
Letnik 105

Ljubljana, 2015

Številka 1


Volatile profile of wine Teran PTP



Teran PTP is a protected wine with a recognized traditional denomination  produced from a grapevine variety ‘Refošk’ in winegrowing district Kras in Slovenia (European Union, 2009; Pravilnik, 2008). The aromatic profile of 82 Teran PTP wines produced in years 2011, 2012 and 2013 was monitored. In total the content of 16 volatile compounds was determined. The volatile compounds from wine were extracted following the liquid-liquid extraction and determined with a GC-MS method. The odour activity values and relative odour contributions were calculated for each volatile compound identified. Among sensorial important volatiles the highest odour activity values were determined for ethyl octanoate, ethyl hexanoate, isoamyl acetate and ethyl butyrate. Other research papers also showed, that all red wines investigated except one contained ethyl octanoate, ethyl hexanoate, isoamyl acetate and ethyl butyrate above sensory thresholds.

 Key words: Teran PTP, wine, volatile compounds, esters, aroma, GC/MS



Vino Teran PTP je zaščiteno vino s priznanim tradicionalnim poimenovanjem, ki ga pridelujejo iz grozdja sorte ꞌRefoškꞌ v vinorodnem okolišu Kras v Sloveniji (European Union, 2009; Pravilnik, 2008). Aromatični profil vina Teran PTP smo spremljali tri leta v 82 vzorcih iz letnikov 2011, 2012 in 2013. Določevali smo vsebnost 16 hlapnih spojin. Za določitev hlapnih spojin smo uporabili ekstrakcijo tekoče-tekoče, kateri je sledila določitev z GC-MS. Za vseh 16 spojin smo izračunali aktivne vonjalne vrednosti in njihove relativne prispevke. Med senzorično pomembnimi hlapnimi spojinami smo največje aktivne vonjalne vrednosti določili za etil oktanoat, etil heksanoat, izoamil acetat in etil butirat. Drugi raziskovalni članki so tudi pokazali, da so vsa preiskovana rdeča vina z izjemo enega vsebovala etil oktanoat, etil heksanoat, isoamil acetat in etil butirat nad pragom zaznave.

 Ključne besede: Teran PTP, vino, hlapne spojine, estri, aroma, GC/MS


Variation in antioxidant, and antibacterial activities and total phenolic content of the bulbs of mooseer (Allium hirtifolium Boiss.)



Allium hirtifolium Boiss. (mooseer) belonging to the family Alliaceae, is an endemic species of Iran which grows wild in the Zagros Mountains range, western and southwestern Iran. The bulb of A. hirtifolium has been used as a flavouring agent, especially dairy foods and pickles by the indigenous people, southwestern Iran. In this study, the bulbs of various populations of the plant were collected from the alpine regions in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province, Iran. The total phenolic content of the ethanol extract was determined by Folin–Ciocalteu method, the antioxidant activity was evaluated by measuring 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and the antibacterial activity of the extracts against four bacteria, including Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Proteus vulgaris, and Salmonella typhimurium was determined by serial dilution assay. Results indicated that the total phenolic content in the ethanol extracts of different populations of A. hirtifolium ranged between 34 to 44 mg gallic acid/g extract. In addition, the extracts of A. hirtifolium indicated moderate–to–good inhibitory activities (MICs = 0.062 to 0.250 mg/ml) against four bacteria, especially against B. cereus. The antioxidant activity of the bulbs of A. hirtifolium indicated the extract acted as an effective DPPH scavenger, but were not as effective as the BHT control. This finding suggests that the bulbs of A. hirtifolium may be considered as a natural source of antioxidants and antimicrobial agents.


Key words: Alliaceae, biological activity; endemic herbs; mooseer



Perzijska šalotka (Allium hirtifolium Boiss. (mooseer), Allium stipitatum Regel) spada v družino lukovk (Alliaceae), je endemična vrsta Irana, ki raste samoniklo v zahodnem in jugozahodnem delu države na območju gorovja Zagros. Prebivalci jugozahodnega Irana jo uporablja kot začimbo v mlečnih izdelkih in vlaganju zelenjave. V tej raziskavi so bile analizirane čebulice različnih populacij, nabrane v alpinskih predelih province Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari. Celokupna vsebnost fenolov je bila določena v etanolnem izvlečku po metodi Folin–Ciocalteu, antioksidativno delovanje je bilo ovrednoteno in izmerjeno z 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazilom (DPPH), antibakterijsko delovanje izvlečkov je bilo določeno proti štirim vrstam bakterij, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Proteus vulgaris, in Salmonella typhimurium s serijskim razredčitvenim testom. Rezultati so pokazali, da so etanolni izvlečki celokupnih fenolov iz čebulic različnih populacij te vrste vsebovali od 34 do 44 mg galične kisline na g izvlečka. Izvlečki so pokazali zmerno do dobro inhibitorno aktivnost (MICs = 0.062 do 0.250 mg/ml) proti omenjenim štirim vrstam bakterij, še posebej proti vrsti B. cereus. Antioksidativno delovanje izvlečkov čebulic je pokazalo, da so izvlečki delovali kot učinkoviti lovilci DPPH, vendar so bili manj učinkoviti kot BHT v kontroli. Izsledki kažejo, da so lahko čebulice perzijske šalotke (A. hirtifolium) dober naravni vir antioksidantov in antimikrobnih snovi.

Ključne besede: A. hirtifolium, Alliaceae, biološka aktivnost, antioksidant, antimikrobna snov


Activating antioxidant enzymes, hyoscyamine and scopolamine biosynthesis of Hyoscyamus niger L. plants with nano-sized titanium dioxide and bulk application



Application of nanotechnology is now widely distributed overall the life, especially in agricultural systems. This study intended to indicate the impacts of nano-sized titanium dioxide particles (NT) and bulk (BT) on antioxidant enzymes activities including superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POX) and catalase (CAT), and variations of two major tropane alkaloids such as hyoscyamine (HYO) and scopolamine (SCO) in Hyoscyamus niger L. Plants were treated with different concentrations of NT and BT (0, 20, 40 and 80 mg l-1). Alkaloids extracted were identified by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Results showed that SOD activity increased with increasing titanium dioxide concentration in both nano-particles and bulk treated plants. However, the highest and the lowest POX activity were observed in plants exposed to NT at 40 mg l-1 and control, respectively. Generally, all tested enzymes activities were higher in NT treated plants that those of BT except CAT activity at 80 mg l-1. The highest alkaloids content values, HYO: 0.286 g kg-1 and SCO: 0.126 g kg-1, were achieved in plants treated with NT at 80 and 20 mg l-1, respectively. The maximum and minimum plant biomass and subsequently total alkaloids yield were obtained in plants exposed to NT at 40 mg l-1 and controls, respectively. Our results suggest that NT in appropriate level (40 mg l-1) may act as an elicitor for biochemical responses and tropane alkaloids biosynthesis in H. niger plants.

 Key words: black henbane, tropane alkaloids, antioxidant enzymes, nano-anatase TiO2



Uporaba nanotehnologije je v svetu danes zelo razširjena v znanostih o življenju, še posebej v kmetijstvu. V raziskavi je bil preučevan vpliv nano delcev (NT) in celukopnih delcev (BT) titanovega dioksida na antioksidacijsko aktivnost encimov kot so superoksid dismutaza (SOD), peroksidaza (POX) in katalaza (CAT) in vpliv tega obravnavanja na variabilnost vsebnosti dveh glavnih tropanskih alkaloidov, hiosciamina (HYO) in skopolamina (SCO) v črnem zobniku (Hyoscyamus niger L.). Rastline so bile tretirane z naslednjimi koncentracijami NT in BT delcev: 0, 20, 40 and 80 mg l-1. Ekstrahirani alkaloidi so bili analizirani in določeni s plinsko kromatografijo (GC) in plinsko kromatografijo povezano z masno spektroskopijo (GC-MS). Rezultati so pokazali, da se je aktivnost SOD povečala pri tretmajih z NT in BT delci z naraščanjem njihove koncentracije. Aktivnost POX pa je bila največja pri rastlinah izpostavljenih NT delcem pri 40 mg l-1 in najmanjša pri kontroli. Nasplošno so bile aktivnosti vseh testiranih encimov večje pri rastlinah tretiranih z NT delci kot pri tretmaju z BT delci, razen aktivnosti CAT pri tretmaju z 80 mg l-1. Največji vsebnosti alkaloidov, HYO: 0.286 g kg-1 in SCO: 0.126 g kg-1, sta bili doseženi pri rastlinah tretiranih z NT delci pri koncentracijah 80 in 20 mg l-1. Največja biomasa in največji pridelek alkaloidov sta bila dosežena pri rastlinah tretiranih z NT pri 40 mg l-1 in najmanjša pri kontroli. Rezultati kažejo, da NT delci v primernih koncentracijah (40 mg l-1) delujejo kot elicitorji za biokemične odzive in biosintezo tropanskih alkaloidov pri črnem zobniku.

 Ključne besede: črni zobnik, tropanski aklaloidi, antioksidacijski encimi, nano-delci TiO2


Effects of soil and foliar applications of iron and zinc on flowering and essential oil of chamomile at greenhouse conditions

Yousef NASIRI and Nosratollah NAJAFI


In order to study the effects of soil and foliar applications of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) on flowering, flower yield and essential oil production of German chamomile a pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran in 2012. The experiment was arranged as completely randomized design with 12 treatments and three replications. Treatments were as follow: T1: control – without Fe or Zn fertilizers, T2: 30 mg FeSO4.7H2O kg-1 dry soil, T3: 22 mg ZnSO4.7H2O kg-1 dry soil, T4: 30 mg FeSO4.7H2O + 22 mg ZnSO4.7H2O kg-1 dry soil, T5: foliar spraying of FeSO4.7H2O (3.5 g L-1), T6: foliar spraying of FeSO4.7H2O (7.0 g L-1), T7: foliar spraying of ZnSO4.7H2O (2.5 g L-1), T8: foliar spraying of ZnSO4.7H2O (5.0 g L-1), T9: T5+T7, T10: T5+T8, T11: T6+T7, T12: T6+T8. The foliar spraying was done two times during the growing period. The results revealed that the flower number, flower yield, essential oil content and essential oil yield were significantly increased by soil and foliar applications of Fe + Zn, compared with the control (untreated). The highest flower number (477 plant-1), flower yield (11.6 g pot-1), essential oil content (0.88 %) and essential oil yield (119 mg pot-1) were recorded for the soil application of Fe + Zn (T4) by 58, 68, 21.4 and 105 % increment compared to the control, respectively. Foliar application of Fe + Zn (T12) was placed at the next rank; however this treatment had no significant difference with the soil application of Fe + Zn (T4). Other treatments did not show significant differences with the control. Generally, the results showed that soil or foliar application of Fe + Zn can be effective on increase or improve of quantity and quality of chamomile yield. Moreover, use of foliar application as a low cost method especially in areas with alkaline or calcareous soils can be recommended.

Key words: Application methods, Essential oil, Iron, Matricaria chamomilla, Zinc



Lončni poskus gojenja prave kamilice (Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert) je bil izveden v rastlinjaku z namenom ugotavljanja talnega in foliarnega dodajanja železa (Fe) in cinka (Zn) na njeno cvetenje, pridelek cvetov in produkcijo eteričnih olj  na  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran, leta 2012. Poskus je bil izveden kot popoln naključni poskus z 12obravnavanji in tremi ponovitvami. Obravnavanja so bila: T1: kontrola – brez gnojenja s Fe ali Zn, T2: 30 mg FeSO4.7H2O kg-1 suhih tal, T3: 22 mg ZnSO4.7H2O kg-1 suhih tal, T4: 30 mg FeSO4.7H2O + 22 mg ZnSO4.7H2O kg-1 suhih tal, T5: škropljenje listov z FeSO4.7H2O (3.5 g L-1), T6: škropljenje listov z FeSO4.7H2O (7.0 g L-1), T7: škropljenje listov s ZnSO4.7H2O (2.5 g L-1), T8: škroplenje listov z ZnSO4.7H2O (5.0 g L-1), T9: T5+T7, T10: T5+T8, T11: T6+T7, T12: T6+T8. Škropljenje listov je bilo opravljeno dvakrat v rastni dobi. Rezultati so pokazali, da je talno in foliarno gnojenje z Fe + Zn značilno povečalo število cvetov, pridelek cvetov, vsebnost in pridelek eteričnih olj v primerjavi s kontrolo. Največje število cvetov (477 na rastlino), največji pridelek cvetov (11.6 g na lonec), največja vsebnost eteričnih olj (0.88 %) in največji pridelek eteričnih olj (119 mg na lonec) so bili izmerjeni pri talnem dodajanju Fe + Zn (T4), povečanje je bilo za 58, 68, 21.4 in 105 % glede na kontrolno obravnavanje. Učinek foliarnega dodajanja Fe + Zn (T12) je bil takoj za talnim dodajanjem Fe + Zn (T4), vendar se od njega ni značilno razlikoval. Druga obravnavanja niso dala značilnih odstopanj od kontrole. V splošnem so rezultati pokazali, da lahko tako talno kot foliarno dodajanje Fe + Zn učinkovito poveča ali izboljša količino in kvaliteto pridelka prave kamilice. Uporabo foliarnega dodajanja bi kot poceni način gnojenja še posebej priporočali na območjih , kjer so tla bazična ali apnenčasta.

 Ključne besede: metode gnojenja, železo, cink, Matricaria chamomilla, eterična olja


Exogenous silicon leads to increased antioxidant capacity in freezing-stressed pistachio leaves



Freezing stress limits photosynthesis and growth of plants. This may be attributed to the enhancement of freezing-associated oxidative damage. In this study, we followed precisely changes in the extent of lipid peroxidation and oxidative damage in leaves of pistachio (Pistacia vera ‘Ahmadaghaii’) plants exposed to foliar-applied silicon (Si) under freezing stress. The foliar-applied Si decreased significantly damaging effects of cold on relative water content (RWC), accompanied by an increase in shoot fresh mass (SFM). In addition, pre-Si treatment caused a significant reduction of the leaf area lost by freezing. There was a remarkable increase in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity during recovery. Since leaf phenolic content was not affected by supplementary Si, the possibility that exogenously applied Si directly influences the activity of PAL seems thin. In the present work, freezing stress caused great membrane damage, as assessed by lipid peroxidation, but Si application significantly reduced the membrane damage because of an efficient scavenging by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD). Under freezing, despite the increasing POD activity, Si-supplied plants accumulated the highest levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) may act as a signal for recovery ability from freezing injury. A positive correlation was found between the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) and the percentage of necrotic leaf area. This study suggests that the possible mechanisms for Si enhanced freezing resistance may be attributed to the higher antioxidant defense activity and lower lipid peroxidation through leaf water retention, in addition to its role as a mere physical barrier.

 Key words: antioxidant enzymes, cold stress, Evans dye, hydrogen peroxide, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, Pistacia vera, malondialdehyde, relative water content



Mrazni stres omejuje fotosintezo in rast rastlin, kar lahko pripišemo povečanju oksidativnih poškodb zaradi zmrzovanja. V raziskavi sta bili spremljani peroksidacija lipidov in oksidativne poškodbe listov pistacije (Pistacia vera ‘Ahmadaghaii’) izpostavljenih mraznem stresu in foliarnem tretmaju s silicijem (Si). Foliarna uporaba silicija je značilno zmanjšala učinke mraza na ravni relativne vsebnosti vode (RWC), kar je povzročilo povečanje sveže mase poganjkov (SFM). Dodatno je predtretiranje s Si povzročilo značilno zmanjšanje izgube listne površine zaradi zmrzovana. Med okrevanjem po mraznem stresu je bila opazno povečana aktivnost fenilalanin amonik-liaze (PAL). Zaradi nespremenjene vsebnosti fenolov v listih po aplikaciji Si je maloverjetno, da bi foliarno dodani Si neposredno vplival na aktivnost PAL. Mrazni stres je povzročil velike poškodbe membran, ki so bile ocenjene s peroksidacijo lipidov, a jih je uporaba Si značilno zmanjšala zaradi učinkovitega antioksidativnega delovanja superoksid dismutaze (SOD) in peroksidaze (POD). Kljub povečanju aktivnosti POD v razmerah zmrzovanja, so s Si-obravnavane rastline kopičile največje količine vodikovega peroksida (H2O2), ki je lahko deloval kot signal za sposobnost okrevanja po poškodbah zaradi zmrzovanja. Ugotovljena je bila pozitivna korelacija med koncentracijo malondialdehida (MDA) in odstotkom nekrotične listne površine. Raziskava kaže, da je možen mehanizen preko katerega Si povečuje odpornost na zmrzovanje večja antioksidativna obramba in manjša peroksidacija lipidov, ki se odraža v večjem zadrževanju vode poleg delovanja Si kot čisto fizikalne prepreke.

 Ključne besede: antioksidativni encimi, mrazni stres, Evansovo modrilo-T-1824 ,vodikov peroksid, phenilalanin amoniak-liaza, Pistacia vera, malondialdehid, relativna vsebnost vode


Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) as cash-cover crop in an organic vegetable system

Anna LENZI, Ada BALDI, Romano TESI


In organic vegetable systems green manure crops play an important role as a nitrogen source, but they cover the soil for several months without producing a direct income. Globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) provides both heads to be harvested and particularly abundant plant residues to be possibly incorporated into the soil, so it may play a double role of cash and cover crop. This paper describes an on-farm study in which seed-propagated artichoke, cultivated as an annual crop, preceded zucchini squash and lettuce cultivated in sequence within a vegetable organic system. Artichoke produced about 7 t ha-1 of saleable heads and left, after harvest, 50.3 t ha-1 of fresh biomass usable as green manure. Zucchini squash and lettuce following artichoke showed a significant increase in yield when artichoke residues were incorporated into the soil. Furthermore, a residual positive effect of green manure on soil fertility was detected after lettuce harvest.

 Key words: organic vegetables, globe artichoke, cover crop, cash crop, green manure, nitrogen



Zeleno gnojenje ima pomebno vlogo pri ekološki pridelavi zelenjave kot vir dušika, a je problem v tem, da rastline namenjene temu zasedajo prostor v kolobarju več mesecev brez neposrednega dohodka. Artičoka (Cynara  scolymus L.) daje oboje, tržni pridelek v obliki koškov in veliko organskih ostankov, ki se lahko zaorjejo kot zeleno gnojilo, torej igra dvojno vlogo kot tržna in pokrovna kultura. Prispevek opisuje vzorčno raziskavo kmetije, na kateri pridelujejo iz semen vzgojeno artičok kot enoletno kulturo v ekološkem kolobarju pridelovanja zelenjave za bučkami in vrtno solato. Artičoka je dala okrog 7 t ha-1 tržnih koškov in po pobiranju pustila na polju 50.3 t ha-1 sveže biomase, ki je uporabna kot podor. Bučke in vrtna solata, ki so v kolobarju sledile artičoki, so dale značilno večji pridelek, kadar so se ostanki artičoke vdelali v tla. Pozitivni učinek zelenega gnojenja na rodovitnost tal je bil ugotovljen še po pobiranju pridelka vrtne solate.

Ključne besede: ekološko pridelana zelenjava, artičoka, pokrovna kultura, tržna kultura, zeleno gnojenje, dušik


Soil of the lower valley of the Dragonja river (Slovenia)



Soil of the lower valley of the river Dragonja developed under specific soil-forming factors. Soil development in the area was influenced by alluvial sediments originating from surrounding hills, mostly of flysch sequence rocks, as a parent material, Sub-Mediterranean climate and the vicinity of the sea. Different soil classification units (Gleysol and Fluvisol) were proposed for that soil in previous researches. The aim of our study was the evaluation of morphological, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of soil, based on detailed soil description and analyses, and to define the appropriate soil classification units. Field examinations revealed that the soil had a stable blocky or subangular structure and did not express substantial hydromorphic forms. Soil pH value was ranging from 6.9 to 7.5. In most locations electroconductivity (ECe) did not exceed 2 ds/m. Base saturation was high (up to 99 %), with a majority of Ca2+ ions. Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) was ranging from 0.2 to 3.8 %, which is higher compared to other Slovenian soils but does not pose a risk to soil structure. Soil has silty clay loam texture with up to 66 % of silt. Prevailing minerals were quartz, calcite and muscovite/illite. No presence of swelling clay mineral montmorillonite was detected. According to Slovenian soil classification, we classified the examined soil as alluvial soil. According to WRB soil classification, the soil was classified as Cambisol.

 Key words: soil classification, soil properties, mineralogical characteristics, salinity



Tla spodnjega dela doline reke Dragonje so se razvila pod vplivom specifičnih tlotvornih dejavnikov. Rečni sediment iz kamnin flišnega porekla kot matična podlaga, submediteransko podnebje in prisotnost morja so vplivali na razvoj tal. Predhodne raziskave tal na tem območju so tla različno poimenovale; uvrščale so jih bodisi med oglejena bodisi obrečna tla. Namen naše raziskave je bil na osnovi natančnega opisa morfoloških latnosti tal in kemičnih ter mineraloških analiz podati predlog poimenovanja tal. Ugotovili smo, da imajo tla obstojno poliedrično ali oreškasto strukturo in ne izkazujejo intenzivnih hidromorfnih oblik. pH je od 6.9 do 7.5. Na večini vzorčnih mest elektrokonduktivnost nasičenega vzorca tal ne presega 2 ds/m. Zasičenost z bazami je visoka (do 99 %), prevladujejo kalcijevi ioni. Izmenljivi delež Na je od 0.2 to 3.8 %. Tekstura je meljasto glinasto ilovnata, z deležem melja do 66 %. Prevladujoči minerali v tleh so kremen, kalcit in muskovit/illit. Nabrekljivih glinenih mineralov (montmorillonita) nismo ugotovili. Na osnovi slovenske klasifikacije tla uvrščamo med obrečna tla, po WRB klasifikaciji med kambična tla.

 Ključne besede: klasifikacija tal, lastnosti tal, mineraloška sestava, slanost


Genetic variation for seed yield and some of agro-morphological traits in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes



An investigation was carried out to select the most successful faba bean genotype(s) and to estimate the heritability for seed yield and some of agro-morphological traits. The results of analysis of variance indicated that the studied genotypes differed significantly for all of the traits. For 100-seed weight, two north's of Iran landraces (G1 and G2) and two improved breeding cultivars containing France (G4) and Barrakat (G10) possessed the heaviest seed weight, 161.33, 139, 119.67 and 166 g, respectively. G1 and G10 presented the highest values for dry seed weight (473.98 and 495.44 g m-2, respectively). G1 and G10 showed significantly higher magnitude values of the other traits. Broad sense heritability (h2) estimates were generally high to moderate for all of the studied traits. The highest estimates of broad sense heritability was inscribed as 98 % for pod length, dry seed length and dry seed width and 0.95 for hundred seed weight. The estimated broad-sense heritability was 0.80 for dry seed yield per m2. These results suggested that the environmental factors had a small effect on the inheritance of traits with high heritability. High estimates of heritability indicated that selection based on mean would be successful in improving of these traits. High heritability indicate an additive gene action for the traits, and hence, possible trait improvement through selection. Path coefficient analysis indicated that the traits containing day to harvesting, pod length, hundred seed weight and number of stems per plant play major role in seed yield determination of faba bean. Attention should be paid to these characters for augmentation of seed yield and these traits could be used as selection criteria in faba bean breeding programs. These findings indicate that selection for each or full of the above traits would be accompanied by high yielding ability under such conditions.


Key words: additive gene action, breeding, faba bean, genetic variation, selection




Raziskava je bila opravljena za izbor najdonosnejših genotipov boba z namenom oceniti heritabilnost oz. dednostni delež pridelka semen in nekaterih agronomsko-morfoloških lastnosti. Rezultati dobljeni z analizo variance so pokazali, da se vsi obravnavani genotipi značilno razlikujejo v vseh proučevanih lastnostih. Za maso 100-semen sta se izkazali najboljši dve akcesiji iz severnega Irana, (G1 in G2) in dve izboljšani sorti,’France’ (G4) ‘Barrakat’ (G10), katerih masa je znašala, 161.33, 139, 119.67 in 166 g. Genotipa G1 in G10 sta imela največjo maso suhih semen na enoto površine (473.98 in 495.44 g m-2). Ista genotipa sta izkazala tudi večje vrednosti pri drugih analiziranih lastnostih. Ocene dednostnega deleža v širšem smislu (h2) so bile na splošno velike do zmerne za vse analizirane lastnosti. Največji delež k splošni dednosti so v vrednosti 98 % prispevali dolžina strokov, dolžina in širina suhega zrna in 0.95 masa stotih semen. Ocenjena splošna dednost za pridelek suhih semen na enoto površine je bila 0.80. Ti rezultati so pokazali, da so imeli okoljski dejavniki majhen vpliv na lastnost z velikim dednostnim deležem. Velike ocene dednostnega deleža so pokazale, da je selekcija, ki bi temeljila na povprečnih vrednostih lastnosti primerna za njihovo izboljšanje. Velik dednostni delež lastnosti označuje aditivni učinek genov in možno izboljšanje lastnosti s selekcijo. Analiza združevanja lastnosti je pokazala, da so imele lastnosti, ki so vključevale število dni do žetve, dolžino stroka, maso stotih semen in število stebel na rastlino največjo vlogo pri določanju pridelka semen boba. V žlahniteljskih programih s selekcijo bi bilo potrebno posvečati pozornost tistim lastnostim boba, ki prispevajo k povečanju pridelka semen. Izsledki te raziskave kažejo, da mora biti izbrana in spremljanja vsaka ali vse analizirane lastnosti, ki imajo vpliv na velikost pridelka v danih razmerah.

 Ključne besede: aditivno delovanje genov, žlahtnjenje, bob, genetska variabilnost, selekcija


The effect of salt stress on the germination of maize (Zea mays L.) seeds and photosynthetic pigments



The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of salinity stress on seed germination and chlorophyll content in maize. In the study, two maize hybrids were included (Bc 678 and Bc 408) originating from the Bc Institute at Rugvica near Zagreb (Croatia) and two maize populations (LMP-1 and LMP-2) originating from Kosovo. The experiment was conducted in four replicates of 100 seeds, which were germinated on top of double-layered papers, each with 10 ml of salt solution of NaCl and CaCl2 in Petri dishes. Germinated seeds were counted every 24 h for 15 days. The photosynthetic pigments, chlorophylls ‘a’ and ‘b’ as well as carotenoids were extracted with 80 % acetone. Chlorophyll and carotenoid contents were calculated using absorbance values at 662, 644 and 440 nm. The effects of the NaCl and CaCl2 concentrations accounted for a high proportion of the variance in all analyses. The results showed that both germination percentage and germination index decreased significantly in all cultivars at the highest salt concentrations. The significant differences between different concentrations of salinity were also found in all cultivars for the content of chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’ and for the content of carotenoids.

 Key words: maize, salinity stress, germination, NaCl, CaCl2, chlorophyll, carotenoids



Namen raziskave je bil proučiti vpliv slanosti tal na kalivost zrnja ter vsebnost kolorofila in karotinoidov pri koruzi. V proučevanje sta bila vključena dva hibrida ‘Bc 678’ and ‘Bc 408’, vzgojena na Zavodu za koruzo Inštituta za žlahtnjenje rastlin v Zagrebu ter dve domači populaciji (LMP-1 and LMP-2) s Kosova. Poskus je bil izveden v 4 ponovitvah in sicer za kalivost v petrijevkah po 100 zrn, za vsebnost klorofila in karotinoidov pa v lončkih po 2 rastlini z 1 kg substrata. Vsak genotip je bil, poleg kontrole, tretiran s 4 različnimi koncentracijami (50, 100, 200 in 400 mMol NaCl in CaCl2 ). Kalivost smo ugotavljali prvih 15 dni vsakih 24 ur. Klorofil ‘a’ in ‘b’ in karotinoide smo ekstrahirali z 80 % acetonom. Vsebnost klorofila in karotinoidov smo računali s pomočjo absorpcijske vrednosti pri 662, 644 and 440 nm. Pri največji slanosti (400 mMol NaCl in CaCl2) je pri vseh kultivarjih ugotovljen statistično značilno manjši odstotek in indeks kalivosti. Prav tako so pri vseh kultivarjih ugotovljene statistično značilne razlike med različnimi koncentracijami slanosti tudi za vsebnost klorofila a’ in ‘b’ ter vsebnost karotinoidov.

Ključne besede: koruza, slanost tal, kalivost, NaCl, CaCl2, klorofil, karotinoidi


Successful disinfection protocol for orchid seeds and influence of gelling agent on germination and growth



Artificial propagation of endangered orchid species is one of the most important actions of conservationists often jeopardized by low numbers of acquired seed, its contamination and viability. Disinfection and chemical composition of media are two of the most important factors contributing to better germination in temperate orchid species. The article deals with three world genera (Epidendrum nocturnum, Prosthechea garciana, Maxillaria rufescens) and one commercial hybrid (Zygopetalum) and describes an effective method of orchid seed disinfection carried out in a centrifuge. Germination percentages of all three genera and one hybrid were between 60 and 90 % from which we concluded that the risk of physical damage to the seeds by centrifugation is not significant. The time needed for disinfected seeds (E. nocturnum, P. garciana, M. rufescens) to swell-form protocorms was 10 days shorter compared to undisinfected seeds (Zygopetalum hybrid - green capsule method) and some other studies. Adequate wetting and stratification of the seed is very important for successful germination, which resembles processes in natural environment. Additionally, this method solves the problems of collecting and transferring the seeds after disinfection. It is also important that the time needed for disinfection is shorter, which is desirable for some sensitive species. Our study also focuses on importance of gelling agent, namely Gellan gum and agar, since we noticed an obvious superiority of the former in all phases of in vitro development.

 Key words: orchids, seed, disinfection, wetting, gelling agent, agar, Gellan gum, germination morphological stage




Razmnoževanje ogroženih vrst orhidej je ena od najpomembnejših dejavnosti konservatorjev teh rastlin, ki jih pogosto ogrožajo majhne količine dostopnega semena, okuženost s patogeni in viabilnost. Razkuževanje in kemična sestava gojišča sta najpomembnejša dejavnika, ki vplivata na boljšo kalivost semena orhidej iz območij z zmernim podnebjem. V raziskavo so bili vključeni trije rodovi orhidej iz Srednje in Južne Amerike (Epidendrum nocturnum, Prosthechea garciana, Maxillaria rufescens) ter komercialni križanec (Zygopetalum). V delu je prikazana uspešna metoda razkuževanja semena orhidej z uporabo centrifuge. Kalivost semen vseh štirih rodovov orhidej je bila med 60 in 90 %, kar potrjuje, da so posledice poškodb zaradi vrtilnega momenta pri centrifugiranju zanemarljive. Čas, ki so ga razkužena semena (E. nocturnum, P. garciana, M. rufescens) potrebovala za razvoj protokormov, je bil za 10 dni krajši v primerjavi z nerazkuženim semenom (Zygopetalum - zelena semenska glavica) in s primerljivimi študijami. Za uspešno kalitev je pomembna zadostna omočitev semenske ovojnice in stratifikacija semena, s čimer se približamo procesom v naravnem okolju. Olajšano je tudi rokovanje s semenom, ki se zaradi centrifugalne sile sesede na dno mikrocentrifugirke. Zaradi učinkovitosti metode je seme manj časa izpostavljeno razkuževalnemu sredstvu, na katerega so semena nekaterih orhidej občutljiva. Proučevali smo tudi vpliv dveh strjevalcev gojišč in ugotovili, da je v vseh fazah in vitro kalitve in razvoja rastlin Gellan gum v primerjavi z agarjem učinkovitejši.

Ključne besede: orhideje, semena, razkuževanje, omočitev, strjevalci gojišč, agar, Gellan gum, kalivost, rast


Identification of the most stable genotypes in multi-environment trials by using nonparametric methods



Genotype performances in multi-environment trials are usually analyzed by different univariate and multivariate parametric models for assessing yield stability and genotype × environment (GE) interaction investigation. One of the alternative strategies can be nonparametric statistics approach which is particularly useful in situations where parametric statistics fail. For an estimation of yield stability of genotypes in various environments two new nonparametric stability statistics ( and ) have been used which are based upon the ranks of the genotypes in each environment. These statistics use median as a nonparametric central tendency, and two nonparametric index of statistical dispersion as inter-quartile range and inter-decile range. The  and  nonparametric stability statistics which presented here is similar to the nature and concept of environmental coefficient of variation. Results indicated that the most stable genotype based on the lowest values of these two nonparametric statistics, had the highest mean yield among studied genotypes. Plotting of mean yield versus  and  verified the above results and indicated that the highest mean yielding genotype is identified as the most stable genotype. These nonparametric statistics would be useful for simultaneous selection for mean yield and stability. They can be very helpful in selection for yield stability and determination of favorable genotypes in plant breeding programs.

 Key words: adaptation, GE interaction, stability, yield



Za analizo in ocenjevanje stabilnosti pridelka in interakcije genotipov z različnim okoljem se navadno uporabljajo univariatni in multivariatni parametrični modeli. Eden izmed alternativnih pristopov bi lahko bila uporaba neparametričnih modelov, še posebej v primerih kjer je parametrični pristop težko izvedljiv. Za ocenitev stabilnosti pridelka genotipov v različnih okoljih sta bili uporabljeni dve novi neparametrični metodi (  in ), ki temeljita na rangih genotipov v danem okolju. Ti metodi uporabljata mediano kot neparametrično osrednjo tendenco in dva neparametrična indeksa porazdelitve kot inter-kvartilno in inter-decilno območje. Predstavljeni neparametrični metodi,  in , sta podobni konceptu koeficienta okoljske spremenljivosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da so imeli najbolj stabilni genotipi, opredeljeni z najmanjšimi vrednostimi  in  največji pridelek med vsemi analiziranimi genotipi. Primerjanje povprečnega pridelka z  in  je potrdila zgoraj navedene rezultate, kar kaže, da so genotipi, ki dajejo največji pridelek tudi najbolj stabilni. Te neparametrične metode bi lahko bile uporabne za hkratno selekcijo povprečnega pridelka in njegove stabilnosti. Lahko bi bile v pomoč pri selekciji primernih genotipov za stabilnost pridelka v žlahtniteljskih programih.


Ključne besede: adaptacija, GE interakcije, stabilnost, pridelek


Calibration of the LINGRA-N model to simulate herbage yield of grass monocultures and permanent grassland in Slovenia



In this study, we calibrated the LINGRA-N model using the minimization of RMSE, and proceeded to evaluate its performance. We simulated herbage dry matter yield of cock's foot (Dactylis glomerata L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in Jablje in the period 1998–2013, and multiple-species grassland in Ljubljana (S72) in 1974–1993. The overall performance of LINGRA-N is fair for perennial ryegrass (RMSE% < 25%) and good for cock’s foot and S72 (RMSE% < 15%). The index of agreement (d) suggests that LINGRA-N is not calibrated well enough to simulate the interannual herbage yield variability for S72, so the model cannot yet be used for the simulation of multi-species grassland herbage yield. In contrast, the herbage yields of cock’s foot and perennial ryegrass in Jablje are simulated correctly (with d values 0.84 and 0.78, respectively). One of our further goals is to use the calibrated model on a specific location for the simulation of the herbage yield of grass monocultures under various weather conditions as well as for the simulation of climate change effect on it.

 Key words: grassland herbage yield, simulation, LINGRA-N, calibration, evaluation, variability, cock’s foot, perennial ryegrass




V raziskavi smo model LINGRA-N umerjali na podlagi minimizacije kvadratnega korena napake (RMSE) ter ocenjevali kakovost umerjenega modela. Uporabili smo podatke o pridelku suhe snovi navadne pasje trave (Dactylis glomerata L.) in trpežne ljuljke (Lolium perenne L.) v Jabljah v obdobju 1998–2013 ter trajnega travinja v Ljubljani (S72) v obdobju 1974–1993. Glede na RMSE se je izkazalo, da je bilo umerjanje primerno (RMSE% < 25 %) za trpežno ljuljko in dobro za navadno pasjo travo ter trajno travinje (RMSE% < 15 %). Vendar pa je indeks ujemanja (d) pokazal, da za S72 model ni dovolj dobro umerjen, da bi sledil medletni variabilnosti pridelka, kar pomeni, da ga v taki obliki ne moremo uporabiti za nadaljnje modeliranje pridelka trajnega travinja. Za navadno pasjo travo (d = 0,84) in trpežno ljuljko (d = 0,78) so rezultati dobri. Umerjen model bomo zato uporabili za simulacijo pridelka posamezne vrste trave pri različnih vremenskih razmerah in pod vplivom podnebnih sprememb na specifični lokaciji.

 Ključne besede: pridelek travne ruše, modeliranje, LINGRA-N, umerjanje, ocena kakovosti, variabilnost, navadna pasja trava, trpežna ljuljka


Preučevanje odziva na sušni stres pri metuljnicah (Fabaceae) s proteomiko



Sušni stres predstavlja resno grožnjo pri pridelovanju kmetijskih rastlin, saj povzroča slabšo rast in razvoj rastlin ter posledično vpliva na količino in kakovost pridelka. Odziv rastlin na stres se kaže v spremembah metabolizma celice, ki med drugim vključuje spremenjeno izražanje proteinov. Učinkovito analizo proteinov, udeleženih pri odgovoru rastlin na stresne razmere, omogoča proteomika. Raziskave izražanja proteinov pri metuljnicah pri odzivu na sušo igrajo veliko vlogo, saj so metuljnice zelo pomembne v prehrani ljudi in živali ter tudi pogosto izpostavljene suši. Rezultati proteomskih raziskav pri izbranih metuljnicah omogočajo boljše razumevanje molekularnih mehanizmov odgovora rastlin na sušni stres, prispevajo k razvoju markerjev, povezanih z odgovorom rastlin na sušo ter so uporabni pri vzgoji novih, na sušo tolerantnih sort metuljnic.

 Ključne besede: metuljnice, stres, suša, proteomika, proteini



Drought stress is a serious threat to crop production that influences plant growth and development and subsequently causes reduced quantity and quality of the yield. Plant stress induces changes in cell metabolism, which includes differential expression of proteins. Proteomics offer a powerful approach to analyse proteins involved in drought stress response of plants. Analyses of changes in protein abundance of legumes under drought stress are very important, as legumes play an important role in human and animal diet and are often exposed to drought. The presented results of proteomic studies of selected legumes enable better understanding of molecular mechanisms of drought stress response. The study of drought stress response of plants with proteomic approach may contribute to the development of potential drought-response markers and to the development of drought-tolerant cultivars of different legume crop species.

Key words: legumes, drought stress, proteomics, proteins


Ukrepi za zaviranje rasti vrhov jablane 'GALA'

Matjaž BEBER


V Sadjarskem centru Maribor smo v časovnem obdobju 2010 – 2013, pri sorti `Gala´, spremljali različne metode umirjanja rasti vrhov jablane: premazovanje prevodnika na višini 2,2 m z 2 % raztopino rastnega regulatorja NAA (Luxan Late – Val) in rastlinske smole, uporaba pripravka Regalis (2- krat), zamenjava vrha s privezovanjem najvišje upognjene veje (zamenjava vrha), odstranjevanje novih poganjkov 28 dni po vrhu cvetenja (mandanje) ter junijska rez vrhov po zaključku primarne rasti. Spremljali smo priraščanje enoletnih poganjkov in pridelek v vrhu (nad 2,2 m). V praksi najbolj pogosto uporabljena ukrepa, junijska rez in mandanje, sta rezultirala z najmočnejšo rastjo v vrhu. Najbolj smo rast umirili z uporabo rastnih regulatorjev (Regalis ter s premazovanjem) in zamenjavo vrha. Največjo rodnost vrhov smo dosegli z uporabo pripravka Regalis, z ukrepom mandanja pa najmanjšo. Ukrep zamenjave vrha je primeren pri ekološkem načinu pridelave, saj brez uporabe rastnih regulatorjev uspešno umiri rast vrhov.

Ključne besede: jablana, `Gala´, vrh krošnje, enoletni poganjki, cvetenje, pridelek, rastni regulatorji, ekološka pridelava




In Fruit Research Center Maribor different methods of less vigorous growth of apple tree top with the variety `Gala´ were conducted during the period from 2010 to 2013: applying a coating of the central leader at a height of 2.2 m with 2 % solution of growth regulator NAA (Luxan Late – Val) and plant resin, the use of the growth retardant Regalis (2 times), of replacing the the top of the tree with the highest appropriate bent branch, removal of new shoots 28 days after flowering (tearing) and the June cut after the completion of the primary growth. Increment of annual shoots and harvest in the top (over 2.2 m) was followed. Most commonly used practices, the June cut and tearing of young shoots resulted in the strongest growth in the top. The vigour of the top of the tree was the best reduced by the use of plant growth regulators (Regalis and NAA top coating) and replacing the top of the tree. The highest yield of the top of the tree was achieved by using Regalis, meanwhile tearing of the young shoots gave the lowest yield. The replacing the top of the tree is suitable measure for organic production, because it successfully reduces the vigour of the tree top without the use of growth regulators.


Kwy words: apple `Gala´, tree top, shoots, flowering, yield, growth regulators, organic production



Preizkusno delovanje stroja za luščenje orehov



Oreh (Juglans regia L.) spada med lupinasto sadje, za katere je značilno, da se slastno jedrce skriva v oleseneli lupini. Na drevesu pa sta jedrce in lupina zavarovana še z zeleno lupino. V Sloveniji, pa tudi drugod se za odstranjevanje lupine v večini še vedno uporablja trda orodja, kot so kamni, kladiva in razni ročni (kuhinjski) drobilniki orehov. Vendar pa v današnjem času, pri intenzivni pridelavi orehov pridejo redko v poštev ali pa sploh ne, predvsem zato, ker današnje gospodarstvo stremi k zniževanju stroškov na vseh področjih gojenja orehov in pridobivanja jedrc. Da bi znižali stroške obdelave orehov in posredno tudi ceno jedrc za potrošnike, se v zadnjem času zelo veliko pojavljajo strojni drobilniki orehov. Raziskava zavzema lastnosti in delovanje stroja za luščenje orehov ter kakovost drobljenja orehov na drobilniku, ki ga je patentiral prof. dr. Rajko Bernik. V raziskavo smo vključili naravno sušene, prisilno sušene in sveže orehe. Naravno in prisilno sušeni orehi so bili razdeljeni v dve podskupini, in sicer na počene ter cele orehe. Pri naravno sušenih celih orehih smo v raziskavo vključili še sortne orehe. V vsaki skupini in podskupini smo označili, analizirali, preučili in ovrednotili približno sto orehov. Namen poskusa je bil ugotoviti, pri kateri vrtilni frekvenci izmetala lahko stroj lupino zdrobi, poči ali delno loči od jedrca, ne da bi ga poškodoval, oziroma pri kateri vrtilni frekvenci izmetala bodo poškodbe jedrca še spremenljive in jedrca primerna za trg, kjer na ceno še največ vpliva videz jedrc.

Ključne besede: oreh, lupina, drobilnik orehov, kakovost jedrc




Fruit of walnut (Juglans regia L.) belongs to stone fruits. This means that the lignified, stony endocarp, a shell, contains delicious kernel. On the tree  a nut is surrounded by the green husk.In Slovenia and in the other parts of the world heavy tools (such as stone, hammer and hand-crusher for nuts) are used to remove nutshell. In the intensive walnut production heavy tools are not competitive with today world economy. This is because the priority in walnuts and nuts kernel production is to reduce costs. Walnut shell cracking devices are invented to reduce walnut handling costs and consumer price. Characteristics of this device and walnut kernel quality are presented in this research.


Kwy words: walnut, shell, walnut cracker, kernel quality



Green mathematics: Benefits of including biological variation in your data analysis




Biological variation is omnipresent in nature. It contains useful information that is neglected by the usually applied statistical procedures. To extract this information special procedures have to be applied. Biological variation is seen in properties (e.g. size, colour, firmness), but the underlying issue is almost always to the variation in development or maturity in a batch of individuals generated by small scale environmental differences.


The principles of assessing biological variation in batches of individuals are explained without putting emphasis on mathematical details. Obtained explained parts increase from about 60 to 80 % for the usual approach to 95 when the biological variation is taken into account. When technical variation or measuring error is small even 99 % can be achieved. The benefit of the presented technology is highlighted based on a number of already published studies covering the colour of apples during growth and storage and the firmness of cut tomatoes during storage.

Kwy words: biological variation, biological shift factor, mixed effects nonlinear regression, indexed nonlinear regression, colour of apples, firmness of tomatoes




Biološka spremenljivost je prisotna povsod v naravi. Vsebuje koristno informacijo, ki je navadno prezrta v navadno uporabljenih statističnih postopkih. Če hočemo izluščiti to informacijo je potrebno uporabiti posebne postopke. Biološko spremenljivost lahko opazujemo v lastnostih kot so velikost, barva, čvrstost itd., kjer je osnova zanjo skoraj vedno razlika v razvoju ali zrelosti vzorca analiziranih primerkov, ki jo povzročajo majhne notranje in okoljske razlike. Osnove ugotavljanja biološke spremenljivosti v naboru analiziranih primerkov so razložene brez poudarjanja matematičnih podrobnostih. Pojasnjen delež spremenljivosti je pri običajenm postopku med 60 in 80 %. Če upoštevamo biološko spremenljivost, se poveča na 95 %. V primeru, da odpravimo še napake meritve, lahko pojasnjen delež spremenljivosti povečamo na 99 %. Takšen način obdelave je dal zelo dobre rezultate v že objavljenih raziskavah razvoja barve jabolk med rastjo in hrambo ter pri meritvah čvrstosti paradižnika med shranjevanjem.


Ključne besede: biološka spremenljivost, biološki šift faktor, mešani učinek nelinearne regresije, indeksirana nelinearna regresija, barva jabolk, čvrstost paradižnika