represent a waste that has a negative impact on environment. OOPC have little or no use and because of that solutions for their alternative use are sought after. In our experiments we investigated substrate mixtures composed of different proportions of OOPC, wheat bran, crushed corn seeds and beech sawdust for cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum, Lentinula edodes and Grifola frondosa fruiting bodies. The increasing amount of OOPC in fruiting bodies cultivation substrates resulted in decreasing production of fruiting bodies. Results show, that although OOPC in small portion can be successfully used as a medicinal mushroom fruiting bodies cultivating substrate, their use is rational only, if no other substrate composing materials can be found or when OOPC usage solves the problem of its deposition.

 Key words: Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola frondosa, Lentinula edodes, mushroom cultivation, olive oil press cakes



Oljčne tropine (OT) predstavljajo odpadek s škodljivim vplivom na okolje in omejenimi možnostmi uporabe. OT imajo malo ali nobene uporabne vrednosti, zaradi česar se išče načine za njihovo alternativno uporabo. V naših poizkusih smo preizkušali substrate iz različnih deležev OT, pšeničnih otrobov, zdrobljenega koruznega zrnja in bukove žagovine za gojenje trosnjakov gliv Ganoderma lucidum, Lentinula edodes in Grifola frondosa. S povečevanjem deleža OT v substratu smo opazili trend zmanjševanja biološke učinkovitosti obroda. Rezultati kažejo, da čeprav lahko OT v manjših deležih uspešno uporabimo za substrat za gojenje trosnjakov, je to smotrno le v primerih, ko ni na voljo drugih  primernejših sestavin substrata ali takrat, ko je dodatek OT namenjem preprečavanju negativnih vplivov teh odpadkov na okolje.

 Ključne besede: Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola frondosa, Lentinula edodes, gojenje gob, oljčne tropine


The characterisation of Vitis vinifera ’Refošk’ with AFLP and SSR molecular markers and ampelographic traits

Matjaž HLADNIK, Jernej JAKŠE, Dunja BANDELJ, Irma VUK


The genetic diversity and ampelographic variability of autochthonous red wine cultivar ‘Refošk’ (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in Slovenia were evaluated with AFLP molecular markers and OIV descriptors, respectively. SSR molecular markers were employed to confirm cultivar identity of analysed samples. Eight AFLP primer combinations, one was monomorphic, produced 16 polymorphic markers in 41 out of 113 samples, what classified samples into monomorphic and polymorphic group. Dendrogram constructed with simple matching coefficient and unweighted pair-group method analysis presented genetic diversity within polymorphic group. Refošk biotypes from monomorphic and polymorphic groups were evaluated with 22 OIV descriptors related to bunch, berry and must, but on the basis of ampelographic characterization samples were not differentiated among two major groups obtained with AFLP analysis. Results of genetic analysis indicated that ‘Refošk’ originated from closely related plants that are phenotypically very similar. With regard to low observed genetic diversity more attention should be dedicated to the selection in order to conserve remaining genetic diversity.

 Key words: AFLP, genetic diversity, SSR, cultivar identity, morphological traits, germplasm, grapevine, Refošk, Refosco



Z AFLP molekulskimi markerji in z OIV deskriptorji je bila ovrednotena genetska variabilnost in ampelografska raznolikost avtohtone sorte 'Refošk' (Vitis vinifera L.) v Sloveniji. Sortna pristnost analiziranih vzorcev je bila potrjena z mikrosatelitskimi markerji. Pri 41 vzorcih od skupno 113 smo z uporabo osmih parov začetnih selektivnih oligonukleotidov, od katerih je bila ena kombinacija monomorfna, odkrili 16 polimorfnih markerjev. Na podlagi rezultatov AFLP analize smo vzorce razvrstili v dve skupini in sicer v monomorfno in polimorfno skupino. Dendrogram, narejen na podlagi koeficientov enostavnega ujemanja in z metodo netehtanih parnih skupin z aritmetično sredino prikazuje genetsko variabilnost znotraj polimorfne skupine. Trse iz različnih genetskih skupin smo ovrednotili z 22 OIV deskriptorji, ki se nanašajo na grozd, jagode in mošt, vendar se na podlagi ampelografske karakterizacije niso razvrstili v skladu z razvrstitvijo pri AFLP analizi. Rezultati nakazujejo na izvor sorte 'Refošk' iz sorodnih, fenotipsko zelo podobnih starševskih rastlin. Glede na nizko število dobljenih polimorfnih AFLP markerjev bi morali intenzivneje delati na selekciji sorte 'Refošk' z namenom ohranitve obstoječe genetske variabilnosti.

Ključne besede: AFLP, genetska variabilnost, SSR, sortna pristnost, morfološke lastnosti, dednina, vinska trta, Refošk, Refosco


Autografted vines of cultivar ‘Refošk’ (Vitis vinifera L.) reveal symptoms of the rugose wood disease



Rugose wood disease complex is one of the most important graft-transmissible grapevine diseases and it is considered to be a viral disease. With the aim to obtain more information about appearance of rugose wood disease observed on cultivar ‘Refošk’, ‘Refošk’ vines from collection vineyard in Komen were used for green grafting on SO4 rootstock and autografts for control were made as well. Rugose wood symptoms were observed on grafts of two ‘Refošk’ biotypes, which confirmed graft transmissibility. Appearance of rugose wood symptoms on autografts excluded the impact of incompatibility in rugose wood disease, but at the same time it could be proposed that stress caused by grafting has an important role.

 Key words: rugose wood complex disease, green grafting, graft indexing



Kompleks bolezni razbrazdanja lesa je ena od najpomembnejših bolezni vinske trte, ki se prenaša s cepilnim materialom in za katero velja, da naj bi jo povzročali virusi. Da bi pridobili več podatkov o razvoju znamenj bolezni razbrazdanja lesa smo cepiče sorte 'Refošk' s kolekcijskega vinograda iz Komna s tehniko cepljenja zeleno na zeleno cepili na podlago SO4. Za kontrolo smo mladike prerezali in jih ponovno spojili. S pojavom znamenj razbrazdanja lesa na cepljenkah pri dveh biotipih sorte 'Refošk' smo potrdili ugotovitev, da se bolezen prenaša s cepljenjem, medtem ko lahko zaradi pojava znamenj na cepljenkah s spojenimi lastnimi deli mladik sklepamo, da na razvoj bolezni ne vpliva inkompatibilnost cepiča in podlage, temveč bi lahko imel pomembno vlogo stres, ki ga izzove cepljenje.

 Ključne besede: kompleks bolezni razbrazdanja lesa, zeleno cepljenje, indeksiranje


Influence of chemical and organic fertilizer on growth, yield and essential oil of dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) plant



Two field experiments were carried out to study the response of Dracocephalum moldavica L. to NPK fertilizer and different application techniques of MOG organic fertilizer in two regions of Iran (Piranshahr with cold Mediterranean climate and clay loam soil,  Maragheh with cool sub-humid temperate climate and sandy loam  soil ). MOG is bio-organic fertilizer with plant origin and contains different natural enzymes and amino acids. In current study following treatments have been applied: NPK (a complete NPK 20-20-20, 90 kg fertilizer ha-1); MOG1 (soil application of MOG organic fertilizer at sowing stage); MOG2 (foliar application of MOG organic fertilizer at early stage of flowering); MOG3 (soil application of MOG organic fertilizer at sowing and at 5 to 6 leaf stage); MOG4 (soil application of MOG organic fertilizer at sowing and at 5 to 6 leaf stage with foliar application at early stage of flowering). Results indicated that all MOG treatments overcome the chemical fertilizers in both locations. However, plants grown in Piranshahr were more responsive to MOG fertilizer treatments than those grown in Mragheh. Overall, it could be concluded that utilization of MOG fertilizer as both soil and foliar application (MOG4) may increase content and yield of essential oil, which could be suggested as a suitable alternative for chemical fertilizers.





Key words: dry herbage, essential oil yield, flower, Moldavian balm, vegetative growth




V dveh poljskih poskusih je bil preučevan odziv kačjeglavke (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) na gnojenje z NPK in različne tehnike uporabe MOG organskih gnojil na dveh območjih Irana (Piranshahr, s hladnim mediteranskim podnebjem in glineno-ilovnatimi tlemi, Maragheh s hladnim, semi humidnim zmernim podnebjem in peščeno-ilovnatimi tlemi). MOG je biološko gnojilo rastlinskega izvora, ki vsebuje številne naravne encime in amino kisline. V tej raziskavi so bili uporabljeni naslednji tretmani: NPK (NPK 20-20-20, 90 kg gnojila ha-1); MOG1 (talna aplikacija MOG organskega gnojila ob setvi); MOG2 (foliarna aplikacija MOG organskega gnojilav zgodnji fazi cvetenja); MOG3 (talna aplikacija MOG organskega gnojila ob setvi in v fazi 5 do 6 lista); MOG4 (talna aplikacija MOG organskega gnojila ob setvi in v fazi 5 do 6 lista s foliarno aplikacijo ob začetku cvetenja). Rezultati so pokazali,da so dala vsa obravnavanja z MOG boljše rezultate kot mineralna gnojila na obeh lokacijah. Rastline z območja Piranshahr so bile bolj odzivne na MOG gnojenje kot tiste z območja Maragheh. Zaključimo lahko, da uporaba MOG gnojil, tako talna kot foliarna lahko poveča vsebnost in pridelek eteričnih olj in bi se lahko priporočila kot primerna alternativa gnojenju z mineralnimi gnojili.

 Ključne besede: suha zel, pridelek eteričnih olj, cvet, kačjeglavka, vegetativna rast


The impact of plasmid on regeneration and expression efficiencies of gfp gene in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)



Tobacco leaf explants were transformed by bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. t.) and plasmid pBIN mgfp5-ER, which has a single copy of the green fluorescent gfp gene and A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER, which has two copies of the gfp gene. Both plasmids have a built-in selection nptII gene for resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin. The presence of the green fluorescent mGFP-ER protein was detected with the epifluorescent microscope in the individual cells 3 days after transformation with A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER and after 6 days in cells transformed with A.t.-pBIN mgfp5-ER. After infection by A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER, in most cases the regeneration was direct, without intermediate stages of callus and faster, as the first globular structures were formed 10–12 days after transformation and a 204 % regeneration was achieved, while the first globular structure, after infection with A. t.-pBIN mgfp5-ER, occurred after 18 days and formed more callus and the regeneration was only 78.4 %. The duplex PCR analysis, performed on all 149 resulting regenerants, confirmed the presence of fragments of length 650 bp specific to the selection nptII gene and length of 422 bp specific for gfp marker gene.

 Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, marker gfp gene, selection nptII gene, transformation efficiencies, transgene exspression, DNA analysis



Listne izsečke tobaka smo transformirali z bakterijo Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. t.) in plazmidom pBIN mgfp5-ER, ki ima eno kopijo zeleno fluorescentnega gfp gena in A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER, ki ima dve kopiji gfp gena. Oba plazmida imata vgrajen še selekcijski nptII gen za odpornost na antibiotik kanamicin. Prisotnost zeleno fluorescentnega mGFP-ER proteina smo z epifluorescentnim mikroskopom zasledili v posameznih celicah 3 dni po transformaciji z A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER in po 6 dneh tudi v celicah transformiranih z A. t.-pBIN mgfp5-ER. Regeneracija je bila po okužbi A. t.-pART27 2mgfp5-ER v večini primerov direktna, brez vmesne faze kalusa in hitrejša, saj so prve globularne strukture nastale že 10–12 dni po transformaciji ter dosežena je bila 204 % regeneracija. Prve globularne strukture po okužbi z A. t.-pBIN mgfp5-ER so se pojavljale šele po 18 dneh, nastalo je več kalusa in regeneracija je bila nižja, samo78,4 %. Pri vseh 149 nastalih regenerantih smo z dupleks PCR analizo potrdili prisotnost fragmentov dolžine 650 bp, značilnih za selekcijski nptII gen in fragmentov dolžine 422 bp, značilnih za markerski gfp gen..

Ključne besede: Nicotiana tabacum, markerski gfp gen, selekcijski nptII gen, uspešnost transformacije, izražanje transgenov, DNA analiza


The effect of land use on phosphorus dynamics in golf course soil



Although, it is usually considered that P applied in fertilizers is taken up by crops or immobilized in the soil, and therefore P losses from agro systems is negligible; recent research indicates that significant P leaching out of the root zone, can occur where certain combinations of land use practice, soil properties and climate condition exist. Therefore special attention was given to dynamics of total P (TP) and plant available P in golf course soils. A field study was carried out to assess how different environmental condition and management practices affect dynamics of TP and plant available P in soil. The proportions of plant available P and TP in the golf rough significantly correlated with precipitation. Since no relationship between precipitation and the P dynamics in soil on the greens and fairways was observed.

 Key words: management practices, Technosols, greens, fairways, golf course, molybdate-reactive P, total P




Res je, da se dodani P z gnojenjem porabi za prehrano rastlin ali pa se v procesu imobilizacije močno veže na talne delce, vendar so novejše raziskave pokazale, da se pri določeni kombinaciji rabe zemljišč, lastnosti tal in klimatskih pogojev tudi P lahko izpira v globlje plasti tal. Zaradi spoznanja novejših raziskav o izpiranju P v globlje plasti tal smo v naši raziskavi posebno pozornost namenili dinamiki celokupnega P in rastlinam dostopnega P v tleh igrišč za golf. Z terensko raziskavo smo želeli oceniti, kako različni okoljski dejavniki in raba tal vplivajo na dinamiko celokupnega P in rastlinam dostopnega P v tleh. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da obstaja značilna povezava med padavinami in vsebnostjo rastlinam dostopnega P ter celokupnega P v tleh ledine na igrišču za golf. Medtem ko, povezava med padavinami in dinamiko P v tleh zelenic in čistin igrišč za golf ni bila ugotovljena.

Ključne besede: tehnike upravljanja, tehnosoli, zelenice, čistine, golf igrišče, rastlinam dostopni P, celokupni P


Genetic diversity of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) landraces collected in Iran using some morphological traits



Spinach has become an important vegetable crop in most regions of the world and remarkable changes in production amounts have occurred in the past decades due to demand increase in many countries. Fifty-four spinach landraces collected from diverse geographical regions of Iran were evaluated for several qualitative and quantitative traits. Landraces indicated a high variability for measured morphologic characteristics regarding results of variance analysis and descriptive statistics. The first three factors of factors analysis explained 76.8% of variation of spinach landraces. The first extracted factor can be regarded as a leaf property vector; the extracted second factor could be named as yield vector and the third factor was female plants percent vector. The dendrogram of cluster analysis generated from genotypes distance matrices showed that in a distance linkage of 800, the 54 spinach landraces could be agglomerated into sixteen clusters. The number of clusters was verified by multivariate analysis of variance test through Wilks' Lambda statistics. Some spinach landraces such as G10 G13, G38 and G41 were individual cluster and were not similar to the other collected genotypes while some of the spinach landraces were similar to each other and grouped as one cluster such as cluster 9 (C9). The cluster C14 (landrace Karaj 2) was the most favorable genotype due to good performance for most measured quantitative traits. This landrace could be recommended for commercial release after complementary experiments. Also, landraces G1 (Arak) and G3 (Urmia) indicate good potential regarding the measured traits. These landraces could be used directly as commercial cultivars or introduced in spinach breeding programs.

 Key words: germplasm, morphological variation, multivariate analysis, spinach



Špinača je postala pomembna zelenjadnica v večjem delu sveta in znaten porast njene pridelave se je pojavil zaradi vse večjega povpraševanja v mnogih državah. 54 akcesij špinače, nabranih v različnih delih Irana, je bilo ovrednotenih na osnovi številnih kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih znakov. Akcesije so pokazale veliko variabilnost v merjenih morfoloških znakih glede na rezultate analize variance in opisne statistike. Prvi trije faktorji faktorske analize so pojasnili 76.8 % variabilnosti akcesij špinače. Prvi faktor od teh je bil povezan z lastnostmi listov, drugi s pridelkom in tretji z deležem ženskih rastlin. Dendrogram klasterske analize, generiran na osnovi izračunanih distanc med genotipi je pokazal, da lahko na osnovi distančne povezave 800, 54 akcesij špinače združimo v 16 skupin. Število skupin je bilo potrjeno z multivariatno analizo variance s pomočjo Wilks' Lambda statistke. Nekatere akcesije kot na primer G10 G13, G38 in G41 so bile samostojne skupine in niso bile podobne drugim zbranim genotipom, med tem ko so si bile druge akcesije podobne in so se uvrstile v eno skupino, npr. skupino 9 (C9). Skupina C14 (akcesija Karaj 2) je bila najboljši genotip glede na dobre vrednosti za večino merjenih kvantitativnih znakov. To akcesijo bi lahko priporočili za komercialno uporabo po dopolnih preizkusih. Tudi akcesiji G1 (Arak) in G3 (Urmia) kažeta dober potencial glede na merjene znake. Ti akcesiji bi bili lahko neposredno uporabljeni kot komercialni sorti ali vključeni v žlahtniteljski program špinače.


Ključne besede: genski material, morfološka variabilnost, multivariatna analiza, špinača


Graphic analysis of yield stability in new improved lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) genotypes using nonparametric statistics



Yield stability is an interesting feature of today’s lentil breeding programs, due to the high annual variation in mean yield, particularly in the arid and semi-arid areas. The genetic effects including genetic main and genotype × environment (GE) interaction effects for grain yield of eighteen lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) genotypes were studied with fourteen nonparametric stability statistics. Results of five distinct nonparametric tests of GE interaction and combined ANOVA showed there were both additive and crossover interaction types and genotypes varied significantly for grain yield. According to most of the nonparametric stability statistics, genotypes G5, G6, G8 and G18 were the most stable genotypes. Considering mean yield versus stability values via their plotting, indicates that genotypes G2, G11 and G14 following to G5, G16 and G18 were the most favorable genotypes. None of the nonparametric stability statistics were correlated with mean yield and so had static concept of stability. Our results confirmed that rankings of genotypes within environments and using mean yield information permit ease of interpretation of nonparametric results. Finally genotypes G2 (FLIP 92-12L), G11 (Gachsaran) and G14 (ILL 6206) were found to be the most stable and high mean yielding genotype and thus recommended for commercial release. Such an outcome could be used to delineate predictive, more rigorous recommendation strategies as well as to help define stability concepts for lentil and other crops.

 Key words: adaptability, dynamic stability, genotype × environment interaction




Stabilnost pridelka je zaradi velikih letnih nihanj, še posebej v aridnih in semi-aridnih območjih, zanimiva lastnost v današnjih žlahtniteljskih programih pri leči (Lens culinaris Medik.). Pri 18 genotipih leče smo s 14 neparametričnimi statističnimi testi, ki vrednotijo stabilnost pridelka, preučevali glavne vplive genotipa in interakcije med genotipom in okoljem (GO) na pridelek zrnja. Rezultati petih neparametričnih testov GO interakcij, ter parametrične ANOVA so pokazali, da so se genotipi značilno razlikovali v pridelku zrnja tako v povezanjih kot prekrižanih interakcijah. Gleda na večino neparametričnih testov stabilnosti pridelka so se genotipi G5, G6, G8 in G18 izkazali kot najbolj stabilni. Primerjava povprečnih pridelkov in stabilnosti je pokazala, da so genotipi G2, G11, G14 in G5, G16 ter G18 najbolj primerni. Nobeden izmed neparametričnih testov stabilnosti ni koreliral s povprečnim pridelkom, kar kaže na njihov statičen značaj. Naši rezultati potrjujejo, da rangiranje genotipov po povprečnem pridelku za vsake okoljske razmere posebej omogoča uporabo rezultatov neparametričnih testov. Na koncu so bili genotipi G2 (FLIP 92-12L), G11 (Gachsaran) in G14 (ILL 6206) prepoznani kot najbolj stabilni, z velikim povprečnim pridelkom in priporočeni za komercialno uporabo. Takšni izsledki bi lahko bili uporabljeni za ponazoritev napovedovanj in resnejših priporočil kot tudi pomoč pri določanju stabilnost pridelave leče in drugih poljščin.

 Ključne besede: prilagodljivost, dinamična stabilnost, interakcije med genotipom in okoljem


Sensitivity of field tests, serological and molecular techniques for Plum Pox Virus detection in various tissues



Sensitivity of field tests (AgriStrip  and Immunochromato), DAS-ELISA, two step RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR for Plum pox virus (PPV) detection was tested in various tissues of apricot, peach, plum and damson plum trees infected with isolates belonging to PPV-D, PPV-M or PPV-Rec, the three strains present in Slovenia. Flowers of apricot and plum in full bloom proved to be a very good source for detection of PPV. PPV could be detected with all tested techniques in symptomatic parts of leaves in May and with one exception even in the beginning of August, but it was not detected in asymptomatic leaves using field tests, DAS-ELISA and partly also molecular techniques. PPV was detected only in some of the samples of asymptomatic parts of the leaves with symptoms and of stalks by field tests and DAS-ELISA. Infections were not detected in buds in August using field tests or DAS-ELISA. Field tests are useful for confirmation of the PPV infection in symptomatic leaves, but in tissues without symptoms DAS-ELISA should be combined or replaced by molecular techniques.

Key words: sharka, Plum pox virus, PPV, detection, field tests, DAS-ELISA, RT-PCR, real time RT-PCR



Občutljivost hitrih testov (AgriStrip in Immunochromato), DAS-ELISA, dvostopenjske RT-PCR in RT-PCR v realnem času za detekcijo virusa šarke (Plum pox virus, PPV) smo proučevali v različnih tkivih dreves marelice, breskve, slive in cibore, okuženih z izolati PPV-D, PPV-M ali PPV-Rec. Ti trije različki so potrjeno  navzoči v Sloveniji. Vzorci cvetov marelice in slive, odvzeti v času polnega cvetenja, so bili zelo primerni za detekcijo PPV. V delih listov z znaki okužbe je bila detekcija uspešna z vsemi  tehnikami v maju in z eno izjemo tudi v avgustu. S hitrimi testi, DAS-ELISA in delno tudi z molekularnimi tehnikami nismo uspeli detektirati virusa šarke v listih brez znakov okužbe. S hitrimi testi in DAS-ELISA smo navzočnost PPV potrdili le v delu vzorcev iz asimptomatičnih delov listov z znaki okužbe in iz listnih pecljev ter v nobenem vzorcu brstov v avgustu. Hitri testi so torej primerni le za potrditev okužbe s PPV v listih z znaki okužbe. Če znaki okužbe niso vidni, je potrebno DAS-ELISA kombinirati ali nadomestiti z molekularnimi tehnikami.

Ključne besede: virus šarke, Plum pox virus, PPV, detekcija, hitri testi, DAS-ELISA, RT-PCR, RT-PCR v realnem času


Kakovost jabolk sort 'Gala Brookfield' in 'Fuji Kiku 8' pod in izven protitočne mreže

Blaž GERMŠEK, Tatjana UNUK


Protitočna mreža je pri pridelavi jabolk postala običajen ukrep pri napravi novega ali posodobitvi starega nasada. Med letoma 2007 in 2008 smo v Sadjarskem centru Maribor – Gačnik proučevali razvoj parametrov kakovosti in zrelosti jabolk sort 'Gala Brookfield' in 'Fuji Kiku 8' sajene na podlagi M9 kot posledico vpliva črne protitočne mreže. Rezultati so pokazali, da plodovi pod črno protitočno mrežo pri obeh sortah dosegajo večjo povprečno maso, manjšo vsebnost suhe snovi (od 0,6 do 1 °Brix), manjši škrobni indeks, medtem ko vpliva črne protitočne mreže na trdoto mesa plodov in večji pridelek nismo zaznali.

Ključne besede: jablana, protitočna mreža, kakovost




Anti-hail nets for the production of apples has become a normally action for a new or update an old apple orchard. In 2007 and 2008, the development of quality and maturity parameters of cv. 'Gala Brookfield' and ‘Fuji Kiku 8' apples grafted on M9 were studied in the Fruit growing centre Maribor-Gačnik as a factor of being grown under a  blackhail net. The results showed that when grown under  the black hail net fruit of both cultivars reach a higher mean mass,  lower soluble solids content (0.6 to 1 ° Brix), and lower starch index, while no effect of the black hail net was detected on fruit flesh firmness and yield.


Kwy words: apple tree, anti−hail net, quality